Comedian, actor, and director Billy Crystals ode to his first grandchild will strike a chord with every expectant grandparent (and parents, too). Readers will feel the sweet anticipation building as Grandpa Crystal dreams about the babys upcoming birth. While the writing is at times awkward, the sentiment behind the text is genuine and universal, " I want to feel your heart beat as you lie upon my chest, bait your hook, fly your kite, help you study for a test." The narrator envisions peekaboo, horsey, and visits to the beach with a red-haired tot--his love virtually bubbles over. Pastel illustrations (reminiscent of the dreamy, soft-focus drawings in pregnancy books) by Elizabeth Sayles show the rugged, gray-haired gramps beaming as he partakes of the imagined pleasures to come. Crystal concludes with another awkward yet heartfelt verse:Your mom is my daughter, and your dad is his moms son. You lived within your mommy, but now the time has come. Get ready, sweet little one-- Your life will be just great. Im going to be your grandpa, and
I can hardly wait. (All Ages) --Emilie Coulter