Rating:  Summary: EXCELLENT! Every Home should have a copy of this Commentary Review: The book is truly a Blessing from the Adonai. Although one can feel the intense pain from the author in calling one a Christian after all the many horrors that have been done to the Jews in the past under the title of "Christians", not only the holocaust but many other times in history as well. i believe this book to be a MUST for everyone. It states and is true in saying, the Bible was written by Jews, including the New Testament. The world would not have a Bible at all if it had not been for the writings and preservations by God through the Jewish people. Therefore it would only make sense to look at from the perspectives and the interpretations from a Jewish (beliver's) viewpoint and knowledge of the Jewish history, meanings of phrases, words, and customs of the times. It is very inspiring and refreshing. It is also true, there may be times i disagree with his writings, yet there isn't any Commentary in the world i 100% agree with either. There is so much more to learn. Thank you and God Bless you David H. Stern! And may God bless "Shalom" to you all! : )
Rating:  Summary: Very Good Commentary Review: This commentary is very good. I would echo the two reviews that come before me. It is a very valuable resoure that brings out the Jewishness of the New Testament text. Additionally, it is good for dealing with "problem" passages which have been alledged to have anti-semitic overtones in the New Testament. His Jewish perspective helps us to see that when you view the passages without bias and from its original Jewish viewpoint, there is no antisemitism in the New Testament. Consider Paul in Romans saying how much advantage there is to being a Jew. So this commentary is a must-have for people in Jewish ministry and would be very helpful to any student of the Word.
Rating:  Summary: If you get commentaries, this is one of finest ever... Review: This is one of the finest commentaries and New Testament scholars I've seen. It is one of the FOUNDATIONAL books to Messianics everywhere, and a MUST read--and reflects not just Stern but the views of many many Hebrew Christians and Messianics that influenced Stern. There are volumes and volumes of "lukewarm" largely incorrect commentaries out there written by Christian theologians that both knowingly and unknowingly BUTCHER (yes indeed-amen-that is an understatement) the Jewishness out of the New Testament and Yeshua(Jesus), which is in fact not a seperate book but only a continuation of TANAK. It amazes me continually how so few people deal with Scripture on the correctly Jewish levels David Stern and other Messianics like myself do and beyond. Barely handfuls of CHRISTIANS OR JEWS are fully aware of what is really going on in the TANAK and New Testament, because of false interpretations ignorant of context and the times, and because the Jewishness has been stripped from it for millenia. If you have fully read this commentary, I don't see why anyone in their right mind who is Christian (or not a Christian) would not realize they should be Messianic. Yet only God can save Israel. An outstanding work, it is better than a large very many whole sets of New Testament commentaries combined, better than attending many seminaries or Bible Institutes even (unfortunately that is harsh reality as few if any Christian seminaries etc. emphasize Jewishness of the Scriptures.) Shalom Alecham to all those who seek righteousness and wish for the Kingdom to come quickly in fullness.
Rating:  Summary: If you get commentaries, this is one of finest ever... Review: This is one of the finest commentaries and New Testament scholars I've seen. It is one of the FOUNDATIONAL books to Messianics everywhere, and a MUST read--and reflects not just Stern but the views of many many Hebrew Christians and Messianics that influenced Stern. There are volumes and volumes of "lukewarm" largely incorrect commentaries out there written by Christian theologians that both knowingly and unknowingly BUTCHER (yes indeed-amen-that is an understatement) the Jewishness out of the New Testament and Yeshua(Jesus), which is in fact not a seperate book but only a continuation of TANAK. It amazes me continually how so few people deal with Scripture on the correctly Jewish levels David Stern and other Messianics like myself do and beyond. Barely handfuls of CHRISTIANS OR JEWS are fully aware of what is really going on in the TANAK and New Testament, because of false interpretations ignorant of context and the times, and because the Jewishness has been stripped from it for millenia. If you have fully read this commentary, I don't see why anyone in their right mind who is Christian (or not a Christian) would not realize they should be Messianic. Yet only God can save Israel. An outstanding work, it is better than a large very many whole sets of New Testament commentaries combined, better than attending many seminaries or Bible Institutes even (unfortunately that is harsh reality as few if any Christian seminaries etc. emphasize Jewishness of the Scriptures.) Shalom Alecham to all those who seek righteousness and wish for the Kingdom to come quickly in fullness.
