Rating:  Summary: Myth-Shattering Review: Piper struggled with the unspoken understanding that doing the right things should be isolated from doing things that make you feel good. He tackles the quiet myth that arose in stoical Christianity that good should be done only for the sake of good and that taking pleasure in it dulls the value of it. He flies in the face of this thought and says that we ought to do good things for the very pleasure that it brings...Regardless of my slightly differing philosophy, Piper's thoughts are excellent... for the first few chapters. The introduction is perhaps the most important part of the entire book. Here, Piper sets out his philosophy and backs it up. The first chapter then sets the foundation for this philosophy and the second chapter details the life that can come out of this philosophy. But then after that, each chapter seems to be little more than example after example of this philosophy played out. He takes something we ought to take pleasure in, points back to the philosophy, and then discusses this new something for a little while before going on to his next chapter to repeat this process. This book is a wonderful read, but honestly, unless you didn't get his point in the introduction and first two chapters, I think you can probably stop reading there.
Rating:  Summary: A Very Challenging Book Review: John Piper has put together a challenging, in-your-face, kind of book that methodically exorts Christians to embrace the joy of the Spirit-filled life. Piper doesn't pull any punches when he repeatedly asserts that for a Christian, living a joyless life is dishonoring to God and is even a sin. Piper puts a deep emphasis on Scriptural support for the assertions he makes in this book, and does a good job of countering reasonable objections that some might have to certain critical tenets in this book. I thought that his chapter on the relationship between a Christian and his/her money was one of the real highlights of the book, as well as his discourse on suffering. Piper also includes a few appendices which are relevant and worth reading in order to help complete the book. This book really got me thinking about some things. I felt that Piper made a compelling case that if we have a good appreciation of the majesty of God, joy and happiness that transcends individual circumstances is not only possible, but logical. It results in genuine life change that permeates all we are. Piper even got me thinking about other areas that I don't necessarily agree with him about. His position on the problem of evil in Chapter 1 is one I don't think I agree with. But I'm happy his position is articulated in this book, because it has gotten me to think about this issue much more deeply, and that is to my benefit. Overall, an outstanding book that presents an impassioned defense of the joyful Christian life. A very good read.
Rating:  Summary: In My Top 20 All Time Favorite Christian Works Review: Are you a Christian hedonist? Do you agree that God is most glorified in you when you are most satisfied in Him? Piper does. And in this text he describes why he thinks this should be the thought and belief of every believer. This is one of the greatest Christian texts (apart from the Bible of course) to ever be written. In fact, the first line of the preface reads, "This is a serious book about being happy in God." Are you discontent in your life? Perhaps you are bogged down in what you think is your 'duty' to be obedient but you never seem to manage to perform that 'duty' well. Piper declares that the only way an individual can gain a long term distaste for sin is to find total satisfaction in God. Feast on God is Piper's advise. Thus, in this text Piper takes his reader through the journey of the Christian hedonist. He describes what it means to be a Christian hedonist. But what is more, Piper details in one chapter after another, how one can find superior satisfaction in God via worship, love, Scripture, prayer, money (yes money), marriage, missions, and even suffering. Each section describes how the Christian can have a more fulfilled Christian life simply by focusing one's joy and adoration of the one true and living almighty God. Piper, being not only a great preacher, also translates the Scripture for his reader (having a vast knowledge of the biblical languages). What is more, the book includes a nice epilogue detailing why Piper actually wrote the book, along with 4 additional appendices that describe God's role in history, the reliability of the Bible for everlasting joy, what it means to love your neighbor as yourself, and why all this is called Christian hedonism. This is a wonderful Christian work which should help to bring the reader to an understanding of the value, worth, and pleasure there is in glorifying God by enjoying Him forever. I agree with R.C. Sproul's assessment of this book (which is on the back cover), this text is a modern manual of true spirituality. I highly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: A book I will give to others Review: Desiring God was given to me by a professor while I was in seminary. The book sat on my shelf for quite a while before I actually read it. But, once I began the book, I was amazed. I was challenged and encouraged, and more importantly, the book has had an impact on how I live my life. I was especially affected by the chapters on money and suffering. Desiring God has become a book that I give to friends.
