Rating:  Summary: Should be 3 1/2 stars. . . Review: . . .but there's no option for that -- and I'm not a Calvinist!Regardless of one's religious views, Calvin's Commentaries on Scripture are a fabulous resource for exegetical biblical study. While I would never rely on them all by themselves, I have used them, in addition to non-Calvinist Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish texts in my own exegetical work. Calvin was the first truly great scholar of the Reformation (and hence, of Protestant Christianity). He knew the Scriptures. He knew Church History. He exegeted and systematized and defended and justified and did so in a manner which made Protestantism, especially Reform Protestantism, a sensible and acceptable alternative to Catholic Christianity. In effect, unlike Luther who tried to reform the established Church itself, Calvin set up a new church to replace the old. (I personally don't think this was such a good thing. . .) Again, while disagreeing with many of Calvin's conclusions, I do not, and cannot deny the breadth of his scholarship, and hence, its enduring usefulness.
Rating:  Summary: Should be 3 1/2 stars. . . Review: . . .but there's no option for that -- and I'm not a Calvinist! Regardless of one's religious views, Calvin's Commentaries on Scripture are a fabulous resource for exegetical biblical study. While I would never rely on them all by themselves, I have used them, in addition to non-Calvinist Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish texts in my own exegetical work. Calvin was the first truly great scholar of the Reformation (and hence, of Protestant Christianity). He knew the Scriptures. He knew Church History. He exegeted and systematized and defended and justified and did so in a manner which made Protestantism, especially Reform Protestantism, a sensible and acceptable alternative to Catholic Christianity. In effect, unlike Luther who tried to reform the established Church itself, Calvin set up a new church to replace the old. (I personally don't think this was such a good thing. . .) Again, while disagreeing with many of Calvin's conclusions, I do not, and cannot deny the breadth of his scholarship, and hence, its enduring usefulness.
Rating:  Summary: Know what you're getting... Review: A great commentary. Calvin does his own exegesis of the original text; allowing him to bring out a unique and delightful interpretation of the scriptures. Each section of scripture begins with his translation of the text, and then is expounded upon, point-by-point. This is a great and enlightening (and cheap may I add) addition to any Christians library. Calvin's efforts to finish a complete commentary of the bible were never achieved (due to his death I believe). So, the following books have no commentaries to them: Judges, Ruth, 1& 2 Samuel, 1& 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, 2 & 3 John, and Revelation. Also, in regards to this commentary, Calvin does a two volume Harmony of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke), and has a separate commentary for the gospel of John. He also does a two volume Harmony of the Law (Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). The entire set contains a total of 22 volumes, and the binding and pages of each volume are of good quality. All in all, this is a great commentary, something you can pass down to generations to come. IF... you're looking to get the theology of Calvin, then my friend, you're barking up the wrong tree, get Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion (BKA Calvin's Institutes).
Rating:  Summary: Know what you're getting... Review: A great commentary. Calvin does his own exegesis of the original text; allowing him to bring out a unique and delightful interpretation of the scriptures. Each section of scripture begins with his translation of the text, and then is expounded upon, point-by-point. This is a great and enlightening (and cheap may I add) addition to any Christians library. Calvin's efforts to finish a complete commentary of the bible were never achieved (due to his death I believe). So, the following books have no commentaries to them: Judges, Ruth, 1& 2 Samuel, 1& 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, 2 & 3 John, and Revelation. Also, in regards to this commentary, Calvin does a two volume Harmony of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke), and has a separate commentary for the gospel of John. He also does a two volume Harmony of the Law (Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). The entire set contains a total of 22 volumes, and the binding and pages of each volume are of good quality. All in all, this is a great commentary, something you can pass down to generations to come. IF... you're looking to get the theology of Calvin, then my friend, you're barking up the wrong tree, get Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion (BKA Calvin's Institutes).
Rating:  Summary: Know what you're getting... Review: A great commentary. Calvin does his own exegesis of the text allowing him to bring out a unique and delightful interpretation of the scriptures, which begins each section of scripture, which in turn is expounded (point-by-point) through each section found therein. This is a great and enlightening (and cheap may I add) addition to any Christians library. Calvin's efforts to finish a complete commentary of the bible was never finished (due to his death I believe). So, the following books have no commentaries to them: Judges, Ruth, 1& 2 Samuel, 1& 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, 2 & 3 John, and Revelation. Also, in regards to this commentary, Calvin does a three volume Harmony of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke), and has a separate commentary for the gospel of John. He also does a four volume Harmony of the Law (Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). All in all, this is a great commentary. IF... you're looking to get the theology of Calvin, then my friend, you're barking up the wrong tree, get Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion (BKA Calvin's Institutes).
Rating:  Summary: !!!!!!!!NOTHING BETTER!!!!!!!!! Review: Calvin is very clear in his commentaries plus the depth he provides makes this set of 22 books the best a student or pastor can buy. The price Amazon gives provides no excuse why not to have it in you're library. THANK YOU AMAZON!!!
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Commentary, BUT... Review: I think others have reviewed these commentaries much like I would, but just to let you know, you can get it for about $200.00 at christianbook.com
Rating:  Summary: A Model for Biblical Exegesis Review: Much has been written about the theology of John Calvin. For most, you either love him or hate him. Regardless of whether or not you love or hate him, he is a force to be reckoned with. Calvin was one of the greatest biblical scholars that ever lived. He had an incredible command of the Scriptures in that he did not base his interpretations on one or two passages, but sought to integrate all of the Scriptures' teaching. His commentaries reflect this well as Calvin shows that he is able to combine solid exegesis with pastoral insight (something lacking in many commentaries today). Even Jacob Arminius said: After the reading of Scripture, which I strenuously inculcate, and more than any other ... I recommend that the Commentaries of Calvin be read ... For I affirm that in the interpretation of the Scriptures Calvin is incomparable, and that his Commentaries are more to be valued than anything that is handed down to us in the writings of the Fathers -- so much that I concede to him a certain spirit of prophecy in which he stands distinguished above others, above most, indeed, above all." Calvin's comments are still relevant for Christians today, and serve as an excellent resource for pastors and teachers in the church. This set would have had 5 stars if it had a better translation. This one is slightly out-dated and poorly edited in some places. If you are on a budget, get this set (I have them on my shelf and use them regularly!). However, if you can afford to go higher with the price, get the paperback series from Eerdmans; It has a higher quality of translation. (However, you will have to be patient with the Eerdmans set as only the NT and a few volumes from the OT are currently available). Pastors should also look at Calvin's sermons (also available from Amazon) to see a great example of how one can explain and apply the great truths of the Bible to the people of God in their own day and age.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Commentary, BUT... Review: Since purchasing this set, I find myself going to Calvin most often for understanding of difficult passages. I have Henry, Poole, and Gill on the whole Bible, and many individual volumes, but now go to Calvin first. The reformers such as Luther and Calvin believed that the scriptures were perspicuous - not obscure; this comes through in these commentaries. This set may be found for much less than is listed above.
Rating:  Summary: Clarity of Thought! Review: Since purchasing this set, I find myself going to Calvin most often for understanding of difficult passages. I have Henry, Poole, and Gill on the whole Bible, and many individual volumes, but now go to Calvin first. The reformers such as Luther and Calvin believed that the scriptures were perspicuous - not obscure; this comes through in these commentaries. This set may be found for much less than is listed above.