Rating:  Summary: Misrepresentations and Lies about the Catholic Church Review: Dave Hunt panders to fundamentalist prophecy buffs, whose biblical exegesis leaves much to be desired. Their history books are published in paperback by preachers whose business cards call them doctors before the ink is dry on their photocopied diplomas. Ah, sarcasm. This book has been exposed by the Christian Research Institute as inconsistent with recorded history. This is easy to confirm because there remain the voices of witnesses both living and dead who testify to the facts who refute Hunt's libelous yammering concerning the events of World War II. And then there are Hunt's comical forays into interpreting the book of Revelation.
Rating:  Summary: Now 98% Fact Free!!! Review written by a non-Catholic. Review: Boy, Hunt has really done it this time. In this factually absent book, Hunt presents a pathetically flawed arguement that the Roman Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon. The book has already been refuted by top Catholic Apologists. It is obvious to one with even the most elementary knowledge of geography tha the Roman Catholic Church headquarters, the Vatican, DOES NOT sit on 7 hills, it sits on one. Rome, the capital of the nation of Italy, sits on 7 hills. The book of Revelation is very unclear and ambiguous, but I can make a good case to argue that the book of Revelation is all about persecution of Christians in the first and second centuries, and the Whore is actually the ancient Roman Empire which was destroyed in the year 476.
Rating:  Summary: A "Must Read" for Catholics and protestants Review: An excellent overview of Roman Catholicism taken mostly from Catholic sources. This book should be read by Catholics to lay open the lies that Rome has forced upon it's own followers. It should be read by protestants who are enamored by Catholicism's seeming "holiness" and have fallen into the trap of believing that it is a Christian religion. It should be read by anyone anticipating the return of Jesus and wants a preview of the coming one-world religion.
Rating:  Summary: A documentary on the Dark Side of the Roman Church Review: I am impressed with the detail of documentation that Mr. Hunt portrays in his book. The book is a short history covering the dark side of the Catholic Church with historical quotes on what some of the popes believed in as far as such doctrines as papal infallibility - "In it John XXII reviled the doctrine of papal infallibility as "the work of the devil". It brings out the fact that some popes condemned and declared other popes to be heretics - ruining the arguments for papal succession. Of interest also is the involvement of the Vatican with the Nazis and their support of such systems out of fear of communism. In particular their role in establishing escape routes for prominent war criminals to other countries.Dave Hunt also gives good arguments against the Catholic views of church councils pointing out the differences existing among the early church bishops on various doctrinal issues involving church politics. This book, despite its anti-catholic tones, is a good one for one who would study roman catholic history and some of the prominent catholic doctrines such papal succession and other claims of the Vatican.
Rating:  Summary: The most complete and accurately history book on catholicism Review: This book is an incredible collection of catholic history and its rise to power. It clearly shows how the world's biggest cult developed such an unbiblical system of bondage launching itself from around the year 300 off the back of legitimate Christianity. A history book that exposes the cult propaganda for what it is. Catholics hate it! But like the Bible, they have not read it.
Rating:  Summary: Catholicism "unmasked". Review: Ex-Catholics (of which I am one) will relish this expose of a "religious" system that continues to hold millions in bondage. Catholics will loathe it because those in "darkness" cannot tolerate the "light of truth". Mr. Hunt, relying on mostly Catholic sources, builds a strong case for identifying the Whore of Revelation 17 as the Roman system. Unfortunately, the people that really need to open their minds to the truth revealed in the pages of this volume, will ignore it as "Catholic bashing". Yet, these same "enlightened" individuals will accept revelations from apparitions of the Virgin Mary as "gospel". Figure that one out !!
Rating:  Summary: The truth will set you free. Review: Not surprisingly, Catholics who have read this book view it with extreme hostility. How dare anyone question the infallibility of the pope; how dare anyone question the concept of purgatory; how dare anyone question Mary's role as Co-Redeemer; how dare anyone believe solely in the Bible; how dare anyone not support indulgences; how dare anyone remind us of the Inquisition...Thank you, Mr. Hunt for a remarkable book.
Rating:  Summary: catholic deception lives on Review: Very good read, very enlightening. Prompted me to purchase and read the great work of fiction: "The Catechism of the Catholic Church" which further proves the fallacy of the catholic organization. Compare the catechism to the Holy Bible. The great golden catholic chalice doesn't hold wine. But, if we all had the ability to discern, who would be left for satan to decieve?
Rating:  Summary: Certainly won't promote one-eye closed ecumenism Review: Dave Hunt's books provides compelling evidence for the role of the Roman Catholic Church in the last days. Many will be turned off from this book, believing such ambitious claims to be too malicious for todays increasingly ecumenical 'church'. However, the astute student of history and scripture will realize that the devil does indeed appear as an angel of light, recognizing that what we see today in the Roman Catholic Church is but a small snapshot of the 'historical church'. Anyone doubting the historical accuracy of this book should recognize that the sources and citations are taken almost _exclusively_ from Roman Catholic Historians.
Rating:  Summary: Modern fairy tales--this book is a lie from A to Z Review: As a Catholic, I do not mind if a person disagrees with my faith. But what I do mind is if Catholicism is misrepresented. This book does not match up with history at all, and there is at least one error on every page. If you like fairy tales, this book is top.