Rating:  Summary: A work of impressive footnotes and comprehensive mythology Review: Mr. Hislop's Two Babylons has been resourceful ammunition for an anti ROMAN catholic doctrine (not Ante-Nicene "catholicism, which means "universal"[i.e. "pre-Constantinian council and opinions//c.a. 325 A.D.]). He has 'exposed' the major parts of Mary and Saint worship. He has shown the picture-type of the pope from the pope's pagan origins. He has shown that the Roman Catholicism is absolutely ANTITHETICAL to the Bible. I couldn't agree more. There are a few discrepencies found, but, nothing that would detur me from saying that this is probably the greatest polemic against the ROMAN catholic church ever made. And, interestingly enough, I believe that Hislop was trying to show the facts and not make a diatribe. SO, Roman Catholics, please read this book, if you really do, you will change your religion.
Rating:  Summary: Truth Be Told Review: The book is a long and laborious read, occasionally dull and tough to keep up with, but it tells the truth of the matter. I was once Catholic, but this book only helped to confirm my suspicions of that "faith". It is well worth it.
Rating:  Summary: Great thesis, moderate research, horrible writing style Review: The thesis of this book is that Roman Catholicism is--to use the words of the author--"baptised paganism". The author states that the Roman Catholic Church, with its doctrines, organization, and practices, is simply a continuation of the ancient Babylonian "Mystery" religion built around the worship of Nimrod, his wife Semiramis, and the child Tammuz. He further states that the prophetic "Whore of Babylon" described in Revelation 17 and 18 is none other than the great false church of the Tribulation: the Roman Catholic Church. The thesis is startling, provocative, and, in my opinion, correct.However, the author's scientific standard of research leaves much to be desired. For proof of his thesis he offers some hard facts, many more inferences, and lots of pure speculation. The voluminous footnotes do not go far in hiding the poor research standards. In the end, I believe a modern author ought to rewrite this book in the light of the most recent archaeology. The thesis deserves a better standard of scholarship. The writing style is typical 19th century verbosity. The author writes with an intense conversational tone, as if he is urging the reader to agree immediately with his thesis. He would have spent his energies better writing with a more direct, dispassionate, and orderly style. In the end, this book is well worth the price for those who are looking for the origins of Romanism and wonder why the Catholic practices are so distant from Biblical Christianity. Where do "popes", Mary-worship, confessionals, crossing oneself and the like come from? From ancient Babylon and her Mystery religion! After reading this book, you will never read Revelation 17:5 the same again.
Rating:  Summary: Chilling! Review: Hislop's exhaustive research shows how all paganism links directly back to the idolatry of Babylon. Immediately following the flood of Noah, Nimrod attempted to re-establish the pre-flood system of the esoteric mysteries of Satan worship. This gnosticism goes all the way back to the garden of Eden where Eve is promised godhood and all idolatry since then has been Satan's attempt to make good on his promise. Hislop's work is scripturally sound and absolutely fascinating as it methodically unravels centuries of demonic influence in the cultural and religious experience of mankind. Don't read this book in the wee hours of the night, it will chill your soul. Hislop wrote this book in the later half of the 19th century. His primary concern was the preservation of the English Protestant Church (and English liberty in general)which he saw as threatened by a contemporary growing influence of ultramontane Popery. The book serves in the least sense as an excellent reference and in the largest sense as a whetstone for every Evangelical Christian. I consider it an accomplishment to have read this book.
