Rating:  Summary: History, the Bible Code, and Jeffrey Satinover, M.D. Review: "...the Torah alone was not merely inspired, it was dictated directly by God to Moses in a precise letter-by-letter sequence." (Cracking the Bible Code - Jeffrey Satinover, M.D.). "The early Jewish cablists believed that the Old Testament was directly inspired by God, but with their love of secrecy, their interest in the hidden and contempt for the revealed, they looked for the truth of God's meaning beneath the surface words of the scriptures. Some of them seem to have thought that the Bible was largly written in various kinds of code. To unravel the codes they used mathematical and anagrammatic methods which were of considerable antiquity, but were first brought into prominence in the Cabala by the influential German-Jewish scholar Eleazar of Worms and his followers in the thirteenth century. One of these methods is gematria, which means converting the letters of a word into their number equivalents, adding them up and then substituting another word which adds to the same total." (The Black Arts - Richard Cavendish [pg 117]). "The use of letters to signify numbers was known to the Babylonians and the Greeks. The first use of gematria occurs in an inscription of Sargon II (727-707 B.C.E.) which states that the king built the wall of Khorsabad 16,283 cubits long to correspond with the numerical value of his name. The use of gematria was widespread in the literature of the Magi and among interpreters of dreams in the Hellenisic world. The Gnostics equated the two holy names Abrazas and Mithras on the basis of the equivalent numerical value of their letters (365, corresponding to the days of the solar year) Its use was apparently introduced in Israel during the time of the Second Temple, even in the Temple itself, Greek letters being used to indicate numbers (Shek. 3:2)" (Kabbalah - Gershom Scholem [pg 337]). "The true essence of the Torah, on the other hand, is defined in the Kabbalah according to three basic principles: the Torah is the complete mystcal name of God; the Torah is a living organism; and the divine speech is infinitely, and no finite human speech can ever exhaust it...From the magical belief that the Torah was composed of God's Holy Names, it was but a short step to the mystical belief that the entire Torah was in fact nothing else than the Great Name of God Himself...the Torah has been passed on with the understanding that it is a living structure from which not even one letter can be exised without seriously harming the entire body...Had it not been for Adam's sin, its letters would have combined to form a completely different narrative. In messianic times to come, therefor, God will reveal new combinations of letters that will yeild an entirely new content. Indeed, this is the "new Torah" alluded to in the Midrash in its commentary on Isaiah 51:4, "For Torah shall go forth from Me." Such beliefs continued to be widespread even in hasidic literature." (Kabbalah - Gershom Scholem [pg's 169-174]). "Ba'al Shem (Heb. "Master of the Divine Name"; lit. "Possessor of the Name"), was the title given in popular usage and in Jewish literature, especially kabbalistic and hasidic works, from the Middle Ages onward, to one who possessed the secret knowledge of the Tetragrammaton and the other "Holy Names", and knew how to work miracles by the power of these names. The designation ba'al shem did not originate with the kabbalists, for it was already known to the last Baylonian geonim." (Kabbalah - Gershom Scholem [pg 310]). "Sabbatai Sevi busied himself with inventing mystical allusions to himself by way of gematria (numerology). The numerical value of the full spelling of the divine name Shadday (Shin, Daleth, Yod) is 814, which happens to be the numerical value of the name Sabbatai Sevi." (Sabbatai Sevi - Gershom Scholem [pg 234]). False prophets? A future 6th book to the Torah - contingent on a mystical wand? God's full name is the Torah itself? Masters of the Name that can create worlds by magic {"If the righteous wished, they could create a world" Kabbalah - Golem - Gershom Scholem - [pg 351]}? The magical use of God's Name in general? It smells of Kabbalism and of Hasidism plain and simple. New wrapping, very old package. Even if it is on a computer screen - it is still cultic Judaism. The high rating is for origanality and content. But remember, even Doctors can kill patients if they use bad medicine. Sincerly, Shawn W. Ooten (Gershom Scholem - President of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, a Professor of Jewish mysticism at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem until his death in 1982. Author of 'Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism', 'The Messianic Idea in Judaism', 'On the Kabbalah and Its Symbolism', 'On the Mystical Shape of the Godhead', and others. He put the Kabbalah back on the 20th century map.).
