Rating:  Summary: Gossip Girl Rocks-But #5 Was My Least Favorite... Review: I feel sort of outsiderish Vanessa Abrams for saying this, but I have to say it: This was my least favorite gossip girl book. Nothing REALLY happens in this book. For those of you who haven't read the book, you may want to stop reading right here so you don't come across any spoilerish info. First of all, Jenny just stalks Leo and Elise is sort of THERE, and Dan just floats around with his job, and Mystery's gone, and Nate's just sort of THERE, and Georgie, as USUAL, is drugged up, and Serena as irresistible as always, and Aaron's out of the picture, and Blair and Erik come close, but as always, NO CIGAR. Vanessa's parents are super boring, as is her long nosed boyfriend. Now don't get me wrong. I LOVE the series. But this one was just boring and I'm getting a bit tired of all the suspense over who gossip girl really is. Is it Chuck? Serena? Blair? In a way, I want Blair and Nate just to do it already, and I want Serena to find true love, and I want Dan to hook back up with Vanessa. This book is slightly disconcerting because everyone, like in the A-list, is like a sexual pickup stick, and lands "in a whole new configuration". Speaking of the A-List, I think von Ziegesar may have wrote it, only under the penname of Zoey Dean. It's too common a name, isn't it, in a way? Plus the writing styles are very similar: with rich, snotty girls and numerous references to the best brands. Anyways, I hope that the next book will be more stimulating!
Rating:  Summary: Gossip Girl #6 Review: I haven't actually read this book yet, but i'd like to say that it will probably be just as awesome as all of the other gossip girl books. If you haven't started reading gossip girl yet i highly recommand it. It's one of the best books i've ever read and i am totally addicted! Get it when it comes out!
Rating:  Summary: You Know You Love Me Review: I Like It Like That, the fifth novel from the Gossip Girl series was the least eventful out of the five but still kept me on the edge of my seat. Blair, Serena, and Serena's older brother Erik spent their spring break on the slopes in Sun Valley while Aaron and the rest of Blair's family is off surfing on one of the many Hawaiian Islands she has already frequently traveled to. To Blair's dismay, her ex-boyfriend Nate, his current girlfriend Georgie, and Chuck were staying at Georgie's Sun Valley mansion the exact same dates. Blair developed a crush on Erik as their trip progressed which landed Serena in an uncomfortable position. Back in New York, Dan began to lose interest in his poetic partner Mystery and realized he was still in love with Vanessa as she realized the same. Jenny became overly obsessed with her boyfriend Leo and stalked him while he was meandering through the busy Upper East and West sides of Manhattan taking care of his jobs chores and job as a dog walker. Jenny's best friend Elise was attracted to Jenny's brother Dan but Dan knew it was not appropriate to have feelings for a girl his younger sister's age. Nothing serious happened between Blair and Erik which Serena was relieved to learn. After break, when school started again, as always, many rumors floated about regarding the flawless duo. I wonder if Blair is still secretly lusting after Nate and does he has feelings for her? I am looking forward to reading all the future Gossip Girl books and discovering whom the secretive gossip queen actually is. In my opinion, the first four books in the Gossip Girl series were more enjoyable and had deeper plot lines. I would recommend the entire Gossip Girl series for girls age thirteen through fifteen years old. They are a quick read and the entire series could be covered in just a few short weeks. This is great summer reading full of flirty fun and romance. The books are entertaining and easy to toss into a beach bag or suitcase. Blair, Serena, Dan, Nate, Vanessa, Jenny, Erik and the rest of the Gossip Girl characters are loveable and find themselves in situations that girls can relate to. Okay, Cecily von Ziegesar, bring on Gossip Girl number six. I know that I will be ready to sink my teeth into the next novel as soon as it is available.
Rating:  Summary: Hold on! Review: I love gossipgirl books too! But I haven't read this one! I thought the publication was in May, yet it appears that people have already read it in April! Is it already in stores? I hope it's better than the last one, which was slightly less good than all the rest in the series.
Rating:  Summary: uhm.this is my mom`s account.lol Review: i read this book in a day!
oh yeah.i was into it.
uhm.elise likes dan here ryt?
