Rating: Summary: Very Informative Review: I am a Roman Catholic who goes to daily Mass, has 7 children, a great wife and have a blessed life all because I have listened to orthodox Catholic priests and JPII's teaching for the last 20 years. I recently spoke with an orthodox priest friend after reading "Goodbye, Good Men" and his own seminary experience confirmed the information that Rose outlines in his book. I found this book has helped solidify my own struggle in following my conscience and rejecting trendy clerical advice. I believe that we are in a time of God cleansing our church of the humanist rot from the past 30 years and Rose's book explains why we find ourselves locked in this present scandal and points out the path back to orthodoxy.
Rating: Summary: Vatican II inside the seminaries Review: This book contains shocking revelations, constituting a fundamental step to understand the chaotic situation provoked inside the catholic seminaries since the closure of the ill-faded Second Vatican Council.It is quite disturbing to the reader to find how far the former catholic seminaries were gone, completely invaded by modernism, progressism and liberalism. I say former seminaries because actually they are, with few honourable exceptions, everything but catholics: inside them, the way to priesthood is sistematicly barred to orthodox catholic and straight candidates (don't wonder never more with the priest shortage or the pedophile scandals...), traditional catholic doctrine is mocked and even some of the most sacred catholic dogmas are fought and contradicted (a single example: the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist is denyed!), papal magisterium about faith and moral issues is intentionally ignored and every heterodox non-catholic teaching is promoted up. Now, you don't have to be surprised any more with the extravagant religious practices of some priests or, even, with their personal behaviour: they are obviously the final product of the afore mentioned system. I also know that the subject analysed in Michael S. Rose's book is the state of the american catholic seminaries; not the situation of the catholic seminaries across the world. Nevertheless, once again, as my own personal experience says to me, the pattern described is also appliable, with the exclusion of the strong [homosexual] subculture, at least, to those ones located in Western Europe, once again with honourable exceptions. Concluding, this book is an excellent cry of alarm against a shameful situation: if you are a traditional orthodox catholic, it doesn't tell you any thing new, just confirming what you already knew from other sources; if you are not, but at least you are concerned with your Church, it is time to open your eyes with its reading.
Rating: Summary: Badly needed scrutiny, hampered by poor method Review: The validity and urgency of Mr. Rose's core argument is undermined by the doubtful way he has used and construed the evidence gathered through his research.
Rating: Summary: A wake up call Review: I personally congradulate Micheal Rose in writing this wonderful book to make Catholics across the Country aware that a lot of seminaries who are suppose to train priests instead support the gay-subculture which is contrary to Church teachings. It is time that the Catholic Church should not accept gay seminarians for ordination. This book touched me personally since I was rejected by St. Francis Seminary (Milwaukee Archdiocese) because I was considered too Catholic and that supposedly I could not handle their graduate level courses. Micheal Rose is correct that people like me were discriminated by liberal seminaries who are clearly out of touch with the Catholic Church. Finally, I would recommend this book to those who were discriminated by their home archdiocese, just like I was, and don't give up the fight for the priesthood.
Rating: Summary: Goodbye Good Men reviewed by Karl Maurer Review: After spending over two years interviewing ex-seminarians and ordained priests about the homosexual subculture dominating Catholic seminaries in the United States, Michael Rose could not have picked a better time to release Goodbye, Good Men (Regnery Publishing, 2002). Some may say his timing is providential. Whatever you call it, this book is a "must-read" for Catholics who want the real story of how homosexual predators have become so notorious in the Catholic clergy and how liberal Catholicism brought corruption into the Catholic Church. Trained as an architect, Rose gained a reputation as a thorough and insightful author of several successful books dealing with the deplorable state of modernist Catholic Church architecture. His new book on the priesthood is a shocking documentation of the homosexual infiltration of the American Catholic hierarchy, and accurately identifies widespread dissent from core Catholic teaching by the Catholic clergy in the seminaries as the root of the so-called vocation crisis. Ironically, the Catholic media have been pretty rough on Rose. Critics have faulted him for the use of fictitious names; they have nit-picked petty details, and accused him of bad journalism. While many of Rose's sources have chosen to remain anonymous to protect themselves from retaliation, the consistency of the testimony, coupled with the sad stories of men who go by their real names, results in a highly credible and accurate account of the situation. One wonders whether the Catholic media's negative responses are an effort to save face because they remained silent while they were aware of the homosexual corruption in the seminaries. Rose documents the bizarre exams administered by admitted anti-Catholic psychologists, the feminist nuns in charge of diocesan recruitment programs, and the openly homosexual formation advisors and faculty at the seminaries, all of whom systematically