Rating: Summary: VERY INFORMATIVE Review: I enjoyed Vance's book and he obviosly did a good job exposing some of the weak points of Calvinism by some of the comments from prominent calvinists.I would also recommend to anyone interested in further exposing the heresies of Calvinism to read, "A right Conception of Sin," by Richard Taylor. I noticed Robert Morey challenged Vance to a debate in one of the other reviews. While I have enjoyed Morey's work in some areas I would urge him to challenge Dan Corner author of, "The Believers Conditional Security," to a public debate. Corner has repeatedly tried to get many of the advocates for eternal security to debate him with very few takers. Corner's book thoroughly exposes the fallacies of unconditional security. Also Robert Shank's books are excellent and written in a very reconciling tone. Read Vance's book and some of these others I mentioned and be set free from the tradition's of men.
Rating: Summary: Passage exegesis vs. "proof text" Review: I am still waiting for a good refutation of Calvinism. The main problem seems to be that no anti-Calvinist writer does exegesis on full passages of Scripture such as Romans 9, Ephesians 1, or John 6. Unfortunately, on difficult passages this must be done because almost all incorrect interpretations will be eliminated by the concepts and structures of the surrounding verses. The anti-calvinists seem to be content with citing a verse here and there and placating us with what they think it means, as opposed to the intent of the author. Just a few years ago I was a staunch anti-Calvinist, hated it. I practiced the same tactics Vance does until I read John Piper's "The Justification of God: An Exegetical and Theological Study of Romans 9". Piper's work is so tight, so exegetically sound, so thorough and careful that by the end of the book I was a Calvinist. I simply could not get around Dr. Piper's conclusions. They were unassailable. If you are concerned about taking Calvinism seriously I encourage you to read Piper's book. However it is very scholarly and is saturated in Greek and Hebrew so if you are not familiar with the original languages another good book is "The Potter's Freedom" by James White.
Rating: Summary: An Alternative Review: Laurence M. Vance has gone to considerable lengths to present a historically accurate, well documented account of the sustainers and retractors of Calvinism, the events that led up to its being accepted as the 'standard' it has become over the centuries, and his own understanding as to how this all plays out in the light of Scripture. Unlike most other works of its kind, in 'The Other Side of Calvinism' Dr. Vance quotes a vast number of supporters of Calvinism - including John Calvin himself - and utilizes their own words to bolster and enforce his counter-points. To this end Dr. Vance also succeeds in conveying to the reader that there exists much confusion among the Calvinist rank and file. As noted within the book, this fact is not without its import.A down-to-earth writing style, exhaustive endnotes, Scriptural references, and large appendices do much to secure the reader and encourages one to recognize that this is a work that expects personal conclusions to be based upon a process of reasoning and Biblical validation, not general presumption. Dr. Vance takes nothing for granted in presenting the comparison of his views to those of Calvinism and its supporters. Whether one upholds the system or not, 'The Other Side of Calvinism' will undoubtedly leave the majority of its readers challenged and well informed.
Rating: Summary: Calvinism Demolished Review: An excellent expose' of Calvinism detailing the errors, faulty reasoning, and plain old heresy of this theological belief system. Vance neatly demolishes each of the Five Points of TULIP Calvinism . Vance references everything including analyzing the writings of Augustine, Calvin, and the modern perveyors of this theology. My only criticism is Vance doesn't go into the evil fruits of Calvinism as much as he could have. I though also thought he could have used a bit less boldfacing in the book. However, that point is a quibble. The Other Side of Calvinsim is a valuable resource in this needless debate.
Rating: Summary: A Plea for Widom Review: Reading through the reviews on Laurence Vance's book, it is glaringly apparent that most of the reviewers are unskilled in theology. Those who are so quick to uncritically accept Vance's position simply show that they have not taken the matters seriously enough. The theological and biblical principles of historic Calvinism are not quite so simple as many people suppose. And, indeed, it is easy to accept one side of an argument when you have not yet heard a clear presentation of the other side. I would humbly urge those easily-excitable disciples of Vance's book to do a little bit more reading on the matter, to consult the books of respected theologians, commentators and church historians, and to realise that the arguments for Calvinism are very many and very compelling indeed. If you want to denounce historic Calvinism, then you are free to do so. But please, for your own sake, do not denounce it so hastily, when it is obvious that you have not yet even begun to understand the issues involved.
