Rating: Summary: Great overall theme Review: This book has some really good stuff in it. Dr. Stanley does an exellant job explaining that salvation isn't lost by works since it isn't gained by works. The overall theme of this book is great. I differ with him on the subject of turning away from ones faith (cease believing). I believe that person was never truly saved from the start (1 John 2:19). Also, Dr.Stanley believes in the Arminian viewpoint of man choosing God, thereby determining his own salvation. I disagree with that viewpoint, but that's o.k. (me being a 5 point Calvinist). The biggest problem I think people have with eternal security of the believer is because it's based on God's GRACE and not justice. Man always wants justice (we are taught to seek it from an early age and our government is based on it!) If God used his justice on all man and not his grace, we would all be a pile of ashes. That's what we DESERVE, but God in his sovereign will chose by His grace to save some and NONE of the elect shall be taken from His hand.
Rating: Summary: Give Pastor Stanley a Break Review: After reading this book I will admit that a number of Stanley's arguments and expositions of warning passages are questionable. I agree with some reviewers below that some of his interpretations are quite original and far out. As a Calvinistic Baptist I do have some issues with his understanding of eternal security (I believe that an unrepentant apostate will end up in hell because his apostasy shows that he was never justified in the first place). However, Dr. Stanley is a godly man and has led many to Christ through his ministry. I'm also pretty sure that he has also led many people out of their spiritual stupor with his emphasis on grace. Many judge the man too quickly and harshly because he tends to emphasize the freeness of the Gospel. (Yes, the Gospel is free but it also leads to transformed living). Having read the negative reviews below it is clear that the people below have little or no clue on what solid Reformational theology and biblical exegesis is. Many of the rebuttals given are silly diatribes against the possibility of living like the devil or committing all sorts of heinous acts. No theological or interpretive arguments are given. It seems that the reviewers below judge this book based on emotional-psychic discomforts rather than biblical-exegetical reasons. It is interesting that Paul calls those who go under the law again for justification/salvation as committing apostasy (Galatians 5:4). In fact, Paul was also accused of preaching antinomianism that he had to defend himself against his slanderous opponents in Romans 6:1-4. If Paul were alive today he would have called people like Charles Finney and John Fletcher apostates (which they were). Stanley, though some of his arguments are outlandish, reminds us that salvation is by faith alone in Christ alone. Salvation does not come by our merits--either condign or congruent (for you Roman Catholics out there). If Christ is taken out as a our sole foundation and is replaced with any form of personal righteousness for our salvation then we have lost the Gospel and Paul's anathema should rightly be pointed at us. It appears that people who are ignorant of good Reformational theology and biblical studies make rash statements against sola fide, the finality of justification, and the perseverance of the saints. I suggest people read this book but with a wary eye (also read it sympathetically). Also, balance this book off with works by Martin Luther, John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, John Gill, and contemporary Protestant scholars like Wayne Grudem, Mike Horton, Robert Reymond, John Piper, R. C. Sproul, Millard Erickson, and J I. Packer.
Rating: Summary: Straight From the Word of God Review: As a Baptist I get a lot of questions and attacks about my belief in Eternal Security. I really did not know how to answer a lot of the questions they were throwing at me until I read this book. Charles Stanley give answers coming straight from the Answers Book (the Bible). No doubting that my salvation is securely gripped in the hands of the Almighty, by His grace.If you have a doubt about your salvation, drive a stake in that doubt with this book.
Rating: Summary: Charismatic applauds this treatment of the subject Review: As a Charismatic in theology, I was raised in an atmosphere that was conditioned upon the belief that it was possible for a born-again christian to fall away and lose the salvation they had. Although it wasn't constantly spoken about, the belief lurked in the theological background as a sort of warning to luke-warm believers. Interesting thing that I have noticed is that not one preacher who believes this can state exactly at what point and what degree of sin will cause this precious loss. Interesting. I had had nagging doubts about "conditional security" for many years and the theological contradiction that goes with it. Then I found Dr. Stanley's book. Charles Stanley has done a masterful job of tackling tough scriptures and dealing with the issue from both sides - exploring every nuance. Although I differ slightly on his handling of Heb 6:4-6, I am in agreement that it does not refer to losing one's salvation (but that is splitting hairs and being bald, I don't have many to split with!) In general, if you believe in the unconditional eternal security of the believer, you will find this book a refreshing and vibrant polemic against "maintenance-based" salvation. If you do not believe in eternal security, still this book provides a foundation as to why those of us who are fear-free in regards to our security believe this way.
