Rating:  Summary: What An Awesome Book Review: Not only have I read A Divine Revelation Of Heaven but I read A Divine Revelation Of Hell also. I see there are some critics on here who think Miss Baxter is lying. Obviously none of you here understand the Scriptures. Those of you who read the latter and assuming you read the subject"Outer Darkness"should be well aware that that same prophecy was foretold in the book of Matthew by Jesus Himself. Review pages 117-118 then turn to the book of Matthew chapter 8 verse 12 and read that verse if you have a Bible. Theres no way this woman is lying simply because everything Jesus told her is directly from the Scriptures. Where many seem to be confused at is she gives more details surrounding what she was permitted to see and write. Many things Jesus said to her can be found in the Holy Scriptures and true to His word He is faithful and true. Without a doubt Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever and all power has been given Him in heaven and earth. Last but not least it really, really pays to study the Scriptures for yourself in all sincerity and for those of you who don't believe Miss Baxter if you sit down and really study the Scriptures your mind will tell you she isn't lying for everything she saw was Scriptural and she bore witness for the testimony of Christ.
Rating:  Summary: Baxter's Logical Structure: Analysis of a Parallel Triad. Review: Edited, early afternoon: This book is excellent. Its excellence is found in a correct depiction of the battle between that which is good in life through God in heaven, vs. that which is bad in life through Sa-tan in hell. It offers information about things that bible scholars have previously had no awareness of: the nature of evil, not only the nature of hell (already expounded upon by organized churches). For those who have busy lives needing improvement, it provides them with a good headstart into gaining a "beginner's" understanding of the definition of evil: we already have a definition of good (again, from God in heaven) in the Holy Bible. In terms of peer reviews offered by others, it should be acknowledged that the author is provides her readers with this information within a designated timeframe as a detailed timeline -- there is a CLOCK on the front cover: is it possible some are writing that they hate the book either because they are afraid that it is (1.) true, or because (2.) they have a vested interest in hating it, meaning that they (a.) may feel that their lives are leading them there and they (b.) feel that just knowing that we as Christians believers (and not as Sa-tanists, or Buddhists, or Existentialists) know about them possibly going down there makes them feel a bit of anxiety? ...are they afraid and it makes them feel a bit "itchy?!?" Love Him [(Christ Jesus) as God's son], or leave Him and also leave these types of topical discussions to those who know of Him! Christ steals hearts in the night. Two final points: Firstly, the shape of the body as described by Baxter, but not in detail, is similar to that of the Mystical Body of Christ (explained by former Pope Pius (RC)), explaining some type of logical "dualism" shared between heaven, earth and hell. Lastly, "schizophrenia" is a definition and label which could be applied to every single individual listed in the Holy Bible as having "seen" or "heard" something not originating from physical matter and not verifiably seen by another human being at the same moment: no two people see the same things, although this is a common mistake of human perception (for example, in art.) This includes Adam and Eve (Creation vs. ...) and the same goes for every single saint canonized up to this date by any of the organized churches in the world: Catholic in the western hemisphere and Orthodox in the east. So you see, being "valid," depends upon "who" believes you, in terms of visions, and how you go about expressing what you have seen or heard. In the case of our author, M.K.B. explains her experiences well enough for her readers to know that she could not possibly be insane -- she wrote material which could be read and she has given us at least ONE bestseller. Her only offense to those of varying backgrounds who just don't seem to understand?!? She is not a "he."
