Rating:  Summary: A Sad Book (Farrah Hassan P.1) Review: I was going to read the book Crime and Punishment for a silent reading book for my English class, but my English teacher told me it was to hard of a book. So she told me to read Among the Hidden, which was one of her books. She thought it was a real good book and thought I should read it. However, I wasn't so sure if I wanted to read it, because the cover looked as if it was going to be one of those books that try to be scary. Then when I read the summary I thought the book wouldn't be so bad after all... I happen to like this book, because I found it to be very sad. I would actually recomend this book to others. -
Rating:  Summary: Totally Awesome Review: This book is so good. It is about this boy named Luke Garner. He is the third child of his family. Today you wouldn't find this strange,but in Luke's world it is illegal. You see there is a law there. It is called the Population Law. It is inforced by special police called the Population Police. The law says that there can be no more then two kids per family. Luke believes that he is the only third child out there ,but when he brakes into his neighbor's house he finds out that their are more third children then he thinks. His new friend Jen forces him to make a very important choice. Should he stay hidden or make himself known? This book was so good. I would so recommend this book. It keep you reading.
Rating:  Summary: Never lets you stop! Review: I just read a book that kept you on your toes since the first words, "Luke! Inside. Now." Never did it let you feel like you knew what was next, it was always changing. I am describing the book Among the Hidden by Margaret Peterson. This book is set in the future when the government controls everything. Even how many kids you have. Luke Garner is the main character, he is a third child. Also known as a "Shadow Child." In this book a third child is not allowed. Luke is a good boy, he doesn't go out in public, stays in his room in the attic all day, until he meats Jen. Jen Talbot, is a supporting character, and also a Shadow Child. She is opposite of Luke. She is outspoken, tells it like it is, and is fighting for Shadow Children. Also in Luke's family there is his mother, father, and Matthew and Mark who are his two old brothers. It starts with Luke enjoying the outside for the last time. The forest where they live and have a farm is going to be turned into a street full of houses for Barons-rich people unlike the Garners. Luke is told he can't even go into the kitchen anymore, because there are to many people that could see even his shadow. Luke is forced to stay in his room in the attic. He finds a vent that he can look out of and one day he counts how many people leave each day, till one day he sees a figure in the window. He gets curious and after many months of not going even into the kitchen, he goes to the figures house. He finds out a girl lives there. She is his age and also a shadow child. Look and Jen (the figure) become good friends, and every change Luke can sneak out he goes to her house. Jen is planning a rally for thousands of Shadow Children to go to the White House and protest. That is where the suspense really picks up. Does Luke go and risk his life, or does he stay home and be afraid something might happen to Jen? This has been one of the best books I have read in awhile. You think one thing is going to happen or be said, but the author didn't write the book as to what you would think would come next. I am not big on mystery or big suspense like this book, but I really liked it. With how the book ends you want to read the sequel. I hope to have the sequel Among the Impostors in my hands soon!
Rating:  Summary: Best Book Ever Review: Among the hidden is a short and wonderful book, I couldn't put it down. Among the hidden is so exciting and great. I had so much fun reading it and I hope many other people read it too because Its wonderful! I would rate it 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00 starts if I could!
Rating:  Summary: Among the Hidden Review: "I`ll never be allowed outside again.Maybe never as long as I live."These are some of the sentences that Luke Garner says.This book is called Among the Hidden. Luke is a shadow child, a third child. That means he`s in a family that already has two children.It`s a population law. They band third children.This is because the goverment claimed, that there wasn`t enough food.The goverement also band: Junkfoods and family pets. Luke has to stay up in his attic all day. This is because the woods came down.He used to be able to sit at the dinner table. But now dad says, that it would be better if he didn`t.So now Luke has to sit on the bottom step of the staircase. On day Luke was looking out his vents in the attic room and seen another shadow child. One day Luke decided to go over to the sports family house. Hedid. He got into the house and SHE tackled him. They meet a couple times, and that turns into a couple months.Jen and Luke start to plan. They planned and planned for months.This book: Among the Hidden is by Margret Peterson HAddix. Among the Hidden took place in a farm house then the woods came down and Jen`s house went up.This story takes place sometime in the near future. I really loved this book. It was tender and juicy. I love books that have ,mystery and this book does. I love books like this.You got to read this book. But i don`t think the sequal will be as great as this one.
Rating:  Summary: Among the Best Review: Among the hidden is one of the best books i've ever read, i could read it again, and again, and never get bored. The way Margaret P. Haddix leaves you hanging is amazing, and you won't want to put it down. Actually, i take that back, you won't be able to put it down. Like when Luke... well i'll let you read the book to find out. See Luke, a shadow child, is not even supposed to exist, because the population police say he's illegal. Familes can only have two children in the family, and that's it. But many people break the law. Luke used to be able to run around and play outside, before the barrons moved in across the way, now he's forced to stay inside. But one day when he's looking out the window, a definant NO, he sees a girl in a house where 2 boys already live. My favorite quote from the book is when Jen, (the girl luke saw and decided to investigate on) is talking on Instant Messanger with other shadow children, and luke asks;"What's the password?" And Jen answers, "Free. The password is free"
Rating:  Summary: THE AWESOME BOOK AMONG THE HIDDEN Review: The book Among the Hidden is an AWeSOME book!!It is sooooo suspensful and a great story!!It keeps you turning pages through out the whole book!!I think it is so cool how this book sounds like such a real story though it is really fiction!! It is really sad in the end but it is such a good book!!I recomend it for all children 9-13!!I LOVED the book Among the Hidden and if you like suspensful, fictional, page turning books Among the Hidden is the book for you!!
Rating:  Summary: Two Thumbs Up!!! Review: This book is awesome!!! Margaret Peterson Haddix did an excellent job once again. Among the Hidden is a young adult novel about a third child named Luke Garner. He has to hide from the world because he is illegal; you can't have as third child in this world. One day he meets another shadow child, as the world calls them, and his life is changed forever by this shadow child named Jen. This book reminds me of The Giver. The societies and lives these people lead are a lot alike. Ms. Haddix did a wonderful job on this book and ever since I first read this, I have always remembered it. "Luke Garner", she announced solemnly, "you have come to the right place. Forget that hiding-like-a-mole stuff. I'm your ticket out." pg. 65 This book was incredible. It put you into the place of this lonely shadow child and you felt his emotions as he felt them. The message in this book is to never give up and to fight for what you believe in. Jen and Luke fought for what they believed in until the end. This is a book for young adults, but probably not for younger kids just because this book deals with things that younger kids might not understand. The only problem with this book is that it's not for everyone. I highly recommend this book to young adults and to older ones too. It's a great book and I give it two thumbs up!
Rating:  Summary: Sensational!!! Review: At my school, we have all twenty Rebecca Caudill books for 2002. So far I've read three of them. I think this is a very good book. It has a lot of action and a lot of chills. It is a good kid book. If you are looking for an exciting book to read, this is a great choice.
Rating:  Summary: Best Book Ever Review: I read this book cause I had nothing else to do but I could not but it down. It made me kind of sad that this child, Luke is illegal. If you start reading it, you won't be able to put it down. Read it today!