Rating:  Summary: "Walk Two Moons" Class Book Review Review: In this book review are some things that our class liked and disliked. Read this book review to see if you're interested in reading "Walk Two Moons", by Sharon Creech. One of the best things in this story within a story is the characters. Sal is a 13 year old girl with long dark hair. She came from Bybanks, Kentucky and moved to Ohio. In this book Sal goes on a trip with her grandmother and grandfather, and in another plot, she's telling the story of trying to find out who "thelunatic" is. Sal has a new friend in Ohio named Phoebe Winterbottom. Phoebe lives in Euclid, Ohio where Sal moved. Phoebe is a worry wart. She worries about everthing in her path. Her mother disappeared and they have no idea where she went until the end of the book. Another good thing about "Walk Two Moons" is that there are a few cliffhangers. Like when Sal and Phoebe try to find out who was leaving the mysterious notes at the end of the chapter. Another example is when Sal tells her father that she left something under the flloboards in her room at their house in Baybanks, Kentucky. In the book "Walk Two Moons," Sharon Creech puts in good details. An example of that is the characters are described so well. In "Walk Two Moons" Phoebe doesn't like cholesterol and how Sal is emotional when either her mom dies or if her grandmother dies. Another good detail is the vocabulary in the book. Some words are gooseberry, chickabiddy, Ill-ah-no-way, Huzza, Huzzo, and Id-e-ho are some vocabulary in the book "Walk Two Moons". There are a lot of things that are sad in this book. A lot of people in this book died because there was a really bad accident on a bus. Sal finds out what really hapens to her mother. If you like a book that's mysterious and funny and sad, this is the book for you.
Rating:  Summary: Jamilla's Enrichment Review Review: Walk Two moons is realistic fiction. The mood of this story is funny, mysterious and touching. The main characters are Sal, Gram, Gramps, Phoebe, and Sal's dad. WHat I like about this book is that it is very entertaining, interesting, and is very funny. I recommend this book to people 8-100 years old because I think they would like this very interesting story.
Rating:  Summary: Ali's Enrichment Review Review: When I first started reading Walk Two Moons, I could not understand it, but two or three chapters later I loved it! It is about a girl who is traveling with her grandma and grandpa and tells them a very good story. It is about...Read it to find out. At the end of the story it gets sad but it is still good. I hope you enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Brittany's Enrichment Review Review: I gave this book 5 stars. The main characters were Salamanca Tree Hiddle, Phoebe Winterbottom,grandma, grandpa, Margaret Cadaver, Mr. and Mrs. WInterbottom, Marylou, Ben, and Salamanca's father. Sal's mother disappears and she and her father move. Her father has been seeing another woman and Sal gets so frustrated that she doesn't even want to hear how they met. SHe finds a new friend Phoebe whose mother disappears also. Sal goes on a trip with her grandparents and at the end she hopes to bring her mother back in time for her birthday. While in the car, Sal tells the story of Phoebe Winterbottom through her own story. Sal soon finds all the answers to her questions about what happened to her mother but will she believe them? This book is mysyerious, funny, and brings a tear to my eye.
Rating:  Summary: Abby's Enrichment Review Review: Walk Two Moons was suspensful, happy, sorrowful, and mysterious. It was about a girl named Salamanca who goes to see her long lost mother and is stuck in a car with her grandparents for six days. While Salamanca and her grandparents are in the car, Salamanca tells them a story about her best friend Phoebe Winterbottom. As she tells her grandparents Phoebe's story, another story seems to unravel,Salamanca's. Sharon Creech's way of taking many moods and turning them into a great story is heartwarming and reassuring. I would recommend this story to people ages ten to one thousand. It is also a great family book.
Rating:  Summary: Nicole's Enrichment Review Review: Walk Two moons by SHaron Creech is a good book to read. The book is about a little girl that is going on a journey with her grandparents. While on this journey, she tells a story about a classmate. WHen reading this book, it will make you feel sad, loving, and also make you laugh. you will laugh when you read about her grandfather. You will feel love when her best friend meets her older brother who was adopted for the first time. You will feel sad when Sal loses two people she loved.
Rating:  Summary: Erin's Enrichment Review Review: Walk two moons by Sharon Creech is a realistic fiction book about a thirteen-year-old girl named Salamanca Tree Hiddle. This book has many moods to it. It is funny, mysterious, sad, and sweet. When Sal was younger, Sal's Mother left Sal and Sal's father one day after she lost her baby. SHe was very sade and decided to move to Idaho. Sal and her father wated for her to come back but they knew she would not. It was sad to stay in Bybanks,Kentucky where they lived,so they moved to Euclid, Ohio where she met her picky friend, Phoebe Winterbottom. The two girls shared many feelings with each other. Sal's Gram and Gramps Hiddle decide to take Sal on a road trip to Idaho to visit her mother. Sal's father likes a redheaded lady named Mrs. Cadaver and Sal Can't stand her until the end of the story. I reall liked this book and didn't want to put it down. It was exciting when Phoebe thought Mrs. Cadaver killed her husband. She also thought that a policeman's son was a lunatic that had kidnapped her mother. WHat I didn't like about this book were the ending chapters. It was sad about her mother and grandmother. I would recommend this book to anyone seven years old or older. It is a little hard for anyone under seven to enjoy. It is an exciting, funny story that makes you think about your own family.
Rating:  Summary: Andrew's Enrichment Review Review: Walk Two Moons is one of the best books I've ever read. It is about a girl named Sal who is going on a car ride with her Gram and Gramps. They are going to get Sal's Mother from Lewiston, Idaho. On the way she tells a story about a girl named Phoebe she met after moving From Bybanks,Kentucky to Euclid Ohio leaving all her favorite possesions behind. The ending is sad but the rest of the book is very good. I give this book 5 stars because it is very good because it talks about a girl who has some difficulties she has to face. I'd recommend this to people are 8 years old or up.
Rating:  Summary: Brianna's Enrichment Review Review: This is a funny and sad fiction story. The main character is Sal, short for Salamanca. She is a Thirteen year old whose mother left her and her daddy. After that, she and her daddy moved from Bybanks, Kentucky to Euclid Ohio. She meets Phoebe and they become friends. SHe tells her Grandparents about her adventures while they travel the same trip her mother took going from Bybanks to Idaho. They arrive there on her mom's birthday and the book's surprise is told then. This is a good book for the summer or on a winter break. My sad part is when the grandma died. The funniest part to me was when her gramps taught her how to drive. This book is about how you can walk in someone's shoes and it will be different.
Rating:  Summary: Kayla's Enrichment Review Review: This book was GREAT! This has been the first chapter book I have read full since October. This is an excellent book. It's about this girl named Salamanca. She moved away and made a friend named Phobe. They became really close. Her mom moves away at the end of the story. That part is sad. I like the part when she meets Phobe. This book is very good.