Rating:  Summary: Logical Structure in an Analysis of a Parallel Triad. Review: This book is excellent. Its excellence is found in a correct depiction of the battle between that which is good in life through God in heaven, vs. that which is bad in life through Sa-tan in hell. It offers information about things that bible scholars have previously had no awareness of: the nature of evil, not only the nature of hell (already expounded upon by organized churches). For those who have busy lives, it them a good headstart into gaining a "beginner's" understanding of the definition of evil: we already have a definition of good (again, from God in heaven) in the Holy Bible. For those of you who are reading the reviews offered by online reviewers, please use the following as a tool to determine and to understand some of their opinions: Mary K. Baxter is giving this information within a designated timeframe -- a detailed timeline (there is a CLOCK on the front cover!), meaning this -- is it possible that alot of people are writing that they hate the book either because they are afraid that it is 1.) true, or because 2.) they have a vested interest in hating it, meaning that they a.) might feel that their lives are leading them there and they feel that just knowing that we as Christians as believers and not as Sa-tanists, or Buddhists, or Existentialists, know about them possibly going there makes them feel a bit of anxiety? ...are they afraid and it makes them feel a bit "itchy?!?" Should these reviewers be warned to "love Him [(Christ Jesus) as God's son], or leave Him, and to leave these types of topical discussion alone???" Two final points: Firstly, the shape of the body as described by Baxter, but not in detail, is similar to that of the Mystical Body of Christ, as explained by former Pope Pius (RC), explaining some type of logical "dualism" shared between heaven, earth and hell. Lastly, "schizophrenia" is a definition and label which could be applied to every single individual listed in the Holy Bible as having "seen" or "heard" something which did not originate from physical matter that could be validated by another human being. This includes Adam and Eve (Creation vs. ...) and the same goes for every single saint canonized up to this date by any of the organized churches in the world: Catholic in the eastern hemisphere and Orthodox in the western hemisphere. So you see, being "valid," depends upon "who" believes you, in terms of visions, and how you go about expressing what you have seen or heard. The best thing that M.K.B. does is to explain her experiences well enough for her readers to know that she could not possibly be insane -- she wrote material which could be read. Her only offense to those of varying backgrounds who just don't seem to understand?!? She is not a "he."
Rating:  Summary: Poor Writing / Self Promoting Bio Review: I barely got through the first ten pages simply because of the poor writing ability. Surely a person who has actually experienced the horrors of hell would be able to relate the experience better. Also, I've never heard of losing your salvation because of a lack of ability to forgive others. Acts of goodness, church going, forgiving others are things that take place after salvation and that comes from professing by mouth and believing in your heart in God's salvation through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. The "About the Author" section really threw me off because it really broadcasted how righteous and Godly the Author was. How about a simple set of facts about the author with a simple history of her belief and salvation instead of how wonderful she is. For those christians who accept this book blindly I feel for you in your efforts to give some solidity to your faith. This book is hardly an example of good christian text. If the author was delusional or simply out to make "money" I don't know. But it does not line up perfectly with the Bible. Hell is certainly a horror for anyone to experience and I do hope people will read more of the Bible to come to their faith rather than fictional hype such as this. I really regret buying this book. I feel as if all I did was line another money grabbing prophet's pocket. I really recommend the "Left Behind" series by Lahaye and Jenkins. While their books are fiction, they are better written and offer the reader a more personal view of the end of times.
Rating:  Summary: Yes, Mary's telling the truth Review: I read the book "A Divine Revelation of Hell." Why are so many people so offended? Should we continue to walk around in such a "I" "me" world and continue to think that we can do anthing we want when the true reason we're even here on earth is for God to see which of us will be HIS soldiers or follow HIM? But of course we have gone off so far to believe that just about every sin we commit is justified. I thought it was ok to commit suicie. I heard someone who was a Christain say that once you give your life to Christ you can't loose your salvation, well up their on the freeway where I was trying to take my life I was escorted off the freeway by a gentle man who told me that Jesus told him to come and talk to me and that I could go to hell if i tried to take my life. I was very insulted. (I was homeless with a 5 month old baby at the time)....but I was told I could still go to hell. I was a nice person you know, loving and still is considered to be...but the guy told me that I've already given my life to Jesus so it's not mine to take,..... I turned to thank the man after talking with him for a couple of hours and he was gone, dissapeared. Where could he had went?...so I thank God an angel came up on the freeway to tell me the truth even though I did get insulted and ebven shakened up. Just like if I give my life to Jesus, I'm required to obey his word, do his will what ever it is that he tells me. Not because I'm scared, HIS people will automtically want to do HIs will, we just love HIm like that... and hell is real to us, it's part of HIS personality if you can understand, but He is a loving God too but one who'se getting His kingdom together and knows who's going to follow Him already and mentionedthat lots of people are going to hell some who has already given their life to HIM sad to say Matt 12 It sounds like the people that Mary K. described in her book were people who either gave their life to Christ and decided that they were going to do what they wanted on their terms or He was asking them to give their life to HIM (I'm sure with a good loving purpose, but they didn't think much of THE MAKER OF ALL THE HEAVENS AND UNIVERSE) to do so. Look at the big picture If Jesus is going to come back and rule on earth one day (some time after the rapture) and the meek and humble people are suppose to inherit the earth....and he said to THOSE WHO FIND THEIR OWN LIFE (particulary those who gave their life away to JESUS, WILL LOOSE IT, but thoss who loose their life (not continue to make their own agendas after you've already given your life to Jesus.) WILL FIND IT...in other words allow HIM to establish your stay here...that's what were suppose to be here for RIGHT?...BELIEVER? to come to the knowledge of Christ and follow HIM. If you're going to continue to do your own thing and belittle or even mess up God's plans for you, then how in the world is HE going to set up a kingdom of meek, humble saints. Where else can self-centered, self willed, arrogant, "I" "me" people who don't believe go? How will He ever establish His kingdom where He will reign forever? Do you think he's going to continue to let little personalities like that take over forever WHO'SE GOD HERE? If you think that Marry K. is foolish or even 1/2 illiterate 1Corinthians: 1:27, BUT GOD HATH CHOSEN THE FOOLISH THINGS OF THE WORLD TO CONFOUND THE WISE; AND GOD HATH CHOSEN THE WEAK THINGS OF THE WORLD TO CONFOUND THE THINGS WHICH ARE MIGHTY. So Please read Mary K. Baxter's book "A DIVINE REVELATION OF HELL" It can/will save your life.
