Rating:  Summary: Poor scholarship and misleading Review: "Maharaj" is supposed to be a hindu but he shows little understanding of true hindu spirituality. Hinduism is one of the oldest and most viable spriritual traditions and is tarnished by the poor scholarship presented here. This book is a sham.
Rating:  Summary: A Fascinating Life Story Review: A "must read" for those interested in Hinduism or New Age way of life. A fascinating life story of a Brahmin.
Rating:  Summary: I felt the book was a beautiful testimony. Review: As a lover of Indian culture and a devout Christian, I felt Maharaj's testimony was a powerful witnessing tool and a good story. It can be instrumental in evangelizing Hindus and shows a great spiritual and cultural struggle
Rating:  Summary: A fascinating pilgrimage. Review: Death of a Guru is not a systematic argument against Hinduism, despite the impression you might get from some of the reviewers below. Rather, it is the story of the author's conversion from Krishna to Christ, a spiritual biography with zip, drama, and controversy. The only systematic part of the book is the (very helpful) glossary of Hindu terms in the back. Admittedly, Rabi gives a very negative view of India and Hinduism. I would also recommend Gandhi's Autobiography, for a very different and equally interesting picture, yet which I do not think negates anything in this book. Another gripping autobiography that follows the same track as Rabi, in India itself, is Tal Brooke's Avatar of Night. My fields are East Asian religions and Marxism; I'm not an expert on Hinduism. But a lot of what Rabi says rings true as far as how developed monist philosophy filters down to the common folks. At the same time, I am sure there are things in Indian culture that a Christian can affirm as well. I have just finished writing a book called Jesus and the Religions of Man. In that book, I discuss briefly the idea of God in Indian culture. I also discuss some very startling verses in the Rig Veda that seem to point to the death of Christ on the cross. I think people on both sides of the "review debate" below will find these passages of interest. No doubt there are other positive features and "redemptive analogies" within Indian culture. As Christians, I believe we should affirm all aspects of truth. Rabi's story presents a particular challenge to those who would say that all religions lead up the same mountain. It is natural that some reviewers find it upsetting; but I think Rabi give many important aspects of the truth here. d.marshall@sun.ac.jp
Rating:  Summary: A Great Autobiography Review: I actually learned about this book through Sandra, Rabi's cousin, who attends the same church I do here in Switzerland. It's pretty cool to read about people I know (as well as various members of their family who have visited Sandra) and to learn their amazing history. I find almost any testimony to be good reading, but this one interested me especially, both from being in contact with their family as well as to learn about Hindu culture (of which I admittedly know little). It's also just a plain good story, and brief enough to read in a couple hours... highly recommended!
Rating:  Summary: The true life story and spiritual journey of Rabi Maharaj. Review: I enjoyed this fast moving autobiography immensely . I must stress that this book is accurate. It is written by Rabi himself. I have talked with Mr. Maharaj on the phone and know people that have known him personally, this is his story and experience. Arvind-4@msn.com has commendable national pride in India and Hindu culture, Rabi's book is not about these topics. Perhaps Arvind would find to his surprise much more agreement than he would expect were he to meet with Rabi and discuss culture and national history. Rabi has told his own journey in life, sticking to the lessons that have been most important to him. A Living relationship with the Creator God and eternal life are not tied to one culture or people, but open to all cultures and all times. I encourage you to read this book as a spiritual individual, then take its message and fullfill it within your own journey and culture. Peace to you. T.J.
Rating:  Summary: The point Review: I have to agree that the author of this book has no neutral point of view. Some may argue he hasn't properly understod hinduism but that is not the point. The point is that he provides a clear insight of how, indeed, hinduism is understood by many many hindus today. Further, he shows the dangers, if you will, this understanding presents. Of course, every religion has the potential to lead the seeker to God, but the true value of a religion you can only recognize by looking at its (true) followers. While the life of a christian, if he really can be called one, is a primarily a life focussing on humility and service to others, I would say the life of a hindu (i have to generalize here, sorry), is often one of many rituals (pujas), many gods and superstition and the belief to attain the "grace" of the deity and a good karma through it. Now, the only question that arises here, is: Which is the way God wants man to live with him? The way of rituals, pujas, thousands of deities, fear of punishment or bad karma, worship of men and gurus as God, etc., pp. Or rather a way of primarily focussing on help for and love to others only giving praise to Him through simple heart connection and prayer without any need for rituals, pujas, mantras, yantras, yagnas, deities, etc. where I am not sure if by calling the latter "magic" one would be far from the truth. I have the strong belief that it doesn't make any difference of which religous confession you are when you have a deep love for God (Good) He will hear your prayers and help and guide you, but as I already mentioned, the point is there are religions and philosophies (often altered heavily through the times) that can easily mislead people and Hinduism today, though having a long tradition, has proven to possess a strong potential to lead people into strong superstitous beliefs and fears and a counter-productive understanding of God and life and what is neccessary for the individual soul to really get closer to HIM. May the one true God of all religions bless us all!
