Rating:  Summary: Great read Review: I bought this book seeing it in the local bookstore one afternoon. I sat down and read it in an afternoon because I was intensely engrossed with the characters, story, and plot. It gives you everything you want in a book and more. Great as a kids read and also as an adults.
Rating:  Summary: Sorry potter, youre gone! Review: Whoa, when a freind reccomended this book to me about "fairies",I laughted so hard he got pretty ticked. So I bought the book, that way me and him could talk about it so hed thinked Id liked it. And i barely knew the joyride i was in. Harry potter really is a decent series, but all the writer had was a simple idea that grew into an explosion in her mind. she really lacks depth, unlike the author of Artermis Fowl. He explains so deeply about everything. And having a 'punisher like'** character is very intresting. Artemis Fowl taight a real moral. Harry potter is such a beloved character beacause he fight of monsters and beast and pressures only in a odd way. i recently read about a girl facinated with harry potter. She was cused with Cancer.She died before the 4th book came out, but secretly JK rowling was telling her about the book she never read. Artemis Fowl is sleek book that although youre not relizing it is teaching. at the end of artemis fowl i dont want to spoil anything but artemis shows a small ink of heart. that told me every one has a heart somwhere that lost **Punisher is a evil criminal comic book character**
Rating:  Summary: Don't let the small book and big text fool you. Review: Some take a glance at it and lable it a pre teen novle, or kids story. It also gets that lable because it is found in the kids section of most books stores. When I read the back, it sounded interesting, and to my suprise, it was. I read the book in about 3 hours or so. I was so into it. There is a little slow part in the begging, and you may not get it a first, but once you get into it, it gets good. I am 17, and I loved it! It isn't one of those fairy stories that you hear about when you were kids, these fairys and fantistical creatures are fighting machines, and they all have jobs. The writing style is very detailed about what is going around at the time, and even graphic at times. A bloody battle with a troll that will appeal to all those people out there that can get enough of war and action movies. This book is soon to be a movie, and I suggest reading it before you see it. I don't want to give to much away, but it is a good book, and will keep you guessing till the last sentence.
Rating:  Summary: Am I supposed to like Artemis? Review: A number of people recommended that I read this and I have to wonder why. The characters of Artemis Fowl and Holly Short are completely unsympathetic, bringing the entire narrative to repeated thudding stops, with all other characters seeming to have been culled from The Authors Big Book Of Stock Characters. The descriptions of the LEProcon and everything about them are detailed to the point of pedantical. The plot is interesting, however, and has a certain fascination that kept me reading. But I found the conclusion to be unsatisfying and quite anticlimatic. I had hoped for a lot more, and so started reading the second book in the series, The Arctic Incident. I didn't waste my time finishing it, and recommend you don't waste yours starting the first.
Rating:  Summary: An Intriguing Plot around Colorful Charaters Review: I read this out loud to my family while traveling in the car on summer vaction. It was engrossing. I did find that we wanted to know what Artemis was up to, how was he going to accomplish his goals and would the LEP prevent him from achieving his plan. The book is sprinkled with humorous interactions between a cast of colorful charaters both human and non-human). The value of the book should be measured by itself and not against "Harry Potter." It delivers on all promises to the reader.
Rating:  Summary: Fast-paced series with a wonderful plot Review: This is the best series next to Harry Potter that I've ever read. It moves very quickly and there is never a dull moment. Artemis' genius never ceases to amaze me. I highly recommend this book to fantasy readers.
Rating:  Summary: A big disappointment! Review: I wanted so much to like this book because it sounded like it had interesting possibilities. But the story is weak, shallow, unbelievable. The characters had possibilities, but no personality distinctions--and all seemed to speak in the same sarcastic voice. I read the whole thing but found it shallow and boring. The reviewer Miguel Valdez Lopez (below) was right! Most of the five star reviews came from children, who probably aren't yet mature enough to understand the importance of three-dimensional characterization.
Rating:  Summary: Artemis Fowl: Criminal of the 21st Century Review: What can I say? This is a great book. It isn't perfect, but it's pretty close. A 12-year-old criminal mastermind tries to capture a fairy and hold her for ransom but gets a lot more than he bargained for when the fairy turns out to be Holly Short, the only female officer in the Lower Elements Police. Basically, the book is about Artemis's attempt to kidnap her and the LEP's desperate attemps to get her back before they are forced to pay up. It ends when-hey,I'm not going to spoil the whole thing. Just read the book. Trust me, it's not hard. I've done it six times.
Rating:  Summary: Artemis Fowl, the first book of the series Review: A twelve-year-old boy named Artemis Fowl finds a fairy person selling a book, and he tries to borrow the book from the fairy.the fairy says that he have to return it within 1 hour of their time, but he keeps the book for himself. Using his computer interpeter, somehow he translates all the words in the book and soon he finds out about the fairies and fairyfolk of their pot of gold, so he decides on a plan, if he could kidnap one of the fairies then the gold would be all his.So Artemis kidnaps extrasmall, pointy-eared Captain Holly Short of the LEPrecon (Lower Elements Police Reconnaisance) Unit and then her senior officer, Commander Root,a elf finds out about the kidnapping, then stop at nothing to find her.So he decides to find where this Person lives and finds the location from one of his spies, he sends this goblin creature to rescue the Captain while Commander Root himself goes to negotiate with this person called Artemis Fowl, and while Artemis Fowl is talking with the Commander, Artemis notices a goblin and the hostage, but he doesn't tell the commander, he just deal half of the gold for the captain, and Captain Short returns with a book that Artemis had stolen and used, but then Artemis knew what they were up to.So he took all of their gold from the pot, and Captain Short has been in "prison' with Artemis' sister, tries to free her from their wrath, but the commander says that she is just a causatie of a war. I like this book because the main character is the reason I like the book he's like a bounty hunter wanting for the hunt to come.
Rating:  Summary: Very Sinester Review: Artemis is simply brilliant. He is devious and stinkin rich, which is an amazing combination. The aurthor Eoin Colfer does a fantastic job, by leading the reader into different inner stories to explain each character, very well. I would recomend this book, to anyone who likes the Harry Potter Series. I wonder, if they would make a movie in the novel. Artemis and ingenious master mind and with his side kick Butler, their off into the most dareing adventures. The book, hold you spell bound...and I would give it 2 thumbs up...yooooohooooo