Rating:  Summary: Tremendous! Review: This is the most captivating religious-related work I have read since the magnificent "Glorious Failure" by Ben Jonjak. Desecration uses a encyclopedic knowledge of Christian Doctrine to construct a compelling and hair-raising prophecy of things to come. It is fantastic, and the application of these new and challening ideas to our own troubled times is piercingly apt. I only have strong recommendations for this work.
Rating:  Summary: These books keep surpassing themselves! Review: When I first picked up these books about two years ago, I never knew how to perceive the book of revelation. I only knew that we would have victory in Christ when we are raptured and that in the end God overcomes evil. After completing Desecration in the span of about one day, I am gaining a new respect for understanding God's word. Of course I can't compare the words of these awesome books to the amazing word of God, but I do commend Jenkins and LaHaye for taking John's revelation and putting human characters to it. Revelation is such a wealth of knowledge and understanding of God's divine plan. What the Left Behind series has done for me is that it has made the sequence of events clear and has showed us the role God could use Christian in this terrible time. These books also show us that God is in total control of each of his planned events. He's always one step ahead of the devil's evil scheme. The greatest thing this series has helped do is lead my sister to a relationship with Christ. I know God uses Christians as His intruments to lead people to seek Him. I am thankful God is using Jerry Jenkins and Tim LaHaye in this way!
Rating:  Summary: (Mostly) Back on Track Review: The Mark was so far the least enthralling of the Left Behind series, but even then it was still a compelling read. It's been a long wait for Desecration, but I believe it was worth it. Events start moving along - the bowl judgements begin, the fate of several major characters is revealed, and generally this is a much tighter and faster moving book than The Mark. Many of the Left Behind books spend a lot of time rehashing events and themes from previous volumes, but since we're now in the 9th book, it appears that the authors assume that you've come this far, so it really isn't necessary to assume you might be a new reader. While the members of the Tribulation Force have been pretty well-done, the antagonists have started to become more and more like characatures. Leon Fortunado is mostly worthless, and Nicolae himself has degenerated from the brilliant schemer to pretty much just plain evil. While that's probably the right thing to do - he doesn't really need to keep up the charade any more - it's a little disappointing. Perhaps another GC Official could come along to display some of those qualities that made Nicolae so interesting in the earlier books. Overall, a great return to this series mostly-excellent track record.
Rating:  Summary: Breathtaking! Review: Just like all the other Left Behind fans, I have been waiting months for this book! Jerry and Tim delivered! I will do everyone a favor and review this book without giving away anything vital! It has humor, action, heartache, suspense - just what I've come to expect in this series. Desecration has more action than most of the other books in the series and there were several surpising deaths in this book. The bowl judgements begin, resulting in boils, the seas turned into blood, and the rivers turned into blood. Nothing the antichrist nor his false prophet does reverses these plagues. Rayford and company are in Israel to ferry the Jews to Petra, fulfilling prophecy with regards to the Jews heading to the desert for protection from the Antichrist (Nicolae Carpathia). Buck and Chaim (who now is known as Micah) are ready to lead the Jews from Jerusalem (well, actually Micah is leading, Buck is assisting). Micah performs miracles to show his strength (which, of course, is God), and is able to persuade Carpathia to "let my people go". Of course anyone who has read the other books knows that Carpathia never keeps his word. In a confrontation with Carpathia, a member of the Tribulation Force is killed in a very public way. While waiting for the Jews in Petra, another member is compromised. A young believer with both marks has come to terms with his "mark of the beast". A new Trib Force member is taken prisoner by GC and is being tortured for information on the safe house of the Trib Force. Will he talk? Chloe is eager to do something vital and endangers the group. The Trib Force must resort to new IDs (once again) when their fingerprints are traced to their true identities. Chloe and Hannah, along with Mac, head to Greece to rescue an imprisoned comrade. Tsion, Ray and Abdullah head to Israel to meet with the Jews that Chaim (Micah) has brought out. Just after they arrive, fighter jets fly overhead per Carpathia's instructions. Bombs are dropped, and then...and then...
