Rating:  Summary: Among the Hidden Matt Friedman Review: Among the Hidden Margaret Peterson Haddix Matt Friedman Among the Hidden by Margaret Peterson Haddix is about a boy named Luke. Luke is an ordinary child except for one thing: he is illegal. He is a third child forbidden by the Population Police. He has never seen anyone but his family, until one day he sees the face of another third child. Luke sneaks over to her house. He hears a noise upstairs. He crept upstairs and saw a girl sitting by the computer. He made a noise, and all of a sudden the girl tackled him. She asked him questions like" do you work for the Population Police?" Jen, the girl, explained a plan for all third children to go to Washington, DC, to rally against the third child law. Luke told Jen that he would go. The week before the rally, Luke told Jen that he didn't want to go. That triggered a large fight. One morning Luke woke to the sight of Jen. Jen apologized then left for the rally. I can relate to Luke sometimes. I can relate to him because I think he felt left out a lot. I am the youngest in my family, and therefore I am left a lot too. I don't like being alone, so I can imagine how Luke felt. I can relate to Jen too. I can relate to her because she is smart and daring, and so am I. I can't really relate to anyone else in the book. I really liked this book. I liked it because it had a lot of suspense. My favorite was when Luke saw Jen's face. It got me really excited. Men and women of all ages will like this book, but I think 10-13 year old children will like it most. If I could, I would change the ending, because I don't like sad endings.
Rating:  Summary: Among The Hidden Deborah B. Review: Among the Hidden, by Margaret Peterson Haddix, was a very interesting book to read. It was mainly about an awful law about having a third child. The law was about not being allowed to have a third child, because the government thought all of the food in the state would run out. Luke Garner is a perfect example of what the law was. He was the main character, who was a third child and lived his life in hiding. Luke, and his supporting family, Ma, Pa, Mark, and Mathew, lived their lives in danger. If the Population Police found Luke, they had the right to kill him. As Luke led his life in hiding for awhile, he found someone, a third child, maybe even a friend. He decided to visit his friend, Jennifer. Jennifer was a third child also, living her life in danger, or known to some people a "shadow child." Luke made a friend, a great "believing" friend. I think that I can relate to Luke and Jennifer. I can relate to Luke, because I'm also cautious sometimes, but maybe not as brave as when he left the house. He is also a little more cautious then me, because he stayed in his room and was sometimes afraid to go downstairs to eat with his family. I am also similar to Jennifer, because she also is brave, like she wasn't afraid to go around her house even if the Population Police could have came to her house. Although, I am not totally as brave as she was. I enjoyed reading this book very much and would read other books like this story, or by Margaret Haddix. My favorite part of the book was when Luke got the courage to go over to Jennifer's house to see another third child. I think that this book is definitely a book for both boys and girls. The kids that read this are ages 9-13. The genre of the book is dramactic. I wouldn't change anything about the book.
Rating:  Summary: Among the Hidden Bryan.A. Review: Among The Hidden is written by Margaret Peterson Haddix. Luke was a third child. Luke was also called the Shadow Child. He lived in difficult times. The government passed a law saying. That only two children per family was allowed. This was very unfair. Personally, I can't relate to this character, because I am a Second child. I don't live in bad times like they did. There are. Only two children in my family. I enjoyed this book a lot, because it was exciting to me. It was a very interesting book. I liked it and I hope you like it too. It is a book for eleven year old boys and girls to enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: Among the Hidden Naama D. Review: The book I read is called Among The Hidden,it is written by Margaret Peterson Haddix. This book is about a boy named Luke. He is a shadow child, and he is illegal. There is a law that says people can not have more then two children, the third child is illegal and will be taken away from the parents if found. Luke has a mother, father, and two brothers Matthew and Mark. His brothers go to school. His father works on the farm, and his mother stays at home with him. Luke's family can not pay the bill or get food without their pigs. So Luke's mother gets a job in a factory, which means she can no longer stay in the house with Luke. One day he sees a girl next to a house, but it couldn't be because there were already two children in that family. By the time he looked out again the face was gone. Maybe it was another third child like him or maybe a burglar. After everyone left, Luke was brave enough to go to the person he saw through vents in his room. He ran from tree to tree until he reached the house. Luke was so desperate that he punched at the screen door searched for the lock and unlocks the door and entered the house. He met a girl there her name was Jennifer (Jen for short). From then on they met each other playing games and going on the computer. After the winter, Luke goes to Jen's house she tells him that there is a rally and all the shadow children are going to be there. Does Luke go to the rally? Does the Population law ever end and if it does do Luke, Jen, and their families survive? If you want to find out what happens read the book. I could relate to Jen because Jen eats the junk food even though she knows she shouldn't do it. I watch television even though I am not allowed to watch it I watch it anyway. I have felt like that once. Luke's parents tell him that he can't do this and can't do that. They say they were just watching out for him that they don't want him taken away. My parents always tell me to read a book. I'm playing with my brother and they say "Why don't you go read a book." I know they just want me to do well in school, but it is so annoying hearing them say it over and over and over again. This book is for kids nine years and up. The genre is Adventure/ Mystery because it doesn't tell you if they to rally or not until the end. I liked the book I just wanted to keep reading on and on and on. My favorite part was when Luke finally has the guts to go to Jen's house. I would like to change the whole thing I'd take out the parts about the Population Police and all the shadow children. Then the story would be happy.
