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Rating:  Summary: Incredible Review: Get these books and let them change your warped perspectives. Awesome, awesome, awesome.
Rating:  Summary: Thanks Review: I haven't read them yet but was most impressed with the delivery service to all the way over here in New Zealand!
Thanks, great Job!
I've read most of the Wild at Heart and LOVE it. I look forwrd to the other two!!
Hector Bassett
Rating:  Summary: Three Classics? Review: It wasn't clear to me from the description whether or not this item contained three separate and individual hardcover books, or if this was a single "three-in-one" book with all the pieces bound together. I am happy to report that the item has three separately-bound and individual hardcover books.
Rating:  Summary: Three Classics? Review: It wasn't clear to me from the description whether or not this item contained three separate and individual hardcover books, or if this was a single "three-in-one" book with all the pieces bound together. I am happy to report that the item has three separately-bound and individual hardcover books.
Rating:  Summary: RESTORING THE HEART OF THE CHRISTIAN MAN... Review: John Eldredge is sensitive, thoughtful, and manly in his approach to restoring the masculine soul to its rightful place in the Christian Church and daily life. His insights can change your whole perspective on what "Christian" and "man" and "male" can mean in the context of the heroic qualities of Jesus Christ and living for Him in very wise and practical ways. I cannot recommend these books enough. John Eldredge has done a great service to both men and women in definingmasculine leadership in a very biblical and necessary manner as over against the modern-day version of wimpy (almost passive) men and overly aggressive women that tends to leave both genders into places of confusion, strife, and misery. Here's the antidote.
Rating:  Summary: Some folks just don't understand... Review: OK, before I start, let me just say that I own each of these separately (the first in paperback), and, having seen so many mistaken reviews of these 3 books on the Amazon pages devoted to the original books, I thought this would be a good way to express my thoughts on all three books at once. These books are wonderful! The Sacred Romance really is moving, especially for those (like me) who grew up partially raised under the subtly unexpressed (but nonetheless present) viewpoint that God did not create the imagination but that it was something that only showed up in mankind after the Fall of Adam & Eve. This book shows that idea up for the religious woodfluff that it is. Not only did God create us as imaginative creatures, He made the imagination a vital part of His image in us! The Journey of Desire was equally good (if not better), showing that the Pharisee is still alive and well in the (visible) Body of Christ today, and still deserving of the same judgement Jesus handed down in Matthew 23:4. "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites, for you tie up heavy burdens and load men down with them, nearly breaking their backs, while you yourselves lift not even a finger to help them." Desire, contrary to what twisted versions of Puritanism have taught, can be a good thing if it is submitted to the lordship of Jesus first. (And no, that does not mean suppressing every desire we have.) Wild at Heart was good as well, showing that living from the heart (the new heart God promises in Ezekiel, that is) will lead a man not only to Christlikeness, but freedom to be who God made him to be, as well. Bottom line? Eldredge's books are part (I might almost say a central part) of a ministry to WOUNDED people first. Those Christians who have already been healed of their emotional wounds (fortunate few) will undoubtedly react differently to his books than those who have been beat up by life in a fallen world and are unafraid/unashamed to admit it. Remember what Jesus said? "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick." (Matthew 9:12) If you're not emotionally sick or wounded, you don't need this man's works. If you are, they're indispensable!
Rating:  Summary: Three Classics??? Review: Since there is no info listed on this I had to go to another web site (almost bought it there) to confirm that this is a set of Eldredge's 3 books: Sacred Romance, Wild At Heart, and The Journey of Desire.
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