Rating:  Summary: JW's Governing Body exposed by a former member of 9 years Review: This book exposes, for the first time, the inner workings of an organization whose Governing Body is a mystery to even devoted, long-time members. What JW's accept as unquestionable "Truth", has oftentimes been the product of vicious political infighting among the Body members. Because of the controversial subject matter, Franz is meticulous in his documentation of events and writings -- to quiet any would-be doubters. He also appears to be devoid of any bitterness or resentment from his harrowing ordeals. The end result is an account which shocks often, enrages at times, and always entertains. While Franz' intention is not to preach, he does raise intriguing, thought-provoking questions which every Christian (and especially every Jehovah's Witness) owes it to himself to answer in his heart.
Rating:  Summary: Cult survivor's story Review: Nearly 20 years after I broke ties from the Jehovah's Witnesses I found the book that was the subject of much gossip and character assassination among my former "Brothers" in small-town Texas. Reading this book, I came to know the truth about the "purge" that took place in Brooklyn in the early 80's: That it was not about exposing the wickedness of apostasy nor about expelling "bad association" (read baseless rumors of "homosexual tendencies") from among the servants of the Society, but was rather all about a power struggle that had its origins in the backlash against the fact that 1975 came and went without so much as a whimper.I was surprised after all these years to recognize in Franz' pen the voice of the Watchtower magazine, and even more surprised to find it in agreement with many of the decisions I came to over the past two decades. Franz' story is not melodramatic, accusatory, or defensive. He methodically chronicles the flippant manner in which doctrines that rule and sometimes wreck people's lives were concocted, justified, changed, or even deleted. Among these doctrines were ones that sent thousands to their deaths in Africa on a technicality, promoted bribery and real estate fraud in Mexico, landed Americans in prison or on their deathbeds, and turned a blind eye to depravity at the expense of common sense and good manners. Franz' only failure is that he backs away from connecting the dots and calling a cult what it is. For example, his own uncle was not only President of the Watch Tower Society and for many years the chief theologian for the Witnesses, but was among them also the most flippant and cynical when it came to doctrinal change, and was at least complicit if not active in Franz' expulsion from the Governing Body. The victim of shunning at its most cruel and misapplied, Franz clearly unmasks the arrogance, pettiness, and predation that operate among Witnesses under the guise of Christian counsel and shepherding of the flock. Franz, like me, is a survivor. I know personally and understand his disappointment and his pain, and I congratulate his bravery and the strength of both his will and conscience. This book at long last lifted a veil of self-doubt and loneliness that has plagued me for years. It is a confirmation once and finally from another intelligent, reasonable, and God-fearing man that one worldwide media conglomerate has ruined many lives and will continue to trample the hearts and devotion of any who stand in the way of the corporate practice of religion or its mission to prevent its members from engaging in dissent, self-examination, or intelligent debate, and to punish those who go there.
Rating:  Summary: Eye-Opening and Disturbing Review: A truly eye opening account of one the world's fastest growing cults-as seen and told from someone who was on the "inside". A nicely detailed read of what goes on behind the doors of organized religion: Networks of spies, a plethora of scandals, financial matters, secret meetings, doctrinal changes and manipulation of Sacred Scripture, departmental gossip, certain members receiving special treatment, etc, etc, etc. The list goes on and on. Ray Franz gained nothing from writing this book. He has lost all his friends, he has no real money to speak of, and no longer associates with ANY Christian sect. In conclusion, I must say that "Crisis of Conscience" is an account which should be seen and heard by EVERYONE, and especially Jehovah's Witnesses-the few who dare read it.
Rating:  Summary: He backs it all up with proof! Review: I was shocked and amazed. I expected to read a book full of conjecture and accusations. What I read was a book that is backed up with references from the Watchtower Society's own books! He was able to show me where to look to find CRAZY things that the WTS used to teach. He showed how a former WTS president lived in a mansion in CA and how he said it was for the "men of old" that would be ressurected by 1925. You can find a small reference to the mansion in the insight from the scriptures book too, but it fails to mention that Rutherford lived there. It is in older publications though. He also showed me that the WTS has changed it's own teachings over and over. The Witnesses always called it "new light" but the problem with that is that they went back and forth on MANY teachings. It was more like the light was flashing off and on. I would never, as a JW, have read this book, but after seeing a family member who was an elder and PO in the congergation sent to jail for child molestation and watching the congergation and the WTS stand behind him, I began to question the WTS. I could not understand why they would not disfellowship him. They said they needed 2 witnesses against him. The thing is that 4 girls testified in court, but they had not been witnesses at the same time. They were all abused individually. They were shunned for coming forward. Because I questioned this conductI was disfellowshipped for apostacy. I just had to see what apostacy meant. Since Ray was considered the worst of the worst I read his book. If he is an apostate then I am proud to be on along side of him! He is not bitter in his book at all! He seems like a real nice person that is trying to apoligize for his part in this misleading orginazation.