Rating: Summary: CALVINISM and Eternal Security is a very deceptive teaching! Review: CALVINISM and Eternal Security is a very deceptive teaching!
This book is a discusting blow to grace!!!! I am first and foremost a Christian seeking truth. Neither am I fully convinced by Arminianism, nor Calvinism. I am but a fellow brother searching for Gods truth, and more open to believe it is the Holy Spirit who leads, guides, directs, and convicts us more than relying upon mans doctrine and interpretation of Gods Holy, and fully inspired word. I would think that we all agree that the word of God is Holy inspired from the front to the back cover. Don't let those who tell you that once your saved, your always saved, and your sins in the future have already been forgiven! (though you had not yet sinned and repented!)They will tell you that you can do whatever you want and you will still go to heaven, EVEN if you turn your back on God and deny him, some will even say you can do anything, NOT LIMITED to worshiping another God in another religion OR Satan!!!!!!! Charles Stanley, John Macarthur, D James Kennedy all seem to be very good preachers, yet their indoctrination of John Calvin, and Martin Luther are leading sincere searching people to a theology that waters down Grace and what Christ did on the cross! Many others are preaching this damnable false security. Gods grace is a wonderful gift to ALL mankind. Ask a Calvinist if Christ died for every person, man and woman, your Mother and Father, Sister and Brother, and you will be amazed that their answer is NO! They will tell you that he died for only Certain people, NOT for ALL mankind! Good Bye John 3:16??? They will also tell you that God created many people intentionally to go to hell! Now what kind of Loving and Just God would judge and condemn a person to hell if they had no chance to accept or deny him? It is amazing that they will tell you that you, and all mankind has no free will! Reading Genesis, we clearly see that Adam and Eve did indeed have a free will. Many will even tell you that God caused them to sin!!! DO NOT Believe this! Read: James 1:12-16 "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.
Jas 1:13 When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone;
Jas 1:14 but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed.
Jas 1:15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.
Jas 1:16 Don't be deceived, my dear brothers."
My friends, Please be careful when any person, Church, Denomination, Group, Cult, "ism" or etc. tells you that the Bible you are reading does not really mean what it says "UNLESS" you allow them to tell you what it means! Though I would never tell someone that they are going to Hell if they believe in Calvinism, for I do not know their heart, only God knows and they profess to be a Christian. I have heard Calvinists say, "While I am one that believes that a person can be an Arminian out of ignorance and be a Christian, I do not believe Arminianism is Christian at all." Talk about contradiction!!!
In other words, an ignorant Arminian is saved and will go to heaven, but one who is confronted by Calvinism and does not agree is NO LONGER a Christian? This implies that the Blood of Christ was then not enough!
We hear the worst of everyone who disagrees with Calvinism, BUT we never hear what "Saint Calvin" did, when he sought to condemn a man to death through a brutal half hour torture burning the man alive as he begged them to stop. THIS MURDER was over someone who only disagreed with his beliefs! Though the man was clearly wrong in his beliefs, never the less Love should have been given, NOT MURDER! Calvin NEVER repented publicly of this great sin to his neighbor! Then we have Martin Luther who did a lot to help the Church of today, yet because of his indoctrination of Calvinism announced that the book of James was NOT inspired by the Holy Spirit, and only worthy to be burnt! Luther also leaned in this direction towards the book of Jude!!!!!
You may have been told all your life that eternal security is taught in the Bible, then these scriptures might come as a bit of a surprise to you. I would simply encourage you to pray for Wisdom and Guidance from the Lord as to how to interpret these verses, and I am sure that the Lord of ALL TRUTH will bring you to an understanding of this dangerous and divisive teaching.
if the Calvinist is right, the Arminian will have lost nothing... but if the Arminian is right, the Calvinist may have caused the loss of many souls!
Save your money! Pray and buy a book called The Believer's Conditional Security" a 801 page book that will open your eyes to the truth, and ask God to help you to see the truth. CHeck out these sites for REAL Eternal Security Information!
May your eyes and heart be opened brothers and sister! Christ Blessings!
