Rating:  Summary: A Bigoted Book Based On Lies Review: It is very sad that the writings of a person with this kind of prejudice can be given any kind of credit. I wouldn't recommend this book. It's not worth the time.
Rating:  Summary: Historical and Modern Events Made Clear By Prophecy Review: Prophecy expert Dave Hunt has provided a valuable service to the true Body of Christ by penning this compelling portrait of the Catholic Church in history, as it dovetails with Scripture. Using Bible prophecy and world events dating to the time of Christ, Mr. Hunt presents a well-defined portrait of an institution that historian Will Durant said "reveal(s) a ferocity unknown in any beast." "Comparing spiritual things with spiritual," as the apostle Paul commanded us to, Dave hunt unveils the "mystery" behind "Mystery Babylon" in the Book of Revelation. He exposes the lunacy of papal infallibility, the terror of their tyranny, the unholy alliances made with governments throughout the ages, all for the purpose of establishing the Roman Catholic Church's religous and political hegemony. Papists and their apologists, along with Eccumenical-minded Protestants will hate this book; those that are "earnestly contending for the faith that was once delivered to the saints" will love it! This book is far from being a book of "hate speech" as other reviewers have said. Rather it is a call to "come out of her my people and be not partakers of her sins and that ye receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities."
Rating:  Summary: Updated for more modern times Review: Excellent discussion. Hunt goes to great effort to provide historical evidence to backup his conclusions. This book is replacing Boettner's as the one that I give away for free to any who want it. Refreshing - updated for modern times.
Rating:  Summary: More Catholic Bashing Review: Unfortunately, once again, the Church the Christ founded (please note that the ONLY church that was founded by Christ, who is both God and man, is the Catholic church. All others, Lutheran, Seventh Day Adventist, whatever, were of course started by mere men) is being persecuted. Mr. Hunt's analysis is absolute nonsense. Because I am limited to 1000 words, all I can say is that if the Catholic Church is what Mr. Hunt perports it to be, without question the papacy, and perhaps the church itself would have collapsed years ago. But, it has not. It has survived heresies, apostasies, schisims and persecutions of all sorts. And why? Because the Holy Spirit is guiding her. Obviously Mr. Hunt and the rest of the Catholic bashers are afraid of the church, and quite possible realize that the church is correct in her doctrines. If this was not the case, no one would care. But we're persecuted from all sides, which shows that there must be something to the Church. As Christ said: "Upon this rock I will found my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it."
Rating:  Summary: A suggestion in the name of partiality Review: For anyone who cares about partiality and getting both sides of the story, I would recommend another book which purports to explains the Bible's book of Revelations: "The Lambs Supper" by Scott Hahn. Anyone who is trully interested in understanding this most perplexing Biblical book would do well to compare Mr Hunt's offering to Dr Hahn's. Mr Hunt is a worthy scholar and thorough researcher but he operates with one God-Almighty prejudice: he only reads what will prove his point. For example, he is completely unfamiliar with early Christian history and deliberately so, for the earliest Christians were Catholic in their beliefs, and so Mr Hunt dismisses them outright. Yet as Dr Hahn explains in his book, the early Christians latched onto the book of Revelations as a liturgical handbook and used it as the template for their worship service. So we find from the second century to the 21st the very same heavenly worship described in Revelations is being performed in every Catholic Mass. Mr Hunt writes at great lengths about Catholicism without understanding much at all about it. I could not begin to enumerate the falacies on Catholicism that abound in this book -and in all his books- so I will point only out one: Mr Hunt states, accurately, that the Catholic Church never excommunicated Hitler. This belies a total ignorance of the purpose of the Church: God instituted His Church for the sole purpose of saving sinners. The Church, and indeed all Christians, should pray that sinners, no matter how wicked they are, will repent and turn to God. Excommunication is a reciprocal gesture reserved for heretics and schismatics -the church only turns its back on those who turn their backs first. As for some reviewers who came by their knowledge of Catholicism from the likes of Mr Hunt, Mr Rivera and Jack Chick, do yourself a favor and get your information from the horse's mouth. For anyone who really cares about the truth there are plenty of books on Catholicism written by Catholics. You might even start with those written in the first century AD, when the Apostles were penning the Bible.
Rating:  Summary: I thought it was crazy at first... Review: I thought that the whole idea that the Roman Catholic Church was crazy, until I did some research on my own. When I first read other material about the Church, I was stunned, but still skeptical. After I read this book, it conmfirmed everything else I'd read by Dr. Alberto Rivera (former Jesuit deep plant(, Jack Chick, and others. "A Woman Rides the Beast" only confirmed everything else I'd read and studied, both independantly and in College. Mr. Hunt catalogues the actions by the Roman Catholic Institution (after all the material I've studied, I don't dare call it a church!) with great and often disturbing detail. It's very true that millions (Dr. Alberto Rivera reported that there were 68 million who died as a result of the Inquisition in Europe alone) died in the Roman Catholic "Holy" Office of Inquisition. Mr. Hunt also does a good job of pointing out the differences between the Protestants' and Catholics' belief systems, correctly targeting Mary and Saint worship (nowhere in the Bible does it say that we ought to pray to the dead...in fact, it is written that necromancy and having 'familiar spirits' are both detestable by God...) as being primary pillars int he Roman Institution. Hunt also points out with great detail that the Roman Church is not based on the Bible alone, but also on tradition, good works, sacraments, and other 'traditional' ideas. The Bible points out time and again that Salvation comes by Grace through Faith alone, and not of works lest any man should boast (Ephesians 2:8-9), and this is something that Hunt emphasizes in his book as well. Overall, this is an excellent and eye-opening book!! I think that anyone who knows History and especially Church History ought to read and study this book by Dave Hunt! I believe it to be true, what Mr. Hunt says, in the light of his writings, none of which can be disproven! I will say that anyone who thinks Mr. Hunt is way out in left field should not only check the sources in "A Woman Rides the Beast", but also check out works by Dr. Alberto Rivera and by Rev. Charles Chinniquy.
