Rating:  Summary: Great Fun, And Valuable To Our Kids, If .... ! Review: It's nice that the purely fictional Harry Potter books are fun and enjoyable. But, is Harry's little lying, cheating, stealing, mocking, and sneaking around when it conveniences him, and breaking all the rules when they inconvenience him, sending a wrong message to our kids that "character doesn't count" --- just when we are trying to make a national effort to teach kids "character counts"? It's nice that the "Harry Potter" stories of magic and wizardry, presented within the framework of a fantasy, are making kids read. But, are our kids truly becoming "readers"? Would they graduate now, for instance, to reading something like the "Harry Potter" books, but having real educational benefit like (I would recommend) Norman Thomas Remick's "West Point" which is a book of TRUE stories that teaches right from wrong and "character counts", yet still excitingly presented within the framework of a fantasy, like the "Harry Potter" books are? Too me, "Harry Potter", or "West Point", or any other book will not just be great fun, but also valuable to our kids only: If, it helps them be strong enough to know when they are weak, and brave enough to face themselves when they're afraid If, it teaches them to have wishes, but wishes that will not take the place of deeds If, it leads them away from the path of ease and comfort, so they can stand up in the storms of life If, it teaches them to master themselves, before they seek to master other things If, it makes them reach into the future, yet never, never forget the past If, though serious, it gives them enough of a sense of humor, to never take themselves too seriously If, the books we give can help them thru their growing pain, then we the parents can quietly whisper, "we have not lived in vain"The "Harry Potter" books are a lot of fun to read. But I don't want to risk it too long. I also want our kids to get serious enough to move up to books that are a little higher level of intelligence that send the right messages. Maybe it's only me. (Maybe that's good!)
Rating:  Summary: Book? Now a movie? I think that's supurb! Review: These books were the best I've read all year! I personally liked the first and fourth book best.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter is the best! Review: Although this is my first time writing a review, I am going to try to explain how wonderful the books are. I cannot tell which one is my favorite book, because frankly, I'm not sure myself! They are all so great. J.K. Rowling fills the books with enough details that I can picture the scenes going on in my head. In fact, the characters seemed so real that in the third book, when all the characters were shouting at each other, I was worried everyone else in the building would hear! Yes, I definitely give this five stars, and I say it isn't an evil series at all. I am eagerly awaiting the last of the series, no matter how long they are. I am sure though, that the movie will not be enough to keep me satisfied until the new Harry Potter book comes out.
Rating:  Summary: Reluctant Inevitable Review: While I took a year debating whether I wanted my 8 year old reading the Harry Potter series, He had been reading it all along. Smuggled a copy of a classmates into the home and was reading it religiously on his "personal time." I was an avid reader of J.R. Tolkein's The Hobbit (as Rowling probably did), Beowulf, WWII bios, and Judy Blume books for adolescents,not to mention Harold Robbins, Jackie Collins, and a few others I shouldn't have been checking out (Looking for Mr. Goodbar and the like). No one ever took interest in what I was reading as long as it was the Bible on Sunday. My beef: I grew up in the outdoor kids era: Imagination "unplugged"; taking one's social and physical knocks in the playgrounds of the "real world" so that when one does get to indulge oneself in Saturday morning cartoon vegetation, or get lost in an unearthly book, you know the difference. not hiding in the virtual world of video game super heroes. Give a chance. (make any sense)? My debate: At what age should a kid go from super heroes to sorcerers, if at all? From superhero toys to video games it seems we're not preparing kids (particularly boys) to deal with life in the real world: "use your magic and super powers", trumps "use your head". I guess it's no more unrealistic than girls reading romance novels. The average child's imagination is too voluminous for words, I guess that's why only an adult's could be slowed down enough to be put on paper. Bottom line, to his delight I reluctantly bought him the series.
Rating:  Summary: Fun, Fun, Fun Review: I decided to read the Harry Potter books in order to decide if they were fit reading for my 8 year old grandson. What a surprise! Not only is he enjoying them, but I and my 75 year old Mother love them too. They are just delightful! Harry Potter books have action, adventure, fairy tale fun, lessons on good winning over evil, friendship lessons, etc. What a wonderful gift the author has given us all...young and old. Can't wait for #5 to come out. We own all the others.
Rating:  Summary: The best books I have ever read! Review: These books are excellent for not only children but for teens and adults as well. I started the first book and I could not put it down for a second. It's so packed with adventure and suspense that you just want to keep going! Even if it is 1 in the morning! I finished the first book in 5 hours. If you like Harry Potter this is great, even if you just know about Harry Potter from the movie I think you should read the books because it is completely worth it and they are now my favorite books!
Rating:  Summary: Topnotch reading for readers of all ages Review: I don't remember when I first found out about Harry Potter. I bought the first book in paperback but loved it so much that I gave it away and bought a hardbound copy. Now I have all 4 books and have read them again and again just to enjoy all the adventures that Harry, Ron and Hermione have as well as to marvel at the incredible imagination of J.K. Rowling. You can bet that I will own the full 7 book series if and when she has completed the set. I have been a reader all of my life (I am over 50) and have never read books I have enjoyed more than these.
Rating:  Summary: Harry Potter and the kids who love IM!! Review: Well personaly i consider myself a speed reader from the first time i opened the book i new it wouldn't be very long before i read the second it basicly took my a 7-8 days to read my way through the books encluding the goblet of fire. These books are undiscribable they capture the readers mind from the moment u open the book after I had read the first book i forced it on my mum now she wont put them down. These books are by far not just some fad that every body will grown out of. And i've heard the scoop on what Joanne Rowling thionks about the moovie she seems not to pleased i've heard she dosent even want to see them but. Thats her problem no offence to the mind paintings she puts in your head after words I would absolutely love to be Harry Potter. Its just plain amazing the visions and dreams u come up with afterwords. Books I rekomend Are for those of u parents who enjoy Harry Potter and have already read them to your child/children are: The Lord of the Rings by:J.R.R. Tolkien and his many other great books and Merlin by: T.A. Barron and his/her seriese of books.
Rating:  Summary: Some of the best fiction for teaching social issues Review: I only read these books because my sister is an elementary school teacher and she told me that as an high school English teacher I should read them for learning purposes. I have to admit that after reading the first book, I couldn't wait to read the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and when it comes out, the 5th. Although these books aren't the most well written (compared to some other children's classics) they embody the things that people, children and adults alike, deal with on a day to day basis. As a teacher, I can use themes from the books to teach social issues in literature class. The best part is that the high school kids have either read the books or WANT to read them. Getting them to read is a challenge...but they want to read Harry Potter, so I'm all for it!
Rating:  Summary: these books were awesome Review: I wasn't into Harry Potter for a long time. It just didn't appeal to me. But then i saw a preview for the movie, and I decided to try them. I borrowed the book from my friend and began reading. I had finished it within the day. J.K. Rowling has a real talent of taking the reader into Diagon Alley, roaring accross the countryside on the Hogwarts Express, explaining Harry's fright as he is sorted by the sorting hat. She also has a way of surprising you. I never expected that (and if you haven't read them, don't read this part) Quirrel was behind everything from the first book. Or that Sirius was really innocent in the third. Or that Moody in the fourth was really Crouch's son. Or that Riddle was really Voldemort in the second. (Ok, those of you who haven't read it can read again.) I just thought they were awesome books. My favorite was the fourth book, the Goblet of Fire. And i can't wait to see the movie... it should be great... -a fellow reader of Harry Potter and wanna-be-author