Rating: Summary: Heresy Exposed! Review: Charles Stanley is a very friendly, likeable man, as we know him on TV and radio. He is also a glib communicator and leader in the largest protestant denomination in the USA. His religious influence is global. When one listens to Stanley on the TV or radio the impression he might get is that Stanley is well versed and sound, but that surely is not the truth. Personally, it was not until I read Stanley's book, "Eternal Security, Can You Be Sure?" that I recognized the extreme Scripture twisting and darkened interpretations this respectable-looking man embraces to present and defend the once saved always saved (OSAS) doctrine. Stanley teaches in his book that "believers who lose or abandon their faith will retain their salvation" (p. 94); "we can do nothing to lose it [salvation]" (p. 90); that weeping and gnashing of teeth will occur "in the kingdom of God" (pp. 126,127); that the prodigal son was only "lost" in a geographical sense (p.52), yet the father is the heavenly Father who knows all things; that "faith is not the reason God saves us" - it is love (p. 77); that "there are Christians who show no evidence of their Christianity" (p. 71); and that there are some Christians "who at no point in his entire life bore any eternal fruit. And yet his salvation is never jeopardized" (p. 121); etc. He even misrepresents the way Gal. 6:7-9 is used by leaving out some of the words with ellipsis (...) on p. 129. [The truth is: Gal. 6:7-9 is referring to reaping eternal life or reaping destruction by either sowing to please the Spirit or to the sinful nature.] All of that and much more that Charles Stanley writes is spiritual poison for those who accept his interpretations as Christian. The word of God is clear that: (1) The Christian gospel has a conditional security attached to it: "By this gospel you are saved, IF YOU HOLD FIRMLY to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, YOU HAVE BELIEVED IN VAIN." (1 Cor 15:2) (2) Sin can bring a Christian to his spiritual death: "For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will DIE; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live." (Rom 8:13) "But each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to DEATH. Don't be deceived, my dear brothers." (James 1:14-16) "The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that THOSE WHO LIVE LIKE THIS WILL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD." (Gal 5:19-21) (3) That the road that leads to life is "hard" or "difficult," and only a FEW will enter life in the end (Mt. 7:13,14). This life is a battle with the forces of darkness which are trying to turn the righteous back to the world. See 2 Cor. 10:3,4; Eph. 6:12-18; 2 Tim. 2:3,4; James 4:4; 2 Cor. 6:17; etc. (4) That true Christians must endure hatred to THE END OF THEIR LIVES for SALVATION (Mt. 10:22). Notice other similar Scriptures: "We have come to share in Christ if we hold firmly TILL THE END the confidence we had at first." (Heb 3:14) "Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even TO THE POINT OF DEATH, and I will give you the crown of life. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes will not be hurt at all by THE SECOND DEATH." (Rev 2:10-11) If the reader is interested in a much more Scriptural understanding of what the Bible teaches about eternal security, he should consult the 801 page book, "The Believer's Conditional Security" by Daniel Corner available here at Amazon or elsewhere on the web. Dear reader, to enter the kingdom of God you must get saved and stay stayed, which doesn't always happen. Without holiness no one will see the Lord (Heb. 12:14; Rom. 6:22). Ponder all of the above Scriptures carefully. Don't be deceived by Charles Stanley or any other eternal security teacher - your eternal soul could be at stake! GOD BLESS YOU.
Rating: Summary: Charles Stanley is a false teacher Review: Charles Stanley is without a doubt the top Once Saved-Always Saved false teacher on the planet! His book "Eternal Security: Can you be sure?" is nothing but a clever display of his scripture twisting skills. The Eternal Security doctrine is a horrendus false teaching and this book by Stanley is a fraud! The scriptures utterly refute what Stanley writes in his book. Our salvation is not unconditional like Stanley writes, but our salvation is conditional upon our obedience to the Lord. This book by Charles Stanley is a spiritually lethal book to all christians, because it teaches them that committing sinful deeds doesn't cause the loss of salvation when, in reality, it does!
