Rating:  Summary: Not Just For Kids Review: These books may be aimed at kids, but they're just as addictive for adults. My 22-year-old brother introduced my family to Harry Potter, and now nearly everyone in the family has read the novels. Even my grandmother loved them, which goes to show that there's no age limit on a great book. The Harry Potter series is filled with humor for all ages, and the plots are fit for both adults and children. J.K. Rowling has a style that is very similar to that of Roald Dahl, so while you're waiting for the 5th book to come out, you should check out the Big Friendly Giant, or one of Dahl's other classics.
Rating:  Summary: Harry rules Review: The Harry Potter series can be enjoyed by adults as much as by kids: witty, action-packed and extremely well written, all the books have a complex plot which fits together magically in the end. The author does not shy away from sad events but remains ingenious and sensitive throughout the stories. I would recommend these books to anyone, whatever the age, situation or education. A definite must-have and probably some of the best fictions published these past few year. They will have you glued to the pages for days and days!
Rating:  Summary: Let the Magic Unfold! Review: Harry Potter has grown from one book to what is now four of some of the most popular fiction books on the planet. There will be a total of seven books in this wonderful series and this is the way to buy the series if you are just getting started. If I were you I wouldn't even bother with the paperback versions as you will re-read these books over the years time and time again. J.K. Rowling, the acclaimed author of this fabulous series, had no clue that Harry Potter would become what it would be. She started to write the first words of "Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone" on a napkin while having coffee. She wanted to publish a book so she could support herself and her daughter, who were living in deplorable conditions. Because of the fame of these novels that she has written she is one of the wealthiest people on the planet! Now on to the books! "Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone" is the first book in the projected seven book series. It is here that we learn a little of Harry's history, meet the magical world, are introduced to students and teachers at Hogwarts, and a plethora of other things that will be essential to know later on in the series. "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" continues the story of Harry Potter. This book, in my opinion, is tied with "Goblet of Fire" for the best in the series because of the awesome suspense and and plot twists. "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" is where we are introduced to Sirius Black, who is a critical person in the series. And finally "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire," which I think is the second best of the series, is the most dramatic and is much darker than the previous books of the series. Lord Voldemort is regaining his power in this novel and his whole dark alliance is stirring once again. This book, as stated above, is what I'd say is the best of the series along with the second book. The hardcover editions that come in this set (the only Harry Potter hardcover books) are absolutely gorgeous. Mary Grandpre who illustrated each book cover is very talented and her work is great. The Harry Potter is the best young adult fantasy series that is out there today and is definitely worth checking out. There are still three more books that have to be written and if you read these books you will be in suspense like every other Harry Potter fan. This series is recommended and will be loved by all. Read these books, you'll love them.
Rating:  Summary: Magically Magnificent Review: I must confess that when I bought the books as a gift to my younger brother, I expected them to be childish as they were targeted towards children. I distinctly recall giving the saleswoman a look as she began to rave about them! It was until I had taken him to see the first movie that I actually realized what I was missing! I'm a student pursuing dual degrees in chemical and bioengineering and I hardly have time outside of the lab to read for my classes much less to sit down and enjoy novels or magazines. But when I picked up the books, I was completely hooked. Contrary to popular belief, they are not just targeted for the youth, but are suitable reading for any adult with a desire to escape to someplace magical for a few hours. They are easy reading for adults but are also a good source of vocabulary for younger readers. The fact that they are not too complex or drawn out in the plots make them enjoyable for people of any age. The stories are innovative, imaginative, and definitely interesting! I definitely recommend these for everyone, as not only are they of educational value, but they are a fabulous source of entertainment as well. I was once a skeptic, but now I'm waiting on the edge of my seat for the release of the 5th novel and the next film!
Rating:  Summary: WoW Review: Ok... so when the movie came out I was like "I bet it's something that only kids would enjoy" but after I saw it, I became an instant fan and couldn't wait for the second book to be released as a movie so I bought this luxurious set and believe me the books are even better than the 3 oscar-nominated movie. J.K. Rowling is an amazing writer with the best style to keep you on the edge of your seat. All the books are beautifully cnnected to each other and each and every one of them has it's own breathtaking ending. being an adult doesn't always mean that you have to live in the real world the rest of your life, you have to read more books like Harry Potter to stay sane in this insane world. Once you start reading the book it's non-stop action, fantasy and suspence it's simply brilliant this is definetly worth every penny.
