Rating:  Summary: Excellent for a non Christian/Adventure reader Review: AT 1st I was worried about reading this book. I really don't like being preached to and I'm not "into" the religion. (Not unlike a few characters in the book actually LOL).However - it took 17 pages to know that I was going to finish the book. It's actually a learning/alternate reality adventure book that grabs you and you find yourself not wanting to put it down. Sure there is religion in it but for me it is part of the plot, not something the author is trying to force down your throat. It's a quick read but - be warned - it's only the 1st book and that was another obstacle I had to deal with. Do I really want to partake into a 12-volume undertaking. I decided that if I liked it - I would think about the 2nd book - take one book at a time. Well, trust me, you WILL read the 2nd book! WOW! I've read books where the good guys are against the bad guys that are called the antichrist but never THE Antichrist himself! The real deal. You can read about what the book is about on other posts but if you are interested enough to think about reading it. You WILL like the book.
Rating:  Summary: Leave This One Behind, Not Your Cash Review: ... I skimmed the back cover, read the brief summery, and figured that it might pass off to be a logical, well-written book about the end times. "Surely, this should be interesting," I thought, as I paid for it at the counter. After I got on the plane and we were in the air, I opened my new purchase. By page fifty, I was disgusted and insulted. By page seventy-five, I was laughing so hard that the person besides me told me to shut up. I continued to read this, thinking to myself, "This has to get at least somewhat better..." I'm sad to say that it didn't, and by the time I arrived at my destination, I mourned the loss of the twenty bucks I paid for it. The concept is one that isn't new; in essence, this book is nothing more than a Christian fundamentalist view on the Book of Revelation. The characters are bland, as they are too easily predictable and illogical in both their reasoning and their actions. They seemed to be so easily trapped by the Christian mindset after such a short period of time, and without thinking for themselves I might add. Also, most of the logic and reason that would make this book work isn't present. The disappearances that occur are supposedly God claiming his "chosen people" and taking them into heaven. But, they didn't exactly say until around page 40 who those people were. In fact, the book never said anything directly to any denomination of religion about this entire epic saga until chapter three. Which brings me to my next point: According to this book, only true Christians are taken by God; no one else, just Christians. What about the true Jews or Muslims, or any monotheistic religious peoples? Did God suddenly not like them and cast them aside as inferior? That message became quite clear throughout pages of the book, as the "true" religion is proclaimed as Christianity, which made me absolutely disgusted. By the time I finished, I realized that the entire book was nothing more than a heap of religious propaganda, unoriginally written and conceived by two hypocritical "Christian" authors. If a Christian has that little respect to other religious and peoples, they don't deserve to be called a Christian, let alone a decent human being. But there's more! The events of the post-rapture are illogical and nonrealistic, as well as what had happened beforehand. The world agrees to three world currencies, and plans to go to one? The United Nations has its members to destroy ninety percent of its weapons, and give the remaining ten to the UN? And all nations seem to agree with this by an overwhelming majority? Thinking that all nations will agree to this is completely ludicrous, and isn't good political writing. So, in conclusion, this book is nothing more than a stockpile of religious propaganda and lies, aimed to scare you for the rest of your life about what will happen to you on this last day of judgment. Unless you liked having this kind of thing shoved down your throat on a daily basis, don't waste your money;
Rating:  Summary: Well written setup for the series Review: Left Behind is a very well written book that keeps you wanting more. No time is wasted before the action starts. Although it does become somewhat slow throughout, it seems to be setting up for the rest of the series. Certainly recommended for enybody and everybody who has been looking for a great read.
Rating:  Summary: Seeker left still searching ... for a great Christian novel Review: As a believer and continual seeker for a greater understanding of God, I'd hoped this book would be, as promised by folks I respect, a good, exciting read that would illuminate the role of Christianity in modern society. I wanted to like the book, indeed to love it as they did, but instead I found it a flat read, with two-dimensional characters plodding through fairly unbelieveable circumstances. (It wasn't the Rapture part that was so unbelieveable, it was the flimsy plot undergirding it: gimme a break, a pouty flight attendant successfully whines her way into how many disinterested but well-meaning people's lives only to catapult instantly to the Antichrist's girlfriend? Ick. Too simple.) Yes, sometimes the storytelling did ratchet up almost to the excitement of a spy thriller, but more often unwound itself in its painstakingly dull detail and pale characters a reader must strain to summon affection for. As a believer, I simply refuse to surrender my intelligence to the widespread adulation of this book. I continue to yearn for high-quality fiction that serves both intellectual curiosity and the continual search for deeper religious meaning.
Rating:  Summary: Just keep reading! Review: The first book was a little slow but if you left the first book and never read beyond that- you don't know what you are missing! The authors have done an incredable job with this series and I am looking forward to the next book release next year. You have to be able to read between the lines and figure out what the true message is! Those that gave the book or series a bad review are not open minded in my opinion. The twists and turns that the charaters are pushed through!!! Keep on reading! If you feel this book is all about the authors making you feel guity on not being a christian- then don't read it!
