Rating:  Summary: Any Doubts I had about the Governing Body were Dispelled Review: If you have doubts about Jehovah's Witnesses, THIS is the book to start with. Before I read this, I figured that the Watchtower Society might have some doctrinal problems, but I thought that they were decent, well-meaning folks. This book showed me just how controlling -- even Machiavellian -- they can be.The astonishing thing about this book is that its tone is so mild. Ray Franz was treated very badly indeed by the Watchtower power structure, but he never sounds nasty in his book. His gentle tone inspired me when I created my web site (Beyond Jehovah's Witnesses); I decided that I would never sound bitter or take cheap shots. If you're a Jehovah's Witness, you are not supposed to read a book like this. The rule has its purpose: this book will let you see just how the Watchtower Society really operates -- as seen by somebody who was at the very top of the organization. It's not a pretty sight.
Rating:  Summary: Thanks Ray. Review: Ray Franz had the admiration and near-veneration of all the people at Brooklyn Bethel as well as all the millions of Jehovah's Witnesses around the world. As a member of the Governing Body, every need he had was taken care of. He lived in the same ivory tower that the rest of them did. The difference is that he was the only one who had the courage to stand up and be true to his mind and his heart. The other men on the governing body were all lacking in these areas. He gave it all up to write this book. He is now considered the most evil man on earth by the members of this cult. They hate him and are encouraged in this 'righteous hatred' by the men whom Franz once stood with. He has lost everything. He has no organized church. He has no money or property to speak of. He leads a quiet, humble life. But, he has the one thing that no witness and certainly no member of the central body of the Witness organization can claim: His integrity. They all stood by while people's lives were being ruined. As the organization squirms its way into the next century, you'll see them drop a lot of the old teachings before finally fragmenting into divisions and lawsuits. This book will long be known as the death knell for the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. If you wish to understand how a religion is created, flourishes, and finally dies, read it and its companion book, The Search for True Christianity. Thank you, Ray, for having the courage and integrity to speak up while surrounded by cowards.
Rating:  Summary: Christian Classic - Get this book and lead it - Wont Regret! Review: Raymond Franz's Crisis of Conscience is one of the greatest Christian books ever written (outside the bible). It ranks way up there with J.C. Ryle's 'Holiness', Jerry Bridges 'Holiness', Dallas Willard's 'Divine Conspiracy', J. Packer's 'Knowing God' and the like. It has a large historical content, but the pure Christian wisdom in the last chapters will be of extreme benefit to all sincere followers of Christ. His endurance in the JW faith - amongst the secretive and mis-guided policy makers 'fighting' these incorrigible modern day pharisees was useful in that he himself was improved tremendously spiritually. As Christ says in the epistle of John and Peter, James and Paul make clear: 'we shall reign with him if we suffer with him.' One essential truth of scripture is that the Christian faith is a calling not just to holiness, love and life, but to suffering as well. Christ died leaving us an example of suffering. Ray Frank has shared in this suffering! His efforts and endurance have not been in vain. People like you and I now can now benefit from it. Reading his writings, we can boldy say good bye to the JW/Watchtower society and live for Christ. Christ is the way, the answer and everything - God has purposefully made that so. A Christian ignores that to his/her peril. This is where the JWs have gone wrong. For this lesson alone, please buy this book and read it. His writing style and knowledge of scriptures are superb! He is certainly one of the spiritual gems that have been hidden among the JW pharasaism - having been there I know that a lot more still remain. People go there when a spiritually seductive message is preached to them. As time proceeds the spiritually and biblically more astute ones notice the error, pharasaism, heavy-handedness and other errors. But then they scare you with their organisational exclusivity from leaving their group. The exclusivity that belongs solely to Christ is stolen and misapplied to the hurt of many! All serious Christians whether in out of the JW group, I admonish you to get a copy of this book and prayerfull read it. And if you are a JW, be courageous and leave in faith from JW to JC (Jesus Christ). You see its not about organisations or churches, it is about Jesus Christ!! So says the bible so very often and so very plainly. Yes the Kingdom and all that are important, but it is Christ first, and you get too little of Christ from the JWs - he is only given lip service. I have been there, so I also speak from experience. Ray Frank's sincerity is obvious. Afterall he was loved by the rank and file, who notice his genuiness, but the pharisees around him he was not 'kosher'. Political correctness, keeping traditions of men, doctrinal twisting, mis-leading prophetical interpretations, multiple end-time date fixing with no lessons being learned from failures and plain biblical admonitions, hatred of those who for the love of God want to follow the bible more purely. Persistence in this kind of wrong doing cant be right can it? If you are a JW and you rank this book a 1,or 2-star, where is your conscience? Who do you love? Jehovah and his son or the Watchtower organisation. Let us all be circumspect and fight for the one true faith. Behold the judge stands at the door!! Finally, in virtually every other church you can read other biblical stuff without trouble. I challenge the Watchtower society to write a few articles in the watchtower, kingdom ministry and even in sermons every six months or so admonishing the faithful to be like the Beroeans and check what they are taught. Also to let them freely read what their 'adversaries' say. That would be a good barometer of their own authenticity!!
