Rating:  Summary: Left Behind Review Review: I loved this book! It kept me reading and made me think aboutwhat is really going to happen during the last days. Keep reading,the second book is just as good and I'm ready for the third.
Rating:  Summary: Outstanding! Review: I started this book and could hardly stand to put it down. It pulls you in immediately. The characters are well written. You feel you know them personally. I devoured this book in two days. I immediately got the next one and devoured that in one day. I'm now eagerly waiting to get my hands on the third book. 'Left Behind' is a powerful book on what the people left behind will face after Christ raptures his church. This book brings Revelation to life. A warning to non-believers: the truth may be hard to take.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting concept, poor execution Review: Bad writing, good story. I think the authors were trying to follow the popularity of science fiction series that leave you dangling at the end of a book, thereby forcing you to buy the next in the series. Unfortunately, the writing isn't nearly as good as the early Robert Jordan, or Christian author C.S. Lewis. (Who didn't read the Narnia series as a child?) Too bad, because this was a great concept wasted.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT Review: To tell the truth i thought that this book would be not that great, and i only bought it to see what all the hype was about. I am not ver relegious and had my doubts when i started to read it. After abour the first chapter i couldn't put it down. I walked everywhere with hoping to get a spare moment just to read a little bit more. I forund it really easy to understand and the language great. Overall i gave it a 4/5 stars! GREAT BOOK!
Rating:  Summary: Very moving, a tad philocentric Review: I have enjoyed every single one of these tapes. The reader,Andrew Muller (?) is the best audio book reader I have heard. Thestory is captivating and compelling, and the suspense is immense (especially if you get them one tape at a time). However, at times the tone can be philocentric, and the whole premise of the story is based on what is most likely a misinterpretation of the original context. Yeshua Marya (Ancient Aramaic for the Master Jesus) never intended for us to worship him, only to follow his teachings. He tried to tell us again and again that we are his brothers, and God our Father. The Roman Catholic Church twisted the original teachings, and put fear and damnation into the equation. Jesus never taught that...
Rating:  Summary: Left Behind - Jesus Strikes Back Review: Although Left Behind does not purport to be science fiction, itfollows many of the conventions explored in apocalyptic novels from a"christian" perspective. While I'm willing to suspenddisbelief and accept that the Rapture is just as likely as any other fantasy, this book makes little effort to truly explore a world in which god kidnaps all the children and holds them hostage in order to compel those "Left Behind" to convert. Instead, it consists mostly of several long speeches intended to convince the reader that "time's a wastin'" and that he/she better get good with god or else. Not surprisingly for a book from the christian right, the writing is virtually unreadable. Unable to achieve sufficient coherence to create actual chapters, the authors instead present one short scene (three or four paragraphs) after another with virtually no attempt at continuity. These short scenes are occasionally and dreadfully interrupted with long-winded attempts at proselytization by the main characters or by cheesy speculation about what will happen next. The characters themselves are thin as bible pages - Rayford Steele, the flawed but-guilty-about-it airline pilot, Buck Williams, so-named because he "bucks" the system, Hattie, the flaky stewardess, Chloe, the rebellious college student. But one of my biggest objections is that none of the books in the series appear to be able to be read by themselves as complete novels. The first has no climax much less a resolution but instead ends in virtual mid-thought, I suppose in an effort to create a cliff-hanger effect. Even christians should be able to see the blatant commercialism at work in this tactic. After all, the authors have 12 more books in the series to sell. It is extremely interesting that the main characters are all clearly Anglo-Saxons. Indeed, I don't think any of the protagonists are "people of color." Again, this is not surprising given the treatment the authors give the Jews. The most prominent Jew is aligned with the anti-christ and references to the "blood libel" form a subtext of the novel. The authors work through all of the political issues of the christian right including abortion, feminism, world government, and adultery. It could easily be argued that their treatment of these issues is the only reason they set pen to paper... By the way, I would have awarded zero stars but that is not an option.
Rating:  Summary: Isn't reading supposed to be fun? Review: I was horribly disapointed with 'Left Behind #1'. A great premise quickly bogs down into a dull tedious slog. I didn't enjoy the experience one bit ( It reads like the authors didn't enjoy the write much either). Not only was the characterization weak, there was no memorable action and the prose was lifeless and uninspired, some bits were just downright unbelievably corny. The only sense of wonder I was left with was where Mr. Jerry B. Jenkins and Mr. Tim F. Lahaye got the idea they would need so many different books to get their story across. Eleven installments of this! come off it guys!
Rating:  Summary: Good start to an exciting on the edge-of-your-seat adventure Review: This is an realistic and scary portrayal of what COULD happen after the return of Christ. Its not only entertaining and exciting its also a wake up call to people everywhere. This was the slowest moving book of the series but is a front row ticket to something I never want to experience first hand.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book! Review: This book was awesome! It had a great plot! I could never guess what would happen next. Anyone who has any questions email me at b_manj2188@hotmail.com. I would strongly encourage the reading of this book! It helped me understand better of what is going to happen after Christ comes back! I hope you enjoy this book as much as I did!
Rating:  Summary: The Latest Trend Review: This series has to be the most popular beside of Harry Potter and no wonder. The plot is magnificentley put together, it's a non-stop thriller in many ways. And when you stop to think this will actually happen, it SCARES you to death! It will absolutely change your life and strengthen your fatih. It gives all these gigantic events and then backs them up with reverence to the Bible. Those who hate the book are really only in denail of the truth they are faced with. If you don't believe me, look at all the other books LaHeye has written on the subject. It may even assure you won't be "Left Behind"!