Panicky Henny-Penny and her fine fearful feathered friends are all in a dither. The sky is falling and they must tell the king! In this hilarious, pun-packed adaptation of the classic tale, Jane Wattenberg updates the text with rockin' rollin' rhythm and hip-hoppin' panache: "'What's buzzin', cousins?' breezed Ducky-Lucky and Drake-Cake." "'Why the scowl, fowl?' gobbled Turkey-Lurkey." "'What's clickin', chicken?' pauwk, pauwked Cocky-Locky." Foxy-Loxy, that cunning cad, that greedy grunge, that skanky prankster, leads the flighty flock straight into his evil lunch room, and that's the end of that for all except Henny-Penny, who squawks: "Chicka-chicka-bunga! I forgot to lay my egg today!" and runs lickety-split home again. Wattenberg's fantastic photo-compositions feature her very own friendly fowls, as well as some clever non sequiturs of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Stonehenge, and the Egyptian pyramids, among other international landmarks. She is the creator of the bestselling board books Mrs. Mustard's Baby Faces and Mrs. Mustard's Beastly Babies. We can only hope her future plans for picture books don't run a-fowl, because this one is farm-fresh. (Ages 3 to 7) --Emilie Coulter