Rating:  Summary: Well done. Review: A thoughtful, well documented and well written book. Its facts are irrefutable and many come from RCC historians and RCC documents. Good for Catholics to understand the dogma the Vatican observes and for Christians everywhere to understand the history of the various churches. It is interesting that the critics of this book resort to name-calling rather than attempting to point out (any) factual shortcomings in it.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent History Book of the Roman Catholic Church Review: During the summer of 1998, I read this book while on a missionary trip down in Haiti. At that time, I was a Catholic and had been for over 3 years. Mind you, I wasn't born and raised Catholic. However, I wish I'd read this book before I'd converted to Catholicism. This book covers much of the dark History of the Roman Catholic Church. Many people out there disagree with its contents. However, if you look at teh footnotes, you'll find that David Hunt used many sources, among them national files from countries around the world where the Catholic Church has had a strong presence. Now, if Catholics wanted to, they could try and prove David Hunt wrong and open the Catholic files in Rome for all to see. Are you surprised as to why they haven't? I'm not. For Protestants, this book is good because David Hunt also exposes the doctrines that divid Protestants & Catholics. I was ignorant of many Protestant & Catholic beliefs until I read this book. In doing so, it forced me to dig deeper into my Bible to find out what the truth really was. This book helped me in leaving the Catholic Church and has helped me to embrace my evangelical roots. This, in turn, eventually drew me closer to Christ. I'd recommend this book to all Protestants, Catholics, and those that are thinking about becoming Catholic. One lat suggestion-before you rread this book, open your Bible and read Revelation Chapters 17 & 18. Keep that spot marked as you read this book. Trust me, you'll make some startling discoveries!
Rating:  Summary: True or False, the results Review: Does this book contain truthful facts or not? Of course Dave Hunt presents them as being true and factual. Those opposed call it a lot of things but as of yet, have not presented a book or their own facts to refute it. There is one thing I would like to throw into the mix of this debate. A possible result from the book. On May 21, 1995 Pope John Paul II asked for forgiveness for all the wrongs and sins the RCC had commited through out its history. I have heard some say, it was on account of the factual evidence found in this book, that brought that plea on.
Rating:  Summary: a cult classic Review: True entertainment that should be required reading for anyone wanting to mix church and state, or who is considering conversion to Christianity. This book takes you into the mind of many Christians today, and exposes the shameless lows that so many will go too in order to make converts. Don't take other's word for it, this book unwillingly grants it straight from the horses mouth. There is no other American subculture that has more contempt for anything true, and all you need is this book and a community college education to see it. The fact that the book is about another group that believes in Jesus, also shows how little "Jesus" has to do with any of it. This book makes Islam look secular humanism. Thousands of years from now, people will use books like these to understand the sociology and psychology of the primitive state we are still in.
Rating:  Summary: The Truth Review: A must read for anyone who is interested in the truth. Documented with historical facts outlining the corruption of the RCC. This book explores the false teachings of the RCC and it is a religion based on "man" not God.
Rating:  Summary: Fundamentalist prophecy perspective on Roman Catholic Church Review: I have read almost all of Dave Hunt's nonfiction books, and this is one of his most interesting. This is a fascinating expose of the Catholic Church, especially if you have never read about the differences between Catholocism and Protestantism. I wish Dave would write more about Reformed theology; having read nearly all of his nonfiction books, I remained completely unaware that free will was a contentious issue that was used to create and break away the Protestant tradition from Catholocism. To provide that background, a starting place is Sproul's Willing to Believe: The Controversy over Free Will. A book even more focused on issues such as free will in the Protestant/Catholic divide is The Roman Catholic Controversy: Catholics & Protestants -- Do the Differences Still Matter?, by James R. White. I read Hunt's book and these two books cover to cover. Don't make the mistake I did and limit yourself to reading books about Christianity by one author, such as Hunt. An especially good remedy to break away from the limitation of having just one perspective on Christianity is to read a couple of general histories of Christianity (search on "history of Christianity"). This will provide perspectives and background on the Reformation that you won't get from reading Hunt's book, which only provides a Fundamentalist Prophecy perspective. Hunt is the voice of scholarly American fundamentalist Protestantism. He is a careful and consistent fundamentalist; he is not vague. He accepts supernaturalism as a starting point, and builds rationally and clearly on that basis, such as accepting the existence of spirit creatures. This is a great introduction to Catholic history and doctrine and shows what a tremendous step forward Luther brought, though Protestantism still retains a lot of the Catholic orthodox supernaturalist Literalist reading of the Bible.
