Rating:  Summary: When an Enemy Reviews Review: I read the "official" review of this book posted here on Amazon. The writer is dismayed that George Bush is not lambasted and critized more in this book, especially for his "environmental" policies. That review is not a review but merely a promotion of the reviewer's own ideology. When one cannot review without this type of comment, he should not review at all. I agree with Bush's environmental policies and my viewpoint is as valid as that of the "official" reviewer.
Rating:  Summary: Advance Copy Review: I was lucky enough to get an advance copy of this new book. I have just started reading it, and I am surprised to find it so appealing a read. The author, David Aikman, is a seasoned writer of many years experience with TIME magazine. I have read many of his magazine articles, so I had high expectations to begin with.It seems such a timely read in light of the upcoming elections, but also because of the interest in Christianity the "Passion" has stirred up. With people more focused on their faith, and less afraid to talk about it (or hear about it), this book will appeal to alot of people. This is an insider's look at a president that people love to hate. I was especially interested to learn about the president's faith since John Kerry's Catholicism seems so flimsy. As a Catholic, I have difficulty understanding how John Kerry can publicly proclaim his Catholicism and reject its beliefs all at the same time. Anyway, I'm enjoying the book while pondering the upcoming election chaos!
Rating:  Summary: A Good Glimpse of W's Walk Review: It is sad when people use a chance to critique a book to judge the subject's spiritual journey. They should be giving their judgement of the book. I found it to be a great glimpse into George Bush's life. It is good to hear about his prayer life as well. I think it is wonderful to see him as human and to watch him maturing in the faith as David Aikman describes. Some are skeptical because it seems that the timing is more politically motivated. Of course, only God can truly know because He is the one who saves and sanctifies. But, I have no doubt that He would choose to take this regular Texas boy and develop him and use him "for such a time as this." I found it interesting to follow his spiritual journey. I guess my favorite part of the book was when Aikman took us through a brief spiritual glimpse of most of the presidents. That was great! He gave many wonderful quotes from past leaders of our great country! The book is worth reading just for that. Nevermind the negative reviews with political axes to grind. This book is well worth your time.
Rating:  Summary: A Fool According To His Folly Review: The President & Commander in Chief of the most ethically bankrupt administration since perhaps Warren Harding, possesses the simple faith of a very simple man. Bush has an innate unquestioning faith in the Lord, much like his perceived divine right to rule and send our military men & women to their death in a nationalistic grab for oil & geopolitics. His faith is his pillar to act and react like the blessed Imams of Iran. For he also sees the hand of God in his moral pronouncements and opinions. This is the faith of exclusion rather than inclusion. His God is one that prefers no debate and distinctly qualifies that which is good and decent in the life of America. And why should Mr. Bush's God require anything other than fear, for to question is to undermine the throne of God that sheds its terrible goodness across our land. There is no room for troubling doubt in our President's spirituality, for the mighty bulwark that is his God has no second. But for those of us of smaller faith, we have sat by the waters of Babylon and wept. For he is one of us, and we are his. Shepherd feed thy sheep the bitter tears of regret, and no stain shall come upon him until we wake up and demand a return to those secular American values that made us once great and respected in this vale of tears.
Rating:  Summary: Who has actually read this book? Review: There are some reviews here that appear to be written by those who plainly dislike Pres. Bush but did not read this book. I feel sorry for them, as this is a wonderful book going into the life and development of Bush as our President. The reviewer from New York, the non-Christian, appears to have little grasp on what Christianity is. The other from Crawford must assume that all church services are on Sundays. As many Baptist will say, church is not merely a place to worship. It is the culmination of worship and study. Aikman shows how Mr. Bush changed from a rambunctious young man into a respectable, admirable leader. He has his faults and makes no qualms against them. Aikman, an outsider to the family, took anecdotes and lessons from Mr. Bush's life through colleagues, friends and family. What you have here is the embodiment of those interviews. No, Mr. Bush has not been faultless in his Presidency, as no President ever has been faultless. (Clinton was a far-cry from faultless...the sworn liar.) But he has shown time and time again that he has a sincere heart to love and a God-driven will to serve the people for the betterment of the world. He earned more respect from me through this book, after reading of the years where he was not the most well-mannered or appropriately behaving person. However, he had a need to save himelf from his own destruction, and he chose God as the one to lead him out of his perils. He has followed God and Christ since those days and become an example of a renewed Christian. What could be a better testament to his life and his family than this book? Read it, whether you do not agree with his politics or not. I don't claim that it will change your political opinion of him, but I know it will give you more insight on why he does certain things or speak in certain ways. Just have an open mind when you begin this book. If anything, you will learn how he could easily have been one of your friends from your hometown, college or workplace. Give this book a try. Don't discount it automatically and ignorantly. David Aikman does a wonderful job in telling a story you may enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: Great Review: This is the best book currently out there on Bush's faith. The author was given inside access to many of those closest to Bush.