Rating:  Summary: this book is for Orthodox Jewish believers & excludes others Review: "Cracking the Bible Code" by Dr. Satinover is writen for those who believe that the Torah was & is devinely dictated by God himself & excludes thought from any other faith. It is an intelligent work, but not to my taste in non-demonational writing on such an important subject. I must admit that that I was looking for a more prophetic view of the future.
Rating:  Summary: Praise for CRACKING THE BIBLE CODE Review: "Jeffrey Satinover has written a readable, responsiblebook on a profoundly important subject. Anyone who is interested indiscovering some of the deeper, hidden hints contained within the most influential book in history should read Cracking the Bible Code." -- Michael Medved, author and film critic. "A deeply moving account of mankind's quest to reconcile the certainty of faith with the demands of science. Dr. Satinover's religious and scientific scholarship uniquely qualify him to to uncover and clarify mysteries that have captivated the minds and hearts of so many, both today and through the ages." -- Rabbi Daniel Lapin, president of Toward Tradition and of Cascadia Business Institute; nationally syndicated radio talk show host; former senior lecturer in physics, Yeshiva of South Africa. "Reads like a detective story...a good introduction and survey to the many theories that hold that the Bible is a document whose language may be cracked like a spy code to reveal truth." -- Publisher's Weekly.
Rating:  Summary: Moses, Secret Agent Man Review: "The information will not alter the fact that the Bible Code does, indeed, prove the Divine authorship of, at least, the first 5 books of the Bible"....Let's see, did Yahweh stand over the author's shoulders and dictate? Did Moses position himself more than once near a burning bush? Perhaps the code was transmitted in a dream and then verbatim written down later? Well, it really doesn't matter does it, because almighty God can do anything. (In that case, why doesn't he write and distribute his own book without the bothersome prophet thing? It could show up on my doorstep like the phone book. I would be willing to bet that mankind might notice that one) Did God have us invent computers so he could reveal this special info? It's sure good that God hides this stuff. Armed with this double-secret information, can you just imagine what some of us might do? Help! As entertaining as any of Bible code books are, is anyone else out there getting a bit dippy over the religious gushing of the review and commentary staff assembled herein? This is supposed to be fun...not real. Ask the wrong questions, get the wrong answers. The book is a fun read. If a reader insists on attaching more significance to the book than one might to the nightly news, your agenda (and ignorance) is showing. Wow. Read this book and enjoy the argument. And try to avoid thinking that after enjoying this and any other good read, you will need to run outside in your nighty to spread the double-secret Old Testament's WORD OF GOD to the rest of us. Warning: when someone says that ANY book proves something, it's probably entertainingly engaging -- but nothing more. Kind of like this book.
Rating:  Summary: I find Bible codes fascinating, but this book YAWNS... Review: .... For while the topic of Bible codes is definitely one that fascinates me, this book is so poorly written .... Understand that I'm not talking about grammar and such, but simply the poor construction of the story. Whether fiction or non-fiction, there is a story to tell and that story should proceed in a logical, understandable, and hopefully entertaining fashion. This text fails at all three. The author obviously did an enormous amount of research, but it's just as apparent that he had no idea how to present it in a coherent manner. The book jumps around not only from year to year, but from century to century and millenium to millenium. An obscure sage will be mentioned for a few paragraphs, then forgotten, only to reappear chapters later presented with a level of familiarity that would lead you to believe he's the main character in the book. It appears to me that the author felt like it was imperative that he include every scintilla of information he had unearthed in his research, no matter how trivial to the big scheme of the story each tidbit may have been. If you want to read about a topic this fascinating, with ramifications so enormous, I suggest you choose a book other than this one.