Rating:  Summary: A Portent of Things to Come, With a Cliffhanger of an Ending Review: This 9th installment has Nicolae really showing his true colors. I'm giving nothing away by saying that the Trib Force suffers some painful losses, but at the same time, there are some spectacular miracles! Clued in readers should pay special attention to Nicolae's answers to the lie detector test ... they are a good clue that the gloves are really off. The ending is a real cliff hanger, and installment 10 is not due out until next summer. We'll have to wait at least 8 months to find out what happens next. My suggestion until then? Go back to the beginning and read 1-9, just to keep your memory fresh. With three more scheduled installments to go until the Glorious Reappearing (just under 3 1/2 years), the pace should really intensify!
Rating:  Summary: Left Behind Series - Book 9 Desecration Review: The ninth book in the "Left Behind" series "Desecration-AntiChrist Takes The Throne" is a continuation of the fine fiction writing of Dr. LaHaye and Mr. Jenkins. It deals directly and imaginatively with the difficult theme of eschatology without leaving the "heavy feeling" of pouring through another book written after extensive research on a difficult subject. Rayford, Chloe, Buck are representative personalities of people all over the world. What makes them different is how they deal with a crisis situation that has never been put upon mankind as of yet. This book is also good because, if you are not a "heavy" where the Bible is concerned, it can spark some very lively discussions. Maybe, hopefully turning some to the source book. I recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: A Great Book Continuating This Great Series Review: The Desecration starts off fast and stays fast. It lives up to the previous novels; the writing style neat and creative. Great realism, awesome character developemnt; its a stunning new edition to the Left Behind series. I truly think that anyone that enjoyed the previous novels would enjoy the latest edition to the series.
Rating:  Summary: Desecration Review: Without a doubt this has to be the worst written book in the series. The book is barely readable. The story line is choppy. The characters have begun to have delusions that they are a modern day version of the prophets. All in all it is a very badly written book.
Rating:  Summary: Another excellent book!! But.... Review: This is yet another excellent book in the series by LaHaye and Jenkins. I enjoyed it very much. However, I was sadened to see the death of a few people whom I really liked (and whom we have known for quite a while). I though it was very well done, and while not as good as "The Mark" (IMHO being the best so far) it was still a great read. There were a few things that I did not enjoy and really had to skim though. The scenes with Rayford discussing the weaponry that went on (seemingly) forever, I could have done without. I was also disappointed with Chloe's actions in Chicago. She should act more like a mother would!! All in all it was a gret book and I can't wait until the next one!
Rating:  Summary: Desecration, worth the wait? Yes, sorta... Review: Desecration was an enjoyable book to read. Like the last 8 in the series, I banged this one out in a couple of hours. I thought it got off to a slow start; it wasn't until around page 100 or so that things really started happening, and I don't think that was necessary. However, Jenkin's description of Carpathia is getting better and better. It was nice to see the more ruthless side of the Antichrist. The character development was as good as to be expected keeping in mind the previous eight books. I did think the "romance" between David and Hannah was thrown in at the last minute and really added nothing to the story. The confrontations between Nicolae and "Micah" were well played, but I don't think Niolae's desecration of the temple was the Climax it should have been. It just happened too quickly and the reaction of the people outside was muttled and not well worded. However, it was a fun couple of hours to read the book. It has some nice sequences. The ending to this book was indeed different than previous ones. There is more than one cliffhanger here, probably because the main one isn't all that mysterious as to what will happen. But I will definately be buying the next one as soon as it comes out. I just wished that the publishers got rid of the huge margins and large font and put out a real four to five hundred page book. My advice is to definately buy it, you won't be disappointed if you are already a fan of the series, and if you are not, start with number one, it will make more sense to you.