Rating:  Summary: IT'S ABOUT TIME PEOPLE STARTED TELLING IT LIKE IT IS/WAS !! Review: You know... I can't say enough about how disgusted I am to see so many people today (especially my own black people) still running around wearing their big floppy church hats, their idolatrous crosses and waving their bibles around like some kind of holy weapon. Meanwhile these same wanna-be-chosen people are some of the most immoral, ignorant, uneducated, narrow-minded, blind, violent, abusive, intellectually dormant drones you would EVER want to see. And have you ever noticed that MOST of the people that are really into it are WOMEN... and out of the women - most of them are BLACK! Why? Because women are the most impressionable!! Then the color comes in from the fact that our black people historically have not been as well educated as whites since we got to America. It's true that for awhile, it was even illegal for a black person to be able to read. But even though that was a long time ago - blacks have passed down to their (I say "their" because I don't do this) kids that same repulsion towards learning - unless of course it comes from a white man in a suit on tv. Otherwise... most have no interest in anything that would require getting lots of intellectual books - not that fictional fluff... I mean REAL BOOKS with REAL INFO that makes you change your whole outlook on life. I've found that when I talk to whites about this info - I've NEVER had a debate with any of them, and we end up having a great conversation and exchange of info - THEY ALREADY KNOW THE TRUTH!! But when I've talked to blacks (except for a few exceptional bro's and sis's who were on point) they want to argue and debate every little point - NOW THEY WANNA ARGUE - But they didn't fight when they were being spoon-fed that Christian drivel! Malcolm X spoke on this in his "End of White World Supremacy", he said "When you sit and talk with a white man, if you know how to talk with him you can have a dialogue and exchange information - because they already know the truth and they know THEIR history and OUR history... but people who don't know their history will contend with you - and most blacks don't know their history - and most blacks WILL contend with you. And this is TRUE!!! Also, as much as they claim to be all godly and holy - why do people like this - that talk about God and church THE MOST.. have more illegitimate kids and broken marriages than the peopel who REJECT the drivel they call their "religion"?? Has anyone besides me noticed these facts?? The more "holy" they claim to be and the more "gospel" they claim to adhere to - the more fatherless babies they have! They wouldn't know a good man/woman if they tripped over one and are almost always single, obese w/ 3-4 kids in the house w/ no daddy. Another point that these so called bible thumpers neglect to admit to is that the more churches in the neighborhood... the WORSE the neighborhood! These people believe that the bible.. all by itself can teach them about all they need to know regarding the "Creator of the Universe" and all His hosts; meanwhile - you can't even learn a 2nd language in 1 book! But THIS book by Alexander Hislop is one that should be sold as a COMPANION with every bible! There are so many things in the bible that "Christians" want you to believe solely on "faith". Why is "blind, unquestioning faith" so important to them? Because there's too much in the bible they can't explain - so they urge that you not even ask - just "BELIEVE". What else on this Earth would you ever believe just because someone said so?? Nothing! You question when the phone rings.. "is the telemarketer from a real company? or just a scam?) - You question when your own kids tell you something - are they lying to get out of trouble? You question when your mechanic tells you needs a new part! But let some sweaty fool in a robe, wearing a big shiny cross tell you that there was a man in Mesopotamia with the Greek name of "Jesus" who got baptised and a "dove" landed on his head or something... and that his "father" is a great powerful being living in a golden castle in the sky surrounded by blonde-haired blue eyed angels and those same people worried whether their mechanic and children lied... don't even bat an eyelash!! They sit and nod, and sing and work themselves up into a froth until they're screaming - running around the church and passing out in the aisles! GET REAL!!! This book will put all of that biblical symbology into perspective - give you the proper names to some of the biblical characters and lands, as well as explain the TRUE origins of religion - incl. Christianity, Catholocism, Baptist and all the rest of the money-making fraud-worshippers. BUY IT - READ IT... Mark the book up w/ hi-lighters and red ink and STUDY IT!! Use it as a text book to educate your children. Instead of sending them to Sunday School to put their minds to sleep - spend that day at home educating your kids with this book and teaching them the TRUTH!! The lies got spread this way... why not the truth? Then, your kids will pass the truth on to their kids... and their kids will do likewise! Then finally - we can begin a generation of educated, enlightened, aware people that make a positive difference in the world! Do you think I'm a sell-out for putting all your business on the net? Don't think the world hasn't seen your dirt and isn't disgusted by it, it's just "politically incorrect" to speak out on it. BUT I WILL! And I attribute that ignorance partly to the "Christian" mentality... and this book will help to dilute that mentality and educate you. Then, once you've started on a journey to truth - you can't stop and end up seeking ONLY these types of books.. next thing you know - you're a new and better person. Remember - "ONLY THE TRUTH CAN SET YOU FREE...." Free from the bonds of ignorance - the signs of which I've listed above. ...