Rating:  Summary: A definite 5 stars; a juggernaut on the phenomenon! Review: A very honest and compelling overview of these dynamic codes including their history. From examples in the plain text of scripture through World War II and the present. Satinover reveals objectively their rich existence, and until recently, the obscure framework of usage. He is outstandingly clear using typical examples from the normally bizzare field of quantum physics to archetypes in statistics. I am hoping for a follow-up to this soon. Clearly a winner.
Rating:  Summary: A code, or not a code? That is the question. Review: Cracking The Bibile Code gives the best account of the current research on the Torah. Other accounts, such as The Bible Code, usually only spout crock, saying that the apparent code can predict the future. The "code" found in the Torah can only be found on historical topics. Cracking the Bible Code gives an account of the histories of the Torah, the development of Cryptology, and the development of the the research on the Torah. It also provides the reader with reasons to be skeptical of the codes, and why the codes look like they were ecrypted there intentionally. Cracking the Bible Code gives the best account of the codes research currently available to the public.
Rating:  Summary: You must buy this book. Review: Cracking the Bible Code is, quite simply, extraordinary. On one level it reveals, in a purely scientific way, the evidence for (and against) the existence of codes in the Bible. But on another level it is a terrific yarn... a story of suspense, courage, personal sacrifice, intellectual brilliance and fortitude, fierce professional competition and, ultimately, revelation (not to mention a page-turning, tour de force tutorial on areas as diverse as quantum physics, cryptology and Jewish law!!!). On the night before I finished this book, I carefully laid it aside. I wanted to be wide awake in order to savor its final pages which promised to be almost overwhelming in their implications. I was not let down. It may sound absurdly hyperbolic but it is merely accurate to say that Cracking the Bible Code may be the most important story ever told. How else can one describe the search for and discovery of what may be tangible evidence for the existence of God?
Rating:  Summary: Things that really matter Review: Cracking the Bible Code was a non-stop read, simply because of the issues that keep on demanding one's attention. The subject is very sensitive and immensely important for the scientific community as well as the religious one, but I think the author is handling it very well. Unfortunately, the book does not have a haskamah (endorsement) from a rabbi. There is no doubt that what dr. Satinover is saying is consistent with traditional Jewish thought, but many readers (especially orthodox Jews) consider it important to have it formalized. The conclusions the author gets at should make an impression on those who are honest with themselves, and inspire them as the book inspired me.
Rating:  Summary: Intellectually stimulating, spiritually energizing! Review: Dr. Jeffrey Satinover's "Cracking the Bible Code" is an articulate and authoritative treatise. He has achieved his purpose of convincing at least this reviewer and, I am certain, myriads of others that, indeed, within the surface text of the Torah, the first 5 Books of the Bible (a.k.a. the Law of Moses and the Pentateuch) which he refers to as "ciphertext," there lies hidden within it at least a second layer of meaning or code, referred to as "plaintext." By doing so he has also achieved his ulterior, and probably most important, purposes. The Bible code confirms the existence of GOD, reaffirms that the Divine Creator has, indeed, established the children of Israel, whom most people consider collectively (and incorrectly) as Jews, as HIS chosen to preserve and protect HIS written communiqué to all of mankind, that is to all "who have eyes to see and ears to hear," and reminds us that we are to "know that I (GOD) am GOD" not merely believe it. The author draws on his diverse background, firmly rooted in both the physical sciences of medicine and psychiatry, physics and mathematics, and his Jewish religion, to present a balanced blend that can be understood by nearly anyone of any background. Although many will require a copy of Webster's at their side, he overcomes this minor shortcoming by giving examples of the ideas he presents on statistics, cryptology, and quantum physics that are easy to understand and, yet, not oversimplifications. He provides the reader with an extremely interesting and rather in-depth history, introducing us to various intellectual and spiritual geniuses of the Jewish faith over the past 2-plus millennia. Through their GOD-centeredness and their single-minded study of the Torah, these great sages were deeply and intimately aware of encrypted messages in its text which confirm its authenticity as the living, written WORD of GOD. Satinover also informs the reader how secular advances in cryptology, statistical mathematics, computer science, and, more recently in quantum mechanics have converged over the past 50 years to provide rock-solid evidence of what these astute and inspired individuals of the past already knew but were often too reticent to reveal.
