Rating:  Summary: A book to sooth the wounds on my soul Review: I am an inmate of the Greenbrook Correctional Facility, and I was sent this book as a birthday present from my mother, who loves me even though the burn marks haven't faded yet. At the time, I was in solitary, for trying to sacrifice a rat I caught to my dark god, Cthulu, but this book helped me to get through it, even though they only let me turn a light on for an hour a day. In fact, the name of this book, "Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul, The Tough Stuff," is more true than I can say. It helped me through my own darkness, and taught me that worshipping the dark god Cthulu is wrong wrong wrong. I'm sorry, mom, that I tried to brand you with his dread sigil. And I'm sorry to all the class mates I injured. But most of all, I'm sorry to little Billy, may he rest in peace. Thank you, Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul, The Tough Stuff
Rating:  Summary: Amazing stories Review: I have read two of the other Chicken Soup books and enjoyed them very much. I have a teenager and when I saw this book I thought it would be good since we are all going through "tough times" right now. I sat down when I got home and decided to read a few of the stories and found mysled unable to stop. I cried for the girl who was made fun of and I cried for the students who expereinced such horror. But mostly I cried because I didn't have such a book to read when I was a teenager. I honestly beleive that if I had I would be a different person today. Each and every one of us needs this inspiration. Each one of us needs to remember our hearts and that we are all in this together.This book is a great tool for remembering.I suggest parents read it as well as their teens. I highly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: More Soup Please!!!!!! Review: I have recently read this book and my first impression was that it was kinda...plain??? This book doesn't have much description, but the stories are ...Spectacular!!! I dont think that 13 year olds like me would benefit from this book, because it's a little...should I say...old?? Even though I enjoyed the book, the authors would lose a lot of readers by only making a Chicken Soup for the Teen's Soul and the Kid's Soul. If I could suggest one thing to the author, I would suggest to make a Preteen's Soul. Also, I would suggest to have more kids write stories instead of the stories always being by either Kimberly or Jack. It would draw more attention to the books if they didn't take kids for granted. If we don't like a book, WE'LL TELL YOU!!!!
Rating:  Summary: Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul Review: I highly reccommed this book to teens and even adults. For adults this book would open their eyes to some of the everyday problems that teenagers are faced with and how we struggle with them. This compalation of stories is written by teens who share their thoughts about different issues.These stories are unique and lets teens know that they are not alone is the tough issues they face. For young adults who read this book, it will come across as a voice of reason, compassion, and hope instead of a strict, commanding voice. Along with great stories, this book gives great advice for tough situations. This book left me with a lighter heart and I found it to be very difficult to put down. The stories were truly inspirational and genuinely from the heart in seeking of reaching others with the same problems. This is one of the greatest books I have ever read and definately gets my recommedation.
Rating:  Summary: Honestly, 10 stars Review: I just could not believe so many teens were facing so many problems around the world. Yes, ppl have to face death of loved once, but I could not believe that there are so many of them! This book opened my heart to understand that a lot of people face more pressure, more hard times than I have. Definately, I really recommand this book.
Rating:  Summary: Incredible book... Review: I just recently got into reading the chicken soup for teenage soul books. I thought this book was incredible and it made me relize that other teenagers have some similiar problems and some have problems that I couldn't imagine myself in, but thought it was really interesting how they solved them. I could really relate to this book and I do suggest it. It was a very good book.
Rating:  Summary: A book every teen should read Review: I myself am in my teen years and this book goes to show to me and my peers that life isn't as bad for you as it is for others. I remember how my friends would complain about their lives and how bad life was for them until I showed them this book! It's extremely hard to read at times because some of the stories are so sad and you need a moment to recover from one story before reading the next. But it's great because it shows other teens that their lives aren't as bad as others are and that we need to stop complaining all the time because we have no idea just how lucky we really are. As usual, stories are written by other teens and as I said in another review, it's a lot better than having someone lecture to you all the time. I certainly would hate to here my mom or dad lecture to me about this sort of thing. It's certainly not a topic that you'll pick up right away and as I said, before moving on to the next story you may need to think for a moment. It's a great book to pick up especially if you're going through a moment yourself. You'll be surprised at just what others have to endure and you'll finally realize just how lucky you really are to have what you have.
Rating:  Summary: Super! Review: I received this book in the mail today and I started to read it and I couldn't put it down! I took it with me to youth center and I read it for a while. Since I got it I've read at least half of it. It is so inspirational because I know where many of these people are coming from because I have been there. I just think it's great that these people had the courage to write about their experiences and hopefully it will become a life-saver, or at least an inspiration to several young people.
Rating:  Summary: You're Not Alone Review: I recently attempted suicide...the poems in this book on clinical depression and suicide made me realize I was not alone...When I read this book I felt like other people understood and knew how I was feeling because they were going through the same thing. I was so scared, but I got help..and I know now that its not my fault or anyone elses that I feel this way I have a chemical deficiency and with anti-depressants I can be just like everyone else...just remember- Everyone has their own individual problems and although yours seem to be worse- others are thinking the same thing...you are not alone...
Rating:  Summary: Canned soup heavy on the gristle, schmaltz, and seasonings Review: I suspect most of these books are bought for teens by adults who have somehow managed to overlook the scores of much better written (and edited), more authentic, and infinitely more compelling works of literature available for the young audience.
It's hard to take the stories in this book seriously, especially when the italics note that some have been "adapted" (meaning...what?) The formula is simple: if you read a paragraph in which a person is described in glowing terms, within the next few paragraphs that person will suffer a horrible or untimely fate. The canned lesson the reader is supposed to derive from this is, um, to be kind to others? Live life to the fullest? Appreciate your friends before they die? Don't beat up your baby brother? On the other hand, you don't want to be TOO good or you will seal your fate: within moments, you will be the teen who dies under your best friend's truck (some friend) or overdoses the night before graduation.
As a mother of four (including two teens, one of whom received this book as a gift) I find this dumbed-down pap to be completely unpalatable. Perhaps children who've been reared on a steady diet of video games, fast food, and MTV can't digest anything more substantial, and I pity them.
Parents and other adults who are considering buying this book for a troubled teen: this book isn't going to fix your wayward child, but will just reveal your obvious inability to deal with him/her on a one-to-one basis. Instead of relying on the soup, maybe you should try a little harder to find your own voice.