Rating:  Summary: False propaganada about Hinduism Review: I study in an university, and some one gave me this book [208]to read, so that I will not be lost with my Hindu beliefs. After an in-depth perusal, I am sorry to write, from first page to the last page of this book, author is fabricating stories. This book is written with an agenda to condemn Hinduism. Unluckily, Maharaj has no idea about Hindu scriptures or history of Hinduism. That is the reason why he failed quote any verse from any Hindu scripture to prove Hinduism is wrong. He also failed to produce any historical data with proper dates in his book. Honestly, I am not even sure that he is a Hindu Guru as he proclaimed himself to be. True, like all other religions including Christianity, Hinduism has its faults, but nobody can deny the fact that "no Hindu is thrown out of Hinduism" and "it is the most tolerant religion on earth." Let us just look at some facts. There are 70 million Christians and 125 million Moslems in India. They live in India, since Hindu majority treated them with tender loving care. Mother Theresa lived, worked and died in India. When she died, government India gave her a funeral fit for an princess or an emperor. Aldous Huxley, Max Muller, Emerson, Mark Twain etc paid glowing tribute to Hinduism in their writings. Any one who wants to know about Hinduism should read books such as The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell, Autobiography of A Yogi, Am I A Hindu? etc. Please for your own soul's sake, please read other books about Hinduism, before making up your mind.
Rating:  Summary: Where is my review? Review: I wrote a review on this books several weeks ago but it has not yet appeared. When will it appear?
Rating:  Summary: Author has no idea about Hinduism? Just anti-propaganada! Review: In 208 pages of this book, I am suprised to see author has not even written one good word about Hinduism in the entire book. He did not know HINDUISM IS A CULTURE AND NOT AN ORGANIZED RELIGION LIKE ISLAM OR CHRISTIANITY. He has gone to extreme length to dehumanise Hinduism. On page 151, he is sorry for his mother worshipping false Hindu gods!! He did not know HINDUS HAVE ONLY ONE GOD THAT IS BRAHMAN-that God express in trillion forms. He forgot to mention the Vedic prayer, TRUTH IS ONE BUT WHEN DESCRIBE THAT IN MANY WAYS. God said in Hindu Bible, "IN WHATEVER A DEVOTEE SEEKS TO WORSHIP ME WITH FAITH, I MAKE HIS FAITH STEADFAST IN THAT FORM ALONE..God also said: WHATEVER PATHS PEOPLE CHOOSE, ALL LEADS TO ME ALONE. In the Holy Bible Jehowah God said he is A JEALOUS GOD since Jehowah was fighting with Canannite gods like Baal. He may also does not know that there is no word TRINITY in the Bible. May be author did not know any of that. Author states in page 186 that Hinduism is the root of India's problem. He forgets the fact that India was under British until 1947. He also forget the fact that COLUMBUS SAILED TO SEE HINDU INDIA AND NOT AMERICA!! Will he be ready to write ANCESTRAL WORSHIP AND BUDDHISM ARE THE REASONS WHY JAPAN IS A GREAT NATION..Is he ready to state that PRACTISE OF CATHOLIC RELIGION IS THE REASON WHY PHILIPPINES IS A POOR NATION? I wish author will read the book AM I A HINDU? Halo Books [sold millions in India] before he write another book. What a shame! so many lies in one little book..He has nothing to say about 6 philosophies of Hinduism. What about HINDU ASTRONOMY, Hindu medicine, Yoga etc! How can anyone ignore them!, He may not know ZERO and METRIC systems are the contributions of Hinduism to the world. When people like Carl Sgan , H.G. Wells , Aldous Huxley etc look at Hinduism with respect this author look at Hinduism with contempt. What a paradox! This book is written part of anti-Hindu, anti-east propaganda. I sincerely pray for the author. May God give him knowledge to write a better book with proper facts and figures. PLEASE read the book AM I A HINDU? so that you will have a better understanding of eastern religions