Rating:  Summary: The Most Important Book (except the Bible) I've Ever Read! Review: Desiring God: The Meditations of a Christian Hedonist is, hands down, the most important book (except the Bible) that I have ever read. It is a series of profoundly biblical meditations on Scripture, rooted in painstaking exegesis by a competent and well-trained New Testament scholar, illustrated from the pages of history, and validated by the changed lives of hundreds of young men and women from the past 18 years (the first edition was released in 1986). Piper's thesis is that the chief end of man is to glorify God BY enjoying Him forever. This is based on the conviction that God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. The call to Christian Hedonism is thus a call to abandon the short-term, low-yield pleasures of the world for the magnificent joys of knowing God in whom is fullness of joy and at whose right hand there are pleasures for ever more. Don't be misled by negative reviews about this book. Piper does not seek "to create Christians that are nothing more than self-seeking clones that ignore the Biblical concepts of humilty," nor does he attempt "to make God into some type of tool that Christians can use for their enjoyment." Rather, he claims that people have already made a god out of what they derive the most enjoyment from. If you get more joy out of golf than out of God, you are worshiping an idol. The reason God commands (yes COMMANDS) us to enjoy Him (Psalm 37:4; Psalm 100:2; and dozens of other texts) is because this brings Him praise and honor. My wife is not honored by my taking her out to dinner if it is motivated by a desire to do my duty rather than by a spontaenous affection for her that delights in her presence. She is honored when I pursue her joy because it makes me happy to see her happy. That is true Hedonism. This book is a radical call to deny yourself the fleeting pleasures of sin and to embrace the risk-taking lifestyle that has marked martyrs and missionaries across the ages. It is not a health/wealth/prosperity book, but a weighty Bible-saturated book of practical theology that is designed to produce saints who can be satisfied in God even though they suffer for the sake of Christ and the nations. I have met John Piper (though he would not remember me) and corresponded with him more than once. I've listened to dozens of sermons, have heard him in person on numerous occasions and have read almost every book he has written. He is one of the most humble men I know. He gives every penny of his book royalties away and lives a simple life, pastoring a church in downtown Minneapolis. He has no love for money and no desire for glory for himself. His life is authentic and so is his message. Read this book and learn afresh the joy of following Jesus!
Rating:  Summary: Best book, outside the Bible, I've ever read. Review: I think my friends are getting sick of my effusive praise of Piper's Desiring God, so I'm buying it for them so they can experience it for themselves. While not at all a boring theological tome, it will take you a while to wade through it simply because after a mouthful you just have to chew for a while. I am newly delighted in the beauty of God's supremity and confounded in His delight in me (????) and therefore motivated (constrained) by His infinite love and an incredible desire He has awakened to please Him. Desiring God, Meditations of a Christian Hedonist requires some previous Bible understanding. It is truly to be "spiritually discerned." When you read and absorb the truths will resonate with your spirit, and I believe you will walk away (only to come back again) forever changed. Thank you John Piper!
Rating:  Summary: Hey Christians, It is Time to Enjoy Life! Review: If there were one particular stereotype about many Christians that you could call quickly to mind, might it be that as a group we tend to be rather stern and undemonstrative in our faith? Yes, it is a caricature; but here comes a book for us all that turns the idea of religion being dull, boring and gloomy upside-down. John Piper wants us to go away from his book repeating the slogan: "Delight is our Duty." If that strikes you as odd, well, perhaps this book is just what you need. Because as R. C. Sproul says, this book is "...a modern manual of true spirituality" as it gets to how we put our faith into practice. Dr. Piper is the pastor of the Bethlehem Baptist church in Minneapolis. A graduate of Wheaton College and Fuller Theological Seminary and a noted author of several previous books, he comes to us with excellent credentials for speaking to the whole church from what we might say is a conservative-to-moderate point of view. Piper insists that there is no dividing line between duty and delight-in fact he claims that we have to find the delight in life as much as we can-it is the way that we ac God's creatures thank and bless our Creator. His chapter headings can tell you a bit about where he will take you. The first one is "How I Became a Christian Hedonist." Does that sound shocking? Then read on, by all means, and find out what Dr. Piper is actually confessing, that our "chief end" is to glorify God BY enjoying God forever. If you think that joy and faith are not compatible, that such a view might trivialize the seriousness of faith, then by all means, challenge yourself by reading more of Dr. Piper's argument-that we are to take our faith very seriously but not to take ourselves so seriously. Do you find your faith to be more burdensome than joyful, more stress producing than restorative, more critical and less appreciative? Then please...run to buy this book and read it from cover to cover while highlighting it in yellow and putting its ideas to work in your home, your workplace and your neighborhood. Oh yes, and in your church, too. We'll all be glad you did!