Rating:  Summary: "Desiring God" refreshed my soul and reshaped my faith. Review: This is my testimony on how Dr. John Piper's "Desiring God" has transformed my life and strengthened my walk in the Lord with it's God-centered, God-glorifying good news. I am a 6.5-year-old Christian. In the first 4 years, I thought I was "working" very hard in serving the Lord "with ALL my heart, with ALL my soul, with ALL my mind, and with ALL my strength (Mk. 12:30)", till the point that I felt almost "used up, burnt out, and dried up". Seeing me struggled, an accountable friend of mine kept mentioning this name "John Piper" and his God-anointed insights and perspectives to me for about 1.5 years! Yet, I paid little attention, and my heart and ears were not tuned to accept this help from God. It was not until one day, when I sunk in Dr. Piper's "Desiring God" and a few other books of his about one year ago that my entire life was transformed. After reading "Desiring God", dramatic changes happened: my spiritual eyes were opened when I read God's word, so that I can feel the author of Ps.119's passion and hunger for God's word, and would join Jeremiah to say, "When Your words came, I ate them; they were my joy and my heart's delight, for I bear Your name, O Lord God Almighty. (Jer. 15:16)"; leading Bible studies is not any more a mere "duty" for me, but a deep "delight"; when I pray for others, I realize that I am able to "weep with those who weep with an unshakeable joy"; there are still troubles and sufferings in my life, but "sorrowful, yet always rejoicing (2 Cor. 6:10)" becomes one of the most frequently-recalled, hope-given life verses of mine, etc. Although I once wished I could have come across this book years ago, I later realized that back then, I was not mature enough (both spiritual-wise and language-wise) to take in, appreciate, and then be changed by what Dr. Piper presented in this book. Now I think I owe a big "THANK YOU" to my friend who introduced Dr. Piper's works to me; to Dr. John Piper, who passionately and clearly presented his "God-centered, Christ-exalting, Spirit-wrought, Bible-saturated", sound, biblical doctrine in a very practical way; and to God who granted me understanding and made all these things happened. Dear brothers and sisters, many of my friends are Desiring more of GOD daily since I shared this book with them. Pray that you'll be the next one to be blessed. Be ready to be challenged by the author, changed by God, and called to "Spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all peoples". You will think deeply and differently, but rightly on what you believe. "GOD is most glorified when we are most satisfied IN HIM." Growing (with you) in the family of our Father. P.S. Both "Desiring God" and Dr. John Piper's other fundamental masterpiece, "The Pleasures of God", are rated 5 stars by DiscerningReader.com, and both are labeled as "A 20th Century classic!"
Rating:  Summary: Thank You John! Review: Every Christian today owes Dr. Piper their gratitude for bringing the idea of God-centered Christianity to our individualistic and humanistic lives. The main idea of this book, that God is centermost in his own affections, is a key foundation in Biblical Christianity. Read this book to have your traditional thoughts about God transformed by Scriptural truth. This work has been so instrumental in the resurgence in Christian circles of recognizing God's Sovereignty and Glory.
Rating:  Summary: One of the finest contemporary Christian books available Review: With all of the fluff out there in evangelical bookstores, I am not one to easily recommend a contemporary book. However, in this case I must make an exception. Every chapter is seasoned with large portions of supporting Scripture and Piper's perspective lifts our eyes off of our false idols in a profoundly God-centered (not man-centered) perspective. He shows a depth of theological understanding few have in our superficial age and has a firm grasp on the historic faith. I particularly appreciate his monergistic view of salvation which gives all glory to the Sovereignty of God. Piper's chapter on Salvation couldn't be more right on the mark: Faith is indeed a gift of God as the following verses testify: 2 Tim 2:25: "with gentleness correcting those who are in opposition, if perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth..." Phil 1:29 "For to you it has been granted for Christ's sake, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake," Eph 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; Heb 12:2 "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith" Matt 16:16,17 "Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.'' And Jesus said to him, "Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven." Acts 13:48 "When the Gentiles heard this, they began rejoicing and glorifying the word of the Lord; and as many as had been appointed to eternal life believed." John 6:37 "All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out." Rom 3:24 "...being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus."
Rating:  Summary: The blessing of reading "Desiring God". Review: Wonderful book for a reader who is ready for deeper theology. This is a heady book, but brings the reader to a fuller and richer understanding of the riches (not material things) and blessings that God has for His people, and desires to give to His people. This is a biblically based book (obviously,comming from John Piper), and presents what feels like a novel idea, which in reality is something that God had in mind since the beginning. This book has made a profound impact on my life! I wish I would have read it sooner...
Rating:  Summary: Which came first the chicken or the egg? Review: Simple question which you must answer your self in reading this book. Do we "...glorify God by enjoying Him forever" or do we gloify a dynamic living God, who "credits us with righteousness" when we serve, worship, sing, and praise Him? The answer to which came first the chicken or the egg? God came first, God is first, and we must know and understand our place! "He must increase, but I must decrease," John 3:30
Rating:  Summary: My Review Review: Anyone who is searching for something better, or anyone who has decided they want to get closer to God should read this book. Piper gives practical as well as theoretical advice for those in search of righteousness. This book helped renew my longing for spiritual things, and I praise God for it.