Rating:  Summary: Fraud, Hoax, Joke Review: This one of the most commercial books I have ever read. Imagine Jesus and his disciples speaking "yiddish". Well this is what David Stern has them doing. Even the comments on the dust jacket by the publishers say:"Freshly rendered from the original Greek into ENJOYABLE English" - true enjoyable and easy to read, but not very precise. "By a Messianic Jew" - an oxymoron if ever there was one. The book is written as a very loose translation of the Greek and is interspersed with Hebrew words to give a "scholarly" flavour to the text. He does NOT succeed. The opinions expressed here are my own personal opinions and are not meant as an insult or slander to the translator.
Rating:  Summary: More Christian Deception... Review: To all ... who are Jewish, or interested in Judaism. This book of commentary is not a Jewish commentary, in fact it is just a thinly veiled attempt to bring unaffiliated/uneducated Jewish people into the folds of Christianity. For those looking for books on Jewish responses to Christianity, you will do yourself no justice in purchasing this book.
Rating:  Summary: More Christian Deception... Review: To all ... who are Jewish, or interested in Judaism. This book of commentary is not a Jewish commentary, in fact it is just a thinly veiled attempt to bring unaffiliated/uneducated Jewish people into the folds of Christianity. For those looking for books on Jewish responses to Christianity, you will do yourself no justice in purchasing this book.
Rating:  Summary: Introduction to Messianic Judaism Review: When David Stern first announced he was coming out with a commentary to complement his translation of the New Testament (Jewish New Testament) I was rather excited. No Messianic Jewish author had ever done a project of this sort and there was great potential for good discussion and interaction between contrasting views of scripture. The dissappointment came the first time I ever tried to use it as a reference. Dr. Stern simply doesn't comment on many a problem text for the Messianic view of scripture. The ones that he does comment on he very rarely interacts with other scholars with contrasting views, thus taking some credibility away from his work. Dr. Stern also doesn't defend his rendering of some texts the way he does when translating a verse in a controversial way. Some verses he does defend his rendering, but still doesn't interact with scholars who interpret in other ways. From what I understood, his purpose was to make a commentary that is a recource for Messianics and non-Messianics to look to to see a representation of a Jewish interpretation of scripture. In this respect he succeeded, it is basically an introduction to Messianic Judaism, but is by no means in depth. This book really only earned its third star because it was the first attempt of its kind, otherwise it's only a two star. It's a shame to compare this to other sets of wonderful, scholarly commentaries such as the NICNT or Word or others of the like. Nowhere near as indepth (it's one volume) or as diverse (by one man) or as authoritative (his Ph.D. is a business degree). All in all, this is probably a good source for the Messianic to have in his library, but nowhere near as valuable as other full length commentaries.
Rating:  Summary: Introduction to Messianic Judaism Review: When David Stern first announced he was coming out with a commentary to complement his translation of the New Testament (Jewish New Testament) I was rather excited. No Messianic Jewish author had ever done a project of this sort and there was great potential for good discussion and interaction between contrasting views of scripture. The dissappointment came the first time I ever tried to use it as a reference. Dr. Stern simply doesn't comment on many a problem text for the Messianic view of scripture. The ones that he does comment on he very rarely interacts with other scholars with contrasting views, thus taking some credibility away from his work. Dr. Stern also doesn't defend his rendering of some texts the way he does when translating a verse in a controversial way. Some verses he does defend his rendering, but still doesn't interact with scholars who interpret in other ways. From what I understood, his purpose was to make a commentary that is a recource for Messianics and non-Messianics to look to to see a representation of a Jewish interpretation of scripture. In this respect he succeeded, it is basically an introduction to Messianic Judaism, but is by no means in depth. This book really only earned its third star because it was the first attempt of its kind, otherwise it's only a two star. It's a shame to compare this to other sets of wonderful, scholarly commentaries such as the NICNT or Word or others of the like. Nowhere near as indepth (it's one volume) or as diverse (by one man) or as authoritative (his Ph.D. is a business degree). All in all, this is probably a good source for the Messianic to have in his library, but nowhere near as valuable as other full length commentaries.