Rating:  Summary: Dave Hunts the Wrong Beast Review: Since there is no "negative stars" option, I'm giving this book one star, which IMO is overly generous. To paraphrase Dorothy Parker, this book should not be tossed aside lightly. It should be thrown out with great force. (Just for the record, I came to my conclusions about Hunt's book three years ago as an Evangelical Christian. I became a Catholic only one year ago.) What in the world qualifies Dave Hunt to write books on Bible prophecy or church history, much less supposedly "proving" that the Catholic Church is the Harlot of Revelation? Certainly not his academic training or his profession: Dave Hunt has had zero academic training or experience in theology, biblical linguistics, biblical archeology, biblical scholarship, church history, or even general history. Hunt's only college degree is in mathematics, and (when he's not writing twaddle in the form of books) he makes his living as a CPA and management consultant. Hunt's utter lack of expertise and competence as a researcher shows up dozens of times in this book, and in very glaring fashions. For example, on pages 79 and 242, Hunt claims that 300,000 died in the Spanish Inquisition. However, Inquisition scholars and historians for the past 100 years have placed that number at between 3,000 and 5,000. And on pages 254-255 and elsewhere, Hunt asserts that the Paulicians, Albigensians, Bogomils, Cathars, and other medieval Manichean and Gnostic sects --some of them violent revolutionaries-- were "Bible-believing Christians" who "held beliefs similar to evangelicals of today." But nothing could be further from the truth: As any historian who specializes in the European Middle Ages will tell you, these groups were dualists who believed in two gods and denied nearly every fundamental Christian belief, especially the Resurrection and Jesus' humanity. Some --such as the Albigensians-- even rejected the Old Testament, banned private property, and taught that marriage, sex, and child-bearing were "sins." Hunt footnotes dozens of books and articles as "references," but most of them are outdated works and anti-Catholic polemics by Fundamentalists and secularists; few are up-to-date academic works or primary sources. And those few academic works or primary sources Hunt cites he also invariably misrepresents, rips out of context, or otherwise distorts. Moreover, one gets the impression that he never actually read most of them himself, but merely lifted other writers' citations of them. For example, on page 99, Hunt claims that 4th century historian Eusebius Pamphilius of Caesarea wrote that Peter was in Rome only at the end of his life, just before his death. Eusebius never said this. Moreover, in several places in his "Church History" and his "Chronicle," Eusebius relates in some detail how Peter went to Rome, established a church there with Paul, and lived and worked there over a twenty year period. In many ways, Hunt's book reminds me of New Age feminist Helen Ellerbe's equally incompetent and irresponsible book "The Dark Side of Christian History," which is pretty much in the same category of propaganda as "A Woman Rides the Beast." Like all of Hunt's fans here, Ellerbe's fans --none of whom displayed any knowledge of or expertise in either history or historiography-- also declared "The Dark Side of Christian History" to be "well-researched," "brilliantly informative," and a "must read for anyone seeking historical truth." It isn't. Anti-Catholicism indeed makes for strange bedfellows. IMO what I wrote in my review of Ellerbe's book applies equally to Hunt's: "...Ms. Ellerbe dedicates her book, in part, to 'freedom' and its text is laced with the rhetoric of freedom. She certainly practices what she preaches, for she seems to have steadfastly freed herself from objectivity, factuality, reason, and the most basic rules of historiography and historical research. If, as Emerson once observed, a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds, it seems that scholastic incompetence, shoddy reasoning, and shallow propagandizing are the Three Stooges of Ms. Ellerbe's."
Rating:  Summary: Mix of Truth and Error Review: While Mr. Hunt certainly digs up a lot of dirt on the Catholic church and refutes some of her errors, much of what he says concerning church history and doctrine is simply erroneous.
Rating:  Summary: Risible Anti-Catholicism Review: This book is an anti-Catholic fantasy. It takes a passage in the Book of Revelations, which has nothing to do with Catholicism, and twists it into an incredible anti-Catholic polemic. The "history" here is a cartoon. In an organization which has millions of members, you can always find some miscreants. To reduce Catholicism to the crimes of a Lucky Luciano is as absurd as reducing Protestantism to the genocidal policies of Cromwell or as claiming that Bill Clinton---God help us---is a representative of the Southern Baptists. There are serious differences between Catholic and Protestant interpreations of the gospel. Can't we get our facts straight before we debate these differences?
Rating:  Summary: The Truth About Roman Catholicism Review: Dave Hunt does an excellent job at exposing the falsehoods in a religious system that tragically calls itself "Christian". As you can see by the responses, you will either love or hate the information in this book. If you love Jesus Christ and His Word, the Bible, then you will love the book. If you hate Jesus Christ and His Word, the Bible, then you will hate the book. The detractors talk of filth and hatred in respect to Dave Hunt, but it should be obvious to the objective reader of the reviews, who is filled with hatred for the truth. It is obvious that the Roman Catholics have no concern for Jesus' Words, "love your enemies" and "condemn not". Just look at the condemnation of Dave Hunt! It really should make you want to pick up a copy of Dave's book to see what brings such hatred...