Rating: Summary: A Very Thorough Examination of Calvinism Review: I am pleased. Dr. Vance did an excellent job of reviewing Calvinism both historically as well as scripturally. His chapters on the lives of John Calvin and Augustine were especially revealing. He made some excellent observations regarding the results of Calvinism when it is consistently believed and practiced. As for his review of each of the 5 points, Dr. Vance was very fair in his treatment of the Calvinist arguments. He constantly provides the reader with quotes from prominent Calvinists and is very perceptive in his examination of their arguments. I found two of Vance's observations in particular to be very interesting: his observation on Irresistable Grace and how according to Calvinist theology a person is actually saved prior to believing on Christ, and his observation on Lordship Salvation placing unwarranted baggage on the gospel. The author has a good sense of humor and makes his observations very interesting by inserting an occasional bit of sarcasm (ex. pages 248-249, how one Calvinist attempts to prove predestination by appealing to Islam). Every possible Calvinist prooftext is examined and critiqued. And of course, he provides the prooftexts for the opposing view which Calvinists have trouble with. My only disappointment is that Vance did not mention Luke 10:13 in his chapter on Total Depravity, since in my view this verse is the most damning indictment of Total Inability that can be found in the Bible. This is a very good book for anyone who wants to hear a view from the non-Calvinistic perspective.
Rating: Summary: Terrible! Review: KJV only advocate, Dr. Laurence M. Vance, has done it again. Since Vance's first try was ineffective (read the preface), Vance has chosen to go back to the drawing board. This time producing this 788 page monstrosity. Does Vance succeed? Not a chance. Vance should of took his own medicine. When commenting on Augustine, Vance said, "writing volumes of material does not necessarily guarantee that one will always be correct in his doctrine" (pg. 52). To theological newbies, Vance may seem like he's thoroughly knowledgeable in Reformed theology and may very well be the one to put a stop to it after 400 somewhat years. To the more theologically astute, Vance's arguments range from ludicrous to fallacious. Just a small sample of Vance vignettes: 1. Vance uses a fallicious argument that, "the fact that neither Total Depravity nor Total Inability are mentioned in the Bible does not deter a Calvinist, he just counters with "both wordings are revealed in the Word of God in other ways of expressing their modern connotation." (pg 189). However if this is a legitmate argument we should ask Vance if he believes in "the Trinity," or if he is a "trinitarian," which are terms not found in the Bible either. 2. Vance argues that if men are unable to repent and believe the gospel, "then there is nothing anyone can do except claim Lamentations 3:26 as his life verse: It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord (Lam. 3:26)." (pg. 190). However, even Vance should know this is not speaking of "hellbound waiting for heavenbound" but the believer's patience heavenward. If Vance honestly believes this verse is speaking to the unbeliever, why would it be wrong to disparage someone for believing it in that way? If Vance knows the true meaning behind this verse, why does he use it, if no Calvinist has ever quoted it pertaining to an unbeliever? He could of used the same thought without quoting from Scripture. Throughout the book, this is Vance's pet phrase, and it is quite dishonest, since no true Calvinist has ever used it in that context. 3. On page 192 Vance boldy says, "And it is in the Scriptures themselves that the true doctrine of the depravity of man must be found, not in a Reformed creed or a Calvinistic theology book." Vance quotes from the Bible and also A.W. Pink and Jonathan Edwards (pp. 192-196)! This is in fact, quite puzzling since Pink and Edwards are quoted as being correct to prove Vance's views. If you're still confused, check out this quote: "Everything that the Calvinists say about the depravity of man is certainly in line with what the Scriptures say." (pg 198). And why on earth would he disparage reading "a Reformed creed or a Calvinistic theology book" to define depravity, when this is exactly the same thing which he has been doing himself? 4. On the page 308, Vance says, "As for why God didn't command Israel to teach the Canaanites like the cannibals on the South Sea Islands [referring to missionary John G. Paton], the nation of Israel was never intended to inhabit the South Sea Islands...". According to Vance, the Canaanites were not taught by Israel because Israel was never intended to inhabit the South Sea Islands. How utterly ludicrous. 