Rating:  Summary: It Happened to Nancy Review: It Happened to Nancy is a Diary by a young girl who was raped and has to deal with the fact that she now has AIDS. This Diary tells just how she is feeling and explains the ups and downs in her life. The Diary starts before she meets collin (The man who raped her) and ends just 2 days before she died. Nancy Explains how AIDS is transmitted and and how to make sure you dont infect anyone else.
Rating:  Summary: "Reading this true story may save your life" Review: "It Happened to Nancy" is a true story, told in diary form by an anonymous 14-year-old girl ("Nancy" is her alias) that is infected with the AIDS virus when she's raped by her 18-year-old boyfriend, Collin Eagle, a freshman at a South Carolina university, who's basically an up-and-coming pedophile.The"romantic" aspect of Nancy's relationship with Collin is almost unbearable to read because of her naiveté. Plus the reader already knows what's going to happen, so it's hard to feel the same excitement she does over this "Southern gentleman." There were a few things that bothered me about this book, though the first one can't be changed--like why didn't Nancy's mother take her to a doctor a.s.a.p. in the event of a pregnancy? Topics like this one--along with loads of other useful information in regards to rape, HIV/AIDS, etc.--are included in the remaining 20 pages or so of this book. That alone makes "It Happened to Nancy" worth buying, though the story itself is very touching too. Yet the biggest thing that bothered me about this book was how much of it was censored by Sparks (who also edited "Go Ask Alice")--or possibly by Nancy's parents--perhaps to "protect" younger readers from some of the mature content. Either way, it makes the story uneven and confusing at times. Although the reader can guess how the book will end, that's not the real purpose of it. Instead, it's to "educate and enlighten adults and perhaps safeguard some young people" from this happening to them. This book is definitely worth having in every school library.
Rating:  Summary: It can happen to you Review: I love this book!!! It taught me so much. I learned not to trust everyone who is nice to me. It taught me that you have to wait for true love and that the first guy your atracted to is not you soulmate. This is a great read for pre-teens and teens.
Rating:  Summary: It Happened to Nancy Review: This book is very touching. If your interested in books dealing with people getting AIDS or any other sexually transmitted disease and then having to deal with it then this is the book for you. I had to read it for a class and i am glad that i read it. I couldn't put the book down. Its sad but its a true story about a young girl and i think everyone should read this book. Its sad to think that this could actually happen to anyone even more so a girl so young and so much life that was ahead of her. i am sure that anyone that reads this will feel the same way.
Rating:  Summary: wonderful book Review: I am 17 and i love reading these books. i always think i have a bad lifer but some one always has it worse than me. it is a great book for anyone to read. It gives you a life long leason.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing Review: This book was great. It was very sad, but hard to stop reading once you have gotten into it. It is not based on a true story. Instead, it is the true story. It's straight from a young teen's diary. The book is about a 14-year old who meets a college student and begins to fall in love with him. He treats her great and acts as if he loves her back. This is not at all the case. He is a vicious predator, and Nancy is his prey. He rapes her and thn leaves her alone. After weeks of getting over the entie ordeal, Nancy finds out that she has HIV, which leads to AIDS, which leads to Death. This is her story from the time that she meets the college kid up until her death. This story is very compelling and I recommend it to anyone and everyone. I don't even read very often and COULD NOT put it down. It is also a great teacher to young adults, to not make the same mistakes that Nancy accidentally made. This was a great girl that should not have been lost for many, many more years. This story is eye-opening and should be read by everyone. It is the best and most meaningful book I have ever read, and hopfully will be the same for many other people.
Rating:  Summary: Wounderful Review: Oh my gosh! My teacher knows I love books that are in a diary. She gave me this book and I fell absolutly in love with it. This story made me think twice about all guys. I think Nancy should have got a medal for all the things she was put through and then she died! I have a friend who was raped and ended up HIV-positive. I never realzed her hurt and pain until I read this book. I relized how bad she must have felt. She died last summer. I believe that everybody should read this book because it can really inform people and also let people who have been raped know they aren't alone. So overall I believe this book is the best I've ever read.
Rating:  Summary: Tear Jerker, but real Eye Opener Review: It Happened To Nancy, June 4, 2001 Reviewer: A 12-year old reader from Hamilton, New Jersey This book is a total tear jerker. On the back of the cover it reads, "Reading this true story may save your life." It is very true. This book teaches teens and their parentsto be more aware of the incurable disease. I would rate this book a five. I never got bored with this book. It is an excellent real life example of what can really happen to you, especially if you have the idea, "Oh, AIDS can never happen to me." The main character in this book, Nancy, shows you what it is like dealing with AIDS in your social and physical life. A must-read for teenagers, especially for the young teenage girls. An important, sad lesson which everyone needs to be taught.
Rating:  Summary: Tragic Review: What an awful thing to happen to such a young girl, well to anyone for that matter. 14 year old Nancy meets Collin and instantly forms a close bond with him. She is completely head over heels for him. Until one night when they're alone in her mom's house. Collin rapes Nancy and she never hears from him again. She slowly beings so feel ill and is told by her doctor that she has HIV. The book journals her ups and downs and how she struggles with life. Although this book is meant for young adults, I think this is a great book for everyone.
Rating:  Summary: His is The Face of Death Review: Want a compelling story, rich in detail, raw in emotion. Then "It Happened to Nancy- An anonymous teenagers diary is the novel to purchase. Nancy is a young teen who encounters a terrible fate after what seems to be a streak of luck. This fourteen-year-old thought she fell in love with a mysterious nineteen-year-old named Collin. Little did she know that a couple weeks into the relationship he would show his true colors and the evil worthless sorry excuse for what appeared to be a man would be revealed. He got her halfway drunk with wine and viciously preyed upon her innocence. He left her there and before the night was up she was crying shame stricken with her head in her hands. She seemed to recover emotionally and physically within three to four weeks. Soon everything was fine until common cold symptoms led to the doctor's office and the news of aids. Here her tale of strength and courage to deal with adversity, the disease, life and the death that comes to play. I recommend greatly that you buy this book. Worth the money.