Rating:  Summary: Opens new doors for the Bible and Science Review: This book illustrates perfectly how science and the Bible agree when it comes to the creation account of our universe. When people shed their preconceived notions of religion and science it opens their mind to truly objectively studying the origin of the universe. This book brings together ideas I used to think contadicted each other. The Bible and science truly do coincide.
Rating:  Summary: Explains the real christian position. Review: This book is more about theology than science. His other books cover science. This one is important because it debunks the errors that flawed men's minds have introduced into christianity by not referncing original languages. It's coverage of Biblical language is a good starting place for study of the historically orthodox claims of the Bible; it counters the notions of Christian Mysticism and puts Christianity back on firm ground for those who have "sound minds".
Rating:  Summary: Objective look at old earth vs. young earth science Review: This book is primarily written for and to young Earth Christians. Dr. Ross provides evidence for the ancient age of the Earth and the universe. Starting out, this book looks at the cause of why most Christians believe that the Earth is only thousands of years old. He then goes on to apologetically convince the reader of the fallacies of this belief. Although it is written for a Christian audience, this book could provide some witnessing power for those trying to reach the largely un-Christian scientific community. If you would like to stir some debate in your Church, take a look at this book, it will provide you with the opportunity. It is also written in a non-scientific method so it shouldn't confuse many readers.
Rating:  Summary: Intense! Sets the record straight in the age of Earth!! Review: This book is the one "young-earth" people don't want you to read. It is filled with scientific and theological facts on the old age of the universe. Also reveals the roots of the "conflict" and some of the questionable tactics of young-earth "crusaders." Great read!!
Rating:  Summary: Creation compromise! Review: This book supports the false idea that the earth is millions of years old. Dr. Ross interprets the Bible just about as loosly as possible. His ideas blatantly contradict Scripture!
Rating:  Summary: A Must Read For All Concerned Christians Review: This books is a must read for all concerned christians. Especially for those who hold strong beliefs about the origin of the earth and the age of the cosmos. This book is not just about origins; it is about unity in the Church - a very important topic. It is also about the truth, and our need to acknowledge what is true.This book is a good read, not only for evangelicals and fundamentalists, but also for others who are curious about what Christianity teaches on the origin of the universe.
Rating:  Summary: Many good points, dull writing Review: This is a valiant effort by Hugh Ross. He makes many good points(like the time-frame differences between old-universe and young-universe creationists is not that large), but his writing is very uninspiring. His prose leaves a lot to be desired because he makes a point and backs it up with very little discussion. He states the evidence, but hardly elaborates. Perhaps his first book has more in-depth treatment of these things. I don't necessarily have a problem with his statements, I just feel they could have been said better. This is probably intended for people who want to be reassured without thinking about it too much.
Rating:  Summary: Simply erroneous, though well-intended Review: This unfortunate book only succeeds in defending the 'science' theories of predominantly unsaved men while downgrading the Holy Bible in the process.
Beware whenever an author attempts to synthesize or integrate the Bible with anything else. You end up with a mixture of iron and clay that collapses under its own tottering weight.
Here the alloy of Genesis and astrophysic-geologic-genetic- evolutionic hypotheses does violence to both sides of the equation.
GENESIS vs. sciencism. They are not equivalent or alloyable.
Rating:  Summary: Problems reconciling Dr. Ross's conclusions with the Bible Review: Unfortunately, Mr. Ross's interpretations raise far more problems than they attempt to solve (as will be documented below). I do not believe that those who adhere to some form of theistic evolution (God used evolution to create everything) or progressive creation (God intervened at various points in the process of evolution) fully realize that their position violates clear concepts revealed in the Bible--indeed much that is foundational to the very Gospel itself. For instance.. Concept violated: the goodness of God The Bible says 'God is good' and in Genesis 1:31 God described his just finished creation as 'very good'. How do you understand the goodness of God if He used evolution, 'nature red in tooth and claw', to 'create' everything? Concept violated: Adam's sin brought death and decay, the basis of the Gospel According to the evolutionist's (and progressive creationist's) understanding, fossils (which show death, disease and bloodshed) were formed before people appeared on earth. Doesn't that mean that you can't believe the Bible when it says that everything is in 'bondage to decay' because of Adam's sin (Romans 8)? In the evolutionary view, hasn't the 'bondage to decay' always been there? And if death and suffering did not arise with Adam's sin and the resulting curse, how can Jesus' suffering and physical death pay the penalty for sin and give us eternal life, as the Bible clearly says (e.g. 1 Corinthians 15:22, "For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all shall be made alive")? Concept violated: the divine inspiration of the whole Bible If the Genesis accounts of Creation, the Fall, the origin of nations, the Flood and the Tower of Babel - the first 11 chapters - are not historical, although they are written as historical narrative and understood by Jesus to be so, what other unfashionable parts of the Bible do you discard? The biblical account of creation in Genesis seems very specific with six days of creative activity, each having an evening and a morning. According to the evolutionary sequence, the biblical order of creation is all wrong. Do you think God should have inspired an account more in keeping with the evolutionary order, the truth as you see it, if indeed He did use evolution or followed the evolutionary pattern in creating everything? Concept violated: the straightforward understanding of the Word of God If the Genesis account does not mean what it plainly says, but must be 'interpreted' to fit an evolutionary world, how are we to understand the rest of the Bible? How are we to know that the historical accounts of Jesus' life, death and resurrection should not also be 'reinterpreted'? Indeed, can we know anything for sure if the Bible can be so flexible? Concept violated: the creation is supposed to show the hand of God clearly Dr Niles Eldredge, well-known evolutionist, said: 'Darwin . . . taught us that we can understand life's history in purely naturalistic terms, without recourse to the supernatural or divine.' [Niles Eldredge, "Time Frames - the Rethinking of Darwinian Evolution and the Theory of Punctuated Equilibrium", 1986, Heinemann, London, p. 13.] Is it not philosophically inconsistent to marry God (theism) with evolution (naturalism)? If God 'created' using evolution which makes Him unnecessary, how can God's 'eternal power and divine nature' be 'clearly seen' in creation, as Romans 1:20 says? Evolution has no purpose, no direction, no goal. The God of the Bible is all about purpose. How do you reconcile the purposelessness of evolution with the purposes of God? What does God have to do in an evolutionary world? Is not God an 'unnecessary hypothesis'? Concept violated: the need of restoration for the creation If God created over millions of years involving death, the existing earth is not ruined by sin, but is as it always has been - as God supposedly intended it to be. So why then should He want to destroy it and create a new heavens and earth (2 Peter 3 and other places)? Starting to get the picture of where Dr. Ross's compromising theology leads? See the Answers in Genesis website for volumnes of eye-opening information. Books I would strongly encourage one to read instead: "Icons of Evolution" by Jonathan Wells, "Bones of Contention" by Marvin Lubenow, "Evolution: The Fossils Still Say No!" by Duane Gish, "In Six Days: Why Fifty Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation" by John F. Aston, "Evolution: A Theory in Crisis" by Michael Denton, "Astronomy and the Bible" by Donald B. DeYoung, "Refuting Evolution" by Jonathan Sarfati, "The Answers Book" by Ham/Snelling/Wieland, and "The Young Earth" by John Morris.
Rating:  Summary: A good history lesson on the old debate Review: Very encouraging read. I highly recommend it, especially if someone you know is a young earth creationist.