Rating:  Summary: A must read by every Catholic! Review: To those who claim this book is "anti-Catholic", they are being close minded. To write about historical and present day facts is not being "anti-Catholic" but being truthful and sincere. If the truth is exposed that does not make it "anti" anything but honest. If I expose government corruption does that make me anti-government? Of course not! So the same goes for this book. As a former Roman Catholic for 19 years this books should be read by every Catholic. I left the Catholic church and became a born-again Christian when I was 19 years old. This book tells it like it is. It exposes the Catholic church and its evil and anti-biblical history. As a former Catholic I love the Catholic people & hope they find the truth in Christ, but I hate the church and its system. The book exposes the system for what it is, unscriptural, self-serving, full of lies, deceitful and shows her to be the woman who rides the beast as written in Revelation. The book shows how Catholicism is a religious system that leads and has lead many to a physical & eternal death. Eternal life is a gift and it is not of works. The book exposes the Catholic church for a religious system that teaches salvation by works. The book shows how the Catholic church's teachings and practices that money and the intercession of priests, saints, Mary, etc., can bring salvation. While the bible teaches that salvation is simply received by trusting in Christ and His crosswork. Salvation is not achieved by good works but by faith alone in Jesus Christ. The book shows and explains this in an easy to understand format. Read the book and decide for yourself. I pray that Catholics will see the truth and put their faith in the bible and Christ and not a religious system. Awesome book!! A++
Rating:  Summary: Don't rate books on political correctness Review: This book didn't won't win Dave any popularity contests nor any invitations to ecumenical conferences, but it is very well-documented,and many scholars who may not agree still admit this fact, such as Chuck Missler. If you have a problem with historical facts, suggested reading is Fox's Book of Martyrs, as well as volumes of historical information available at libraries. What happened, happened. If you disbelieve the facts about idolatry and other non biblical practices, watch EWTN late at night and see it in living color. Whether you are for or against his arguments, this book is well-researched and well-documented. If you are offended, perhaps a little research and independent thought, which is rare in this era, are in order.
Rating:  Summary: well-documented, enlightening, superb :) Review: This is a wonderful book. After turning the first few pages it will be a formidable task to put the book down. It covers just about everything that you need to know about the Roman Catholic church, and also, it ignites the Christian's attention of how apatheic we have become when fighting against one of our greatest enemies--the church of Rome.
Rating:  Summary: There should be a "no-star" option. . . Review: . . .for a work as inaccurate as this one is. Mr. Hunt, in his desire to understand and underpin his reliance on the pre-millenial dispensationalism promulgated by Darby and popularized by Schofield in his Reference Bible, has neglected to understand very basic historical and geographical facts. 1) The "Whore" which, according to Hunt, is the Catholic Church, is said to sit upon a seven-headed beast. Hunt assumes that this refers to the Catholic Church, since the Church is headquartered in Rome and ancient Rome was built on seven hills. Assuming that the intelligent reader would even consider such an analogy to be reasonable, it must be pointed out that geographically, the Vatican is not located on ANY of the hills of ancient Rome. 2) Hunt assumes that since the city of Rome is referred to in Scripture as "Babylon" the "Whore" must be the Catholic Church. Again, he misses the rather obvious point that Scripturally other cities are also referred to as "Babylon", namely Sodom and Jerusalem. He further misses the point that when Rome is referred to as "Babylon" the context refers to the pagan empire which persecuted Christians (including John, the author of Revelation) for centuries. 3) Hunt bases much of his eisegesis on certain nativist interpretations of "history" made popular in Great Britain and the United States over 100 years ago. Unfortunately, these views of history bear no resemblence to reality -- as a simple check of basic history texts, Catholic, Protestant, or secular -- will demonstrate. 4) Finally, Hunt bases much on the oft repeated lies and distortions popular since the 1960's blaming Hitler, the Holocaust, and (especially) Pope Pius XII for World War II. All in all, the book is couched in offensively sanctimonius language, obstensibly suggesting that the author really loves Catholics and hopes to rescue them, etc. This reviewer finds that sort of language insulting and condescending at best. The informed reader will quickly see through this volume, regardless of their religious beliefs. Unfortunately, Mr. Hunt is saying things that some want to hear and will continue to repeat and propogate, regardless of truth and merit.