5. How does Vance answer passages such as John 8:43? Very ludicrously. Vance says, "They could not hear Christ's word, not just because they were, like all the unregenerate (Acts 26:18; Eph. 2:2), of their 'father the devil' (John 8:43) and 'not of God' (John 8:47), but additionally, because they did the lusts of their father (John 8:44) and did not believe Christ when he told them 'the truth' (John 8:45, 46)" (pg. 227). If this is true, then there must be some depraved men that have not done the lusts of the devil, but even more so, Vance is essentially saying, they couldn't understand and hear because they didn't believe what was said! So they must of heard, but they did not believe, so they were conditioned so they couldn't hear? Vance even more ludicrously states that although they couldn't hear, the condition was not permanent (pg. 227)! Vance then goes all the way back to verses 21-24, and says, "Yet, they would only die in their sins if they did not believe." So because they didn't believe, they couldn't hear. But this is not a permanent condition, because if they believe at a later time, then they could hear? 6. According to Vance, "Faith is never spoken of as a gift given to unsaved man." (pg. 516). On page 520, Vance says, "It should be apparent by now that saving faith is available to any man." How is it availabe? Vance quotes Rom. 10:8, 17. Vance denies faith as a gift, and apparently believes faith must be obtained from Gospel preaching (pg. 520). If so, how does one obtain it? By believing? Doesn't one need faith in order to believe? 7. How about those who professed Jesus Christ, but were not truly saved (Mt. 7:22-23)? They were very much depraved but they had to of been enabled by the word of God and convicted by the Spirit in order to "believe" according to Vance. What happened? Some of them didn't make it. In chapter 10, Vance says, "Calvinists are correct in maintaining that "a mere profession of faith saves no one." But why not? According to Vance, why wouldn't a mere profession be enough? VANCE BELIEVES ONE DOES NOT HAVE TO SUBMIT TO JESUS AS LORD IN ORDER BE SAVED (read pages 577-586). It doesn't get any better, but you get the idea. All this book proves is Vance doesn't know theology, Reformed or otherwise.
Rating: Summary: The Other Side of Calvinism Review: Hello,my name is Mark.I am a Respiratory Therapist and I am new in my faith.Please know that I am not a writer nor theologian nor scholar,etc. However,I must keep in mind,any other literary work besides the bible is of how other people see GOD. Dr.Vance, with his book"The Other Side of Calvinism" clearly defines Calvinism and it's implications.I recommend that all who read literature to gain insight as to how others see GOD read his book,Calvinist&Non-Calvinist alike.This book brings to light the things that are GODs decree opposed to that which are mans decree. Dr.Vance scripturally breaks down the TULIP and shows us what it stands for scripturally. Dr.Vance also Quotes from Calvinists themselves to show they even have a hard time with TULIP.(To one who may be reading, TULIP is the five points of Calvinism:Total Depravity,Unconditional Election,Limited Atonement,Irresistible Grace,Perseverence of The Saints).After reading Dr.Vances book,I have come to the conclusion that I would rather serve a creator who would die for his creation,Rather than a creator who would have his creation die for him.Calvinism is by all means the latter! This is found as Dr.Vance points out in UNCONDITIONAL ELECTION. Calvinists believe that individual man is predestined before creation to be either reprobate(condemned to hell)or ELECT(saved).By doing this,Calvinists accept that man has fallen and that GOD is the author of the fall.If sin caused us to fall,then GOD by allowing the fall is the author of sin(Calvinist have you think this).Dr.vance points out,this is what most predestinarians believe. Dr.Vance points out how this is not so in his book through scripture. GOD through his soveriegnty did not create sin! GOD tells us this himself and declared he is not the author of it:"WHICH I COMMANDED NOT,NOR SPAKE IT,NEITHER CAME IT INTO MY MIND.Jer.19:5". Throughout the bible one will note as Dr.Vance points out,"GOD decreed very few things and by no means were they all eternal.However,man has decreed many things and GOD specifically speaks to us about this:"WOE UNTO THEM THAT DECREE UNRIGHTEOUS DECREES AND THAT WRITE GRIEVOUSNESS WHICH THEY HAVE PRESCRIBED.Is.10:1". Dr.Vance makes a good point:"Where in the bible does GOD specifically decree predestination?" Nevertheless,Calvinists will cause you not to question their doctrine(not GODs)by the misuse of the term SOVERIEGNTY of GOD. When presented on the terms Calvinists present it,who in their right mind would question the SOVERIEGNTY of GOD? If one questions the SOVERIEGNTY of GOD, Calvinists are quick to point out that one is not humble