Rating:  Summary: Explaining The Passion Review: Piper elegantly disects the issue of the significance of Christ's suffering. The book was released conveniently around the same time that Mel Gibson's movie was stirring up controversy in the media. Where Mel's movie fails to explain, Piper is quick to interject meaning. This book is not just recommended to people searching for answers to questions about the crucifixion of Jesus, but also for Christians who enjoy the shear joy and pure logic of the cross. Refreshingly, the book is not a defense of a tradtion, but an honest search for truth.
Rating:  Summary: a good summary of Christianity Review: Piper has distilled the essential content of Christianity into 50 two-page essays, each supported rigorously with relevant scriptures and sound exposition. While Piper does not elaborate on the meaning of the resurrection (for this, see the works of Dr. Gary Habermas), his treatment of the suffering and death of Christ is what you might expect from a semester-long seminary class. Yet, the writing is easy to understand and does not require any previous knowledge of the faith, except perhaps the basic story outlined in the gospels. This book is required reading for anyone who wants to know why Jesus came to die.
Rating:  Summary: The Why of the Passion of the Christ Review: The Passion of the Christ, the Mel Gibson film, has thrust Jesus into the public eye. Jesus Christ has become a commonplace name to be heard in the office, in the classroom, on TV, and in the paper. 1 Corinthians 1:18 says, "...the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." Therefore, you would expect two possible reactions to the movie: (1) Confusion and anger or (2) A response to the power of the message of the cross. That is exactly what we see, and that is exactly why this book was written. Because the movie presents the cross completely uncontextualized, those unfamiliar with the Bible will fall prey to the message of the popular culture and the media that would seek to immasculate the gospel. They say that Jesus was a political activist who was willing to die for what he believed. He was a misunderstood good teacher who was unfairly murdered. He is an antisemitic invention of some misguided religious folk. Or maybe they've just fallen prey to the temptation to think that this is just a "Christian movie" that doesn't relate to them. In other words, the message of the cross is foolishness to them. If this describes you or anybody that you know, this book is definately for you (or them). The Passion of Jesus Christ gives 50 reasons WHY Christ came to die. These reasons contextualize the movie. The physical suffering of Christ was not unique. Thousands, if not more, throughout history have died equally as painful deaths physically. However, the real suffering of the Christ that could never be captured on film was the rending of the perfect union between the Father and Son as the righteous wrath of the Father against all of humanity for our sins was placed squarely on Christ: Infinite wrath from an infinitely righteous and powerful God placed on the infinitely perfect Son in a finite amount of time to redeem us for all eternity. Jesus cried out in infinite anguish before he died, giving us a glimpse into the purpose of the cross and the real suffering there, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" (Matthew 27:46) The book is for the skeptic, the nonbeliever, the confused. Thoughtfully, gently, and in easy-to-read, two-page chapters, Piper shares 50 reasons why Jesus came to die. For the believer who has already embraced Christ as his/her only hope for salvation, the movie was 2 hours of guided, love-evoking meditation on the cross. As I watched the punishment of my Savior, Isaiah 53:5 was etched into my mind, bringing tears of gratitude and love streaming down my cheeks. He who knew no sin was made to be sin on my behalf (2 Corinthians 5:21). This book is earnestly needed by an unbelieving world, but equally as much for believers. The reasons why He died drive us to our knees in adoration, humiliation, and gratitude; they move us to graciousness, patience, and love; and they don't let us forget that our righteousness and hope is in Christ alone. As I watched the mocking crowds, anti-semitism was not aroused, but instead Horatio Bonar's poem echoed in my ears: 'Twas I that shed the sacred blood; I nailed him to the tree; I crucified the Christ of God; I joined the mockery. Of all that shouting multitude I feel that I am one; And in that din of voices rude I recognize my own. Around the cross the throng I see, Mocking the Sufferer's groan; Yet still my voice it seems to be, As if I mocked alone So, for believers and non-believers alike, this book is highly recommended. It is easy to read. It's presentation of Scripture to enlighten our view of Christ and His death is thought-provoking. You will not be able to finish this book and passively look at the cross. Presented with God's own word on His own death, you will either understand the "why" of the Passion of the Christ. You will either embrace Christ or reject him. Indifference is not an option.
Rating:  Summary: Helpful explaination of the gospel Review: The salvation offered in the gospel is so much more than simply the forgiveness of our sins. Salvation is Jesus Christ also includes our justification, union with Christ indwelling of the Holy Spirit, new nature and many other benefits. Lewis Sperry Chaefer, the first president of Dallas Seminary, once wrote that there are 33 things that are applied to you the moment you believe all based upon the work of Christ on the cross. While John Piper is not trying to demonstrate the truthfulness of Chaefer's thesis, his book "The Passion" does much the same thing. Piper unfolds for the reader many of the salvation benefits won for the believer by Christ death on the cross. One of the strengths of Piper's book is that he has written it for the average reader with easy vocabulary and short chapters. With skill and insight, Piper chapter explains why Christ died and how that effects the sinner. This is a GREAT book for a new believer. It also is a wonderful tool to use with a non-Christian who is wanting to know more about the gospel. It could be used as a study on the gospel, meeting weekly to talk through the nature of salvation offered in Christ's gospel. The only weakness of the book is that some of the chapters can seem redundant but this is only a very minor issue.
