Rating: Summary: Best Christian response to Islamic belief system Review: I visit a local mosque twice a year where I have gotten to know the imman and another leader. They are the nicest of people who welcome me and my students with open arms, hoping we can experience Islam close up. So often we Americans have the idea that all Muslims are terrorists and evil people. This is not so. Unfortunately, however, while my Muslim friends are very sincere that Allah is God and Muhammad is his prophet, they are sincerely wrong. We have had a number of conversations about the truth of Christianity, and they have many misunderstandings that Geisler and Saleeb address in this book which is, in my opinion, the only Christian book you will need on the subject. The authors are very thorough in their research, and I can tell that Saleeb probably had a lot to do with this since he comes from this faith and has studied it intensely. What I like about the book is that it does more than merely explain Islam. Rather, it gives a defense to Muslim teachings and shows the Christian how he can answer the many Muslim objectives to such issues as the Bible, Jesus and Trinity, and salvation through the blood of Jesus. If you want to better understand the world's largest and fastest growing religion from a Christian point of view, this is certainly the book.
Rating: Summary: Incorrect interpretation Review: Much of the information on the Qur'an has been taken out of context or misstated.
Rating: Summary: Great Eye-Opening book thats fair and lucid. Review: This is a great book which is balanced by a scholar and a former follower of Islam. The previous reviewer has obviously not studied this Book or I even doubt had even read it! As they say, rubbish-in, rubbish-out that is how people who themselves are blinded by anti-Christian bias react when they get those bias demolished one by one! Particularly when those bias are generated and propogated by the islamic system itself. Answering Islam by Geisler and Abdul Saleeb is a systematic and rational refutation of the myths promoted by the detractors of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The previous reviewer is also irrational and a little 'soft in the head' for his/her basless comments! To those who have REALLY studied this Book, the opposite is actually true - and so this Book deserves a resounding FIVE STARs rating. Kudos to Geisler and A.Saleeb!
Rating: Summary: Prejudicial rubbish Review: As the Beatles would say "C'mon Baby, Twist and Shout"The authors of this book do whatever they can to twist and manipulate the Bible and Quran to make their views.
Rating: Summary: Good apologetics Review: I have read Geisler's works and have come to respect him as a great apologist for the Christian faith but admit that some of the arguments used in reference to Islam can be a little weak at times. I have also been amazed at the reviews surrounding this work and the arguments contained therein on the subject. I have not seen one comment that hits the mark yet, either from Christian or Muslim. The real issue is not who can make the best argument for their religion nor is it about hate. Both the Qur'an and the Bible offer great moral content and teaching, but the crux of the matter is that Islam and Christianity differ on the essential doctrine of the divinity of Jesus Christ and salvation through his sacrifice on the cross. This is the only juncture that really matters and is the pinnacle of incompatibility. It is here where Islam and Christianity become mutually exclusive. It is a matter of logic, not bigotry; both religions cannot be true at the same time. If it can be shown that Jesus Christ did not atone for our sins and rise from the dead, then Christianity is dead. If, on the other hand, it can be shown that Christ actually did die for us and then rose again, it proves his claim to deity, and all other claims about him, including Islam's, are false. If one consults historical records, both Judeo-Christian and secular, and objectively examines the evidence, there is no question Christ is who he claims to be. No amount of eloquent debate or ardent arguments can change this fact. He is the Christ, God in the flesh, and the Truth incarnate.
Rating: Summary: could've been better Review: I've read this book twice and I can't beLIEve what the authors say. They should open their mind, read and learn from other religions such Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, etc. All religions teach their adherents to respect truth. Only in Christianity fiction and imagination is considered fact. I should have spent my money and time better.
Rating: Summary: A Great Work of Research and Reply to Islam. Review: What an excellent Book and reply to Islam! Saleeb was nothing less than a Muslim when he decided to embrace the truth of Jesus Christ in the Gospel. As such his knowledge on his former religion up to that point, was clearly that of a knowledgeable insider. As I read the book it is so clear that politics was never in, or the farthest away from his mind as he was writing it. And Saleeb evidently knows very well the subject on which he was writing, being one of them himself before becoming a Christian. It is also clearly evident that the preceding "Isa" knows nothing of this book to review it and exposes his shallow knowledge of it. This is so typical of many of the reviews of his fellow-religionists. Good work A.Saleeb and Dr.Geisler. May many more of these books be published.
Rating: Summary: Politics or Religion Review: Do Your Own Research as they say, men like Geisler and Saleed are fuelled by politics not religion, if you use this book in a debate with a muslim, you will look seriously stupid, these claims can be refuted by people with very little knowledge of Islam. Would you read a book on Christianity/Judaism/Hinduism by an Islamic Fundamentalist??? I Guess not, catch my drift!!!!! This book is for sheeps and nothing else!!!!
Rating: Summary: Well... Review: I admit that I have not read this book. However, I am familiar with Geisler's other work and I find it top-notch. I am inclined to believe this book is the same. Sadly, the people below show as much ignorance as they proclaim Geisler to be. Last time I checked, the Bible was extremely accurate scientifically, and people never, EVER back up their accusations of inaccuracy. They just say, "The Bible says the world is flat." "Show me where." "Uh...I dunno." One of the complaints I read was that Geisler "only" attacks Islam instead of other faiths, and the he should just stick to defending Christianity. That person, sadly, needs to go and read Geisler's books. They are about anything BUT Islam, for the most part. As for why people are attacking Islam, the whiners saying this sound rather defensive. Maybe they should go out and learn to defend it. Christians are obliged to "make disciples of all nations" and "teach as [Jesus has] taught" us. (Matthew 28:18-20) My two cents. Peace, Christinaphylus
Rating: Summary: Sound review of Islam, poorly written Christian Apologetics Review: First of all let me say that after much personal sturggle and deep personal studies in religion, theology and philosophy, I have become a devout Christian and deeply convinced of its truth. The first few chapters of this book do a solid job of reviewing the Islamic Faith. It was hard to predict that in the later chapters it would show bias based on the religious balance given during the first half of the book. I can only assume that the majority of the first half was written by Abdul Saleeb. Based on my own study of theology and philosophy, it is clear there are logical inconsistencies in the law of abrogation and the unknowability of God (God having an unknowable nature and being) that Muslims profess. Mr. Geisler's attempts at logical proofs supporting Christianity were poorly handled and poorly written. Given his reputation I'm surprised he express a clearer understanding on Christian Theology because with that knowledge he would be much better able to show the logical short comings inherent in the theology of Islam. Anyone wishing to make an informed decision should read a GREAT book called "Theology for Beginners" by F. Sheed and follow it up with "Theology and Sanity" by the same author. And in response to the one reviewer who did not believe that God can be both known and proved by logic should read the above mentioned works and "Summa Theologica" by St. Thomas Aquinas. Sadly Mr. Geisler's poor handling of Christian Theology in this book likely reflects his limited exposure to the quintessential thelolgians such as Aquinas and Augustine. Had he used their writings as a foundation he would have been able to be more convincing in his arguements.