Rating:  Summary: Among The Hidden Ariel P. Review: Among the Hidden, by Margaret Peterson Haddix, was very interesting. ...I couldn't really relate to any of the characters in the story. ...I felt the fear and the hope and the sadness throughout the story. Most of the story was about the sadness and fear of Luke because he was worried of about Jen's or his own life. Among the hidden, isn't for everyone. People who like comedies, or dislike sad stories, as I do, wouldn't like this book although people who like sad or dramatic stories would appreciate the intensity of this novel. Although this book had much suspense and drama in some parts, such as the beginning chapters, it quite boring. The dull part, was the building of the characters. I feel the book took way too much time introducing the characters.
Rating:  Summary: Among The Hidden Ricky D. Review: Among The Hidden is about a boy named Luke who is an illegal 'shadow child'. A shadow child is a third born child, which was considered illegal. In Luke's community, third born children are illegal because the government passed a law forbidding their existence due to low food supplies. In order to keep the law obeyed the government created the Population Police. The Population Police are policemen who go around the community checking for shadow children. If they find a shadow child, the one and only punishment for the child is death. This is why Luke hid his entire life in his attic with no one to talk to. Luke used to be able to play outside because the woods surrounded his house. Then one day the government built houses replacing the woods right next to his family farm, preventing him from going outside and playing ever again. I could relate to Jen because she is daring, brave, and risky like I am. I could relate to the feelings that Luke had when he was running across the yard to Jen's house. One time I was out on a boat with my dad when all of a sudden a thunderstorm came. There was lightning everywhere and it was raining really hard. I didn't know if we would make it back alive. Yes, I liked the book very much because it had some suspense. My favorite part of the book is when Luke and Jen had an argument about Luke not going to the rally. But as good friends do, they made up. I recommend this book to 10-13 year olds who enjoy suspense and thrills.
Rating:  Summary: Among The Hidden Olivia O Review: In Among the Hidden, by Margaret Peterson Haddix, Luke is a third child. Luke is not accepted by the Population Police and The Government. In each family in Luke's area you are only allowed, at the most, two children, but Luke is a third. Since Luke has nothing to do everyday he counts the people that leave each house. One day he saw someone in the house next door, and he knew everyone had left and no one had arrived. A few days later he crept out of the house when his parents weren't home, and went into the house next door. There he met Jen. Jen was also a third child. Every couple of days Luke would go over Jen's house. Jen was preparing a rally in front of the Government and Population Police. I like the character Jen because she was daring and risky and she didn't want not to be stuck at home all day; she wanted to be just like other kids. I personally could not relate to any of the experiences that occurred in this book. I have never felt the way they have because I am not the person that puts myself in danger, but I admire what they did. Only bravey and determination can make what they did happen.I did enjoy the book. It made me want to read on and on and on. My favorite part was when Luke met Jen; I wanted to know what would happen next with their friendship. My least favorite part of the book is the ending. I would recommend this book to people between the ages of 9 and up. This book isn't specified for boys or girls. If there was something I could change about this book it would be the ending.
Rating:  Summary: Among The Hidden Review: By:RonitR. Among The Hidden, By Margaret Peterson Haddix is about a young boy named Luke who was forbidden to be alive because of the population law the government had passed. Suddenly the government started to build homes on their farm because they had to sell it to pay off bills. One day he looked through a little peek hole that he found in his room and for days counted to make sure that everyone was out of their homes. A couple of hours later he saw through the vents a person in the sports family house after he had counted that all of them had left their new home. He investigated the shadow and went over and realized that she was another shadow child just like himself. Her name was Jen and they became best friends. Luke and Jen are the two main characters of this excellent book. Jen is planning a rage one the government and asked Luke if he would like to come along. Luke said no. Jen was my favorite character because she was so adventurous, energetic, and outgoing. She has a really big part in this book. I can sort of relate to Luke but not really. I sometimes get lonesome or bored like Luke. But that's probably about it. Luke and I have some similarities but we do have some differences too. I would never have gone to Jens house even if I were curious. For me that would be taking a big step towards trouble. Even if I were curious I wouldn't risk my life for it. Yes, I did enjoy this book a lot. A person who thinks she/he is rejected or left out should read this book. My favorite part of this book was when Luke risked his life to find out who Jen was. No I don't have a least favorite part of this book. If I could change something in this book I would change the population law.
Rating:  Summary: Among the Hidden Review: Gabriela Geselowitz Among the Hidden by Margaret Peterson Haddix is about a boy named Luke Garner. Luke is a third child, and lives his life in hiding since it is illegal to have more than two children in his country. When homes are built and people move in right by Luke's house, he realizes that there is another "shadow child," like him, among the new families. Jen, a shadow girl, wants to have a rally where the illegal children will come out and protest against the Population Law. Luke must decide if he should risk his life to help people like him be free. I cannot relate to any of the characters in the book, but I have a younger brother. It is hard to imagine life without him or living with the secret of having him. Even small secrets can feel like a burden sometimes, so it would be devastating to have a life depending on one. My mother is also a third child, so I wouldn't be here anyway! I did not like this book, because it was too upsetting and tragic. I think that this book is not for especially sensitive readers. I would like to change the ending, but will not say how as it would give it away! I recommend this book to boys and girls between the ages of ten and fourteen.
Rating:  Summary: Can't put it down Review: I thought this was an excellent book. Luke is a 3rd child. That may seem normal, but the population law prohibits them, and will do anything to get rid of them, including killing them. Luke is told that more than 2 children are prohibited because there isn't enough food to go around to everyone. He takes a big risk of going outside to meet a person who is also a 3rd child. She talks to him about this rally all 3rd children are going to have and asks if he would like to come along. He says no, and finds out in a couple days, finds out how the rally turned out. Which could be bad. A great book.