Rating:  Summary: "Great Set of Books" Review: It was in a cafe shop that J.K. Rowling wrote the beginnings of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. I'm very glas she did for her books would turn out to be complete best-sellers and award-winners. Even though each Harry Potter book is interesting and never stops entertaining, some parts are boring because the events had already happened in the last book or two. Still... When I gave this book set 4 stars, I ment 4 and a half. I think giving a book 5 stars means it's the best book in the world and I think there is no such thing as the best book, or best Cd, or best video or DVD. Before I give the description of each book, I should suggest that you at least buy or rent one book before buying all four like me. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is the very first Harry Potter book. In this book, Harry first finds out that he is a magical wizard and persuaded by Hagrid, a huge giant, to go the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to start learning spells and magic. Harry meets two new friends, Hermione and Ron, as well as his new rival, Draco Malfoy, on his train ride to Hogwarts. At his new school, HArry learns a new sport called Quidditch and meets many new friends as well as having an encounter with Voldemort, the dark wizard who murdered his parents 11 years ago. In the end, Harry wages a complete war with Voldemort for the Sorcerer's Stone which was very amazing to read. Harry Potter and the Chamber Secrets continues Harry's tale the summer after his first year in Hogwarts. Harry can't wait to go Hogwarts and escape from his aunt and uncle. Suddenly, a doll (I think she was named Dobby) appears and tells Harry that going to Hogwarts is wrong for he is takin a risk with death. But Harry doesn't listen and instead goes. But after a couple of months in Hogwarts, some of Harry's friends start disappearing and it's up to Harry to solve the mystery. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is about a prisoner names Sirius Black who escapes from Azkaban, the wizards most deadly prison. Rumors start spreading because it was said that Sirius helped Voldemort murder Harry's parents 13 years ago. After a long meeting, Harry undestands that Sirius is innocent and tries to save him as well as Hagrid's new pet, Buckbeak. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is the fourth and last book in this set. In this one, Harry goes to Hogwarts for his fourth year to discover that there is a tournament going on between his school and two others. And Harry is also chosen to compete in this tournament. But Harry is afraid. He never entered the tournament. Somebody must have entered him. Is it a plan for revenge? Is it for fun? Or is from the Dark Wizard, Voldemort? You read on! A great set of books for an incredible price. I suggest you buy them. Can't wait for the fifth. And can't wait for the seventh( J.K. Rowling said it was going to be as big as Encyclopedia Brittanica). WOWWWWWWWWW!
Rating:  Summary: FANTASTIC SET OF BOOKS Review: ...-Harry Potter is a wonderful character, J K Rowling did a great job writing these books. I really feel like I am there with Harry, Hermione, Ron and all the other characters in the book. My favorite is Goblet of Fire (#4) in the set, but you should read all four. They are very exciting and when you start the first one you can't stop until you've read them all, I can't wait to read the next one. I highly recommend these books for everyone of all ages. My mom, brother and sister have all read the books and loved them. I give the set 2 thumbs up
Rating:  Summary: These are th BEST Books ever written on the face of the earh Review: The title pretty much says it. These books are remarkable. My friends who had read them kept trying and trying to get me to read them. Finally I gave up and read them. I'm so glad I did. I couldn't put the down. My favorite is the 4,3,2,1 they just keep gettiong better. I can't what to read the 5 one.
Rating:  Summary: I'm Just Wild About Harry Review: The Harry Potter books are amazing though I do not recommend them for younger children. I'd say this is for children ages 13 and up and for those who have a good Christian view who know perfectly well none of this is real. JK Rowling weaves these magical stories perfectly. Even my friend who hates to read loves the books. I have all four books and recommend this book to almost anybody. I have read the books so many times I probably now almost everything there is. The Harry Potter books are very gripping, quite funny and gives us all lessons in life and friendship. These are just classic books of good versus evil. In each book, I got new surprises. Thouugh I read the second book first I got a lot of surprises when I read the first one and whole new shockers when I read the third and then even more when I read the fourth. I give these books five stars, two thumbs up, 100%, A+++!
Rating:  Summary: J.K Rowling and the big Gold Stone Review: I am very appalled by the number of reviews that have been gushing forth praise like a geyser (i.e. Ole Faithful). I would at least like to point out that I am not totally immune to hype, and I have found myself reading through all 4 Harry potter books and seeing the movie. I have come to the conclusion that Harry Potter is the most overrated series of books ever to be set forth on the planet earth. Usually books contain morals that try to teach kids valuable lessons that they should apply later on in life, what was the moral in this series? If you don't like someone cast a spell on him or her instead? Ask no questions but take what you can get? I don't know when J.K. Rowling will be considered a REAL author, but these books will just bring her closer and closer to obscurity. The ridiculous amounts of adverbs are usually things that don't have place in most books but I suppose no one really cares that every time a character says something its almost always followed by an adverb like beamed, exasperatly, over exuberant, and the list just goes on from there. And of course the "plot twists" and Scooby Doo endings are enough for me to say it doesn't take a high degree of intelligence to figure out the ending, heh I pretty much knew what was going to happen in Book 3 before I got past the hogs mead chapter it was so predictable, and it helped reaffirm how high my I.Q. really was, thank you J.K. for at least giving me that. Plot inconsistencies are frequent, especially in book 4, I suppose no one really knows but the author originally written in Book 4 that James Potter was the last person to be killed by voldermort's wand, now, for someone reading all the books, it doesn't make any sense for James potter to be killed last before voldermort died, but this was inconsistency was covered up for the American release so no one knew about it add to the fact that in the book there is no mention of that inconsistency error that was corrected for the American release, very sneaky and dishonest for them to do that. Bottom line, it is only good for kids. So if you have children, and they jump around the house yelling and banging pots and pans and you want them to shut up. Just shove this series of books at them, and they might leave you alone for 3 months.