and dan and vanessa split up,coz dan was into this poetry chic.fame fame fame.blair gets another interview for yale.its owen wells,the interviewer who looked like this actor.lol.and they sorta went out.then she found out.he was elise`s dad!lol.serena and aaron break up too coz she started to become famous,so yeah.uh.nate is into this chic georgie who is too hyper they met at the rehab in some place.and blair goes in there once.but realized natie was over em.but no he isn`t.when georgie goes with chuck a lot.and then serena and nate get alone time when they get home from that snowy break.lol.i forgot where.and then serena senses that nate still likes blair.and she tells her.using a sugar pack of equal.ryt?lol.. ok im spilling it too much.get the book.so u can get the other one!lol.. oh well.nate and blair?serena and who?lol.. see ya!i hope i get the other books.and oh man.can`t wait till the movie comes out.its lindsay lohan,liana jordan and sara mahoney ryt?check imdb.laters
Rating:  Summary: Gossip Girl is a bunch of crap Review: I recently picked up this book at the library, thinking it must be a great book since everyone raves about them. Ugh! The whole series is a waste of time. It's embarrassing to think about how many people actually think these books are good. Check out some other books. You'll be surprised what you can find. And no I'm not talking about some lame Harry Potter book. Try the Mates, Dates Series by Cathy Hopkins or My Cup Runneth Over by Cherry Whytock
Rating:  Summary: I Like It Like That? No, I Don't. Review: I'll be brutally honest--this book is the worst in the series. I loved the previous four, but, in my opinion, since the third book things have been going downhill. As said before, everybody (omitting Dan, Vanessa, Jenny, etc; you know, the characters nobody really likes anyway) go off to Sun Valley for skiing and, gasp, partying. If that doesn't already sound enthralling, new, and shocking enough, Blair is now trying to lose it to her new stalkee: Erik, Serena's flawlessly gorgeous older brother. Serena, who in the first book was my favorite character, but since the fourth book has just been annoying, basically gets stalked by new-comer Jan. He's stupid. Basically a whole mess of sex and designer ski clothes ensue; Nate's pot free (the way to be) and his girlfriend Georgie is an annoying hussy who seems to like being naked in the hot tub with Chuck. If at this point you still care, you may be in serious need of medication. While I admit that I love the Gossip Girl Series, and I still did read this book from cover to cover in one day, I was disappointed. Usually after I finished a Gossip Girl novel, I reread it about a billion times, but with this one, I just felt like, "Hey, I know the plotline, bring on the next one." Maybe that's because in this book my favorite character Aaron had all of two lines and then was gone until the last chapter. Anyway, anyone who likes the Gossip Girl series should read it anyway, despite the problems I have with it. It's not good as a stand-alone book, but for those who like the series, it's still a nice way to kill a few hours. All in all, it's an okay book. I expected better, but the characters still remain true to their personalities, and are extremely more interesting than the ones in that cheap knock-off "The A-List".
Rating:  Summary: I REALLY Like it Like That! Review: I'm a die hard Gossip Girl fan and I'd have to say this book, out of the 5 book series, is hands down ThE BEST! I'm not going to give to much away but really it was awesome especially the last 2 chapters. I recommend this to anyone who loves a "soap opera" based book. The series is awesome!
Rating:  Summary: Spring Break Fever and Fun Review: I'm a writer who writes for the same kind of audience, and I can tell you that clearly Cecily von Ziegesar REALLY understands young girls and their relationships with guys and each other, and she knows how to turn this into great stories! Her novels kind of remind me of the movie "Clueless", which I enjoyed. Many books geared towards the Young Adult market don't hold interest for me, but this series is different, it's more bold and more hip, and there's always a LOT going on that keeps you on the edge of your seat and guessing! When it comes to the friendship and love stuff, this is basically what goes on in the lives of teens today, rich OR poor. Although, when I was in high school I didn't go on an expensive vacation, but anyway! haha. If you're a girl, I'm sure Blair is typically the girl you know and are bestfriends and then hate her and stop being friends with and then become friends again haha. This isn't the best book in the series, there are better ones, the plotline is kind of not as interesting as before, but it will still keep you hooked to find out what will happen in Book 6! I think the next book will answer a lot of questions and resolve a lot of storylines that this book didn't. Hope it comes out soon. But get this one too, it's worth it! (...)
Rating:  Summary: Enough, already! Review: I'm halfway through this book and the only reason I'll finish reading it is because I have a weird attachment to these kids and, well, I'm curious as to how it'll end. But, I fear I have to 'force' myself to read till the end, wheras the first 2 GG novels had me practically drooling over each page.
By Novel #3, I kinda had enough. There was only so many wacky, far out scenarios you can get these kids into without making it seem outrageously unbelievable (Serena being hounded by a rock star, Blair's fascination with Audrey Hepburn - AND her Yale interviewer, Dan's ever tortured soul and having sex with skanky, yellow-toothed poetess', etc, etc, etc.)
The first GG novel was wild and fresh and exciting because we were introduced to these kids and didn't know a thing about them. It made me long for the second one because I loved the first one so much and didn't want it to end. By #3, I've had anough, but kept on plugging. Now, this one, the fifth and, HOPEFULLY final installment, I"m finding myself skipping over Vanessa's story (I don't care to read about her unwashed, grungy, hippie parents), nor am I not beginning to care about Dan's internship at Red Letter. However, the only interesting, fresh item about this novel is the introduction of Serena's lucious, hottie brother, Erik and Blair's attraction for him. How they fare in Sun Valley is what's keeping me going.
Other than that, Ms. von Zeigesar seems to overdo the designer/brand name dropping (Stole vs. Absolut, Jimmy Choo, Manolo's, Harry Winston, Vueve Clicquot, Mui Mui, etc) It reads like an edition of Style Magazine. For books that seem to be eaten up by younger teens, not many of them know what half these brand names are!
I know die-hards are hoping for a 6th installment, but I think you have to know when the time is right to stop while its hot - unless you're guilty of overkill