Rating:  Summary: An horrific book Review: Although I don't doubt the author's sincerity or the realness of these experiences to her, I am skeptical as to whether they were anything more than terrible nightmares influenced by the ultra-Arminian teachings she had undoubtedly been exposed to for some time beforehand. If the Bible really is God's word and such a horrible thing as being burned alive forever were true, wouldn't it be clearly and unambiguously taught on nearly every page therein? It would surely not be necessary to tear out a few verses here and there to try to make them fit the teaching that He will send or allow people to be tortured indefinitely - unless perhaps the Calvinists are right and God simply doesn't want everyone to be saved. Every Bible I've seen to date agrees that God either desires or will have all to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth in 1 Timothy 2:4. Is He capable of achieving what He sets out to, or will His plan to save all be a disastrous failure like Christianity traditionally teaches? Isaiah 46:10-11 and 55:11 seem to indicate that God will not let anything thwart what He intends to accomplish - such statements to me seem disharmonious with Mary Baxter's portrayal of a Jesus who either cannot or will not save those crying out to Him, begging for mercy and forgiveness while enduring tortures more sadistic than ones which the worst human psychopaths would be likely to inflict on others. How can anyone think this is a God-honouring teaching? Of what benefit would such an outcome be to God Himself or those who spent an eternity in either heaven or hell? It is widely assumed that because Scripture speaks of people suffering punishments which are to be eternal, everlasting or forever, that they must therefore have no end. But how long did Jonah remain in the belly of the whale? Was it literally forever like most English Bibles claim in Jonah 2:6? There is also a general presumption within Christian circles that the calamities prophesied by Jesus commonly used to teach endless punishment are still in our future. But if this is so, why did He tell His followers that some of them would not taste death before His second coming, or even have a chance to go through all the towns of Israel (Matthew 10:23)? Acts 13:36, Psalm 95:10 and Hebrews 3:9-10 suggest that a generation in the Bible meant a group of people living at roughly the same time, with the latter two hinting that it covered a period of approximately 40 years. Psalm 18:9-10 and Isaiah 19:1 are good examples of where visitations of the Lord written about as if they will be seen visually were not meant to be taken at face value, and I believe Jesus did return and that the events He promised would happen before the generation He spoke of in Matthew 16:27-28 and 24:34 would pass away were fulfilled during the time of Jerusalem's devastation in 70AD - with the result of His judgment in Matthew 25:46 being immediate, physical destruction (aionion punishment) for the Jews who were persecuting Christians at the time, and eternal (or aionion) life for those who showed warmth and hospitality to Christ's followers and thus fed Him etc without realising it. It's interesting I think that if we were to be totally nonselective with Matthew 25 and take all of it at face value (i.e. not just the bits which reflect our preconceived notions or those of conventional churchianity), we would end up with a situation whereby all Christians ended up in hell and all non-Christians in heaven - since no one in this chapter seems to have anticipated their fate correctly, and faith in Christ as a requirement for salvation or lack thereof as a criterion for damnation aren't even mentioned. Wouldn't it make more sense if this passage is referring to the judgment of 1st-century tribes or nations rather than every person who's ever lived or will exist in the future? No time limit is hinted at in Romans 10:9-10 after which confessing Jesus as Lord suddenly becomes of no value and unable to save the truly penitent. The overall message of the New Testament, in my opinion, is that God is the Saviour of the world Who will someday be all in all - not all in some as A Divine Revelation of Hell seems to be saying. Whatever happened to the "good tidings of great joy, which shall be to ALL people" mentioned in Luke 2:10? Was the author of this gospel (which incidentally is derived from the Old English "godspel" - meaning "good news") mistaken? Being led to believe that any deceased friends and relatives of ours who didn't adhere to the doctrines of orthodox Christianity at the moment they drew their last breath are currently in a fiery dungeon without any hope of escape is certainly not good news in my book. In fact, I think it's the worst news that could possibly be invented - except maybe for the cold-hearted who care little for anyone's salvation other than their own. I'd like to make it clear however that I do not believe for one moment that the author of this book is such a person, but I do think it's a shame that she and millions of others (Muslims as well as Christians) have come to believe in a god who's so quick to permanently write people off, as I'm convinced this sort of teaching encourages at least some of its adherents to look upon their fellow human beings with the same contempt that their god does even though it doesn't appear to have happened in Mary Baxter's case.
