Rating:  Summary: Perloff can't live up to his own logic Review: I am not a "creationist" and have always believed in evolution as a valid theory, but after reading the first few chapters of "Tornado in a Junkyard" I was beginning to wonder if I would have to re-think my beliefs. However, when I came to the chapters of the book that covered topics where I am familiar with the science, I quickly discovered that Mr. Perloff makes liberal use of the facts that support his beliefs and ignores, minimizes, or distorts those that do not. I do not know much about Palientology or Geology, so I was impressed with Mr. Perloff's statictics about how inexact these sciences really are. But I do know enough about Cosmology and quantum physics to know that Mr. Perloff is slanting the truth in those areas. This undermines any credibility he might have otherwise had. Mr. Perloff also failed to remember his own criticism of scientists early in the book where he pointed out how arguments set up as "either/or" are inherently invalid. Unfortunately, he uses the same argument at the end of the book to make his own point. In the end, this book was nothing more than an attempt to use a mountain of carefully edited facts to discredit evolution as a theory with no attempt at all to give equal time to the many factual problems with creationism. Mr. Perloff simply wants us all to be "saved" because if evolution might be false, creation theory must be right.
Rating:  Summary: Intriguing Book Review: I really enjoyed this book. It has sparked a lot of interest inside of me relating to this topic.I think the author does a good job presenting his point of view and his criticisms of Darwinism in an even-handed manner. I would love to find a similar book that attempts to support the concepts of Darwinisim in a similar manner. I highly recommend this book although it can be a difficult read at points due to the author's extensive use of quoted material.
Rating:  Summary: More hype than substance Review: This book presents a lot of old arguments, without adding to the debate. I was appalled by the heavy-handed way the arguments were framed, which seemed to me to be dishonest. For example, in the section on Noah's Ark, the arguments are set up as a very one-sided debate, with the anti-deluge side presented as rude, vulgar and stupid. The author's answers sound reasonable, but many arguments are never answered in a credible way. There are probably good Creation Science books out there, but this is not one of them.
Rating:  Summary: An excellent summary of the arguments against evolution. Review: This excellent summary of creationist arguments against the theory of evolution comes from an unlikely source. Perloff's previous book was The Shadows of Power, an exposé of private influence on American foreign policy. Perloff isn't a professional creationist. He just seems to be an intelligent individual who reads technical literature and understands the reasons why modern scientists are rejecting the theory of evolution. Chapter 1 tells us about the author's anti-Christian, liberal background. Being the same age as the author, I enjoyed his nostalgic look back at the 1960's. I suspect younger readers would not. The good stuff starts at chapter 2. Chapter 2 deals with the fossil record. Rather than proving evolution, the fossil record presents evolutionists with problems they must explain away. Perloff gives a good overview of the basic problems. Chapter 3 explains why genetic mutations can't create higher life forms. There are some obvious logical problems with Darwinian evolution, which are explored in chapter 4. Darwinian evolution must answer the question, "What good is half an eye?" Perloff's brief, but adequate, explanation of irreducible complexity explains why half an organ won't win any battles for survival. Then he points out that the classification system (taxonomy) is based on the fact that there are distinct differences in species. If evolution were true, it should be hard to classify animals because there should be so many intermediate forms. It would be like trying to divide a rainbow into distinct colors. (Exactly where does Orange end and Red begin?) But animals are easily classified because there are such obvious differences between species. In chapter 4 he also points out that salamanders have 20 times more DNA than humans. Does that mean salamanders are more highly evolved than humans? Chapter 4 ends by asking why extinction rates today are so high, and modern evolution is unknown. Darwinian evolution depends on the premise that there is no limit to the changes that can be achieved by selective breeding. Chapter 5 points out the well-known limits to breeding. Species can vary only as much as the pre-existing genetic material allows. You cannot breed a dog into a horse. In chapter 6, Perloff quotes some modern Nobel Prize-winning scientists who find that the scientific evidence points to intelligent design rather than evolution. According to evolutionists, pre-biotic molecules came together by chance and formed the first living cell. Chapter 7 examines the probabilities of this happening. Statistical analysis proves it simply can't happen. Chapters 8 and 9 tell some surprising things most people don't know about the supposed "missing links" between man and ape. Chapter 10 exposes Haeckel's fraudulent drawings that evolutionists formerly used to prove that the human fetus evolves from a fish to an amphibian, etc., all the way up to humanity in the womb. This chapter also contains many more quotes from respected modern scientists who explain why, in their areas of expertise, the theory of evolution is implausible. In chapter 11, the focus moves to astronomy, beginning with an explanation of some