Rating:  Summary: The Life Altering Power of a Simple Truth Review: During a time of personal uncertainty, emptiness and sadness, the mere title of this book moved something inside of me; enough to purchase it with the strong intent of reading it, later that evening. Needless to say, I tried several times, but never felt in the mood, although, I knew it would be a good read. Six months later, experiencing the same feelings, I took a trip to visit some terminally ill, elder family members and carried this book, as part of my reading. Well!! A good read doesn't begin to describe this book!! It is powerful, enjoyable, moving, easy to read, entertaining, thought provoking, emotional, educational, nurturing and full of love. WOW! All that packed into 119 pages! It is simply written, as though, the author was conversing with me and yet, in other parts, I could hear the Voice of God telling me very simply, that I was BELOVED, a child of His. The power of this book is so Amazing!! As, I write these words, I have an intense feeling of being loved, emotional stirrings in the bottom of my gut and goosebumps on my arms. I am more in touch with God in my daily life, His loving and tender Presence and Voice everywhere, in everything. This book has changed my prior feelings of emptiness, sadness and uncertainty to a more joyful, simple, thankful, childlike approach to living, a sense of peace within myself, a clarity and certainty of my path in life and a powerful, moving love for God in my moment to moment living. Is my life 100 % perfect? Yes, and No, but as I work with God towards that moment of Utopia; I am thankful, centered and at peace in the knowledge that I am BELOVED, safe in God's Love for me and that everything will unfold, exactly as it is meant to be for me, with my prayer,love,faith and willingness to see God's message for me. This book has not only energized my faith, but also my life perspective, direction and relationships. Please note, as a Renaissance type of person and avid reader of all types of books, never before have I felt the need to review a book. This is a timely and perfect book for our high anxiety modern times. This book is on my gift giving and sharing list. Life of the Beloved by Henri J.M.Nouwen is a MUST for all, who believe in God or the Universe or a Power greater than us, whatever your faith...This Book will touch Your SOUL and Change your Life!!
Rating:  Summary: This book can change your life... Review: Father Nouwen speaks straight from the heart and directly to yours! This little book can change your life. If only we could actually believe and live the LIFE OF THE BELOVED!
Rating:  Summary: An easy-to-read, yet profound explanation of God's Love Review: Henri Nouwen's Life of the Beloved provides the reader with a look at how we are all blessed, broken, and given in the Name of the Lord. He originally wrote the book for a friend who asked him about God and spirituality. Nouwen provides the reader with an insight into how God's choosing each one of us as His beloved does not necessarily mean anyone is excluded, a paradox which our society fails to understand and thus rejects. A very insightful book, that is very imporant to me in my journey of faith. Nouwen was a Catholic priest, and I recommend his works to all, especially Catholics.
Rating:  Summary: Nouwen at his best Review: Here is Henri Nouwen at the pinnicle of his writing. "Life of the Beloved" moves the reader from the baptism and transfiguration narratives of Jesus when God says "This is my beloved son..." to her/himself. "YOU are the beloved of God!"Nouwen has helped many of his readers to indeed know that they are loved by God. Here is an invitation to healing and wholeness. There is nothing trite in these 119 pages. This is Gospel reflection and preaching. Get it! You'll be glad you did!
Rating:  Summary: Sailboats Review: I enjoy this book very much. It is ironic that it was a failure. It did not serve to improve the lives of Henri Nouwen's (1932-1996) secular friends as he intended. Mr Nouwen, to his credit, acknowledges this when he writes, "My attempt had been to be a witness of God's to a secular world, but I had sounded like someone who is so excited about the art of sailing that he forgets that his listeners have never seen lakes or the sea, not to mention sailboats" As much as I am disappointed to see one of my favourite books receive a 1-star rating, I must admit that "jwagner4" is correct. This book does not state the message of the Christian Bible, and it does tend toward an ecumenical spirituality. Based on these two reports, I would suggest that if you are searching for a spiritual connection from a secular viewpoint, or if you are looking for a literal message from the Gospel, you might be disappointed by this book. On the other hand, I found spiritual serenity in reading this book. Reading that I was cherished by the LORD was affirming. It is something I would like to read more often, and read far too seldom. Not all Christians have been disappointed by this book. In 1947, a movement of the Spirit produced the founding of the Church of the Saviour in Washington, D. C., (USA), Pastored by Gordon Cosby, this church demonstrated a radical faith witness to the rest of the world. Under the direction of Pastor Cosby, the Church of the Saviour became a vital force for uplifting the neighbourhoods in which it dwelt. These were low-income neighbourhoods filled with people who were quite practical about what it takes to live. Not the type of people who are usually taken in by pie-in-the-sky theology. Elizabeth O'Connor was one of the church's early members and would later join the church staff. Her writings ("Letters to Sacttered Pilgrims) would chronicle their story, letting the rest of the world know of the amazing work GOD was doing in their midst. Ms O'Connor and Pastor Cosby were impressed enough with Nouwen's book to ask him if they might use it for spiritual teaching in their schools. This is what Ms O'Connor wrote about this book, "An instructive and gentle book. Henri Nouwen does more than tell us that solitude and community are essential for the spiritual life. His words impart a spirit that will better enable his readers to provide themselves with these seemingly contradictory necessities." This book may not be for everyone. Even so, if you are interested in developing a meaningful spiritual relationship, it might be for you.
