Rating:  Summary: Highly Informative, Well Researched Review: Hunt's work is a must read for anyone interested in Christan history or that of the Roman Catholic Church. It should be read with an open mind because it presents the bold black and white truth of history.It details how Popes have builled Emperors and Kings over the years to do their will by holding "The Keys of Heaven" while the Chruch would sale forgivess of sin to put money in the Treasury. How men have bribed their way to become Pope and would have their own armys and navys. How some Popes were murdered by jealous husbands who caught them with their wives but yet the Church still recongizes them of being the head of their Church. All this and more. While, Catholics may become defenisve about the subject's material, its simply the truth and theres nothing that can be done about it. Which is why I suggest reading it with an open mind.
Rating:  Summary: This Book is Excellent -- don't be deceived Review: This book is not harsh -- it's honest. It is not slanderous to report the historical atrocities of the Roman Catholic Church, particularly since she has never repented of them. People don't take offense when someone writes a book about the Nazis and all the horrors of the concentration camps -- but somehow, they get very offended when they learn that the Vatican was behind much (if not all) of what Hitler was doing. It is not slander to say that one of the pope's titles, "Vicarius Christi" the Vicar of Christ, is the Latin term for the Greek word: "Antichrist." This is simply a fact. It is not slander to report that the RCC supported Hitler, the concentration camps, the slaughter of one million Orthodox Serbs in Croatia, and that they helped thousands of Nazi war criminals escape Europe even after the war -- giving some of them shelter in the Vatican itself. These things are well documented, and confirmed by numerous sources -- many of which have no religious axe to grind. I have read a number of books and studies on the RCC and related topics, and I have found Dave Hunt's information to be incredibly accurate and well researched. He provides several footnotes on every page, and quotes everything from ancient writings to current media information on the topic. He even quotes a Prime Time Live television documentary with Sam Donaldson called "The Last Refuge," demonstrating that even our popular media has certain knowledge of the horrors carried out by the Roman church. The people who turn a blind eye to such information, or who pretend that we ought to ignore it, are no better than those who have in recent years tried to deny that the Holocaust ever happened. Through her agents, Rome has systematically removed much of the information about what she has done and what she is doing -- so that today, most schools don't even teach about the Inquisitions or the slaughter of countless millions through the centuries. The frightening thing is that these stories are not simply from the "Dark Ages," but continue through the 20th century; and if you know where to look, you will find that the treachery of Rome continues today. Thankfully, Dave Hunt has taken a stand to preserve much of this information so that our generation might be warned. As he and others have stated, the Catholic Church has not changed -- she has only changed her tactics. As for Dave Hunt's conclusion -- that the Roman Church is the fulfillment of the harlot who rides the beast in the Book of Revelation? There is little doubt. Remember that Bible believing Christians have made that declaration for at least a thousand years. And there is no time limit in prophecy for how long the harlot will ride. There are prophecies foretelling God's judgment against Babylon in the book of Jeremiah (written in the 7th Century B.C.) that are comparable to what we find in John's Revelation. It may be that the harlot has been filling up the cup of God's wrath since the days just after the Flood, when the city of Babylon was built on top of Babel. God knows. Another book to read would be "The Two Babylons" by Alexander Hislop. In this work, the author gives a detailed history of the ancient religion of Babylon and how it arrived at Rome, where it was eventually "grafted" into Christian theology. This was the birth of Roman Catholicism, and is one of the strongest arguments for establishing the RCC as MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. The more I have studied Roman Catholicism, the more that title makes sense. May the Lord grant guidance to us all. May the peace of Jesus Christ be with you.
Rating:  Summary: Please don't waste the time and effort reading this. Review: This book was recommended to me recently. I am neither Roman Catholic nor Protestant and I'm unsure what Mr. Hunts purpose was in writting the book. However, the intention is clear (lets find as many negative things to say about the RCC we can find and put them in a book.) And judging from the more favorable reviews of this book I'm sure that the self-serving, self-rightous, Bible alone, non-denominational, protestant fundamental evangelical loner crowd are loving this book. I wish there was a less than one star rating. Every Protestant, Fundamentalist, Evangelical should keep in mind that "the Reformation did not do away with the medieval papacy and all of its pretensions, it merely democratized it and made everyone Pope." It is good to see that people such as Thomas Becket and the Baptist Minister turned Roman Catholic priest where able to see through Dave Hunts false teachings, false interpretation inferiority complex, etc....I haven't once come across any Catholic books bashing Protestantism. Only Protestant books bashing Catholism. Makes me wonder how united with Christ Protestants really are?