Rating:  Summary: Helpful explaination of the gospel Review: The salvation offered in the gospel is so much more than simply the forgiveness of our sins. Salvation is Jesus Christ also includes our justification, union with Christ indwelling of the Holy Spirit, new nature and many other benefits. Lewis Sperry Chaefer, the first president of Dallas Seminary, once wrote that there are 33 things that are applied to you the moment you believe all based upon the work of Christ on the cross. While John Piper is not trying to demonstrate the truthfulness of Chaefer's thesis, his book "The Passion" does much the same thing. Piper unfolds for the reader many of the salvation benefits won for the believer by Christ death on the cross. One of the strengths of Piper's book is that he has written it for the average reader with easy vocabulary and short chapters. With skill and insight, Piper chapter explains why Christ died and how that effects the sinner. This is a GREAT book for a new believer. It also is a wonderful tool to use with a non-Christian who is wanting to know more about the gospel. It could be used as a study on the gospel, meeting weekly to talk through the nature of salvation offered in Christ's gospel. The only weakness of the book is that some of the chapters can seem redundant but this is only a very minor issue.
Rating:  Summary: Short and sweet Review: This book does what any book examining Scripture should do - it takes Scripture, whether it be a difficult or simple passage, and then simply explains it for all to understand. Furthermore, it provides the correct context for the Passion (I recommend Matthew Mark, Luke, and John for further information!) and Christ's purpose. Those who have negatively reviewed this book because it purports "dogma" obviously do not have a problem with "dogma" but with the Word of God, for every chapter Piper writes in this very concise book is exegeted from and based off of SCRIPTURE. I highly recommend this, especially for a friend who might not know Christ but is interested because of the movie.
Rating:  Summary: "If you don't like dogma/TRUTH, you won't like this book! Review: This book does what any book examining Scripture should do - it takes Scripture, whether it be a difficult or simple passage, and then simply explains it for all to understand. Furthermore, it provides the correct context for the Passion (I recommend Matthew Mark, Luke, and John for further information!) and Christ's purpose. Those who have negatively reviewed this book because it purports "dogma" obviously do not have a problem with "dogma" but with the Word of God, for every chapter Piper writes in this very concise book is exegeted from and based off of SCRIPTURE. I highly recommend this, especially for a friend who might not know Christ but is interested because of the movie.
Rating:  Summary: concise and biblical Review: this book helps you understand the importance of Christ's suffering which cannot be fully portrayed in a movie (or fully understood in an entire lifetime of studying for that matter). piper is a great writer whose writings are based entirely on Scripture. i find it interesting that other people who have rated this book poorly do so anonymously yet everyone else gives it 5 stars... if you are familiar with john piper, you know he is Biblically solid as a writer and preacher, and i'd highly recommend any of his stuff.
anyhow, i recommend this particular book to anyone because it is such a short and quick read. it's also a great gift to witness to friends who have seen the movie and have more questions. of course with it's brevity, this book's not supposed to be exhaustive on any of the 50 reasons, but it does give 50 reasons, based on scripture, written concisely. read it for yourself or buy it for someone else; all in all a great book.
Rating:  Summary: Answering the question "Why?" Review: This book is a must for anyone who has seen or is interested in seeing the movie, "The Passion of the Christ." The movie, while very good in its own right, does not really address the issue of why this had to take place. Piper's book does this. The format of the book is great. Aside from the introduction all the chapters are no more than a page and a half long. This makes it a perfect devotional. All the information is taken directly out of the Bible. Piper does not make wild claims without backing them up with Scripture. The book even uses a fairly modern and accurate translation for all it's Scripture quotes. The English Standard Version (ESV.) The book is well written and easy to follow and understand. I recommend this to anyone who has questions about the "why" of Christ's Passion.
Rating:  Summary: As always.... Piper hits a home run! Review: This book is an automatic five stars. Written on the level that even a new believer or someone who never picked up a bible in their life could understand, yet so chocked full of theology in laymans terms that even a seasoned believer can appreciate it, I can't say enough good things about this book. But in addition to explaining to you in greater detail why Christ came to die, it teaches you. Each entry is about a page and a half. You could read this whole book in a day (2 hours) - it's that light. But you'll wanna read about 2-3 entries, examine the scriptures and think on these over the course of the day. You can visit Piper's website and read a few chapters from the book online.