identified orthodox, truly Catholic young men and drove them away from the priesthood. Catholics will find the seminarians' stories -- Rose documents dozens of them occurring all over the country -- to be infuriating in light of the growing shortage of priests in America. Some orthodox men left the seminary of their own accord after suffering sexual harassment by homosexual faculty and students. Others, who admitted to being against homosexuality or women priests, were drummed out as being "too rigid", for having a "lack of openness to new ideas", or for being "unaccepting of others as they are", often after they had completed years of study and sacrifice. Those who survived the initial weeding out process often did so by posing as liberals. Having survived the first cut, the orthodox seminary student was then subjected to mandatory classes that included homoerotic films, pornography, heterodoxy in theology, and in some cases, outright heresy. Rose documents the case of one student who actually sued a seminary for falsely advertising they were Catholic, when the theology classes were openly hostile to well established Catholic teachings. To avoid the lawsuit, the heterodox theology professor involved was dismissed. Because most seminaries continue to be overrun by dissenters and homosexuals, particularly in the area of formation and recruitment, it should come as no surprise that finding "straight" males willing to endure years of being cloistered in such an environment is nearly impossible. Rose provides a mountain of evidence that the shortage of priests has been effectively self-imposed by a liberal, feminist, and disproportionately homosexual clique dominating church administration. My only criticism of Rose's outstanding book is that he fails to acknowledge any culpability or complicity on the part of Rome for the debacle in the church. The mess in the seminaries didn't just happen unnoticed or overnight. Since Vatican II, complaints to Rome about homosexual priests and bishops, sexually perverse seminaries, heterodox or heretical clerics, and the scandal of liturgical and sacramental abuses have been virtually ignored. In my own experience over the last 5 years, none of my letters regarding abuses in the church addressed to Rome or the Papal Nuncio have been acknowledged. I know too many other concerned Catholics who have had the identical experience, from Rochester, New York, to Oakland, California. When the Vatican finally did respond to the decades of complaints of rampant and unchecked homosexuality in U.S. seminaries, the process of investigation and the outcomes were highly suspect. Rose identifies the fact that so-called Vatican investigations of the American seminaries during the 1980's (the Marshall report) were conducted by American Catholic Church insiders, who were treated to 'Potemkin village' tours of seminaries, and submitted their largely misleading, milk toast reports back to Rome. He quotes Notre Dame Professor Ralph McInerny, "Here indeed was a failure, and by churchmen, who had to make a determined effort not to acquaint themselves with the facts they were supposed to be investigating". To make matters worse, the homosexual infiltration of the Catholic Church does not stop in America. Veteran Catholic commentators have indicated a distinct possibility that there were highly influential homosexuals in Rome who helped to suppress the real story. Part of the problem lies in the re-organized conciliar Catholic Church, in which the Vatican has effectively ceded away much of its authority to administer, regulate and discipline to regional councils like the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. These conferences are often part of the process of recommending candidates to the Vatican when episcopal vacancies occur. Typically, the Vatican accepts these recommendations, trusting that local prelates are in a better position to find "the right man for the job". But this system is also open to abuse, and abused it has been. Rose stops short of saying so, but I doubt he would object if the Vatican began to assert itself in a more authoritative way regarding open dissent and disobedience by American clerics. In the absence of such discipline, the Catholic laity are left with the obvious impression that the refusal to accept certain Catholic doctrines is acceptable behavior. If the local priests and bishops can dissent from Church teachings and get away with it, what incentives are there for the laity to abide by the Catholic doctrines they object to? Rose concludes with an upbeat assessment of how orthodox seminaries are succeeding in attracting vocations, and producing good priests. The crisis having reached a high water mark, Rose speculates things are turning around; good priests will emerge in greater numbers and the dissenting sub-culture in the Church will become extinct. It's true that seminaries like Mundelein, Illinois are not as bad as they were before, but there's a long road ahead for many seminaries before they begin to look Catholic inside and out. Though the seminaries may be improving, the broader problem is the sorry state of the Catholic population in America. The most tragic consequence of dissent and this scandal has been has been the declining influence of Catholicism in the lives of American Catholics over the past 40 years. Mass attendance is now down to 20% of registered parishioners, and churches are being shuttered for lack of funds and parishioners; the sacrament of Penance is ignored, and not for lack of sinning; Catholic divorce and abortion rates are at the same levels as the general population. "Goodbye, Good Catholic Parents", is my suggestion for a Rose follow-up to his well timed, and much needed, "Goodbye, Good Men", which will hopefully spark reform now that it has caught the attention of the nation.