Way to go Ray!
Rating:  Summary: A non-apostate book, must-read for all JW's non-JW's. Review: You feel a bit guilty about not going to the meetings anymore?
Think you can only go to the Kingdom Hall to receive salvation?
Feel like the elders are up to something?
All these questions of consicences are answered in this great book: Crisis of Conscience!
***...BEFORE YOU READ ON (and I don't give a toss what a JW might think --- I swear on my mother's grave IT'S NOT APOSTATE!! I don't need to lie, alright?)***
Raymond Franz (God bless the guy) spent 9 years on the governing body and the greater part of his life as a Jehovah's Witness. He resigned from the Governing Body and then became a regularly Jehovah's Witness. And one meal with Gergerson would change everything... disfellowshipped from the organization. That famous article from Time magazine really stood out -- I saw it before I read this book.
You'd really only read a book like this if you had similar experiences to Raymond. The great vast majority of Jehovah's Witnesses wouldn't dare to read this book. It's a real shame. If they consider one book (just one to open up their minds) I would tell them this one!!!!
This is one of the best books I have read. I admit, I am not a good reader at all... 400 + pages is quite large for me! But it only took me 2 weeks to read this book. It's quite large for anyone because of the extensive footnotes + appendix. It's really 2 books in my opinion and he's gone in a lot of detail... he explores a lot of areas about the organization, the articles (JW and non-JW) and Bible quotes. To appreciate this book you really have to think about what he is saying.
It really opens up your mind of what it really means to be Christian and makes the reader not feel so bad about his conscience. I don't want to give away too much detail (I don't know what the other reviewers have said) because I want you to enjoy this great book -- a man with decades of experiences!
I find it incredible, though he wrote it in 1983, he updates well to 2002! He really wants to help the everyday Christian!
At times (not many) I thought "Woh! Why are you saying that!" Only because I believe in a lot of JW teachings. But don't be offended by any means if you are like me! Continue reading! (At one point I was thinking of giving this book 4 stars, because of disagreements with some issues, while I was reading it. But as he explained everything I changed my mind and decided to give it 5 STARS.) Everything is explained! Everything is explained to the Jehovah's Witness and the non-Witness! I must stress (it is so with his book seriously) he is not trying to get people to hate Jehovah's Witnesses -- he is just generally trying to open up the "Christian mind."
This is an accruate, honest, non-bias book with little hate... Other critics of Jehovah's Witnesses go too far and overboard, but this guy is very well balanced.
...Good grief! Get this book now if you have a Crisis of Conscience regarding the Jehovah's Witnesses!
Before I go......
Thanks Raymond! You helped me out a lot! I am sure you have helped millions of people with your words of wisdom!
Rating:  Summary: Mr. Franz The 1914 doctrine has been incontrovertably proven Review: 1914 has been firmly established as the start of Jesus Christ's rulership through an alternate and profound means.
The following discovery makes the premise of this book redundant:
You could have saved yourself a lot of time, energy and agony if you had used the above to test the inspired expression.
Rating:  Summary: Listen to your heart! Review: Years ago, a boyfriend suggested that I read Franz's "apostate" book about the JW organization. Five years ago, after overcoming my fears and clearing my head of years of brainwashing, I finally read it. My life has never been the same. Until this book was written, the inner workings of the Governing Body were always a mystery. You will find that the decisions made behind closed doors are not always based on the bible. Even worse, many have lost their lives following highly questionable rules that were later changed. False prophesies were creatively swept under the rug and forgotten.
Every story has two sides. If you choose to follow a group of men as closely and as unquestioning as most witnesses do, please take the time to listen to Franz. Out of all of the anti-JW books that I have read, Franz's book is the only one that is not not vindictive or spiteful. He still holds the organization in high reguard and never wanted to leave. This may be your only peek inside the closed doors of the Governing Body. May inner peace soon follow. Namaste!