Rating:  Summary: God's Prophet Review: Mary Baxter's book A Divine Revelation of Hell is from the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. There is a continual problem with people understanding just how far God will go in certain matters. For instance, Christians or Non Christians do not understand sometimes God's overall plan; such as there is Holy Fire, remember Moses burning bush and there is evil fire, remember hell? Another example is in the book of Acts God speaks of Holy Tongues/languages; however there is also an unholy tounges and occult people use it. Regarding this subject of out of the body experiences, God's people can have them or Satan's people can have them. Example of God's people having an out of the body experience is Enoch, Enoch was taken to heaven numerous times and also Paul. You can rest assured Satan's people who have reached a certain level with him are also experiencing these OBE's. On another subject, hell is real. It is in the center of the earth the bible says. The bible also says that with two or three witnesses a thing is established. Mary K. Baxter's book is perfectly lined up with the bible. But another witness who was taken to hell under different circumstances has verified the contents of Mary K. Baxter's book. Her name is Aline Baxley, and you can aquire a tract discribing the event from this ministry: Life Purpose Ministries, P.O. Box 990220, Redding, CA 96099. Furthermore, it appears that some non christians and christians have a difficult time believing the bible regarding the wrath of God. Just read the old testimant and you'll see a lot of judgement and wrath of God. God has a loving side and God has a judgement/wrath side. Many people have no problem beliving Satan doing the things he is doing on this earth, however God is doing powerfull things also, even in areas you may not want to deal with or accept. For instance, in 1989 in Finland the scientists were drilling a hole in the crust of the earth, they let down into the hole super-sensitive microphones a number of miles into the earth. Doctor Azzacov, the manager of the project, gave a statement to the "Ammenusastia" Newspaper in Finland stating that they heard human voices, screaming in pain, perhaps millions, in the background, of suffering souls screaming. After this ghastly discovery, about half of the scientists quit because of fear. He stated, hopefully that which is down there will stay there. You may aquire this document which was in the Finnish Newspaper from Aline Baxley, 4940 Bonnyview Ave., Redding, CA 96001.
Rating:  Summary: God is real Review: I first, would like to say to the person from California. The Bible says: Touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm. I find this to be a great book. I do commend Ms. Baxter for sharing her vision; A vision that tells us to repent and that God is a forgiving God. I can truly say that this book has made me evaluate my life. I want to be very sure that my anchor holds and grip the solid rock. (which is Jesus) Continue to press on.
Rating:  Summary: Divine Revelation of Hell Review: I have read both books, The Divine Revelation of Hell and The Divine Revelation of Heaven. Those who choose not to believe what hell is all about have only themselves to blame when they find themselves in hell. You will have all eternity to think about what you read and chose to ignore. Please, for not only God's sake but for your own, do not let satan fool you!
Rating:  Summary: Schizophrenia Review: A better title for this book would be, "Ramblings of a Schizophrenic Fundie". How in the 'hell' could anyone believe this? This book was totally absurd in every way. Reading this book further proves that most christians are morons, and that they must use scare tactics in order to brainwarp people into following their dogma. What a waste!