Rating:  Summary: What an AWESOME book!!! Review: Crash is an awesome book about a jock who torments a nice little geek named Penn. It's a HILARIOUS book and I wholly recommend it to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: A calm but craving book to read, great entertainment. Review: A boy who everyone calls Crash finds that one day a boy named Penn Webb moves in down the street. Crash decides to "pick on or torture" him because Penn is everything that a normal kid isn't. But when Crash's grandfather is put into the hospital because of a stroke and Webb sends a note to him, Crash reads it and starts to feel guilty about how he tortured Webb for entertainment and pleasure. Through guilt, Crash discovers what Webb is truly about. Crash soon realizes Webb is as normal and even more giving than anyone he has ever known.
Rating:  Summary: Crash is off the-scale! A great addition to any library! Review: Crash, by Jerry Spinelli is a really goooooooood book! Here down in Missouri (no, I don't have that ol' south accent, you know what I'm talking about) it won the Mark Twain Nomination for the 1998-99 School Year. And it sure is living up to the Mark Twain Award, if I do say myself. Buy it! Check it out from your library! Just get your hands on a copy, and let the adventures begin! You won't regret it!
Rating:  Summary: This book is so EXCITING!!!! Review: This book is awsome. You have to read it. This books main charter is a boy that people call Crash. Though this name is weird you have to read the book to find out how he got the name. Crash has a new neighbor move in when he was three. Though they start out as not so good friends at the end of the story that all changes. That is just one of the exicting turns this book takes. I definetly give this book five satrs and recamend you read it.
Rating:  Summary: This book was a Great comedy! Review: I really liked this book because it was a great comedy with a little bit of serious plot too. I t was enjoyable to read and the characters came to life when I read it. I also liked it because the story was realistic and fun! I liked this book so much I read it 2 tmes in less than a year.
Rating:  Summary: Teen Reader's Club from a Public Library in North Carolina Review: MC says: Terrific book. I think it was funny in some parts. Abby really surprised me, playing with all those creatures. Also, what happened to Scooter was a surprise. In enjoyed the unexpected ending, when Crash and Penn become friends. I give it four stars.LTsays: Good book. I lliked how it turned out in the end. That was a surprise. I give it three stars. CM says: It was a funny book, about how Crash ran into everything all the time. It was a nice book. I give it four stars.
Rating:  Summary: Teen Reader's Club from a Small Public Library Review: CA says: I sort of lost interest between the beginning to the middle. It got more interesting when Crash met the 6th graders and Jane kicked him. It surprised me when Crash became friends with Penn. I give it three stars. LA says: It got better as it went alon. I liked it when Jane kicked him; she showed that girls have got guts and are not afraid to tell what they think. I liked to read about the pranks, too. I give it four stars. SM says: The best part was at the dance when Jane was flirting with Penn and then at the tryouts when Penn won the race. I give it three stars. RM says: It was a pretty good book. It was real, especially the part about Scoother. The ending didn't surprise me because the story was leading up to it. It was bound to happen sooner or later. I give it four stars.
Rating:  Summary: My entire class loved this story!!! Review: I thought Crash had some very good lessons to teach as well as interesting characters. I purchased a class set of the book and my entire class read Crash. We discussed the story as we read and it is the only book I've used in this manner that my entire sixth grade class loved. We also read Maniac McGee and most of the students enjoyed it also. They were anxious to read more books by Jerry Spinelli.
Rating:  Summary: I LOVED THIS BOOK! Review: I read Crash in about 5 days, which is so fast for me. I loved it, there's not much more I can say.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic and enjoyable! Review: This book is a very exciting novel. The excitement comes from the characters. The main character is Crash Coogan. He is a very athletic child in many ways. Crash and his friends are very compatible. They get along well and have great times together. The characters live in a small town where they live close together. The characters and the setting make this a great book. My opinion is that this book is excellent and very exciting. The characters and the setting are perfectly placed and come in at a great time in the book, making this book even better.