Rating:  Summary: Are you kidding? Review: We have a President who lied about Weapons of Mass Destruction, lied about the connection between Iraq and 9/11, obstructed inquiries into his drug use, his Armed Service Records, and God knows what else, and there are reviewers encouraged by his faith? President Bush is using Christianity in the worst sort of way, a way Jesus would never have approved of. I marvel at your willingness to fall victim to this book.
"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." Someone much wiser than any of us said that, and look what President Bush has done: he threw the first stone against Iraq, he threw the first stone against Homosexuals, he threw the first stone against myriad others. There is nothing Christian in his actions, only his words. Reading the bible is not the same as living it, and he does not do the latter, though I am sure he has a verse or two waiting for anyone.
He fancies himself a new crusader, taking up the mantle of those who tried to liberate Jerusalem centuries ago. Well, the Crusades were the most unholy events carried out in God's name. A true man of faith would not parade it around.
Rating:  Summary: WWGWBD? Review: Well, he's no longer an obnoxious drunk, which I guess is rather Christian of him, but are we talking about the Old Testament George W., the New Testament George W., or the "Left Behind" George W. with Kung-Fu Grip? This is key, because when asking what George W. would do, we have to know whether he's the "fire and brimstone" president or the "forgive your sins" president or the Tom Clancified, "firefight with the devil" president. I'm pretty sure that the Old Testament president would respond to most situations with a nice carpet bombing, as would the "Left Behind" president. But the New Testament president, he's a tough nut to crack. There's all that Revelations static, which is pretty heavy, but last time I checked, it wasn't supposed to be the good guys who were dropping armageddon out of their bomb bays. This is extra confusing because the New Testament is supposed to be the one that counts, seeing as how it has Jesus in it and all, and yet we've got a president who seems to come straight out of the fire and brimstone days. Even though he says his favorite philosopher is Jesus and even though he quotes a lot of the big Book in his speeches, he hasn't been acting all that Christian lately, even if he has laid off the sauce. I mean, righteous vengeance is one thing, but since when does a practicing Christian wreak their righteous vengeance on a country which, although ruled by a tyrant, hasn't really done anything? By that logic, the United States ought to be invaded by some foreign power concerned with the bloodless coup that overturned American democracy in 2000. I guess we should all be thankful there aren't any countries out there infused with the Holy Ghost Spirit and rarin' to roll across our borders.
So to tell the truth, I have a pretty good idea what Jesus might do, but absolutely no clue as to what George W. might do.
Rating:  Summary: Sham Review: What a joke! George Bush is no Christian. In fact, his very public pronouncements of faith are slanderous to true believers who are becoming the brunt of attacks from those who detest this man and his evil policies. Bush's "Christian" beliefs are often pointed to as the source of the U.S.'s misadventures in Iraq. The persecution of Christians is already happening in the U.S., and Dubya is partly to blame. But as was the case with his failure to take action on 9/11, he knows exactly what he's doing.
Even the devil can quote Scripture, Georgie boy, and even Jimmy Carter fooled people into believing he was "born again." Some point to Bush's irresponsible past as a sign that his "faith" is a sham, but anyone can see the light and change for the better. But Bush hasn't denounced the most notorious part of his former life. He remains loyal to Skull and Bones, the clearly Satanic cult that he refuses to talk about, and also joins the global elite at Bohemian Grove to worship Molech, a stone owl that even earned a mention in the Old Testament. This is Satanic idol worship, not the activities a "Christian" would participate in.
Bush may not be the Anti-Christ (then again...) but his policies are sure helping to pave the way for the one world government over which The Son of Perdition will rule. And don't forget that our "commander-in-chief"'s activities on 9/11, and his contradictory explanations as to why he sat reading a children's book while thousands of Americans were being slaughtered, have never been adequately or convincingly explained, except to the ill-informed who believe what government officials and the media tell them. The rest of us know only too well why he took no action. Unfortunately for him, so does the Lord Jesus Christ whom he claims to worship. Get ready for Judgement Day, Dubya. Ya gotta lot of explainin' to do, cowboy.
If you're a Christian, stop buying into this man's deliberate lies about his so-called faith. Read the Bible and see what it says about wolves in sheep's clothing. Bush is a wolf just like his evil old man. You may be surprised when you don't see him in Heaven. I'll be surprised if I do.
Rating:  Summary: funniest book i have ever read Review: You have got to be kidding. Didnt Jesus say Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and give drink to the thirsty. Bush has cut social spending to give these essential needs to the poor in the USA. Instead, that money has gone to killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and 1500 US soldiers. HE LIED about WMD and Iraqi affiliation with Osama Bin Laden. I believe Christians are against murder. (And yes this is murder because this war was not justified by any religious groups). This book and president are here to buy over idiotic fundamentalist christians who believe that someone who prays and goes to church is the messiah. Bush is a hypocrite and I am ashamed to see him use religion to justify his idiotic policies. The Bible says not to be like the hypocrites who make sure everyone knows when they are praying. Bush made sure everyone knew about his religion even though he doesnt live it out. Book is absolutly hysterical. Im waiting for the author to tell us it was a joke. Until that moment though, i have to give it one star.