Rating:  Summary: Wow Review: I would just like to say that this is one of the best books I have ever read. It was amusingly entertaining. I admit it did become quite predictable but the story line kept me wanting to read on. The story is about a boy named Stanley Yelnats (notice the name...look closely) around 13 whom is wrongly accused of steeling a pair of famous shoes. His sentence leads him to Camp Green Lake where there isn't a lake at all...just a vast area of dry desert like sand. His punishment is to dig holes, and dig holes and dig holes to "straighten him out". The story is clever because it jumps back and forth between two story lines. One about the present and how Stanley survives along with his friends and the short curcuited leaders, and the other is a tale of the past. Everything is linked together and fits like a glove at the end. I started reading and could not put this book down. It is fun for all ages...and I am now officially dieing to see the movie!
Rating:  Summary: mississippi the story of holes Review: I would rate the book extreamly good .But the book had its strong and weak pionts.It was too confusing in the beginning and ended to quick at the end.It had good action parts that left you on the end of your seat.His style of writing was fasinating how he had there stories that all connected into one whole story.His way of writing and the discriptive words he used made you feel like you could under stand what the caracters felt and you were in the story.The expressions he used were cool look for as empty as a flower pot and i can fix that,also his no good dirty rotten great great grandfather.He had loads of caractersbut they were all cool.That is why i like holes.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Book!!! Review: I would recomend this book for all ages. This book was about a kid named Stanley Yelnats (Yelnats is Stanley spelled backwards) who is charged for stealing Clyde Livington's shoes. But he really did not. Stanley had to chose to go to prison or to Camp Green Lake. Camp Green Lake was where kids who did bad thing had chosen to go. What you did at Camp Green Lake was you would dig holes. You dig holes so that you can build up on your character. Each hole had to be 5 feet deep and as long as your shovel(which was probably 5 inches long). Stanley was not the only one that was at Camp Green Lake. There were other kids there to. Stanley and the other kids got up early in the moring. The kids had told Stanley that the first hole had benn the hardest to dig. As the days, weeks, and months went by Stanley and his friends had figured out that the Warden ( the person in charge) had been making the kids dig holes for some other reason and not to build character. She had been making them dig holes so that she could find a suitcase full of money or riches. then one day Stanley had dug up something. It was... the suitcase. just then the Warden came out. What will happen to Stanley? Will he give the suitcase to the Warden? Find out when you read this awesome book Holes!!! ...
Rating:  Summary: Looking for a good,exiting book to read? This is a for you. Review: I would recomend this book to all young readers that are looking for a good,exiting book to read. Because every time you read it you can't stop. If you are looking for an adventure book, this is the book for you. Bye now!! Gotta read.
Rating:  Summary: A wonderful book you should read called holes Review: I would recommed this book because, it teachses you alot of things about your life. this book is base on a boy by the name of Stanley Yelnats who change is whole life at camp green lake. holes refreshen your brain and gives you alot of ideas of how to be more motitative and what you can accomplish by hepling others, doing what you are good at ,and also not give up your hopes becuase you might be amaze of what you can accomplish without knowing it. Reading this have change my entierlife and makes me realized alot of things. You should recommend this book because it is amazing.
Rating:  Summary: "Stanley's Summer" Review: I would recommend the book HOLES to all readers of teenage and interest. In this story, Stanley Yelnats gets into trouble with the law and gets a choice to go to jail or Camp Green Lake. He picks Camp Green Lake. Stanley is nervous the first couple of days at camp but soon meets many friends that help him get through times and tell him how to dig the 5 by 5 holes. Everyday these kids have to dig 5 by 5 holes until something is found and reported. Later on, Stanley and one of his friends sneek out and dig a hole where Stanley thinks something is. After a while, they find a box but are caught with it. Also they find yellow-spotted lizards on them. Will they get to keep or see what is in the box? WIll they get arrested? Will they survive the lizards? You will have to read and find out.
Rating:  Summary: Great for adults and children Review: I would recommend this book to adults and children because it could be enjoyed by both. I was reading the book as an assignment and I got very interested in the book. I read the book in one weekend. I liked Stanley the most because he was so kind when he taught Zero how to read and write. I got interested and couldn't put the book down when Stanley went to look for Zero. I was surprised by the ending and disappointed that it was over. I wonder if the movie will be as good as the book.
Rating:  Summary: Holes Review: I would recommend this to teenagers and adults , and not children under 5 years old.I liked the book and movie a lot to me they seemed the same . Also, they were very exciting. This is what i thougth of the book "the holes."
Rating:  Summary: One of the best books I've ever read! Review: I would recommend this wonderful book to everyone! The writing is phenomenal and very easy to follow, making it very compelling and making the reader want to read on. It draws in the reader and keeps them satisfied until the last word. Everyone who picks this book up will enjoy it and it is good for every group. I've never read a book that was quite so exciting. Some parts seemed a bit slow, but Sachar made up for it in multiple parts. I especially enjoyed when Sachar told old stories pertaining to Green Lake and how Stanley Yelnats related to them. It is a superb book that I would suggest to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: Holes Review: I would say it was pretty good.It had good action and a lot of feeling into it.This book is about Stanley Yelnats and his adventure at Camp Green Lake.(Yelnats is Stanley backwards or in literary terms a palindrome)There are plenty of characters in Holes. Holes is a story within a story within a story. Sachar fills in a lot of detail when Stanley is at Camp Green Lake but at the end Sachar puts a one and a half year gap at the end. You eventually figure out some of the things that happen in the gap but not all of them.You don't have to worry about the ending the big gap is at chapter 50. I would have given this book a 5 but the ending just makes it more of a 4 i hope this review will give you an idea about Holes.