Rating:  Summary: hedonism as essential Review: It's inconceivable to me -- even as an English teacher who believes in the life-altering power of transformation that can be transmitted by words -- that people can so often read a book that would change their lives. Ginsu knives change lives. Products of our commercial endorsement age "change lives" according to "customer testimony." It just doesn't happen with the regularity that people associate with it, and therefore, the testimonials that mention such phrases contain close-to-no power. Having said that, Piper's book approximates a miracle. It is a staunch Calvinistic view of God and the world that neither diminishes God, his work or his creation. Piper seeks to have Christians delight in God's work in us and ultimately in God's glory. Period. The transformative word here is "delight." To enjoy God. First. Foremost. I wish I could say it changed my life. Didn't. I was a sin-worker before I read this book and I'm still a sin-worker (read: not sin-slave) today. But it did open my eyes and get me salivating for heaven -- even the glimpses of heaven here on earth.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic! Review: This is one of Piper's most thought-provoking books. He challenges you to look at faith and at the Christian life from a whole new perspective. This is the real deal. If you're looking for something that gives you permission to keep living the way you're living, look elsewhere. piper will challenge you.
Rating:  Summary: Thought-provoking but the wrong emphasis Review: I am surprised how high a reveiw this book has received by most. Piper has written a thought-provoking book, but the emphasis is all wrong. This book did help me to see that it is OK to enjoy myself, but I do not see how an objective view of Scripture supports Piper's idea that this is the chief end of man. I question his argument that following one's preasures will ultimately lead to the most glory to God. His chief motivation is enjoyment, which seems to be self-interest. I doubt that my wife would appreciate it if she knew that my chief motivation for loving her was the pleasure she brings me. I would be using her for myself, not loving her. In the Epilogue (Why I Have Written This Book: Seven Reasons), Piper admits what most authors would be ashamed to admit, i.e. his chief motivation for writing the book is because it brought him pleasure. He is consistent here, but it is not until reason 6 and 7 that he gives scriptural motivations, loving people and glorifying God. Does any other reader of this book feel used? Piper thinks that behaving out of duty is an unworthy motive - almost sinful. It would be great to always have my desires line up with what is right, but often I have to do what I don't want to do out of love for God. Here Piper shows his Reformed view of sanctification, which seems to underestimate the effects of sin in the lives of Christians. Even if I did not enjoy Appendix 2 and 3, they are excellent.;-) Appendix 2 (Is the Bible a Reliable Guide to Lasting Joy?) gives a good summary of evidence to show that the Bible is authoritative. In Appendix 3 (What Does It Mean to Love Your Neighbor as You Love Yourself?), Piper corrects a popular misinterpretation of the Second Great Commandment.
Rating:  Summary: More Trash from the Pied Piper Review: Although his most famous work, "Desiring God" is definitely Piper's most rediculous effort. Piper seeks to create Christians that are nothing more than self-seeking clones that ignore the Biblical concepts of humilty. Piper attempts to make God into some type of tool that Christians can use for their enjoyment. God is not under our control, it is a very simply concept. Expect more of this trash as Piper continues to promote this self seeking theology.
Rating:  Summary: a little simpler please Review: i think the book has something very good to say about finding joy in God. ..that's very important and gets missed so very often. but piper is thinking to hard. God has very clearly stated what He wants from us above all else: to love Him with ALL our heart, mind, soul and strength. if i love God with all my mind, i will make the perfectly rational decision to value God above all else and will be well pleased with that decision. the same could be said for the heart, soul or strength. in the past, i have also gotten caught up in a quest to try and go deeper into what my proper motivation for loving God should be - piper does a pretty admirable attempt with that. ...but the motivation to love (properly and truthfully and honestly) comes exclusively from having Christ inside of you; we love simply because we've been changed. to not love is to deny Christ within. fallen angels know that God has ultimate value and that people have extreme value as well... they know that they should honor God and be fulfilled just by serving Him, but they do not because they have turned away and lack love. we love God simply because Christ loves God and He indwells in us...the same goes for loving people as well. in other words, i love God, i desire God, i serve God just because of who i am inside now that i've been remade in Christ. it is also because of Christ within me that i can be pleased by all that love, desire and service. ...now make no mistake - once the true value of God starts to hit you, you will find new passion to serve and new strength to avoid sin. and once the true value of people hits you, the same will go on that end. but don't try and think to hard about it...this is not what Christians in the middle of kenya or nepal spend their lives pondering.
Rating:  Summary: The Most influential Book in my life apart from the Bible. Review: This book has drastically changed my life. I have been in Christian ministry for 8 years full time. Until John Piper's book came to my attention, I was of the traditional opinion that you must serve God selflessly, i.e. with no regard for your own happiness. And then, if happiness happened to come your way, well, it was icing on the cake. I was miserable. His totally Biblical arguments and irrefutable exegesis convinced me totally. What an AWESOME discovery!! Now, the challenge is to change the way I feel about God and serving him. It is hard to change your mind and feelings at 40.
Rating:  Summary: Terrific Review: Generally speaking, I see no point in giving praise to men. Simply put, we just aren't worth it. Therefore, I will lift up my praises to God and give him all the thanks for this book. He has allowed John Piper to write a terrific book that I believe every christian should read and understand. It will no doubt change your christian perspective and draw you nearer to your Father in heaven. Read your bible first, and Desiring God second. Enjoy!