Rating:  Summary: Cuts Through the Hypocracy of the Catholic Church Review: Dave Hunt is the only writer I have read that has finally documented the truth about the Catholic Church. The reviewers who slam Hunt for writing a "boogeyman book" and for "Catholic-bashing" obviously don't know what they are talking about. I only hope that this work and others by Mr. Hunt will shed some light to Christians who are seeking answers and will finally bring misguided Catholics (or ex-Catholics) out of the dark.
Rating:  Summary: Misinterprets both history and the Bible! Review: My first clue as to the unreliability of this book was his talk of the woman who rides the beast in the Bible... we often forget that there were no chapter and verse divisions in the original... and this book bases its theory on HALF ofthe information about Babylon in the Book of Revelation because of a chapter break! In fact, if you remove this barrier, the theory falls apart, and Babylon starts looking more like the United States than the Church of Rome! I'm not Catholic. I have plenty of problems with Catholic doctrine. I am Protestant. I also have plenty of problems with Protestant doctrines. Overall, the thing is, Jesus is the Way, the *Truth*, and the Light. If it's not true... hey... it's not from Jesus. That includes this book.
Rating:  Summary: A Good book... Review: I thought this was good. I want to say Excellent but I have to b honest. The first 200 or so pages were in my opinion rather harsh(i.e. an unfair lashing at catholics) but it then mellows out. Overall the info is correct and really answered alot of questions I had.
Rating:  Summary: An important book for Christians Review: The real question is: "Is this book relevant?" The answer is a very resounding "YES!" Christians and Catholics really should read this book, but do so with an open mind and with a grain of salt and a lot of deep thought. The truth shall set us all free; and false gospels will damn all those that follow them (Galatians 1:6-9). So, the real question, is what is the truth, and when are we falling away from it? You won't really find the answer in this book, but Hunt will certainly give you some fascinating history to ponder and the references to search through. The book is very readable and Hunt does an excellent job in presenting an extremely broad and deep list of references to support his statements. Unfortunately, neither you nor I will ever have access to most of his references to confer his analysis. And, he fails to recognize the critical issue of the "great Harlot" described in Revelation 17 (as does almost everyone else!)! With that said, much of his presentation appears factual, with plenty of accessible references as well as hundreds of unaccessible Vatican archive references. He takes us through the history of the Catholic Church to the present day. Some of this history is fairly well hidden by the Catholic Church, but available (thus, verifiable) to determined researchers. After reading this book, I still have many questions regarding the Albigensees, and Cathars, and many of the other religious groups murdered by the Catholic Church (as many as 25,000 Christians killed in a single afternoon!) Despite Hunts portrayal of the situation. I suggest you cautiously read Holy Blood, Holy Grail for Baigent's presentation the beliefs of the Albigensees, and Cathars and others. Hunt calls them Christians, Baigent tells a very different story of false Christians - but I have more problems with Baigent's research than Hunt's. However, that still begs the question, how can a Church murder 25,000 people in a single afternoon and still call itself Christian? Hunt damns the Catholic Church, but doesn't really take on the issues and manner of rule that existed in those times. Will that remove the sin of murder? No. But, at least it would give us more to ponder and weigh. But, to really appreciate the truth of some of Hunt's statements and references, one must travel to Rome and visit the Vatican, St Peter's Basilica, and the Vatican Museums, as well as a dozen or so of the Catholic Churches in Rome. The artwork is stunning, but the symbols and icons and pagan idols (mostly stolen by past Roman Emperors and then procured by various popes) that adorn the churches are specifically not Christian. In fact, I would venture to say that the Vatican Museum has more Egyptian pagan idols and images in it than can be found in Egypt. Another example, in front of The Church of Our Lady of Nineva (a Babylonian name) stands an elephant with an Egyptian obelisk (dedicated to the God Osiris) on its back. It, and the other churches have skull and crossbones, ramskulls, and many other pagan icons carefully designed within their intricate artistry with great thought and very high costs over the centuries. What does it mean? All of the churches were built with tremendous thought put into architecture and symbolic art. And, they have been actively maintained as such. Hunt has some good thoughts on the failings of the Catholic Church. But, how does Hunt reconcile the Church that reads the Nicene Creed every Sunday with the Church of record? He really doesn't. Regardless, the book is a trove of information and references for one