Rating:  Summary: Holes Review: The book of Holes is very good. Let me tell you what it is all about. The book is about a boy named Stanley. He is about 13 years old and he goes to a place named Camp Green Lake. It is a place where boys go when they did something wrong. Well while he is there is because of his no good dirty rotten great great grandfather. Shoes fell out of the air. Well when he went to court they asked him if he wanted to go to jall or camp, and Stanley thought that this would be a fun camp. To his surprise it was not that fun for Stanley. If you read the book I bet you will understand what I mean.I really recommend this book to all people who like funny and mystery books.
Rating:  Summary: Really Good Book Review: The book sounds stupid, but it's really an expression of kids today. They feel trapped, doing the same thing everyday, like the kids in the book. They dig a hole, every single day, and it's the monotony of it all that drives them to do all that they do. Also, it shows how greedy ambition can drive some to do things which any sane person would never think of doing, yet in a subtle way.
Rating:  Summary: Everybody's Digging For Holes Review: The book that I am reviewing is Holes by Louis Sachar. This five star book is about Stanley Yelants who is accused of stealing Clyde Livingston's shoes. When Stanley goes to court, the judge tells him that he has two choices, either go to jail or spend 18 months in Camp Green Lake. Stanley chooses to go to Camp Green Lake, but the problem is when Stanley arrives at Camp Green Lake he finds out that it is no longer a lake. As the days pass by Stanley makes friends out on the lake where he has to dig on hole a day. And as soon as he finds out that friends are like a treasure. And when one of his friends Zero runs away Stanley go out and rescues him and carries him up the mountain. Stanley finds out how to build up character by being a friend instead of digging holes. If you want to find out more of this awesome book go to your local library a pick up a copy of this awesome book!
Rating:  Summary: Holes-Online Book Review Review: The book that I chose to use for my online book review is Holes by Louis Sachar. In my opinion, I feel that this book is high in literary merit for numerous reasons. For instance, the book has an excellent plot and a most believable setting. The setting is a boy's detention center known as Camp Green Lake. There the boys are supposed to dig holes to help build up their characters. The characters are extremely believable as well. Their names are great too such as Stanley, Zero, Armpit, Magnet, Xray and Zigzag. The dialogue among the characters makes it even more realistic, especially since the characters all have nick names it lets the reader get to know the characters even more. " The white boy sits around while the black boy does all the work. Ain't that right, Caveman?" (pg. 117) This book addresses real life issues that children will come across. Issues of theft, difference in race, bullying, telling the truth or even just being the newcomer. The dramatic question is extremely motivating throughout the entire book making the reader want to continue on reading to find out what will happen next. An example of this would be finding out who really stole Clyde Livingston's shoes if Stanley didn't? Why are they really digging these holes? If the children will survive on their own? Or if the yellow-spotted lizards will get them? It just keeps the reader in suspense and they are curious to find out the answers. The writer's pacing and style is appropriate to the content. It is full of action and humor such as "Its all because of his no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather!" (pg.7) There is always something happening. The sentence length is varied and the story itself flows rather well. I would also say that his book is high on the taste level as well. This is a book that children have an interest in and they can relate to it due to its realistic ideas. For these reasons I feel that it will be an enjoyable book for just about any audience with curiosity. Since the book is parallel stories (two separate stories) it is recommended for children of at least age 9 but I am 22 and I enjoyed the book. This book could be used in the class to explain the importance of telling the truth and honesty. It could also go along with the simple idea of friendship or working together. It could be used to address issues of race or even bullying. It could be used in a science class pertaining to a unit on archeology or excavations/fossils. It could go along with a social studies unit about the geography of the land or deserts. All in all i feel it is an excellent book for all of the above reasons and that it is both high in both literary merit and taste!
Rating:  Summary: Holes Review: The book that I read for my book review was Holes. This book was written by Louis sachar, and it is one of the best books I have read all year. It was very interesting and exciting.This book is about a juvenile detention center called Camp green Lake. This camp is for boys who have done bad things. The boys have been given a choice between going to jail or Camp Green Lake. Of course, the boys choose Camp Green Lake because they think it must be a wonderful place, but it's actually a very rotten place. When the boys get there, they have to dig a hole every single day until they are realeased. The holes must be 5 feet long and 5 feet deep. They start digging before the sun comes up and they try to finish the holes before the afternoon because that's the hottest part of the day. The story is centered around a boy named Stanley Yelnats, who chose Camp green Lake over jail. He chose the camp because he thought it sounded like a fun place and he thought there would be a lake to swim in, but he was wrong. There wasn't any lake at Camp Green Lake, just a bounch of dirt where the lake used to be. When Stanley got there and saw this place he blamed it on his "no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather", like he always did when something went wrong. The book is really telling two stories; one about Stanley and the other about his ancestors. The stories tell of the connection between the past and Stanley's present. Stanley becomes friends with Zero, a young boy who is also at Camp Green Lake, while teaching him how to read and they decide to run away. There is no security at Camp Green Lake because there's not a town around for at least 100 miles and a person would die soon without water. While Stanley and Zero are hiding they find an onion field on a mountain and they stay up there for a while. They dig and find water about 5 feet underground. They eat the onions and drink the water to stay alive. While they are on the mountain they share stories about why they are at the camp. Stanley finds out that Zero did the theft of which Stanley was convicted. This is my favorite book so far this year because it tells you that things work out for the best 99.9% of the time. This is a very important lesson for me and a lot of other people. I would definitely recommend this book to another student and maybe even another adult (my mom read it!) This book keeps you reading and after you finish it you want to read it again. If you are looking for a wonderful and entertaining book, read Holes by Louis Sachar.
Rating:  Summary: The Afual Place Review: The book that sends you away to a place and sends you out of your seat. Holes is about a boy that goes to a camp so bad there's nothing to do but dig holes. It's all digging in the hot sun. The warden wants something buried in the sand so the kids are digging. This books so good I read it a second time. Stanley Yelnats who goes to the camp because he did something bad. The camps for bad kids. Just one wrong move and bye, bye, bye. So why couch around, read a book with adventure. Read Holes a book that's worth its review. Holes is that wonderful book.
Rating:  Summary: Bobs point of veiw of Holes Review: The book to me was ok.The book wasn't as good as I exspected it to be.I thought of it as all they did was dig holes.I didn't like the way Sacher left me hanging. The story of Holes had good excitement"sometimes".The auther made you think. I like books that tell you at the end what happens to the character in the story. I like detailed books. I would have liked the story better if the 3 storys were in there own part of the book. I think if Sacher stuck to 1 story me and my mommy would like it better. The story other than that was ok.
Rating:  Summary: holes Review: The book was a pretty interesting. But I don't like how the author has the flash backs. It has to little pages in one chapter. And to many chapters. I like the topic. I reccomend this book for every one. Of all ages. The book was exiting also.
Rating:  Summary: holes Review: The book was a pretty interesting.But I don't like how the author has the flash backs.It has to little pages in one chapter. And to many chapters.I like the topic.I reccomend this book for every one.Of all ages.the book was exiting also.
Rating:  Summary: A great book for all ages ! Review: The book was excellent. I recommend it for ages ten and over.It all folds out at the end.I give it four stars. It's really funny.