Rating:  Summary: EXCELLENT BOOK Review: When I first read this book, I was still an active Witness but who was wondering why we weren't "allowed" to read "apostate literature", so I bought a copy. I was shocked by the time I was done. I cried when I realized how many brothers and sisters in Malawi died needlessly, all because of one vote by the Governing Body. I was stunned when I saw that the whole 607 BCE/1914 dates were all based on sand. To a non-Witness, you might think "what's the big deal?" but to a Witness, the 1914 date is the foundation of the whole religion. Without it, the Governing Body have no recourse as to how they were uh, "chosen" to be the Faithful & Discreet Slave Class in 1919.
When I read about the witch hunt that went on in Brooklyn Bethel in the early 1980s, and how they were disfellowshipping people for any reason they could find, I was reminded of the Salem Witch Trials 300 years ago. The Governing Body members (amongst others) were not doing this to make sure the Organization stayed "pure", but because they didn't want their lies and false dates exposed for all to see. The only reason Ray Franz wasn't executed by these people is because they do not have the authority to do that.....and that's a pretty scarey thought.
This book helped me leave the Organization and I feel free today because of it. Some of the comments from others reviewing this book are obviously from active Witnesses who most likely have never even read Ray's book, but, because they are trained to view anyone who disagrees with the Organization as being the Spaw of Satan, they're going to spew out their revenge anyway they can.
The Governing Body members have ALOT to answer for to God one day. They've ruined hundreds of thousands of lives and I would not want to be in their shoes come Judgement Day.
Rating:  Summary: Every Jehovah's Witness should read this book Review: The book methodically reminds the reader of over 100 years of failed prophecies..prophecies that are handed down as if they were on tablets from Brooklyn that demand acceptance as absolute truth.It also relates Brother Franz's story.The story of a strong faith tested by persecution,missionary service and the like.
It is a shame that the people who most need to read this book never will because of the control the Society exercises over their minds.Brother Franz covers this aspect well also.
Forget 1975.Franz's dismantling of the 1914 doctrine would hit every Witness hard and should be brought to the attention of Witnesses for their own good and the good of their families and children who are being damaged by this cult.Those who are yet unbaptized,especially minors or those just studying should be encouraged to read the 1914 chapter..it may help to inoculate them from the brainwashing at the five meetings a week
As a former Jehovah's Witness,I was still hostile to so called "tell all" books..books written by "apostates" who return to "beat their brethren".This is not one of those books.All information is presented in a spirit of love and concern,with very little bitterness.
If you are a father or a spouse whose mate or other relative is being sucked into this group,YOU need this book ASAP to get up to speed with the doctrine and cut the legs out from under it.Do not underestimate what the impact of this religion will have.
Brother Franz also covers how the Governing Body sets policy.Witnesses think that GB is unanimous somehow.Turns out they have to take votes just like everyone else.I liked how Brother Franz related how Brother Suiter and a couple of other heavy-weights expressed doubts of their own about 1914..and were going to craft a new policy showing 1957 as the starting point of "this generation".Of course this was quashed..but it's funny to see the Governing Body operating like any other Public Relations firm trying to clean up a mess.
Another thing I enjoyed about the book was it's lack of sensationalism or salaciousness.Too many critics of the Watchtower fall into the trap of trumpeting from the rooftops every time some Witness stubs his toe and winds up in the papers.Brother Franz does not fall into this cheap style of criticism,and I found this to be very refreshing.
Rating:  Summary: JW's Governing Body disfelloshipped their conscience Review: Have you been in a jc of JW? Did they tell you they are there to help you, yet they only come around when their "elder book" say they should do it, that is once a year only? That is right, lack of love and love for law! I've been there and never had help, I had to come back to the organization all by myself, whitout anybody behind me to help me gain back my faith.
Like Franz, I don't feel bitter and am not interested in discrediting the doctrines of JW's except their self appointed authority in the name of Jehovah. There are good loving elders, but beware of falling in the hands of those who love to hold on to the every word in their books and not the Bible principles. Franz's argument is so objective. His book hurts but it also heals. He is NOT an apostate, for apostasy means rebellion against God, not a man-made institution.
You never read in a Watchtower a real apology for all their mistakes and harm done throughout the years to others because they call "apostates" those who dare and then make sure to discredit them. If they claim to be the "discreet SLAVE" they shouldn't act so righteus and come clean with their followers. I am sure they eventually will reverse their policy on blood as they are slowly giving in to "components" of it and the following laws they impose cause conflicts of their previous stands. Surely, they will not mention this for a while and then blame it on the followers!
This is a good book. It doesn't shake your faith in Jehovah and his Son nor the Bible but it sure puts your faith in the Watchtower hanging from a thread.