Rating:  Summary: What a start! Review: Now, this book is what I would call an absoulutly astounding start to what I'm fairly sure will be a fantastic quartet. It brings in an impossible amount of my favorite elements to a book:spys, romance, adventure, action, and a whole lot more! I also like that it involves Allana, also one of my favorite charecters Tamora Pierce has created, and, to my pleasent surprise, Daine is also in it! Well, to sum it all up, I highly suggest reading The Trickster's Choice, it is so good!
Rating:  Summary: Very Good Review: Over all this was a very good book although I have to say that when Aly refered to the Goddess as "Her mothers goddess" I was slightly unhappy. The Goddess to me is extremely real and I don't want anyone, exspecialy Alanna's daughter disrepecting her. But it was a good book and I cannot wait for the next one!
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful! Bravo! Review: I loved this book! loved it,loved it, loved it! I have read all of her books in fact I would have to say that her books have been the reason I turned my life around in middle school. I went form D's and F's to A's and B's. I hated reading but her Wild Magic book turned that around, I'm now a 3.8GPA student in college and I will never get enough of her books! this book had to be tricky to write but she pulled it off famously. she was able to make a new charater that was different but not a total departure from the others. you have to read this book! and all her others!!!!!!! thanks tamora, IOU one!
Rating:  Summary: Once again, Tamora Pierce surprised me. Review: Once again, Tamora Pierce has created a enthralling addition to her Tortall books. Alianne, daughter of Alanna the Lioness, sets out on an adventure with the wager of the Trickster god to protect a family in the Copper Isles. Delightful characters, much interesting spy work learned from Alianne's father, and a handsome crow man keep the story interesting. I must admit, you really should read all the other books first, if you dont, it ruins many things that you may not want to know just yet. THough I did hope to see more of previous characters, Pierce does a fine job without ruining the series of books. Pat yourself on the back Tamora!P.S - I cant wait untill Trickster's Queen! Why, oh why, does it have to be in September?
Rating:  Summary: The Best So Far Review: I have read all of Tamora Pierce's books, and this is hands-down the best so far. It is also the first with an older protaganist, which is a pleasing change. You can read hints about the plot from other reviewers, so I won't go into anything like that, but I was so pleasantly surprised by the immense improvement in Pierce's writing that I thought it worthwhile to write a review. Her other books are very good, if sometimes a bit pointed on the "lessons all young must learn", but this is the very best so far. I am looking forward with much anticipation to the next in this series.
Rating:  Summary: More Tamora, please Review: This was my first Tamora Pierce book. It was hard to put down. My mom was shouting for me to turn out my light every night. Now I have to figure out which of her other books I should read next.
Rating:  Summary: The best book that Tamora Pierce has ever written. . .? Review: For many months before this book's publication I checked amazon.com over and over again to see if it had come out yet. I had read the first two chapters on the author's website, and was aching to read the rest. Finally, I became so impatient, I just went ahead and pre-ordered it. Big step for me. I saved up my money a long time to buy it. I'm just a kid, and I barely ever have any money. I read the book in three days, and I can tell you this: it was worth ever hard scraped penny I spent on it. While I like the UK cover much better I still thought the presentation was excellent, and of course I knew it would be good. The first two chapters were. And, let's face it, this is Tamora Pierce we're talking about here, who has more than earned her fame and reputation as one of the best authors out there, period. This book is an irresistable page turner. Unlike her previous heroines of her continuing Tortall saga, the one that's made her so famous, Alianne (nickname: Aly) is not the warrior type. She's a spy, or she would be, if her parents weren't doing everything in her power to stop it. I found this very odd. Alanna, Aly's mother, should know better, as her father tried to do the same thing to her when she wanted to be a knight. Aly, being her mother's daughter, is of course determined to succeed, perhaps one of the things that makes her such an appealing candidate to do the Trickster's dirty work. While there are less epic battles in this book it certainly doesn't lack for action. It seems that there is always somebody trying to do Aly or the family she's supposed to protect, in. The story, complete with political intrigue, prophecies for the liberation of an enslaved people by a beloved queen, the flying horses (the good ones, not the clawed ones) - who are sure to play a major part in book 2 - and, of course, Aly - whose exploits are at least as interesting as the prophecy, I mean, the series is essentially about her - is as entralling and fan creating as any other Tammy has come up with. In short, this is probaly the best book she's ever written. But I'm a little divided. Few books by Tammy, in my opinion, can quite rival the magnificent IMMORTALS quartet (those are the ones that got the awards, remember?) this series is bound to give it a run for it's money. So this is a book you can read and be sure you're going to get one of the most imaginitive and entralling fantasies of our day.
Rating:  Summary: An excellent thought-provoking read Review: This book keeps you going from start to finish. The political and psychological sub-text of the book keeps you guessing until the end. The characterization of Alianne was brilliant. It was refreshing to see Alianne who is so much of a contrast to Alanna. She uses her brain not her brawn, and it makes for a great read. The sub-plot of the romance with Nawat was great fun and makes you want to read more. Dove and Sarai are great well-rounded characters. Even minor characters in this book are done extremely well with strong characterizations. The end of Trickster's Choice was absolutely gut-wrenching and completely unexpected. This is what a fantasy book should be all about! Tamora Pierce is a truly brilliant author. I can't wait for the second book to come out. Much applause for a great book overall!
Rating:  Summary: must read this!!!!! Review: I luv, luv, luv, luv, luv luv this book!!!!!!!!! I'm still reading this one but it's absolutely amazing, it's got comedy suspense, this the 1st book i've read from this particular author and now i find myself at the library going to read more of them God i'm almost done and the end sounds great. trust me you'll luv it! the beginning drags a bit but once you get past the 1st chapter it's hard to put down.
Rating:  Summary: whew! Review: I did not have the pleasure of reading the Lioness series, but after finishing this book I am definately intrigued. Ally, a young 16 year old, wants to be a spy like her father. The problem is her father and mother will not hear of it. Well, the choice is taken from them when Ally runs off to prove herself only to have her small boat taken over and made into a slave. She then uses her many spy talents taught to her by her father to establish herself as an unbeddable slave. Strangly enough, she makes herself so unwanted that no one makes a bid for her on the auction block and she is given to a big buyer for free instead. Okay, now that I've discribed the first chapter, lets move on. Yes! All this in only the first chapter! The pace definately does not slow down through out this entire novel. Just to quickly sum the basic up: Ally becomes entangled with the Trickser god and takes up a wager with him. She promises to keep a couple of young ladies alive throughout the summer and he will send her straight back home. The problem: this young ladies are actually the possible future heirs to the thrown, only no one realizes this with the exception of the enslaved people (which they are 1/2 of). Ally proves her worth and is quickly admired by everyone whe encounters. Luckly, Pierce, creates a very likable character with a lot of wit and humor. As a reader, you can't help but smile at her sarcastic and self-appreciating comments. This ones a must read.