Rating: Summary: Terrifying Dangerous "Advice" Review: This book brings the problem of "sexual addiction" to the surface in the church - and that is a good thing! This is an issue that will continue to destroy men and those around them unless there is a serious battle fought against it - and therein is the problem... This book trivializes the battle and offers hollow, ungodly advice on dealing with it. To tell a man that he cannot look at a beautiful woman because he sexualizes her is true, but to tell him to "bounce his eyes" and look away is ridiculous. This is not a solution, it is simply stuffing the sin deeper into the man's soul.A Godly, healthy, masculine man can look at a woman and think she is beautiful without any shame whatsoever. The pinacle of God's creation was Eve and Eve's daughters are still the most captivating part of creation. Unfortunately fallen man has perverted this healthy response and turned it into sin. A constant fixation on avoiding sin (bouncing the eyes) is STILL a constant fixation on sin. Christ came to "set the captives free" not chain us down to false holiness and rule following (just ask the Pharisees). An even more frightening message of this book is the idea that a man should take all of the sexual "energy" he has been directing toward sources other than his wife and focus them on his wife. Tell me - where in Scripture does it say we are allowed to idolize anything - including our wives? This piece of "helpful advice" will absolutely destroy any kind of real intimacy between a man and wife. The author even tells wives that they should just "put up with the increased attention" even if it makes them uncomfortable! Don't get me wrong - this book nails sexual sin as the deadly serious problem it is. It just falls tragically short of a Christian solution. The even greater tragedy is that this book is held up by many leaders in the church as the epitome of "Biblical truth" on this issue. That could NOT be farther from the truth... Finally - realize this. Men can indeed be pure and holy. All men are NOT trapped by constant lust and to assume so is insulting to both those men who are free, and the One who has set them free.
Rating: Summary: Completely unrealistic Review: I first did not want to write a review on this book, but after thinking about it, I have to....just to vent. Have you ever known someone who has an eating disorder? Did you ever just sit down with them and say, "now look, just eat three times a day and you'll be okay and just use your willpower to do it." Do you honestly think that will work? In a nutshell, this is what this book is trying to tell you. It is putting a "sensitive-touchy-feely" perverbial bandaid on the male....and then forcing the women to be the monitor of said bandaid. What do I mean by that? Well, in essence, the wife is made to feel that if she doesn't have sex with her husband every 72 hours that he WILL cheat (at least be tempted) on her. What good does that do? It'll give the woman something to constantly worry about....that's what it'll do. So, it is pretty much up to the husband to suppress urges, ignore them and pretend they're not there....and for the wife to stay on top of administrating his "medicine".....or else. The authors of this book are in desperate need of two things, a lecture on biology...and a visit with a REAL pyschiatrist. Here's the deal, our sexual behavior roots from basic primitive instincts that are embedded in our biological makeup in order to preserve our race. It is in a males "nature" (meaning it is embedded in our genetic structure) to want to propogate as much as possible..., this does not mean we are a slave to that system (or a reason to justify infidelity), but to pretend it doesn't exist is like driving 100 miles per hour at a brick wall with your eyes closed hoping your not going to hit it. Do not think that just ignoring such instincts will make them magically disappear....for, they will just boil under pressure, and explode in a distorted manner later on. This is how infidelity happens in the first place!! Allowing natural instincts to surface, and to follow through with emotional completeness (this isn't to say go out and act upon every urge, it is acknowledging that they exist and using that emotional intensity in a constructive manner)...and to understand the root cause of such behaviors is the best way to change them. A bottle of tylenol may cure your headache temporarily, but then it may come back and you still don't know what caused it in the first place.
Rating: Summary: The Last Page Review: This book hit me right between the eyes. I thought someone had followed me around and had published my life story. Then I read the last page. It was a description of the workshop they offer based on the book. I went. I came home a new man. My life, my marriage, is now in a place I never thought possible. Read the book. Then go to that workshop. I can't even describe how this changed my life.