Rating:  Summary: Sailboats Review: I enjoy this book very much. It is ironic that it was a failure. It did not serve to improve the lives of Henri Nouwen's (1932-1996) secular friends as he intended. Mr Nouwen, to his credit, acknowledges this when he writes, "My attempt had been to be a witness of God's to a secular world, but I had sounded like someone who is so excited about the art of sailing that he forgets that his listeners have never seen lakes or the sea, not to mention sailboats" As much as I am disappointed to see one of my favourite books receive a 1-star rating, I must admit that "jwagner4" is correct. This book does not state the message of the Christian Bible, and it does tend toward an ecumenical spirituality. Based on these two reports, I would suggest that if you are searching for a spiritual connection from a secular viewpoint, or if you are looking for a literal message from the Gospel, you might be disappointed by this book. On the other hand, I found spiritual serenity in reading this book. Reading that I was cherished by the LORD was affirming. It is something I would like to read more often, and read far too seldom. Not all Christians have been disappointed by this book. In 1947, a movement of the Spirit produced the founding of the Church of the Saviour in Washington, D. C., (USA), Pastored by Gordon Cosby, this church demonstrated a radical faith witness to the rest of the world. Under the direction of Pastor Cosby, the Church of the Saviour became a vital force for uplifting the neighbourhoods in which it dwelt. These were low-income neighbourhoods filled with people who were quite practical about what it takes to live. Not the type of people who are usually taken in by pie-in-the-sky theology. Elizabeth O'Connor was one of the church's early members and would later join the church staff. Her writings ("Letters to Sacttered Pilgrims) would chronicle their story, letting the rest of the world know of the amazing work GOD was doing in their midst. Ms O'Connor and Pastor Cosby were impressed enough with Nouwen's book to ask him if they might use it for spiritual teaching in their schools. This is what Ms O'Connor wrote about this book, "An instructive and gentle book. Henri Nouwen does more than tell us that solitude and community are essential for the spiritual life. His words impart a spirit that will better enable his readers to provide themselves with these seemingly contradictory necessities." This book may not be for everyone. Even so, if you are interested in developing a meaningful spiritual relationship, it might be for you.
Rating:  Summary: One of Nouwen's Best Review: I have read several of Nouwen's books and this is one of my favorites. He writes from a totally different perspective in an effort to speak to the community of one of his closest friends (of a different faith). Nouwen explores the concept that we are all called as being beloved and that we all feel that deep within. I was very impressed that in the epilogue Nouwen humbly acknowledges his own shortcomings in the book's ability to speak to those outside his own faith. While Nouwen may not have succeeded (in his mind) with the book's original intent - as a non-catholic this book spoke deeply to me in regard to our being called.
Rating:  Summary: It is a solid affirmation of God's love for us! Review: I read this often and have given it to many friends. It speaks solid truth that God created all of us because we are his beloved. It's a book filled with insight that could only have been God-inspired.
Rating:  Summary: Life Changing Review: I studied this book while in graduate school. Despite the analytical nature of this study, Nouwen has a way of jumping off the page and slapping you with sincerity and a heart that truly seeks God's will. You will find little "theology" here... simply an attempt by a devout man of God to profoundly explain the faith to his new found Jewish friend. Note: Even Nouwen said that he failed in this attempt... but even in failure he succeeds.
Rating:  Summary: Quasi-universalist tripe Review: I was expecting good, solid Biblical teaching from this bookand that is not what it offers. It was written as spiritual advice toJewish and secular friends of the author. The book offers nothing as far as the Gospel message of salvation by grace through faith. It should have given the target audience the essentials of that message: man's sin and separation from God, the diety of Christ, the need for repentence, and the realities of eternal life and eternal judgment. It instead talks to its audience of nonbelievers as if they are already saved. Nouwen calls them "beloved of God," "chosen of God" and "children of God." The book also seems to say that all people are "chosen" and "beloved." At one point it says: " 'You are my beloved' [a Biblical statement by God to Christ] revealed the most intimate ruth about all human beings, whether they belong to any particular tradition or not." But according to the Bible, only Christians are children of God. If you are not a Christian, you are a child of wrath (Ephesians 2:3). Christ also said "Whoever believes in him [Christ] is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already." (The Jews are called God's chosen people in the Old Testament, but that meant chosen for special service to spread the message of repentence to the world. Jews have to repent like everyone else. In the New Testament, Christians are God's chosen people.) The above scriptures apparently did not influence the author,who wrote, for example, that God says to the author's friends "Wherever you go, I go with you, and wherever you rest, I keep watch. I will give you food that will satisfy all your hunger andrink that will satisfy your thirst. I will not hide my face from you. You know me as your own as I know you as my own. You belong to me. I am your father, your mother, your brother, your sister, your lover, and your spouse..yes, even your child...wherever you are I will be. Nothing will ever separate us. We are one." Not one word about repentence, believing, and having faith. Not one word about Christ dying for humanity's sins. To me, this book is universalistic and utterly contrary to God's salvation message. I believe it is utter false teaching and I do not recommend it.