Rating: Summary: Crazy People Review: I am not a Catholic or a Christian. I read this book, among others, to try to understand why the Catholic Church is self-desructing. Now I can understand why. Everyone in the book is crazy. The liberal theologians who the author claims now run the seminaries are crazy. The orthodox priests the author is defending are crazy. No one, especially the author, seems to realize that the weird activity in which these various groups of people are engaged is masking the fact that they have completely forgotten what the search for the Divine is all about. Their only interest seems to be in form, not substance. They go through the motions, say the magic words, turn the crank, and out pops God! They have made it so easy! And so completely empty and meaningless. I hope God isn't as rigid, uninspired, and brain dead as these people seem to be.
Rating: Summary: GOODBYE PERVERT PRIESTS Review: As Jesus said a good tree cannot produce bad fruit. Mr. Rose is suggesting that the GOOD Catholic Church has somehow, just somehow, produced perverts! Oh, but how could this happen if the roots of the tree are GOOD? DUH? Who let these bad LIBERALS in? How did they get there in the first place? Ha ha ha, very funny idea. Imagine this, a man pretends to be conservative, gets into the priesthood, then announces his LIBERAL POLICIES and the Pope doesn't INSTANTLY EXCOMMUNICATE HIM OUT THE DOOR ON HIS ASS! Yeah, that could happen. The pope has a better chance of getting pregnant. And the notion that the Catholic Church is permitting LIBERALS to control its seminaries is laughable in the extreme. The Vatican doesn't permit a dollar to spent without its conservative HEALTHY SEX-HATING blessing. (Perverted sex is okay, wink, wink. Just don't get caught.) Please! Any LIBERAL in the Church would be thrown out so fast his collar would settle around his feet. Who let thess bad LIBERALS in? Ha, ha. Right! Liberals, ha! The only liberals in the church are those who are on their way out the door after seeing the light and repenting. The Catholic Church is the very definition of CONSERVATIVE. Where else would you find the teaching that birth control is WRONG? Six billion people in the world, half of them living in mud and eating cow dung and the church wants to bring more children into the world!! Where else would you find the teaching that although God made men and women to procreate [that means have sex boys and girls!] (which the church wants its tax payers to do - good for church revenue and cheap labor) it wants its priests and nuns to remain celibate (one of the most PERVERTED acts of nature possible or almost possible) [but, again, good for church revenue; cheap labor and no inheritance leaving the church treasury!] Follow the money trail and it leads to CONSERVATIVE PERVERTS. Who let these bad LIBERALS in? Funny, very funny! Anyone with half a brain can see that the current child molestation AWARENESS has more to do with people being less afraid of standing up to the church and its conservative pervert priests than it has to do with the BAD LIBERALS (that unexplainedly just happened to sneak into the church when the conservatives weren't looking!!!) Who let these bad LIBERALS in? A good tree does not bear bad fruit. A good church does not create perverts that prey on children. Read the history of the church. Child perverts have always lived in this church. and HYPORCISY! SHAMELESS HYPOCRISY! Popes and Cardinals produced bastards like they were handing out holy cards. The church had a practice of allowing boys to serve as "special aides" and "valets" to the "holey' fathers. This later turned into "altar boys". Please! It is the horribly perverted CONSERVATIVE doctrine of the church that demands celibacy that INVITES perverts (not homosexuals, mind you) into the priesthood. Perverts know they are in a position of power and trust around children. Rose wants the simpleminded to draw the illogical conclusion that homosexuality and child molestation are somehow related! Wake up, Rose, or just stop lying. There is no connection. A pervert is a pervert whether he rapes boys or girls, men or women. A rapist is a rapist! But a homosexual is a woman or man who looks for CONSENTUAL sex with one of the same sex. BIG DIFFERENCE, MR. ROSE. CONSENTUAL. BIG DIFFERENCE. Consent, rape. Consent, rape. Different, Get it? Who let these bad LIBERALS in? The Catholic Church is about as liberal as Hitler after he was REMOVED from power. The only thing liberal about the church is that the state has REMOVED the church's POWER to torture "heretics" and other "trouble makers" who ask questions and insist on thinking instead of mindlessly "obeying and believing" (and handing over money every week!!!) Who let these bad LIBERALS in? This entire premise is a lie and an evil one at that. Look to the Pope, Cardinals and Bishops and tell me how LIBERALS snuck past these rich fat old men, the very definition of CONSERVATIVES. Who let the liberals in the church? Liberals!, not in this life, Rose. Not in the Catholic Church anyway. You should join hands with other rabid Catholic Ultra Conservatives and oil up the rack, sharpen the torture instruments and stockpile firewood. Let's bring back that old time religion, boys! Liberals! HA! Thanks for the laugh, Rose. But the only GOOD MEN have LEFT the Church long ago and ratted it out for its CONSERVATIVE PERVERSIONS. These men BECAME LIBERALS after seeing what perversions CONSERVATIVES do. Conserve the old ways (rape children but keep it quiet) Liberals are trouble makers who want to LIBERATE children from perverts. Yeah, those bad LIBERALS! And let's keep those pesky women from ever becomming priests, boys, because we know that they would not stand for rape in any form. But I could be wrong. Perhaps an apple tree can produce pumkins! Perhaps a "good" tree like the Catholic Church can produce perverts! Joseph Francione, author of HOW TO SAVE AMERICA AND THE WORLD
