Rating:  Summary: Revelation? Review: If you like reading fiction then this book might be for you. You must remember that the book contains distortions, deceptions and outright fantasy. It seems as though it might be a good way to make money.....the author got mine (for the last time)
Rating:  Summary: A complete load of rubbish.......but worse Review: What can I say about this book? If you enjoy reading rags like the National Enquirer in the States, or anything that is passed for a news rag here in London, this is the book for you because you will believe anything. I half expected Elvis to show up in the ancient paintings they were "interpreting". The book is supposedly a shocking expose, which illuminates ancient secrets hidden for thousands of years, all of which provide information contrary to the Bible. OK, I am intrigued. So, I pick up the book and after several stops and starts because it is so incredibly dull, I manage to force my way through it. I was shocked; they did get that right. But shocked that their theories were built on such flimsy and obviously biased wishful thinking. Oh, but wait that's not all: they then base even more theories on top of these weak foundations. You will get used to reading several "one might assume", and "if this was true, then this might be' kinds of reasoning on every page. The photos are interesting, and some of the theories (especially the Jesus and Mary - Isis God theory) are worth reading if only for a laugh. This book is so bad; it is almost good in a "B" horror movie kind of way. I could almost see those chaps on Mystery Theatre 3000 in the foreground making wisecracks along the way. Good reading if you have literally nothing else to do. Oh, and if you find yourself buying this rubbish, perhaps you would like to come by my flat and pay for my rubbish - it goes out every Tuesday, and I will only charge you a few pence.
Rating:  Summary: Hard to read and rigid! Review: This book ignores much new information. The authors have a definite perspective on this. I recommend you read Ken Agori instead.
Rating:  Summary: Thought provoking to say the least Review: I must have been awfully sheltered but I have just never been exposed to most of these apparently age-old theories and thoughts -- and yet they were reasonably well documented leading me to read further beyond this book -- and finding basic confirmation in other source material of much it discusses. Even down to -- yes, it is a woman sitting beside Jesus at Leonardo's Last Supper! Absolutely mind-blowing for me, and truly seals the absurdity of the Roman church "sovereignty" -- but I think it and all the societies it discusses (to the degree accurately represented) seem to miss one thing -- the basic spirituality and moral goodness of Jesus' teachings, whoever he was and however he died and whatever religion he was teaching.
Rating:  Summary: THE TRUTH ABOUT JESUS CHRIST? Review: This is a book about Jesus, the development of Christianity, and the origins of certain heresies and secret or occult traditions. The authors share some interesting theories concerning Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and John the Baptist, supporting their ideas with some thought-provoking evidence from a wide range of sources. Special attention is afforded to the beliefs and traditions of certain well-known secret societies and religious sects. The first half of the book is less compelling than the second, and deals with a few of the more curious historical characters, myths and legends that are often associated with these topics, and the authors offer a few novel insights. It is worthwhile persevering until the second half of the book, which presents some very interesting theories and is rich in intriguing scraps of information, scriptural contradictions, conspiracy theory, and unsolved mysteries. Despite the title, the main focus of the book is not the Templars. However, anyone with an interest in the Templars, the history of the crusades, or the occult, should appreciate that experts continue to debate whether or not the alleged Templar heresy was genuine; where the heretical ideas originated and how they might have fitted in with the pursuits of a medieval Christian monastic military order. Some light is shed on these questions in this text, although the authors inexplicably seem to avoid actually stating some of the connections that they appear to be alluding to... This book is easy to follow, informal and sometimes entertaining, packed with interesting information and ideas, and I would suggest it to any reader who would like to read around the subjects discussed.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting, but.... Review: Actually an interesting book, *but* - read the Hiram Key for an alternate and maybe more accurate history of the templars.
Rating:  Summary: True Revelations Review: True Revelations about the Templars Wow! That's how I can best describe The Templar Revelation in a single word. Rarely can one read work brave enough to draw the clear but controversial links between topics such as Conspiracy, Freemasonry, Templars, Christianity, Judaism, Occultism, the cult of Isis & Osiris, and Esoterism. I would reccomend this book to anybody with the slightest interest in religion, conspiracy or underground societies. Even an expert can learn something or, at the very least, may raise an interested eyebrow at some of the rather incredible conclusions arrived at inside this book. More important to me though, was finding more of the evidence of a great global conspiracy that I find woven into the fabric of so many studies of ancient & secret organisations. This evidence points to the existence of a super-secret organisation hidden deep within the inner-sanctiums of Freemasonry & other underground movements. Bear with this book: as is often the case with ground-breaking work, some ideas that are presented early require many pages to back them up. By the middle of the book genuine revelations are gushing forth from the text. It is certain, for example, that Judaism & christianity 'stole' elements from much, much older systems of beliefs. It is also likely that much taught by modern religious leaders is very different from the original and secret founding beliefs of their respective faiths. Freemasonry, and many of the business-leaders and top politicians it boasts as members, really do practice rites with ancient egyptian and Jewish roots - though even senior members may not fully understand the meaning of their practices. Readers who want to know about the "Illuminati", the "Bilderberg" group, or the global "New World Order" conspiracy should read this book as background research. I would also reccomend reading the books "New World Order" and "The Hiram Key" - available on this site. It is very hard to find good information on these subjects. Just as the media does not report on the activities of the "Bilderberg" group you will not find many books published on these powerful secret organisations, which boasts world-leaders & top business-bosses among their rank & file. The material in this book may help you to piece together some the great puzzle as a part of your research. Many find it hard to believe that secret societies are able to influence world events. It is a frightening & unlikely concept. Though this book is intended as a study of one particular Order, the Knight Templar, you will find clues to some of the many mysterious and secret activities that are shaping the world we live in behind closed doors - activities that may be leading to a devastating shake-up in the very foundations of our society and beliefs.
Rating:  Summary: Bring's up a lot of question's???????? Review: Again, this is another ground breaking book that slaps down a false relgion. And, bring's up a very interesting question about who exactley was jesus and what was his relationship with mary the magadaline. But, if you are looking for another Templar story this really is not it. It's more about art & religious history and belief. But, nevertheless I highly recommend it to all who are seeking to be brought from the darkness to the light.
Rating:  Summary: Successful at exposing the lies of the church Review: Read this book and others like this. Make your own judgement. These are times to arm yourself with knowledge, learn the truth. Do not be a zombie to religious institutions that feed you lies and take your hard earned money.
Rating:  Summary: Spellbinding! Could NOT put down!! Review: This is a wonderful book that I understood easily and found astonishing. This is a great resource book for the future and to go back and read it again and again is "never tiring". The author goes into detail on the aspects YOU want to hear and know about....and proves her point from where her sources are...this is a "Must Have"!!