enough to accept their theory. Nevertheless, rather than accepting mans decrees,"The Other Side Of Calvinism" has helped me to accept GODS WOE!"WOE TO THEM THAT DECREE UNRIGHTEOUS DECREES AND WRITE GRIEVOUSNESS WHICH THEY HAVE PRESCRIBED".Before reading Vances book,I was begining to become confused due to the five points of Calvinism.All it took was scripture to straighten me out.As Dr.Vance points out,"GOD cannot deny himself(2Tim2:13)and neither is he"the author of confusion"(1cor14:33).As this book points out:The bible is full of scripture warning us of false teachers,wolves that come to us in sheeps clothing,etc.The bible tells us that we may know them by their works. Dr.Vance points out that Calvin accepts the responsibility of burning SERVETUS alive at the stake for not agreeing with him on Calvinism. Dr. Vance also quotes numerous texts to show how ruthless Calvin really was. To Calvins works,I hold this view: Did Calvin not read the scripture that pertained to"ye without guilt, throw the first stone"? That was from the teacher himself,non other than JESUS CHRIST. Moreover, Dr.Vance through his book shows us the meaning of REPROBATE throughout scripture. Read the scripture for yourself! REPROBATE is used in the text of the Bible to condemn those who reject him (GOD),Those who do not accept him. It is used as a consequence to man for mans decision after man makes his decision.What does this do to free will? A Calvinist would have you believe that REPROBATION was decided before the foundation of the world. As Dr.Vance points out,no where in the bible does REPROBATE or REPROBATION pertain to a persons salvation from the begining of time.It only points out what has happened to them after a decision was made by them to reject GOD! I'll end here and recommend that whomever may be caught up in this debate must read this book to get a feel for where the church is headed.I would also suggest that one read REVELATION in regard to the letters of the seven churches. Calvinism possibly can breed an atmosphere that is neither hot nor cold!I say this because if all accountability is taken away from man,as does Calvinism with the likes of predestination,it's no wonder CHRISTIANS will accept the abominations that GOD speaks of in LEV. within the church! THIS BOOK IS DIRECT AND TO THE POINT. IT IS AN EXCELLENT READ FOR THOSE PURSUING THE TRUTH!
Rating: Summary: Full of sound and fury-signifying nothing! Review: Of all the inept attacks on the Reformed Faith, this book takes first prize. Vance's hermeneutics and exegetical skills are so bad that I wonder if he really studied theology. I give him the open challenge to meet me in public debate on his book. But I doubt he will defend what he has written. He knows it is filled with logical and exegetical errors. Vance, if you read this, contact me at 1-800-41-TRUTH and we will set up a debate on your theology. Dr. Robert Morey
Rating: Summary: Every Southern Baptist should read this one! Review: Coming from a reformed background, and now as a Southern Baptist, I'm pleased to say that Vance's arguments are very convincing. My pastor is active in "The Founders," a Southern Baptist organization formed to promote Calvinism in the Southern Baptist Convention. Since I gave him this book he has been engrossed in it. Vance has caused him to reevaluate his position. I also loaned my copy to a professor at the reformed college I attend. After looking at the table of contents, he refused to read it! This kind of willful blindness from Calvinists is one reason I changed my own views. Calvinists who think Vance is unkind had better read some of their own writings. Vance is much kinder than most, especially Calvin himself. The comment from another reviewer that Vance takes things out of context is simply untrue. This is exactly how I used to respond when confronted with an argument that I couldn't answer. Any Baptist deceived by John MacArthur, R.C. Sproul or any of the avant garde Calvinists that I was weaned on should get this book and read it carefully. Vance also discusses John Gill's theories on limited atonement and shows that they are unbiblical. Free will is also covered with Vance showing as illogical and unbiblical the arguments of Sproul, Jonathan Edwards, and the rest. With the glut of Internet sites promoting Calvinism, this is one of the most valuable books any Baptist could have in his library. I've read the other reviews and would warn anyone wanting a fair evaluation to consider the source. One negative reviewer actually has "tulip" in his e-mail address! Another is a big supporter of "The Founders." Calvinists are obviously mad at Vance. If read by a few, this book will set back "The Founders" radical agenda by years. If read by many, it will stop them cold. Anyone who reads Vance with an open mind will see that Bible doctrine and Calvinism are polar opposites.