Rating: Summary: Strange Book Review: The author mixes outrage at discrimination against heterosexual priest candidates (valid?) with horror at seminaries promoting intellectual investigation (puzzling). As a teacher I always thought education was supposed to present opposing points of view, to stimulate people to think. The author, instead, believes that education's purpose is to brainwash. Catholic Church teaching CAN be wrong. The Church spent 400 years insisting that the Sun goes around the Earth and threatened to put Galileo to death for saying otherwise. Of course, the Church is free to teach what it likes to the faithful, but in our present day the Church tries to force its highly political agenda on people who are not Catholic or even Christian. There ARE other points of view. It is important that seminarians be aware of them. It is important that Catholics no longer be taught that they have the right to execute other people for not believing as they do (Jews and Islamics, for example).
Rating: Summary: Liberals?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: Correct me if I'm wrong now, folks, since I haven't actually read the book. I agree with the author (reading the introduction to the book -or hatever you wanna call it) that it's discusting how pedofiles are protected by the church etc., but when he says it's because of liberal influences which also has made the church more tolerant towards homosexuals (God forbid!), I get really mad, enraged and afraid! Like the catholic church isn't conservative enough!!!!?? Like homosexuals are as bad as pedofiles!!?? Does mr Rose not realize this is the 21st century and we're not still in the medieval ages?! Everybody knows where the word "liberal" comes from. Liberate yourselves! Free your mind! Conservative people are nothing but pickles in a jar! Pedofiles have always been in the church, and it's because of it's conservativism that they've been able to remain and thrive! The catholic church has been corrupted from day one! Doesn't anyone know that??!!... As I said before, correct me if I'm wrong (maybe the title of the book is ironic), but if this really is what he's trying to say with this book, mr Rose really is an awful man. All narrow-minded facists should die.
Rating: Summary: Were not slouching to Gomorrah anymore...we're there! Review: How do you give a five star rating to a book and author that informs you about the utter contemptability in thought, word and deed, of those orchestrating a total destruction of one of humanities greatest pillars of civility, morality and social stability. It would appear that those now intrusted with monitoring, administering and supervising something so sacred and so trusted by the Ameircan people, in the past, have been obsorbed by the neo-liberal entities representing Satan, a great darkness in our society's soul and the minions of evil who disguise themselves under the cloak of false compassion, the tolerance of intolerance, the acceptance of sinful conduct and the attack upon all that is holy. This is the great curse of our society, that we go about our business as the world outside our own little universes is being torn asunder by the forces of evil and degeneracy and deviant personal physical self-gratification. So the authors are bascially telling us that once again another moral institution has been infiltrated by deviant progressive liberals, self-centered immoral women activist, perverts and gutless submissive male administrators who submit, and have changed this bastion of morality and godliness , the church, into a haven for Gays, Lesbians, femi-nazi nuns, evil doers and the ungodly. This is a tale of woe upon the soul of mankind and the entire world for that matter. Just one more nail in the coffin of the American Dream. The church, it seems, even the Pope has become impotent to stem this tide of evil and things are progressing much like we have been forewarned by sacred religious text. Abraham Lincoln was right, we will never be destroyed from an outside enemy but from within our borders by our own arrogance, deviance and a generation of young people, led by disreputable adults, who will totally disrespect civilized society. An interesting but sad and frustrating look at the state of affairs in our church and in America. I found that I could only stomach a handful of pages at a time, and then had to put it down to calm down and or recover my composure before continuing. It brings on such a sense of betrayal and unimaginable saddness that reading it in its' entirety would cause one to lapse into a drepressed state. Although I am sure those who support deviance and sexual immorality and hedonistic tendencies and excessive liberalism will find this book comical, uplifting and prophetic. Thank you Mr. Rose for exposing this holocaust within our religious institutions.