of the problems with the Big Bang Theory. This leads into the discussion of the age of the Earth in chapter 12, and the invalid assumptions made by radioactive dating in chapter 13. Geologic evidence against evolution and an "old" Earth is presented in chapter 14. Chapter 15 presents anthropological evidence from several different cultures that all have legends about a global flood. Then chapter 16 cites some ancient literary sources that seem to describe dinosaurs. Was it just coincidence that ancient writers imagined beasts that look just like dinosaurs, or did they really see them? The Scopes Monkey Trial was used by the ACLU to unfairly characterize creationist positions. The movie Inherit the Wind, which was based on the trial, magnified these distortions. Chapters 17 thorough 20 document these, and other untruths, which have been used to prejudice the general public against creation. Chapter 20 also includes a list of famous scientists who have believed in creation. The book ends with a brief overview of Christian beliefs, and instructions how to "be saved." Tornado in a Junkyard doesn't go into the depth on any one particular problem with the theory of evolution. Instead, it gives you a broad overview of all the issues. If you want to read just one book to understand the creation/evolution controversy, this is the book to read.
Rating:  Summary: As went 'spontaneous generation' so goes 'evolution' ... Review: My dictionary defines science as "systematized knowledge derived from observation, study, and experimentation carried on in order to determine the nature or principles of what is being studied." Mr. Perloff does a good job of showing the lack scientific observation in support of macro-evolution. In fact, the scientific observations show unequivocal support for super-genious intelligent design. God-haters better find a different lie to lean on, as the 20th century myth of evolution has been exposed! I can't imagine that the one-star reviewers even read the book. Louis Pasteur disproved the theory of spontaneous generation in his day, and the scientific community accepted it, resulting in great advances in medical science. How long will the scientific community take to have the humility and courage to concede to the fallacy of evolution? How long does our world need to suffer the social consequences of the theory of evolution? Get the book and share it with others until the defeat is thorough.
Rating:  Summary: Childish nonsense Review: I just finished reading this mind-numbing waste of time and now I really need to take a shower. I always thought that creationists, with their childish arguments and Santa Claus logic, were semi-amusing and ultimately harmless. But now that I have a child of my own I think it may be time to circle the wagons of intellect. Dig?
Rating:  Summary: Methodically refutes Darwin's theory of evolution Review: Darwin's theory of evolution and "survival of the fittest" are taught as fact in nearly all of today's schools. Any other theory of the source and principles of life on earth are shouted down, belittled and attacked with vigor. But how sound is Darwin's theory? James Perloff uses statements from evolutionist scientists and those of prominent scientists to expose the weaknesses of evolution theory. In the end, you have to have more faith in miracles to believe in evolution than you do for "intelligent design" theory. Some of the areas discussed: * Darwin's own concerns of the weakness of his theory. * Difference between variation within a species, and transformation of a species into another species. * Lack of evidence of evolutionary development in the record of 250,000 fossils, or even in the known history of animal life. * Order does not accidentally arise from disorder. * Living organisms are rife with examples of irreducible complexity. That is, mechanisms such as reproduction that require many complex components to be available at the same time; there is no means by which the components could be evolved independently. With so many weaknesses in evolution theory, and so many indications of intelligent design in nature and especially life, why is it that evolutionists are so adamant and vigorous in the defense of their own theory and in the attack of competing theories? In other areas of science multiple theories are acccepted and taught simultaneously until hard proof is developed to disprove one or the other. But when it comes to the origin of life the evolutionists are religious zealots of Darwin. It seems obvious their position is not based on science but on a strong desire to eliminate God (or some supreme intelligent being as the creator and designer of the universe)from science. The premise of a creator God is a more valid and consistent theory of life than evolution. Perloff extensively documents the premises of evolution theory and the multitude of "holes" in the evidence, or even evidence to the contrary. He uses the words of evolutionists, Nobel honorees, and prominent scientists from microbology to astronomy to introduce and validate his points. If you are weary of evolutionsist forcing their theory as fact on you, your children and society in general, or are actually a disciplined scientist that wants to explore *all* the aspects of a theory, then read Perloff. James Perloff offers a detailed explanation of the premises and weaknesses of Darwin's theory of evolution. Intelligent design or creationism will appear much more likely as a workable theory than evolution. Science is a useful an honored employment of our rational brain to understand the workings of the world around us. But can we eliminate God from science and still understand the world, especially living organisms? Read Perloff to stimulate your mind.
