Rating:  Summary: left behind series Review: I have read all 8 books in this awesome series. Once I started reading I could not put them down. For 3 weeks straight almost every bit of my free time was spent reading these books. As soon as I finished one I could barely wait to buy the next. I haven't been this excited about books in a long time. I am not a christian (although I have read the bible) and I would recommend these books to anyone..and I do frequently. They definatley make you think..and take stock of your position on religion. The authors did an excellent job. A+ I hope the next book is not to far off.
Rating:  Summary: Wow! If you don't belive...YOU WILL! Review: I picked up Left Behind on a whim based on a relatives account of the book. I have not been able to read through the pages of any book with such excitement and understanding of the truth of God and His Word.This series of books has encouraged me not only to become a better bible student, but to also encourage other belivers to learn more about the End Times. The Left Behind series unlocks so many of the puzzles that are within the book of Revelation. I can only imagine the anointing and communication with God these two writers have. LaHaye & Jenkins use actual scripture from the bible and wonderful fictional writing skills to give the reader all the facts, possibilites and options. Truth is Truer than fiction and I am truly grateful for the opportunity to read, understand and get a better understanding of the word of God through this work. As with any work of fiction based on the Truth, one must study for themselves to find where the dividing line is, but these books are good spring boards to intense study without feeling lost in the Thees, Thous and shalls of the Bible. To the religious skeptics, pick up a book, approach it as you would a Grisham book, knowing that Grisham is a lawyer and that he has some inside knowledge into the Law. Watch how you begin to wonder..."Is that actually possible?" Then go grab the Bible as you would a Law Journal to see for yourself! If you are not a believer and are suddenly "Left Behind", remember these books so that you may know what's ahead and how to not be Left Behind...AGAIN!
Rating:  Summary: Considering End-Times Books Review: With all the end-times novels on the market it's probably useful to see a comparison from someone who has read most of them. So here's my take on the matter. LEFT BEHIND is an action adventure written primarily for Christians with a huge cross-over into the secular market. It sticks very closely to scripture and to prophecy of the time during the Tribulation. There is never any doubt of the authors' position and which characters are good and which are bad. Beyond that, there's been so much said about Left Behind that probably every possible opinion has been expressed. Some love it. Some hate it. Personally, I like the Left Behind series a lot. THE LAST DAY makes no attempt at all to adhere to scriptural prophecy. It is, in fact, less accurate scripturally than The Omen movies or End of Days. If you want a fun read and don't care whether the story has any connection to scripture, it's probably okay. THE CHRIST CLONE TRILOGY, my definite favorite among the list, is written for a secular audience with a big cross-over into the Christian market. Through most of the 3 books you don't know what the author's position is or which (if any) of the characters speak for him. Only in the last book do you find out he is a Christian and that he is using his story telling ability to reach the lost with the Gospel and the danger that faces them if they do not accept it. WE ALL FALL DOWN is a story of a man forced to make decisions about himself and God when faced by undeniable evidence (living through the Tribulation) that the Bible is true. It's an interesting exploration in character but the author's development of the events of the Tribulation is muddled and very thin. The thing most Christians object to about We All Fall Down is the non-stop use of extreme profanity by the main character. It was hard for me to get past all the f-words, and I certainly would not say I enjoyed it, still it made me think.
Rating:  Summary: Left Behind Series: An Awesome Series. Review: These books grabbed me! I fly around the country often and couldn't put these books down. I ended up reading the entire series in less than 2 weeks. The only bad part is I now have to wait 6 months for #7, INDWELLING. It doesn't matter if it is Buck, Chloe, Tsion, Steele, or Carpathia; they are all fascinating characters and you'll find yourself on the edge of your seat waiting to see what happens to them. After I finished #6, ASSASSINS, I immediately reread REVELATIONS to get a better idea of what will happen next. These books are a great way to introduce people to CHRIST and solidify your own walk with HIM. But I think it's important to note; you don't have to be a Christian to enjoy any of these books. If this story touches you, do what you have to do to not be LEFT BEHIND.
Rating:  Summary: LEFT BEHIND SERIES Review: I started with the first book in the begining of October and haven't been able to put these books down. It's now December and I'm on the sixth book of the series, ASSASINS. I'm having to pace myself, because the next book won't be released till March of 2000. It's so easy to get rapped up in them and feel that you are right there with each character. Once you start you won't be able to put them down. I have friends who have started reading them and they can't put them down either. Read these books, you'll enjoy every thrilling moment and have a better understanding of Revelations. IT WILL MAKE YOU WONDER, WILL YOU BE LEFT BEHIND? GOOD READING AND GOD BLESS.
Rating:  Summary: Hooked on Left Behind, but there is better...much better Review: Okay, I'm hooked on this series. I've read 6 of the 9 so far and I have to admit it gets pretty unrealistic at times. I guess I'm just a sucker for a soap opera. I'm hooked on the story of the characters. On the other hand, while I'll keep reading Left Behind, I have to agree with all those that say that The Christ Clone Trilogy by James BeauSeigneur is really a better and much more realistic end times series. Besides since The Christ Clone Trilogy is a completed series, you don't have to worry so much that the rapture will come before you finish reading.;-)
Rating:  Summary: Left Behind Series Review: Everyone of these books were wonderful to read--I couldn't put them down! After finishing one, the second couldn't come fast enough! I'm anticipating the 9th edition with bated breathe! It's a pity that they're so expensive. If they weren't, I know lots of people who would've purchased them already. My entire office is passing them around. We can't get enough!
Rating:  Summary: Good, Christian or Not Review: As a non-denominational Christian, and a fantasy and science-fiction fan, but mostly as a writer, I believe these books have great merit. These books portray God as he really is. He isn't a fluffy and cute God, he is a very powerful and real God, and crossing him is not a good idea. Retribution will be had, and while God doesn't want people to suffer, he warned them, and warned them well. He has said that the Rapture will not happen until all people of the world have heard his message. If you hear and do not obey, then you will be punished. The Science and Fantasy of these books is great. It is based on the artists theories of how the Anti-Christ might work, and how the world may be changed. Great representation of the world from many points of view. As a writer, I believe the writing style is a little below par, but it does not detract from the plot. The books flow, and are a wonderful addition to anyone's home library, as they are as good the second and third time through as they are the first. I recommend these books to anyone who, Christian or not, loves a good adventure.
Rating:  Summary: Left Behind Review: The book "Left Behind" was a on the edge of the seat thriller!It's the story about when god comes down to take the ones who believe in him. It's quite scary because one minuete they would be driving on the road and the next they have disapeared and gone to heaven, their clothes sitting there perfectly on the seat like they just decentagrated. It is scary because the bible says that this will happen someday and those that are "left behind" will have to live seven years with the antichrist. If you want a book that will keep you reading on get the book "Left Behind!"
Rating:  Summary: twisted Review: How twisted to believe that a loving creator would cause such misery and suffering. A person has to be sick in the heart and twisted in the mind to believe such nonsense. People will believe anything, it doesn't matter how outrageous, how ridiculous or how detrimental. This is a good example of why Patricarchal religions are a negative force. The writing is 3rd grade. The story is Christian propaganda, wishful thinking!!!