to start their own research journey into learning the truth about the largest Church in the world. Regarding all of the Catholic Churches failings: it is a large bureaucracy that has had a long history of great and horrible leaders. It has a number of beliefs that cannot be found in any scriptures (transubstantiation, Mariology, purgatory, indulgences, papal infallibility), and it has historically failed to obey Christ's commands - "Love God", "Love thy neighbor", and "Love the enemy" (sic, Cathers and Albigenseans) but, it also announces the Nicene Creed every liturgy. It was a Church that existed during the times when the greater population (including many kings) could not read, or write; and feudal kings dictated the beliefs of peasants. The Catholic Church has many failings, but, it should be recognized that it still holds many Christians in its ranks. Finally, Hunt misses the boat on the most important issue of the post-rapture tribulation church...... by definition, it will not have any Christians in it!! None of them will!! But, of all the Churches, the Catholic Church will be the largest in terms of adherents (even if it has the highest percentage of Christians raptured), with the greatest infra-structure of buildings, etc, and probably will then be the great harlot! So, is it really fair to hammer away at the Catholic Church when every other church will have adherents in their Sunday mass following the rapture? Sure. We have to always search for the truth, no matter how painful, or disturbing. In fact the more disturbing the truth is, the more we should search it out. We are all judged on our deeds and beliefs. Except faithful believers will have their sins burned away as the chafe. Maybe a lot of Catholics will have little on them except the smell of smoke when the arrive in heaven, but there will be a lot of Catholics in heaven. For the record: I was baptized Catholic and attend a well chosen Catholic church, but call myself a faithful Christian, not a Catholic.
Rating:  Summary: A Wonderful Piece of Fiction Review: This was a wonderful piece of fiction for anyone who loves conspiracy theories. Unfortunatly, I don't think that was Mr. Hunt's goal in writing this book. This book is full of quotes taken out of context, misquotes, and a basic lack of understanding about the tenants of Catholic dogma that he attacks. In addition to his total lack of the Catholic Church he so strongly condemns, his historic inaccuracies are equally stunning. It is surpring that someone would feel the need to fabricate arguments against an institution who has so many dark periods in it's long history. Not only does Mr. Hunt lack any understanding of Catholic beliefs such as Papal Infallibility (or intentionally misrepresents...but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt), he also lacks any understanding of Church history. He places the blood of Christian martyrs on the hands of the Catholic Church while siting sects that carry many of the same doctrines he condemns (the Waldenses had celebate priests, and structurally very similar to the Catholic Church) or rejected anything that he would recognize as Christian (the Albigenses rejected both Chirst's divininty and humanity, believing he was God's highest angel...not to mention that denied both the crucifixion and resurrection stating they were illusions). So if bizare conspiracy theories interest you, this is a good read, but don't even try to think that anything presented in this book is remotely factual.
Rating:  Summary: Stay away from that Review: I'm an evangelical who is deeply interested in the evangelical-catholic debate. It is necassary to discuss the agreements and differences between both sides. But in a loving and honest manner! The academic and theological standard of this book is below zero. It's very interesting that Hunt relies heaviliy on a book of Peter de Rosa (without any footnotes!), a former priest and now attacking the church and the whole faith. What a reliable source! Will the real heretics please stand up. If you are interested to get an accurate overview over catholicism read the book of Geisler/Nix and original catholic sources. You can't get any position right if you don't read the original material. This is true for any controversial discussion. Anyone who is judging others in this way will be jugded by god in the same way. If Hunt is right OK., but if not .... This book is fantastic for all catholic haters, but not for a person who is really seeking the truth.
Rating:  Summary: A boogeyman book Review: This book is yet another way to make money by frightening the fundamentalist Christian (sheep) masses. I have always been fascinated with the venom that Christians ruthlessly attack each other with. Do you think God would hold it against me if I threw up my hands and ignored the lot of them? Do you think God would hold it against me if I shunned church altogether since sadists, theives, liars and child molesters can be found in every denomination of Christianity? Disregard this charlatan and love your brother, no matter what church they go to. I beg you. Incidentally, I have heard people speaking about how close the "end times" are my entire life. I'll be 79 next month.