Rating: Summary: Sheer willpower is ineffective Review: I didn't like this book very much at all. It's only solution seems to be sheer willpower. Oh, and if you're married, make sure your wife doesn't let you go 72 hours without sex. Oh, I see! What if you're single?...I guess you're out of luck then, right? By mentioning the 72-hour marital solution, Steve is admitting that there is a real need here that makes itself known as "lust." His solution for a married couple is more sex, which is missing the root of the problem as well. As C.S. Lewis says, "Every sin is a distortion of an energy God has breathed into us." The book doesn't seem to care what our soul is longing for. It takes the "just do it" route by telling us to "bounce our eyes." I'm sorry, but if I'm detached from community and intimacy, it's not going to be really feasible to do that with much effectiveness. I think Cloud & Townsend are a much better route to take with the problem of lust. They're solutions have helped me whereas that book only made me angry. And like usual, my anger came from being confronted with more guilt and legalism rather than effective solutions. For a minority, Steve's methods make work...but for those of you who don't find them to be helpful in a lasting way, I would recommend Henry Cloud and John Townsend's book, "12 Christian Ideas that will Drive You Crazy." In it, they address these theories with the ACTUAL Biblical Truths that cause the real spiritual growth you are looking for. -God Bless
Rating: Summary: Right for the Hour Review: Arterburn and company has written a powerful testimony and battle plan to help any man overcome the temptations of sexual sin, and I mean SIN, in the areas of pornography, the "other woman" and advertising and the like. If there are men who are brave enough to wade through these waters, this book is an eye-opener and life-changer. Highly recommended!!!
Rating: Summary: It's a great read about sexual purity. Review: Good information on how to get your eye's under control and keep your thoughts pure. Good advice for the married men on how to keep the women in your life at a safe distance so your marriage is safe from an affair and for the single men as well so they can avoid sexual encounters before marriage. Women should read it too so they can better understand how men are wired and how the way they dress affects men.
Rating: Summary: Not life altering for me, but for others perhaps... Review: Shattering the perception that men are unable to control their thought lives and roving eyes, Every Man's Battle shares the stories of dozens who have escaped the trap of sexual immorality and presents a practical, detailed plan for any man who desires purity -- perfect for those who have fallen in the past, those who want to remain strong today, and all who want to overcome temptation in the future. The book opens with an introduction that most men can probably relate to, followed by verses and scripture on sexual purity. The remainder of the book is laid out into steps one can take to win the battle, each step fittingly called a "victory." Whether victory with your eyes, mind, or heart, the author Stephen Arterburn breaks down the steps with specific goals and stories and scripture to go along with the entire process. His outline is nice, but unfortunately is has two problems. First, many of the stories are about lust and thus might cause the reader to lust in his thoughts (it did for me and several friends). Second, although the steps are specific, I still found them rather generic, especially when related to the mind and heart. The best point made in the book is that men truly lack a sense of urgency when it comes to sexual purity and we must "choose victory" now. As Arterburn states, we are only sexually pure when no sexual gratification comes from anyone or anything but your wife. Sounds tough, huh? This book helped me a bit, and I have known several guys that it helped a ton. It is quite an easy read, and I recommend it to those men out there with a desire to choose victory.
Rating: Summary: Straight talk Review: This is for the person who really wants to change! Evaluates the key problems and then presents real step by step solutions, including scriptural examples. Warning - this book is not for the timid! It tells it like it is, with strong language and examples, without sugarcoating. Some of it was embarassing, even though I had done the same things. Sexual impurity is a real problem in society and in the church and the example stories they give include alot of pastors. Women probably would be offended - my wife was. The book stresses taking a stand and, as the title says, fighting the battle every day. I highly recommend this book.
Rating: Summary: Excellent book for new Christians Review: I read this book with my husband and was very inpressed with the candid way the material was presented and the way the scriptures were connected. This book provides a practical way to deal with the subject of sexual purity for both sexes. It is very helpful for women in understanding the challenges and perspective of the men in thier lives. For new Christians this is a great way to explore this difficult to discuss topic and grow in thier knowledge of what God expects from us all-A holy body, mind and soul.
Rating: Summary: Draws heavily on Scripture, not what I was looking for -- Review: I was looking for a book that would help me to understand and thus go beyond my fascination with sexual fantasy. This book gave me few insights, it relies heavily on Biblical commandments and the examples of the ancient Judeo-Christian teachers. I note that the few pages reproduced on Amazon.com, being the early part of the book, are not that representative.