Rating:  Summary: Tough Stuff Review: Book review Tough Stuff For The Teenage soul Edited By: Jack canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Kimberly Kimberger Reviewed By: Alicia Auvil As a teenager have you been torn apart or crumbled? This book has short stories about teenagers with eating disorders, death of a family member, suicide, and depression. These teen stories can help in real life situations, concerns and deep hidden feelings. In this book there are poems, letters, and stories that teens have wrote to express their thoughts and emotions. All teenagers are able to have connections with the writers. I have learned how to handle certain situations from reading this book. An example is copping with the death of a family member by thinking positive. In some stories and poems I have had to infer the lesson or message by finding little clues. Teenagers are ready to be open with their life to help others who have been or still going through tough stuff. Reading this book helps teens know that there are others with the same or similar problem. This is the book to read for advise or to help out a friend that might be going through some tough stuff. Parents can also read this book to know some of the situations teens go through during this time in their life. Teens can feel better about themselves to know their are not the only one going through unhappy times.
Rating:  Summary: The author of this book Review: Chicken Soup For The Teenage Soul : A Romantic Approach By Jack Canfield There was no author more moving during the early 20th century than Mark Victor Hanson. Still, while scholars often feel Chicken Soup For The Teenage Soul is ponderous, it is one of Hanson's best-loved works. In this paper, I will show that Chicken Soup For The Teenage Soul is the most monumental example of Positivist writing ever created. Support for this claim is present in the following: (a) Hanson's skillful role in the British Colonialist school, (b) the reactionary views of Chicken Soup For The Teenage Soul's protagonist, Captain Lee, and (c) the author's use of human nature. With words like "It was a terrible week in France," Hanson stakes his claim. As such, the words of the character Nick Sawyer ring true: "He sat in the chair." Mr. Maxwell is a ponderous character for this very reason; this all but proves my thesis, especially when Hanson's exploration of the tragic hero in the book is taken into account. The lingering line of Chicken Soup For The Teenage Soul is, "Four years had passed since the fun county fair." (Hanson 84) This line is obviously the most famous, famous capitulation of Constructivist ideals Hanson would ever make. As such, the words of the character Moby Lewis ring true: "His face was bright as he looked at her." Hanson's point here is clear: religion and life are part and parcel. How relevant that Chicken Soup For The Teenage Soul is often dismissed as little more than non-fiction! In the closing scene the reader is presented with a paradox: though the characters seem unable to escape wilderness, they are simultaneously famous and witless. This is clearly why Mr. Stephenson is such a reknown character; that's the teen assumption, at least. Chicken Soup For The Teenage Soul is truly Hanson's most enduring contribution to mankind's continuing attempt to understand his own immortality. Perhaps it's time that scholars reevaluated their estimation of the book. Though contemporaries found Hanson's use of farce simple, history will vindicate Chicken Soup For The Teenage Soul. This book is perhaps the greatest employment of immortality mankind has ever seen.
Rating:  Summary: An Inspiration For The Nation Review: Chicken Soup For The Teenage Soul On Tough Stuff is a really good book expressing kids feelings on life and the things they are struggling with. I really liked the book because i could relate to it in lots of ways.
Rating:  Summary: Chicken Soup for the Teenage on Tough Stuff Review: Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul on Tough Stuff is my most favorite one of the Chicken Soup books thus far. This book depicted so perfectly the turmoil going on in so many teenagers' lives this day in age in America and all over the globe. The subjects talked about ranged from suicide and depression, to violence in schools, death, and so much more. I guess the reason this particular set of books is so effective is because its contents involve the lives of so many people who are easy to relate to. I enjoyed the fact that within every story shared, I could in some way or another relate to it. Maybe I am not the suicidal one, but I have more than one friend be in those shoes before. Because the book is set up in the manner it is, it was easy to navigate to any subject I was looking for. My favorite stories in the book dealt with loss and death. Even though I am very aware that people are taken from other's every day, it is comforting to hear people's journeys through dealing with loss. This past year two students from our school community were taken away from us. Being able to hear the stories of those who have lost brothers and sisters, moms and dads, or friends is more helpful than imaginable. When the two boys from our school died, I truly believe that some people, including myself, thought that no one else in the world had ever felt the pain that we were dealing with. Chicken Soup showed me that my problems, including losing friends, are minor compared to other people's issues. This book was amazing, showing me people from all walks of life. Reading it was definitely a humbling experience. I would recommend this book to everyone, not just teens. I believe that even adults could benefit from reading such a profound compilation of literature.
Rating:  Summary: I Love the new Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul! Review: Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul on Tough Stuff was a book I feel all teenagers and for that matter adults should read. It really touched me. At times I cried, and at times I laughed. This book really touched home. It reminded me that no matter how bad my day was, there is someone that has gone through the same thing and maybe worse things that same day. I have all the Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul books and this is my favorite. I hope others can recieve that same joy I recieved from it. This book like the others will serve as a devotional for me. Each story has some meaning or lesson that will touch home.
Rating:  Summary: How it helped me! Review: Hi I recently received Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul on Tough Stuff and I absolutely love it. I lost my mom two years ago and this book has really help me. I would recommend this book to anybody who is dealing with these problems.
Rating:  Summary: chiken soup for the teenage soul on tough stuff Review: Hi, I'm Daniela, and I have received this book and found that I can feel more understanding of other kids and their families whom have gone through difficult situations. Myself my parents are always fighting and I feel that it's always my fault. You think that the other person has a perfect life; hearing other stories from different kids has enabled me to cope with my problems as well as the way I look at myself. I really love this edition.
Rating:  Summary: Great Teen Read Review: I absolutly LOVED this book. Fianlly a book that foucus's on issues like suidcide and eating dissorder, mixed in with a dash of death and I pinch of friend/relationship. Its the perfect combination for the recipe of teenager. It was a great self help book and a great read all at the same time. I have to say that all the Chicken Soup for the Teen Soul books are great. I own them all but this one has really touched home and helped me to connect with the authors. I definetly recommend this book to anyone who is interested especially teens. I think that this book, being as it focus's more on the rougher aspects of being a teen, will help alot more teens. Just read the first story.... bet you can't put it down...
Rating:  Summary: An insight to teen troubles Review: I am a teen and I recently read this book while undergoing treatment for an eating disoreder. I didn't feel as lonely after reading it because other teens have felt the same way I did. I've read many books and this is one of the best it will stay with me for the rest of my life.
Rating:  Summary: This book really touched me Review: I am a teen who recently read the book Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul on Tough Stuff. I loved this book. I give it a rating of 4 out of 5 stars. It made me feel like I was the person with the problems. It taught me, if you see someone going through something like suicide or depression, be a friend to that person and help he or she through their problem. Some stories made me cry, some made me say, "WOW, I didn't know how hard it was to go through these things." Some statements were funny. This book really gave me a sense of what goes on in the real world. This book touched all my emotions. I have four of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books and this one has touched my heart the most.