Rating: Summary: Not just for kids Review: I read the first part of this set in 1963 and was enthralled with it. I waited (not so patiently) for the rest of the set to come out and was richly rewarded for my patience. The first book sets the stage for the next three and introduces the characters of Meg, Charles Wallace and Calvin> Meg's father was working for the government and has been gone quite some time, leaving Meg and her family alone. Meg's mom keeps the home fires burning, but never lets on to the children her fears. Charles Wallace was just a baby when his father left, now he's in school. And then there's Meg - not cool like the other girls, not beautiful, too outspoken and smart to fit in her class, she worries that her father has died. Throw Calvin, a sort of popular boy from school into this mix and you got the makings of an adventure. (The twins show up in this book, but later they are showcased more.) Meg and company set out ot find her father, which turns out to be a lot harder than it looks - and it looks pretty darn hard! The other books continue the adventures of this group, as the characters age and other things come along to upset their world. The books are set up as a classic good versus evil, but it never feels preachy or didactic and you will be swept away in the current of the stories. I highly recommend this for girls as it shows a protagonist who isn't cool or popular and how she handles things - not so well at times. My sons loved it, too so I know other boys would like it. I reread it every few years as it seems there's something in there I need to read again or I learn something different. Obviously, in the beginning, I identified more with Meg, but now I see the parents' point of view, too. Buy this set for yourself or for somebody who needs to be a little challenged on their reading and thinking and enjoy it.
Rating: Summary: First read at age 10, still love it at age 25 Review: I first read this book when I was in 5th grade. I loved it. It's an unforgettable story that offers, I think, for a child, the ability to see things in a different way. Which is an important life skill: looking at things from every possible angle. I have read many books. Anything from quantum physics and quark symmetries to Jack Kerouac and Kahlil Gibran. And I still get a kick out of this book every time I read it. There are certain books that will forever stay in your collection and be read multiple times. This is one of them. As far as listening to it on audio (in the car no less) and the complaints they had...I can only say that maybe you and the rest of the family should take on the joy of reading. It is quickly becoming a lost art an a forgotten past time. Maybe if you read it, instead of a machine doing the work for you, you would enjoy it more. Give it a whirl.
Rating: Summary: cool Review: this book is about a dog and a cat who travel to alaska by sailboat. They enconter ogers, wizards and polar bears. Then they meet an eskimo. The message of this story is to always hug an eskimo.
Rating: Summary: The book is for kids with a great imagination Review: Hi! I hope you read A Wrinkle In Time... Only if you have a great Imagination though! I thought the book was for little kids....like kids in 4th or 5th grade.
Rating: Summary: don't buy it! Review: This is an absolutely horrible book. Torture. We bought this as a book on tape to listen to in the car with the kids on a summer trip. All of us (40 yo, 38 yo, 14 yo, 11 yo) were miserable. We forced ourselves to listen to the whole thing because it's a "classic" and we kept thinking maybe we'd eventually get to some part of the story that would finally explain to us why people like it. During the story, my 14 yo observed that one of the reasons she hated the story was that the author seemed to try as hard as she could to sound intelligent to the listener (reader), but it just came across as annoying. We all ended up hoping that the characters would die in outer space.
Rating: Summary: exciting yet mysterious Review: I really liked this book because it has suspense, excitement, grief AND romance! All of the different emotions in this book let YOU choose how to feel in certain parts of A Wrinkle in Time. But sometimes you get caught up in all these emotions and you get a little confused , like sometimes I didn't know what to think of Aunt Beast,Calvin,or even Charles Wallace! If you are looking for an exciting yet mysterious book or even just a fun book, you better get A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'engle! Remember, a 4 star book is a good book!
Rating: Summary: You Won't Put This Book Down Review: I recommend A Wrinkle In Time because it's a thrilling and exciting book. It's about a girl who doesn't do to well in school. Her father got caught in the fifth dimension and his daughter is going to fight the forces of evil to try to save him.
Rating: Summary: A Wrinkle in Time: Adventure Around Every Corner Review: A Wrinkle in Time: Adventure Around Every Corner "She screamed, 'Charles!' The word was flung down her throat. She was completely alone." This is just the beginning of Meg's adventures. A Wrinkle in Time is a book about Meg and some of her friends on a quest to rescue her long lost father. Meg's mom has asked where he is, but the government only says he's on a dangerous mission. Meg's principal thinks he's dead. In the very beginning, a mysterious stranger comes into the house while Meg, her mom, and her little brother Charles Wallace are munching on midnight snacks. Who is that stranger, and what does that stranger want? To find out, join in on the action with Meg on a breathtaking adventure!
Rating: Summary: A Wrinkle in Time by Rodfligy Review: Have you ever wanted to travel in time to a different planet? That is exactly what happens in the book A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'engle. Charles Wallace, a very gifted and talented boy, makes friends with some very strange occupants of an old broken down shack in the middle of the woods which leads to a mysterious leave of Charles' father, missing bed sheets, and a trip in time. An unusual midnight visit by Charles Wallace's' friend, Mrs. Who, unveils the truth about where their father went. He had traveled in time, or tesseracted to another time. Tesseracting in the book is also known as a wrinkle in time. One day Charles Wallace, Meg, and her friend, Calvin, venture to Mrs. Who's' house and find that Mrs. Who does not live alone. She lives with her so-called friends, Mrs. Whatsit and Mrs. Which. Meg is puzzled when the three offer a trip in time. However, she then realizes these are no ordinary humans. Meg accepts the offer, and the six of them swirl off to another time. Unfortunately, the three women are lost in the swirl of the tesseract and the children are left to venture the universe alone. The three children land on a strange planet named Camatotz where everything is perfectly aligned. For example, when one child goes out to bounce a ball, every child goes outside. When the three musketeers go up to a house to ask for help, all the doors on the street open simultaneously. The people are then scared of them because there are not 30 of them up and down the street. The people warn them that if they are not in line soon IT will do away with them. You will believe you are experiencing the actual events if you read the book A Wrinkle in Time, by Madeleine L'engle.
Rating: Summary: Complex Reading Review: I first read this book when I was in junior high school and when one of my co-workers mentioned it again I had to read it for a second time. The books plot is pretty complex for being so short. The plot is even hard to explain without telling everything, which would take awhile. Let's put it this way if you like science fiction and fantasy you will probably like this, and if you don't what the heck get the cheap paperback version. It's worth a shot!!!