In Jonathan Londons latest picture book about the only too human Froggy (following Froggys First Kiss, Froggy Goes to School, and others), our floppy-footed hero experiences yet another first: a new sibling. Froggy waits eagerly for his brother to be born. When Pollywogilina ("you can call her Polly for short") finally arrives, Froggy gets over his disappointment at her gender, but quickly loses patience with her inability to do anything. He wants to teach her how to jump off a swing, bounce on a pogo stick, and catch flies with her tongue. "But Polly was too little." Will she ever be big enough to play? Wise older siblings will be happy to inform Froggy that yes, one day Polly will be bigger and ready to be bossed around. Only children (or young amphibians) who are expecting younger siblings will be intrigued at the process of becoming a big brother or sister, and may even learn a little about patience in the process. And everyone will love watching Froggy's green cheeks turn red when his first diapering job doesn't quite do the trick! Frank Remkiewicz's cheerful illustrations capture the ups and downs of those early days with a squalling baby in the house--and an antsy big brother waiting for the fun to begin. (Ages 2 to 6) --Emilie Coulter