Did you know that hamburger was once named "Hamburg steak" after the German city of Hamburg? This and other intriguing word histories are scattered throughout the 896 illustrated pages of Webster's New World Children's Dictionary--a revised edition with updated entries, maps, a dictionary guide, and a whole new look. Designed specifically for children ages 8 to 11, this dictionary contains more than 33,000 entries--word choices based on contemporary and classic children's literature, school texts, and the writings of children themselves. No children's dictionary is comprehensive; here you won't find definitions for metaphor or modem, but you will find definitions for jubilee, Myanmar, e-mail, and instant replay. Special bulleted points address potentially confusing homonyms: "The words heroin and heroine sound alike. He was arrested for possessing heroin. The heroine of the novel is a little girl." Young readers will also find many words used in sentences, pronunciation guides, "word choice guides (such as when to use costly vs. expensive vs. precious), spelling tips ("There is a host in ghost"), and more. Closing the tome are a basic atlas, an illustrated album of U.S. presidents up to Bill Clinton, a guide to the United States, state birds, state flowers, and weights and measures. (Ages 8 to 11)