Rating:  Summary: Critique of a Theory is NOT a Theory Review: Creationists just don't wish to understand the scientific process. Contrary to what some others have said, I will not argue that the complete book is a straw man. It contains some valid critique of the evolutionary theory. Critique of a theory DOES NOT mean validation of another, considerably more farfetched theory. If there is critique to be found in the theory, the model changes, it is not destroyed. Once creationism is able to destroy the central tenets of the theory, I will buy it. In the current case, it is simply redundant. Peer-reviewed critiques change the model already; creationism introduces NOTHING new to the debate.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Creation/Evolution Book i have read yet Review: This book is good for anyone regardless of what they know about Evolution/Creation. I have read a few books and have gathered some knowledge on these subjects. I found this book to be very good in all its material. My only problem would be that he excesivly uses quotes from others. I also believe quotes from 100 years in the past are mainly irrelevent to today. The Last chapter of this book was wounderful it raped it all up and gets you on your way. If you read this and do not at least have dought in your mind for Darwinism then I feel sorry for your sake because there might not be much that can help you. I also believe that why the author believes in the ice age and the comming of the flood that there are better theories for it. The theory that i currently see most reasonable is the Hovind theory ...
Rating:  Summary: Very scholarly debunking of the Darwinian myth Review: Perloff does great job of piecing together the powerful case against Darwinism for the lay person that sadly is rarley heard in mainstream media. Time and time again we hear about the fact of evolution when in reality the evidence is flimsy and usually misrepresented to make it look better than it really is. For example we often hear about the 'evolution' of bacteria gaining resistance and the 'evolution' of finches beaks and Darwinists tell the world how these examples prove we are all just pond scum. Evolutionists fail to understand these cases never result in a gain of information but are a loss of information. Without new information, new body parts or body plans cannot arise so these examples may prove natural selection but offer no evidence that we are all descendant from some bacteria billions of years ago. He points out often in the book how evolution is really religon disguised as science. The history of evolution proves this with frauds like Piltown man and Haeckal embryos that were used as proof of evolution for decades. Fictional drawings of non-existant fossils like Pithecanthros and pro-avis often showed up in biology books of the past. Evidence that was very fragmented was often extrapolated way beyond the bonds of objectivity like claims of Nebraska man as the missing link and claims the Miller-Urey experiment demonstrated life can arise in the lab. Evolution is really just an attack on the Judeo/Christian world religons. Since the vast majority of supporters of evolution are atheistic and usually anti-Christian they will never give up on the theory no matter what the evidence for design is. Since design by definition is ruled evolution wins uncontested. The anti-Christian nature of evolution is no more beautifully illustrated than in the movie Inherit the Wind where Darwinists do to the court transcripts what they do to the evidence for evolution, misrepresent it to support their agenda. I recommend this book highly to the layperson. This book will really get them started on what the evidence for evolution really is and how creationists respond. It also has some good arguments for a young world and he demonstrates that age of the Earth being old as a fact is really based on unprovable assumptions and there is much contradictive evidence that uniformitarians have huge problems explaining. This makes a great supplement to the Answer's Book for those getting started in creation apologetics.