Rating:  Summary: Read at least one "banned" book. Review: Even if you think you've broken free of JW mind-control, read this book. Growing up, everyone around me would shake their heads and heave great sighs when Ray Franz was mentioned. "How sad that he could abandon JEHOVAH that way!" When I finally dared to read it, at 37 years of age, I was astounded that such a gentle-spoken man could have generated so much animus within the organization of the Watchtower Society. You will detect absolutely no rancor in this book, nor will you find characters maligned. He quietly presents such unforgiveable truths that you will never again look at the organization in the same way. Which, of course, is why Crisis of Conscience is "forbidden fruit" for Jehovah's Witnesses. If your mental stability depends upon viewing Jehovah's Witnesses as the "only true religion," you need to avoid this book like the plague. Please be prepared for your worldview to be forever altered before you open to the first page.
Rating:  Summary: A heartfelt "thank you" to the author. Review: As someone who was raised a Jehovah's Witness and served in the organization for 22 years, this book was at times shocking, infuriating, and inspiring. Mr. Franz was a member of the Governing Body, the inner sanctum of the organization, and also of "the annointed" class. There was noone more qualified to write this book, and I am glad he did. His book details a life spent in dedication to an organization that has not only been proven incorrect on countless occasions, but also lies to it's followers and uses heavy-handedness and intimidation tactics to keep it's followers in the dark and "in line". Would a true religion need to employ such methods? Indeed, would a "God of love" WANT those working in his stead to employ such tactics? Mr. Franz's detailed and brave account of how he was set-up and systematically put on a "witch trial" for something as simple as pointing out a dogmatic inconsistancy with NO SCRIPTURAL BACKING is both heartbreaking and eye-opening. His concern for the other Jehovah's Witnesses who were placed in hardship and, at times, even torturous and life-endangering situations due to these dogmatic and scripturally incorrect doctrines is palpable. Is it any wonder that he had a "crisis of conscience"? When so many others were affected by this group of men's stubborn and scripturally UNINSPIRED decisions? His writing voice is not one of anger, not one of revenge, but one of sincerity, concern, heartbreak, and disillusionment. I relate to his feelings strongly as someone who so much wanted to believe, but in the end could not accept doctrines which have no scriptural basis. I am not an angry person, I am not an apostate, I am simply a person who could not accept something I feel was not the "truth". I have a large family, and nearly all of them are Jehovah's Witnesses. I would encourage all of them and ALL JW's to read this book. After all, if you have the truth, nothing else that you read would change that if you firmly believe it. If it has been proven to you beyond a doubt, there should be no fear of simply reading a book. I love my family, and indeed, I care for nearly all of the Jehovah's Witnesses I have ever met. They are good people trying so hard to please their Organization's requirements of "What God wants". It truly saddens me to think that so many, including those most important to me in my life, are being misled, blinded, and lied to. If someone is not ever allowed to disagree with a doctrine of any religion...how can the truth truly ever be known? In banning all of you from reading the opinions of others and slapping them with the absurd label of "apostate", this Organization has imprisoned you all in the dark, with no escape. I know many of you will disagree with me, and I understand why. Remember, 22 years is a long time. ;) Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, their religious freedom, and whether or not to read a book. However, the Organization has taken two of those freedoms away from you. Have you ever asked yourself why? Once again, if it's the "truth", there should be no need to do this. Thank you Mr. Franz, for your bravery, your tenacity, the sympathy you had for all of those who followed, and most of all for writing this account of it.
Rating:  Summary: Crisis of Conscience Review: A MUST READ by anyone who is considering reading any book on JW's. You will never want to set foot in a Kingdom Hall again after reading Ray Franz's TRUTHS explained. I was already on my way out of the organization after being raised and bred in it for more than 40 years - this book was the clincher. JW's are taught to NEVER look at sites on the internet or any publication that would in any way color their view of their "mother organization" -it is said that all who think with their own mind are opening themselves up to the demons and face possible disfellowshipping/shunning if they dare express a DOUBT about what JW's teach. How sick is that? The label "APOSTATE" is then slapped on you and people you have known your whole life will be utterly disgusted that you have used your own brain "independent" of the organization. All JW's that I have been able to share this book with have been blown away by it's contents and have left their affiliation with JW's. Ray Franz has been a life saver! He has helped us to appreciate that LIFE IS A GIFT AND WE SHOULD ENJOY THE PRESENT!
Rating:  Summary: Must read for ExJW's Review: If you are an ex JW like myself , you should read this book. The only regret you will probably have is that you didn't read it sooner. It changed my life. Thank you Raymond Franz!
Rating:  Summary: For what it is Review: This book stinks. In all sense of the word
Rating:  Summary: This book helped me open my eyes Review: Wow! I thoroughly enjoyed this book and recommend it to everone who is a Jehovah's Witness or knows one. When I first started questioning their teachings this book was given to me and opened my eyes.
Rating:  Summary: Insightful and sincere Review: This book will give you a detailed look inside the "Governing Body" of Jehovah's witnesses, which is the equivalent to the Pope for Catholics. The Governing Body sets all dogma and doctrines for over 4,000,0000 witnesses worldwide through their publication the Watchtower. Even though the author would be justified in being angry or upset at the treatment he received by his peers, his book comes across as sincere and insightful without any vindictivness or revenge . . . which gives it more credibility. As a former JW, I had a hard time putting it down. I finished it in 2 sittings over 2 days. Thank you Mr. Franz for having the strength and will to share with the rest of us the inner workings of the governing body of Jehovah's witnesses. It was an act of courage. One other book I would also recommend is Diane Wilson's "Awakening of a Jehovah's witness" - it will give you an accurate inside look at what a typical JW's life is like within the Watchtower Society.