Ready or not, here she comes! That clever, mischievous, loving matriarch of the nursery knows more verses and ditties than you can shake a stick at. From the familiar "Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater" and "Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush" to the more obscure "I'm Dusty Bill from Vinegar Hill," this lovely, good-humored collection of nursery rhymes is sure to find a place on the shelf of classics. On the heels of her first award-winning collection, My Very First Mother Goose, world-renowned folklorist Iona Opie brings together still more of her never-ending supply of childhood verse. And once again the incomparable Rosemary Wells (Max's Bath, Max's Bedtime, Max's Ride) has joined Opie to enchant young readers as the two blend ancient verse with fresh new pictures. Soft, appealing watercolors depict a comical menagerie of ducks, bunnies, cats, and guinea pigs, wittily interpreting more than 60 old favorites. No new parent should be without this indispensable treasure. (Click to see a sample spread. Copyright 1999 by Rosemary Wells. Used by permission of Candlewick Press.) (Baby to preschool) --Emilie Coulter