Rating: Summary: Awful Review: Charles Stanley is writing this book with the layman in mind, not the scholar. But the book can be a blessing nonetheless. The problem with conditional security boils down to an unscriptural qualification of sins. The person who teaches conditional security has set up their own law whereby they condemn those who don't measure up. But there are several reasons why a born-again believer cannot lose his salvation. 1) The most obvious reason is that the Bible says that God gives us eternal life when we believe (John 5:24). How long is eternal? If you read the popular conditional security teachers they all agree that once a person is condemned to eternal death, there is no hope for any reversal of their circumstances. Why? Because eternal death is eternal. Yet these teachers ignore the fact that believers don't have to wait until they die to get eternal life, but they can have it now! "Verily, verily, I say unto you, whoever hears the words of mine, and believes on Him that sent Me, has everlasting life and shall never come into condemnation, but has passed out of death into life." (John 5:24) Interestingly, in Robert Shank's book on conditional security there is a chapter entitled "Can Eternal Life Be Lost"...and he never directly answers his own question. Why, you ask? Because conditional security teachers know that the expression "conditional eternal life" is a misnomer. It's like teaching conditional eternal death. 2) The gifts of God are irrevocable (Romans 11:29). Is salvation a gift, or not? Conditional security teachers can't find a single verse of scripture where God revokes something that is said to be a "gift". Why? Because a gift isn't earned to begin with. If it is worked for, then it is a wage, not a gift (Romans 4:4). Any blessing of God in scripture which is revoked was never a gift to begin with. 3) Conditional security is salvation by works. No stretch of logic by the conditional security teachers can avoid this point. They do not believe that a person is saved by grace through faith, but by grace through faith + holy living. And this is dangerous, because Paul suggests in Romans 9:30 - 10:3 that those who trust in their works to save them are lost. One final point...conditional security teachers tend to ignore verses that condemn their own sins while pointing the finger at those who they deem "worse sinners" than themselves. Romans 6:23 says "The wages of sin is death." I know that Wesleyans and other such groups love to read qualifications into verses where no such qualifications are given, but there is not the slightest qualification of "sin" in that verse. If it's a sin, then it is worthy of death. Ecclesiastes 7:20 says "There is not a righteous man on earth who continually does good and never sins." If God revokes one person's salvation because of sin, then he is required out of justice to revoke every Christian's salvation since none of us can completely stop sinning in this life. But conditional security teachers ignore this fact. They ignore the warning of James when he says "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all...so speak and so act, as those who are going to be judged by the law of liberty. For judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment." Notice that last verse..."mercy triumphs over judgment." It doesn't matter what you do in this life, if you are saved then mercy will triumph over judgment.
Rating: Summary: Not very deep theologically, but helpful nonetheless. Review: Charles Stanley is writing this book with the layman in mind, not the scholar. But the book can be a blessing nonetheless. The problem with conditional security boils down to an unscriptural qualification of sins. The person who teaches conditional security has set up their own law whereby they condemn those who don't measure up. But there are several reasons why a born-again believer cannot lose his salvation. 1) The most obvious reason is that the Bible says that God gives us eternal life when we believe (John 5:24). How long is eternal? If you read the popular conditional security teachers they all agree that once a person is condemned to eternal death, there is no hope for any reversal of their circumstances. Why? Because eternal death is eternal. Yet these teachers ignore the fact that believers don't have to wait until they die to get eternal life, but they can have it now! "Verily, verily, I say unto you, whoever hears the words of mine, and believes on Him that sent Me, has everlasting life and shall never come into condemnation, but has passed out of death into life." (John 5:24) Interestingly, in Robert Shank's book on conditional security there is a chapter entitled "Can Eternal Life Be Lost"...and he never directly answers his own question. Why, you ask? Because conditional security teachers know that the expression "conditional eternal life" is a misnomer. It's like teaching conditional eternal death. 2) The gifts of God are irrevocable (Romans 11:29). Is salvation a gift, or not? Conditional security teachers can't find a single verse of scripture where God revokes something that is said to be a "gift". Why? Because a gift isn't earned to begin with. If it is worked for, then it is a wage, not a gift (Romans 4:4). Any blessing of God in scripture which is revoked was never a gift to begin with. 3) Conditional security is salvation by works. No stretch of logic by the conditional security teachers can avoid this point. They do not believe that a person is saved by grace through faith, but by grace through faith + holy living. And this is dangerous, because Paul suggests in Romans 9:30 - 10:3 that those who trust in their works to save them are lost. One final point...conditional security teachers tend to ignore verses that condemn their own sins while pointing the finger at those who they deem "worse sinners" than themselves. Romans 6:23 says "The wages of sin is death." I know that Wesleyans and other such groups love to read qualifications into verses where no such qualifications are given, but there is not the slightest qualification of "sin" in that verse. If it's a sin, then it is worthy of death. Ecclesiastes 7:20 says "There is not a righteous man on earth who continually does good and never sins." If God revokes one person's salvation because of sin, then he is required out of justice to revoke every Christian's salvation since none of us can completely stop sinning in this life. But conditional security teachers ignore this fact. They ignore the warning of James when he says "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all...so speak and so act, as those who are going to be judged by the law of liberty. For judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment." Notice that last verse..."mercy triumphs over judgment." It doesn't matter what you do in this life, if you are saved then mercy will triumph over judgment.
Rating: Summary: Eternal is forever! Review: Dr. Charles Stanley clearly settles in plain easy to understand language the confusion that some may have concerning this very important subject. God is Awesome and full of Grace and Mercy! The only unforgiveable sin is not accepting his free gift of forgiveness and eternal life.