Unfortunately, as objective and ingenious a work that "Cracking the Bible Code" is, there are two areas that fail to "make the mark." The first deals with Satinover's probably overprotective attitude about the use of the Bible Code to "predict" the future. He sights that such use, except "when lives are at stake," is tantamount to fortune telling and is strictly forbidden by the very WORD that is being used in the telling. He fails, however, to address the fact that Scripture itself is replete with forebodings. Additionally, there is a veritable line of "fortunetellers," albeit chosen by GOD and known more appropriately as prophets, who have presented to the people of Israel warnings in the form of "Thus saith the LORD!" Not all of these were vocalized because lives were necessarily "at stake." One may respond by saying that these oracles of the LORD received visions, whose presentation to the nation of Israel was commanded by GOD. Could it not also be that the prophets, like the enlightened Rabbis that Dr. Satinover presents, were also well aware of the codes. Could not GOD have chosen them, as a conduit between HIMSELF and His people, to understand, perhaps through visions, the meaning of the codes and their future ramifications for Israel. Perhaps there is an even deeper level of understanding of certain codes that GOD revealed to the prophets alone.
In deference to the author, however, even if the future of the nation of Israel and, for that matter, the world can be gleaned from the codes, such understanding is not at the disposal of mere, unchosen, profit-seeking, sensationalism-generating humans. Perhaps, however, even in our age, perhaps especially in our age, there may be someone out there of the stature of, say, Elijah or Isaiah or Jeremiah, who has been chosen of GOD to understand and warn of the world of the impending consequences of materialistic, Godlessness. Yet, we should not be too concerned about the self-seeking "prophets." For, as GOD's WORD indicates, "When a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the thing does not come...to pass, that is the thing which the LORD has not spoken. The prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him."
The second item of failure or at least of significant concern pertains to Dr. Satinover's weak and poorly objective address of Jesus. Certainly, many who are strongly Orthodox in their Jewish faith have come to accept the one known as Jesus of Nazareth, a.k.a. Yeshua ben Yoseph (Jesus the son of Joseph), as a prophet. Certainly, at least, one who has had as strong an historical and religious impact as this Jesus has had would have undoubtedly found inclusion in even a small portion of the Bible Code. Yet, the author does not come-out and overtly deny that anything is mentioned in the codes about Jesus. He only attests that the codes do not prove that he is the Messiah. So, then, what do the codes say about Jesus. The same techniques that have been employed for the great sages, Anwar Sedat, etc. can, obviously, also be utilized for him. The following word or number examples would be pertinent and could be considered for investigation: Jesus; Yeshua ben Yoseph; Nazareth; Bethlehem; prophet; rabbi; messiah; Immanuel; Pontius Pilate; Caiaphas; Herod Antipas; 3760 (or any date between 3754 and 3764, the purported years of Jesus' birth); and 3793 (3787-3797, Jesus' death).
In agreement with the author's assertion, however, any applicable codes, these or others, would not prove Jesus' claim as Messiah. Yet, completely ignoring him or evading such research because of, as Satinover reports, the rabbinical authorities' response of horror to those most closely involved with the codes who "debated whether (to try) to use the codes to prove that Jesus isn't the Messiah," only adds fuel to those who are more than willing to use the codes to have them say what they want them to say. I understand Satinover's and any Jewish researcher's reticence to pursue such an investigation given world history over the past two millennia. However, the "cat is out of the bag" so-to-speak and a thorough, scientific and objective approach to an investigation of Jesus is better than the alternative. Let the information derived stand on its own merit. Let all that have access to the information believe, accept or reject what they want based on the facts obtained just as has been done with all other individuals investigated. The information will not alter the fact that the Bible Code does, indeed, prove the Divine authorship of, at least, the first 5 books of the Bible.
Gary J. Rosenmeier, M.D.