Rating:  Summary: Rubbish Review: Everyone should read Ralph Woodrow's book "The Babylon Conection?" to see how flawed Alexander Hislop's research is. Hislop's book is rubbish and is fuel for anti-Christians to attack all Christianity not just the Catholic Church. Many of his sources and footnotes just don't check out. One star is too generous.
Rating:  Summary: Notice the polarization Review: When ratings focus on the extremes we have an indication of something that is cutting at the core of our beliefs. By the way, the mark of the beast will also polarize everyone into two groups--those who will have it and those who will not. It will be a hot topic as evidenced by the economic ban and the death decree and the martyrs. You might as well read this book if for no other reason than to get warmed up for forthcoming controversies that will require your personal decision--implicitly or explicitly. Too bad the author was writing back in 1862. He would be amazed at what has happened since and would most certainly modify some of his specific identifications. However, the basic foundations of his research would still apply, and probably even more so concerning the maturity of the deception that has intoxicated the world. Rev 18:4
Rating:  Summary: The Truth Hurts Review: Though not an "easy reader" it brings to light what is already known by truth seekers. A bad review of this book, unless supported by facts, is just a reaction to "pain". The truth hurts! If you sincerely compare pure christianity, with that of the "Church", you find that it is not one in the same. Sorry, the truth always comes out. This is not an anti-catholic publication, just a truth revealer.
Rating:  Summary: Should be no stars. . . Review: "The Two Babylons" has, for years, been one of the backbones of anti-Catholic "information" (read propaganda) used by certain fundamentalist groups. It purports to demonstrate that certain rites, practices, etc. of the Catholic Church have their origins in the worship of ancient Babylon under Nimrod. What absolutely boggles the mind, is the number of people who take this volume at face value, without even attempting to examine the actual historical facts of the matter. We know that there was a biblical character named "Nimrod". In Genesis 10, we read the following: The sons of Cush: Seba, Hav'ilah, Sabtah, Ra'amah, and Sab'teca. The sons of Ra'amah: Sheba and Dedan. Cush became the father of Nimrod; he was the first on earth to be a mighty man. He was a mighty hunter before the LORD; therefore it is said, "Like Nimrod a mighty hunter before the LORD." The beginning of his kingdom was Ba'bel, Erech, and Accad, all of them in the land of Shinar. From that land he went into Assyria, and built Nin'eveh, Reho'both-Ir, Calah, and Resen between Nin'eveh and Calah; that is the great city. Egypt became the father of Ludim, An'amim, Leha'bim, Naph-tu'him, Pathru'sim, Caslu'him (whence came the Philistines), and Caph'torim. (Revised Standard Version) The only other passages relating to Nimrod are I Chronicles 1: Cush was the father of Nimrod; he began to be a mighty one in the earth. and in Micah 5: they shall rule the land of Assyria with the sword, and the land of Nimrod with the drawn sword; and they shall deliver us from the Assyrian when he comes into our land and treads within our border. In no case is the 'religion' of Nimrod discussed -- or even alluded to, and in no case is 'Nimrod's wife' discussed -- or even alluded to. In NO case, can the alleged religious 'parallels' be demonstrated in any reasonble fashion. From a historical perspective, scholars debate who Nimrod actually was (various early rulers of Assyria and the surrounding areas are debated) but again, have no actual information. Information about the religious practices of a long-dead empire, many thousands of years ago is equally sketchy (read, virtually non-existant!) The Rev'd. Mr. Hislop went to a great deal of trouble to attempt to link the Catholic Church to an individual about which virtually nothing is known from a historical perspective, and about which almost nothing is ever said in Scripture. How then, can he justify his "examples", his "pictures", his "drawings" etc? It simply can't be done. What he has foisted off on a gullible public (who wants to believe his "conclusions" anyhow) is a work of dubious worth, no Scriptural backing, no historical support, yet full of hate-speech and invective. Whether one is Catholic or Protestant -- or neither -- one should recognize this book for what it is.
Rating:  Summary: Very well documented and well written, illustrated, etc. Review: This is a monumental work on the subject of the Roman Catholic Church and its unadulterated history. This is the book that most well informed papist reject and loathe. Though the contents may be hard to swallow to a poor Romanist, yet, they are faced with the truth and therefore must accept it or reject it (John 8:32, 36) :-D