Rating:  Summary: Left Behind Review: I have read the whole Left Behind Series for adults and the kids series also. I can't lay them down once I start, and I can't wait for the next book to come out. I have also used them as witnessing tools for some of my friends at work. They aren't Christians and I used these books to show them what is in their future if they don't accept Christ. I only have praise for Tim Lehaye and Jerry Jenkins. Well done! Keep up the good work.
Rating:  Summary: My First End-tiems Prophecy book... Review: This being my first end-times prohecies based novel, I cannot say much because the Left Behind series is the only one I've read, so far. I plan to read another series called "The Christ Clone Trilogy by James Beausigner(sp??). I'v eheard taht's supposed to be better than the LB series... Ahem, Back to the point. The LEft Behind series is good for the plot basis. In this first book,entitled the same name as the name of the series, a group of people are brought together by the events of The Rapture, or taking of the Christians by Jesus Christ. This leads to chaos throughout the world. Though this book does not actually cover the Tribulation, or the seven years in which the world is supposed to end, but the events before that and the event that starts it. I find that some of the characters are indeed underdeveloped. Some others are just plain dull, like Rayford Steele. I am being just and fair in this review, so I have to take both sides, the good and the bad into account. Some areas of the book can bore you until the point where you are about to tear the book to pieces, but others are exciting and perhaps, maybe thrilling. These exciting and thrilling moments are precious to continuing the books. Ha ha ha. All in all, I give this book a 4 out of 5. My reccomendations for the book: Anyone who is a devout Christian and want to read about the most interesting part, I think, of the Bible, Revelations. Anyone who picks up a copy and thinks they will read the whole series. Or anyone that is interested and will actually read it. My reccomendations for the series: Same as above. If you think you can stand the whole series and have a very high tolerance for things, go ahead and take a whack at it.
Rating:  Summary: Great, hearty fiction Review: Is this supposed to scare people to Jesus? Or just put them into stitches from laughing so hard?? Anyone who believes this stuff needs to have their head examined. Instead of this drivel, I recommend something that will genuinely challenge you: The Age of Reason by Thomas Paine, a hero of the American Revolution.
Rating:  Summary: Left Behind Review: Left Behind is a fiction-based novel written by Tim Lahayne and Jerry B. Jenkins. It is the first book in a series of twelve that tells the biblical story of the earth's last days. The series starts with the Rapture to the seven-year Tribulation period and the climatic final battle, Armageddon. Weather you are a believer or not, after reading this book you will certainly stop and think. I am a Christian and I found this book to be compelling and even a little scary. As I read, I also questioned the realistic side of the plot. A number of readers will certainly find this story line unbelievable. My advice to them is to read the Bible. It does coincide with Lahayne and Jenkins' novel. Starting off was slow and honestly a little boring. Around chapter three the story really picked up and pulled me into it. The authors give great detail and insight of how in the blink of an eye, we could be here one moment and gone the next. I felt as though I could step right into the story and actually be one of the characters. Rayford Steele, a commercial airline pilot and non-believer, is one of the main characters. He could very easily be some one that I know personally. Journalist, Cameron "Buck" Williams' character was a little unrealistic to me. However, characters like the Assistant Pastor Bruce Barnes are frequently in the news. He learns that teaching God's word will not save him from the rapture because he must also believe in God's word. Another important character is the Romanian leader Nicolae Carpathia, the Anti-Christ. I found him to be very believable. In our world today the Anti-Christ is all around and easily disguised. Written for adult readers of any comprehension level, the plot of this story will keep you engrossed. The story line is not violent, although there is great detail about the disappearance of thousands of people. Pandemonium surrounds people as they are carrying on their daily lives and suddenly people and children are missing. Airplanes crash after some pilots disappear, cars run into people and houses, and fires are started due to unattended stoves. Those left behind frantically search for answers. There is also a double murder. All of these events make this novel an interesting read.
Rating:  Summary: free your mind Review: "What is the Matrix?" "You have to see it for yourself." "You have to let it all go, Neo, fear, doubt, disbelief - free your mind." The premise here is that you'll need to see it to belive it but in doing so maybe you'll be incorporated like it or not. It's much the same story with the Left Behind series.This is a rather poorly written, predictable and ultimately boring series of books.But it seems that many are being sucked in by this anti-freedom,anti-gay,pro-israel propaganda. I read these books to see what the fuss was about and in truth found the first book rather entertaining on a purely fictional basis. But in the latter volumes I quickly lost interest as the characters lose all development when they become "saved" and thereby make themselves interchangable with other "saved" members of the story. Basically I urge you to skim this novel if you must but please don't bother with the rest of this wholly predictable series (there are no upsets,nothing unexpected ever happens). It has disturbed me deeply to see that to many of the American (who else)politicians, this is more than just a story, it is prohecy. God save us if you exist for they know not what they do...